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Everything posted by Wells

  1. Is that a rhetorical question?
  2. As I said: You miss the point! There are few people with powers because there are few people with high spiritual achievement. Simple as that.
  3. What you describe seems more like the result of a high intelligence combined with high life-experience, and therefore more a philosophical or mental/emotional achievement. Of course, when you pump enough chi into your upper dantian, you could get that too as a side-effect.
  4. I agree absolutely to that statement.
  5. It seems you missed the topic. bodyoflight's main theses were the following: These are not about the question if you can chose to develop powers or not, they are about the inevitability of developing powers when accomplishing a spiritual achievement and therefore about the conclusion that powers can be used to measure the level of the achievement.
  6. Thank you very much for sharing this practice with us! I know a similar exercise as part of Temple Style Tai Chi Nei kung with almost all of the details you explained here, so I guess your exercise is very effective. But could you please explain why you refer to 1.contracting the sphincter muscles, 2.drawing in the abdomen and 3.pulling chin toward chest/pulling tongue to palate as "bandhas" or "locks". What shall these details do? Squeezing the energy up the spine like fluid or so? How does that work? I learned the details without the infos what they actually do...
  7. Many people (like me) are convinced that spiritual achievement is mostly the result of working with and mastering your life energy. What you do with your energy is the base, what happens to your consciousness is the result. As side-effect, mastering life energy will give you special abilities. Simple as that.
  8. Thanks for the advice. Matter of fact is that I am doing this already and being motivated to help not only me but also my friends, family or even our cat strongly enhances my motivation so my practice is much more successful. My final goal is clearly to become myself an immortal spirit and and rescue myself from suffering and destruction, but after that I won't go into some heaven but I will stay here and help other people (and/or animals) on this way.
  9. BTW, I don't know if they would need us for "gold mining" (I guess you made a joke there), with their uber-intellect they should be able to synthezise every element they need. It seems more probable to me that they made us simply as a giant experiment to keep their cold scientific intellects amused by some giant lab reality show that they evaluate all the data in a scientific way. If they were compassionate angel-like beings (like some people here might believe) that wait stupidly to the point that we dumb humans evolve to their standards so they then come down to us to embrace us in some kind of cosmic brotherhood...well, now with the situation in Japan, they should realize that we will destroy our planet sooner or later and wipe out our race eventually. I mean they made us the way we are, didn't they?
  10. I don't know if you are only kidding; but what you wrote actually represents my personal opinion. By looking at the data I exploited so far, this seems nearer to the truth than any other explanation.
  11. Use the fuel that motivates you most! but... about your illusion that you want "to help all beings"...all beings, yeah? I guess you are surely a vegetarian, but have you any idea how many bacterias and other microorganisms you KILL everyday in order to survive? Maybe you should meditate about that fact, eh? I mean, are they worth nothing? Is your egocentric survival worth their daily death's in the billions? Where begins worthy life? Bacteria show impressive collective intelligence when orginized in colonies and have shown to be aware of their surroundings and surely FEEL when hurt or killed. That's what I don't like about you guys: Making things easy for yourselves, never thinking and feeling things REALLY through and ignoring ugly facts that don't fit in your belief systems so you can always feel right and good about yourselves. One could even say that the original sin is when your sperm is the one that reaches the egg cell first and it damns all it's billions brothers to die in it's egoistical struggle for survival. I thought these things through a long time ago and decided: "So be it!" Existence is flawed, I am flawed and my egocentric survival will always be on the cost of others, but it's not my fault! I tried several times to live vegetarian, but my body needs MEAT at least every two days to be strong, healthy and painfree! It makes me sick if I don't eat meat. Life is a struggle for survival and Taoism and it's ideal of Immortality is the ultimate consequence. Yeah, when you are an immortal / boddhisattva, THEN you can start to help every living being, but even then: I mean, who would you help: The mouse or the cat? A cat is a carnivore, it gets sick when it can't eat what it's made for. These vegetarian food shit will make your cat or dog sick.. What I try to say is that if you think things through to the end, all creation is born in sin because every being exists on the cost of other beings...at least here on earth. Accept it, embrace your egocentric existence and fight for survival....or be consequent and kill yourself, the worms will be grateful for that. At last, they will get your body sooner or later! (edited: orthography)
  12. Hey, these practices are part of the Six Yogas Of Naropa and therefore to become immortal by creating a godly illusory body and living in it forever. So it's first and foremost about immortality not about enlightenment.
  13. BTW, so my Yidam would be Kali, I guess.
  14. Hmm...could you define what enlightenment is in your opinion a bit more in mundane words?
  15. Hm? It's also unscientific to use terms that are not properly defined. That's the reason why people often talk at cross-purposes. What's enlightenment in your opinion? Open your heart and being nice and peaceful all the time? Then you should consider skipping meditation and better smoking pot all day long (or taking ataractics). I my opinion enlightenment is what happened to Darin Hamel once...I consider him a believable witness. I guess most people here have read his report. But you can get that result more easy with kundalini yoga: Just pump enough juice into your upper dantian/ajna/sahasradala chakra and you are enlightened. Only problem: when you run out of juice. You will age fast and die young; that's why taoist masters prefer to run low and to be "SE" (=saving juice) instead of becoming "enlightened" and burning out fast. So I can't see why someone would prefer "enlightenment" to immortality...could it be a hidden drug-lover thing going on...? BTW I was not aware talking about "mind" at all...but some people here see a nice character/mind as a sure sign for spiritual development. I don't see the connection there...maybe that I am so satisfied with myself so I don't give a shit anymore about anything that others do or say? Yeah, because it's not a great deal for them...
  16. Exactly! If you want to accomplish something, you have to use the scientific approach, or in other words: prove it! If you don't (at least to yourself!), you end up in illusions. But most people just want to BELIEVE that they are on the path to a spiritual accomplishment, they don't care at all if that's true or not! They simply lie to themselves and others, take the easy way! How can you prove something that you don't have? That's the one and only reason why "masters" just talk and never prove: They are FAKES! John Chang and Waysun Liao are two of the few who are true masters. All the "ego"-talk is just new age crap to make you "ego"-less = a good slave for the big ego of your "master"! No chance in this forum, dude, but at least my scientific mind sees the truth in your words.
  17. Tao 101 - If you could recommend only ONE book ...

    I have every book Waysun Liao wrote so far (including "Tao-The Way Of God". These books will give you more precious informations than all other books on the market together.