
Junior Bum
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Posts posted by kho

  1. Who cares? More information is always better.



    My friend said mr yang charges close to $500 for a private 1 hour session. These taoists dont seem very compassionate when it comes to fees. The entire system revolves around automatic qigong or letting the energy move your limbs. A highly suspect style in my opinion that looks fake when you see others doing it.

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  2. till now i found that dr.verdesi system is the best to acheive the maximum human potential and to go deeper and deeper......

    but i am still confused and i don't have any information about the fees, the study, and so on(the basic informations to go to study)......

    help me please....

    and if you know a master has a more powerful system and a good teaching than him ......tell me please...

    Do not be stingy on what you know....please.

    thanks all ,god bless you. :)


    This is david or one of his young puppets trying to gain attention. Every few months they pop in asking the same dumb questions and we always take the bait. Just ignore any topics or discussions about him.

  3. Tenaga Dalam is higher than Chinese Nei Kung or John Chang Mo Pai.


    Can John Chang Mo Pai or any other qigong do this for a child?


    Here an Indo child can even train himself to withstand heat. Can any qigong or mopai accomplish similar feats which even a child can learn?



    Prove it. Prove that the Chinese Qigong can accomplish more miraculous feats than Tenaga Dalam and I will eat my words.


    Otherwise you are no better than chinese qigong masters blowing hot air.


    Are you serious ? I wont waste my time any further as suggested.

  4. I believe jalus, rainbow body and light body are one and the same.


    Yes, one needs to be really stubborn about accomplishing jalus but no, it is quite impossible to accomplish jalus while in a state of complete ignorance.


    Complete ignorance comes about as a result of fools ignoring the impermanence of this world. You can have siddhis while still remaining ignorant completely.


    I know of many people possessing the siddhis of remote viewing and they can see the woman or man whom they are dating growing old in the future, defecating in the toilet, digging their nose, scratching their balls/breasts and yet they stubbornly refuse to fall out of the mara of lust and procreation. This would be what I call complete ignorance regardless of how many psychic powers you have.


    In the entire Indonesia(300 million people) and Youtube community there is only one demonstration that is convincing.


    John Chang = Chinese Nei Kung. Not Tenaga Dalam.


    Why ?


    Because TD is beginner kungfu.