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Everything posted by Eric23

  1. Sem priest Egyptian Shaman

    What I found interesting was that he was in a position very similar to the yoga asana, child's pose. An asana in which I personally have experienced very profound openings. Thanks for the link.
  2. Long Term Hedonism and Religion

    It seems in reading your posts that you are implying that "the divine" (however you name it) is somewhere out there. That the divine is outside of our body and that through the mechanism of religion we somehow placate the divine and are therefore saved or achieve bliss in the next stage of our existence. My personal view that is slowly evolving is that "the divine" is within us and that we need to get out of our own way to realize the divine's presence. Not trying to change anyone's opinions or beliefs just throwing it out there to give a slightly different perspective.
  3. Need a gentle exercise

    Zhang zhuang is one possiblity. My concern with this standing form is that it puts a fair amount of pressure on the ankles. If done correctly, it strengthens and re-aligns very effectively. Because you simply (well not quite) stand still, it is a nice time to quite the mind too. You might also look for a "restorative" yoga class in your area, be sure to discuss your issues with the teacher.
  4. Confused

    A nice introduction to the philosphy of Taoism is Allan Watts' The Watercourse Way. Part of the confusion with a "Taoist" site like this is that we all come to this place with different perspectives. We have philosophers, martial artists, meditators, healers, spiritual cultivators, energy cultivators and the occasional coyote tricker. The advice given by several posters to read the Tao Te Ching is spot on IMO. I keep a copy around all the time and refer to it often.
  5. Thanks I needed a good laugh
  6. penis

    Why would you wish for this?
  7. Opening up the leg meridians.

    Thank you This makes so much sense.
  8. dantien qigong

    Chi Nei Tsang works the LDT. Very yin approach, more about cultivating and transforming rather than strengthening. Gets to the primordial structure of the LDT.
  9. Has The Tao Bums become (B)anal?

    All my life's a circle Sunrise and Sundown Moon rolls thru the nighttime; Till the daybreak comes around. Harry Chapin It's been this way for the entire time I've been hanging out here (3-4 years at least). We just happen to have a relatively new member asking questions about masturbation, and things got a little bit out of control. Blasto, when I first read the masturbation and carburation post I just about spewed my tea all over the keyboard I always find it interesting that the complaints come from newer members. What you're seeing now is nothing compared to the Sean Denty discussions a few years ago or, Lord help us, RJ at his worst. Give it a few weeks and the discussion will settle down just like it always does.
  10. Masturbation and Classical Music

    Requires plenty of lube
  11. Masturbation and Classical Music

    Mendelssohn's Symphony #4, Italian. All four movements
  12. Therein lies the foundation of Chi Nei Tsang and Unwinding the Belly. Work this area and everything else follows.
  13. Most Underrated Systems, Teachers, Books, etc

    Very cool yoga system. It works the meridians and facia. Been doing it for a couple of years now; very satisfying. I'm fortunate that there are several yoga studios in my town that have Yin Yoga classes and teachers.
  14. Being Banned from Taobums

    Stig, Mal and Trunk, You guys are doing great! Thank you for your dedicated service to the Bum's. I guess every now and again we all need to rant and get some stuff off our chests and bring it out in the open. It's a good thing even though it causes some anxiety and a bit of heartburn. I moderate a figure drawing session with artists, nude models, lighting and all sorts of stuff to make life interesting. Just last week I finally had to sit down and write some rules and get some order back. Almost every person in the group made a point to thank me, even the ones who were causing some of the trouble. I have walked a mile in your shoes and just want you to know that your efforts to make TTBs a fascinating, informative community on the web are noticed and appreciated.
  15. Why do you practice?

    I couldn't stand myself before. Very tight, very up-tight, made mountains out of molehills. I do yin yoga, Unwinding the Belly style chi nei tsang, chanting OM and some sitting. Now that I'm doing the practice, I realize that I do it because because it's simply what I do. I'm finding life much more agreeable as well.
  16. Dudeism

  17. Happy New Year!

    Thank you for the beautiful blessings. May the long time sun shine upon you all love surround you and the pure light within you guide your way on. Sat Nam
  18. Eric Steven Yudelove

    I have the Taoist Yoga book. Very good presentation of the foundations ie inner smile, six healing sounds, standing forms etc. He also goes very deep into the sexual alchemy and five element practices. I should give credit to Mr Yudelove for introducing me to the foundations. _/\_
  19. Well that explains a lot!! I came home one afternoon, Mrs E23 was waiting for me naked (we were very young) and we didn't get past the living room couch To answer a previous post in this thread; Yes I would have much rather had been a "traditional" empty nester grandfather. I would have had much more freedom to pursue a number of hobbies and cultivation. But as alluded to in my response to Taomeow, my path was set many, many years ago.
  20. I'm going through this, but from a different angle. My daughter came home with child, her husband was a complete idiot (divorce pending). For the past 6 years my wife and I have been very involved in raising our grand daughter. Yes, it has taken a lot of energy from us, but the rewards of having a beautiful grand daughter are wonderful. I've managed to stick with my yoga and some qi gong but my results probably would have been greater if I were a true empty nester. However I will gladly take the grand daughter and modest yoga results. Besides, did I really have a choice? You just don't turn away from your children when they need you.
  21. The Great Liberation through the Hearing in the Bardo commonly known as the Tibetian Book of the Dead contains teaching that addresses your fears.
  22. Looking for a free Binaural Beat file

    Thanks for the link. Have been listening to a few. Anybody with experience and some helpful hints? Thanks.
  23. So many

  24. Here is some of the best advise I've heard on beginning meditation from Daniel Odier. " ..., take a simple object like a stone or a piece of wood, place it in front of you, gently focus on the object without blinking, allow nothing else to take hold of your mind, and gradually become totally present in a natural and relaxed manner. Look at everything which occurs to you without holding on to it, and gradually you will become peaceful. Everything which rises up will subside of its own accord, without any forcing on your part. Soon you will not be able to leave this non-conceptual state, and you will no longer want to move. This is a sign that you are becoming more familiar with the state of becoming peaceful, and you will reach a state of spontaneity. This teaching, given as it was to a complete novice, was vitally important to me, and I have since never come across anything as simple and as profound. Even now I practice and teach in this way." Blessings.