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Everything posted by Eric23

  1. Martial Arts Training

    Let me add my congratulations and best wishes for the future.
  2. Use the search function on this site and read everything Taomeow has written about the I Ching.
  3. Vajrasattva's Greatest Hits

    I'm usually in the lurker camp. More out of shear ignorance than anything else. It is clear, at least to me that Santiago is the real deal and I do read his posts with the intention of learning. Thanks for being here **humbly bows**
  4. Embracing the tree

    I highly recommend it. Develope a nice foundation while cultivating stillness.
  5. I was present at both my kid's arrival. I recall getting an earfull from my wife on both occaisions; something about it all being my (and my penis') fault. My daughter was a difficult delivery and she tore my wife. My wife had no desire whatsoever to hold our daughter during the suturing, so the nurse gave Rachel to me. We had a very special bonding time; then she became a teenager I'm from a generation where we were expected to go to school, get married and have a beautiful family (in that order). The get a job, have a wife, make a child thing just kind of happened in a blur. There were times when I really wished I had some time for myself before jumping in. Looking back, I was lucky to have married a woman who has become my best friend, otherwise we would have split long ago. I enjoyed raising the children, particularly watching then learn when they were younger. Having a couple of teenagers in the house just about did me in. The reward however is the grandchild(ren). My little grand daughter is quite the princess and grandpa enjoys letting her wrap him around her finger
  6. 12 reasons to say "Holy Crap"

    After reading Svoboda's Aghora, it makes perfect sense
  7. confused about tantra

    After reading Daniel Odier's Tantric Quest, Desire and Yoga Spanakarika my understanding is that Tantra is about finding the divine within. In his books, Odier presents Kashmir Shaivism, a system where one experiences the universe (and the divine) through consciousness. He doesn't get caught up in the nuts and bolts because they usually get in the way. The keep it simple approach resonates with me - become conscious of the divine within and without. The journey is the destination
  8. NLP and Max (Conman) Christensen

    I'm pretty sure Ron is around in a different persona
  9. I've been doing a morning yoga program for several years now with nice results. My original intent was to get in a nice stretch and loosen up my back for the day ahead. When I first came on this site a couple of years ago someone mentioned I picked up several new asanas and incorporated the idea of staying in an asana for a longer period of time. I'm an old fart, so listening to my body and not getting into something I can't get out of is part of the drill. I don't bend myself into a pretzel or do any difficult moves, just a nice gentle routine of quiet, intropective stretching. Sould also mention that I start my morning with a Unwinding the Belly self massage (a qi gong in itself IMO) prior to doing yoga. Ending the session with several minutes of the corpse asana is just downright groovy. I do agree that the zhang zhuang standing posture is superior to the mountain pose in that keeping the knees relaxed is easy on the joints. So... when I stand it's ZZ. Was poking around the AYP forum and picked up some nice advice on yoga asanas. A gentle soul there mentioned that one should let the asana work you and not the other way around. Get into the pose, relax, concentrate on the breath and let gravity work.
  10. how do i escape?

    I came across this a little while back and found it quite inspirational. Give up the world; give up self; finally, give up God. Find god in rhododendrons and rocks, passers-by, your cat. Pare your beliefs, your absolutes. Make it simple; make it clean. No carry-on luggage allowed. Examine all you have with a loving and critical eye, then throw away some more. Repeat. Repeat. Keep this and only this: what your heart beats loudly for what feels heavy and full in your gut. There will only be one or two things you will keep, and they will fit lightly in your pocket. ~ Sheri Hostetler ~
  11. non-dualism & the need for practice

    How sad that this wonderful thread has come to the point where someone who's only been registered for less than a month chases off a member of such great humility and knowledge. Looking forward to Lin's return.
  12. *bows* Thanks for the words of wisdom Taomeow
  13. Check out Key Sounds. Believe its at Several Taobums have experience with it. It's on my wish list.
  14. Massage 101

    Neat site, thanks for the link
  15. Massage 101

    Chi Nei Tsang internal organ massage.
  16. Hello From Arizona

    Greetings. Phoenix resident here.
  17. Best TV shows ever

    Hills Street Blues, showing my age here Homicide Life on the Steet, great acting/writing suffered from being scheduled on Friday nights have to agree with Six Feet Under, last season got a little soap operaish though Bob Newhart, again showing my age, classic comedy
  18. My series of prostate infections happened about 15 years ago, long before I had found the internet. I went down to my local public library, searched through the card catalog and picked several of the most recently published books on men's and prostate health. At that time the consensus among the doctor authors was that regular ejaculation was a major component of prostate health. The research at that time favored a regular schedule of ej. If you were ej once a week or twice a day, stay with the same schedule. In the study you cited, the men who are ej 5 times a week are probably doing that week after week. After reading those books, I settled into a every other day schedule and haven't had any problems since. Now that I'm in my 50's, and being exposed to the Taoist methods, I've transitioned to a once a week schedule with fairly regular prostate stimulation (aneros). So far, the advice from all those years ago has served me well.
  19. Having had a series of prostate infections a number of years ago, I did a fair amount of research. When you quoted the headline on the article claiming a correlation between ejaculation and prostate health, they may have over-simplified it a bit. What my research came up with was that the prostate likes to have a consistant pattern of ejaculation. That is to say if a man e's say once a week and for some reason or another takes several weeks off or goes on a binge and e's a couple of times a day for several days, the prostate will have a difficult time with the wildly varying testosterone levels. All I can add is that when I've been on a consistant schedule myself, there haven't been any problems. My last prostate infection was over ten years ago.
  20. What is your focus right now?

    The self-massage method of Chi Nei Tsang as outlined in the book, Unwinding the Belly. Working with the breath is an intrigal part of this massage so I've been very focused on breathing. It's been interesting observing the various sensations and inner movements over the past months as I've been tactily exploring the belly.
  21. Fav. meditation lately

    Standing wuji in my yard. Focus on a flower or a leaf, simply listen to the birds chirping away and breathe.
  22. retention

    Thanks for getting carried away Hit the nail squarely on the head.
  23. Smoking-organic vs. not

    Sad to say, yes
  24. Smoking-organic vs. not

    Their life spans were'nt long enough with all the other diseases and potential accidents and wars to actually die of lung cancer. Besides, breathing the smoke from the fire inside their living quarters proabably gave them emphazema first.