
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Wells

  1. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Women showing their real face!
  2. What are you watching on Youtube?

    Lol! The girls are going crazy and the guys are as envious as f*ck!
  3. What are you watching on Youtube?

  4. What are you watching on Youtube?

    I'm in love...
  5. Howdy! Advice on qigong teachers please...

    Agreed. And mine is to do the logical thinking and the checking for results. The OP hasn't even defined what he is looking for and what goals he wants to reach and you have not defined what results you have got with the source you are recommending anyway. The usual on thedaobums: People talking past each other without realizing...
  6. Howdy! Advice on qigong teachers please...

    True, but thank god I am here to clarify those things.
  7. If you are interested in attending a seminar with him then you should ask Taomeow. I think that she already attended some of his seminars and so most likely can tell you about the contents of his seminars, if there are prerequisites (like being able to sit in full lotus) and most likely can tell you about the approximate costs.
  8. Howdy! Advice on qigong teachers please...

    Qigong is not Qigong. Different systems have different goals and effectiveness. The range is from "relaxing" to "building up internal power (nei jing)", "one beginners exercise" per DVD to "professional and complete system" in a DVD set. Accordingly is the range in prices for DVD's. Oh, and the most important range is of course "complete fraud" to "the real deal". What are your goals, what do you want to achieve?