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Posts posted by Josama

  1. Both Jules and Silent Thunder you are right that listening attentively is the most important. Or more accurately it's most important that all your attention is focused on helping the other person. When you do you will automatically listen and think of the best solution. However, for me the best solution is most always something a long the lines of do pure land recitation etc. For me this is the universal solution. Not always, but a lot of times. Like I just see the other person who is depressed and I see myself in it and just think 'you could be so much happier if you were to recite Namo Amituofo'


    However, I realized that people who are in an emotional slump aren't yet ready to do that. So yeah I decided that I first have to help them get out of the slump with normal methods. Actually, I didn't know the correct term for it. Didn't know that psychotherapy was what I was looking for.


    So, I decided to order the 'Gift of Therapy' by Irvin.D.Yalom as that sounds exactly like what I am looking for.

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  2. Ho Songstan



    as others told you already, studying psychology makes people very conscious of several less nice traits that are incorporated in their being, in general that doesn't mean you've got  what is called a personality disorder.

    But does teach you something about what makes you tick




    eh, that's not really new, I was told that when japanese want to now if someone is really trustworthy at heart, the fill him up with sake until it flows out of his ears.


    If he stays likeable, not getting nasty, or violent, or other unnice traits. They deem him to be trusted and ( when he's sober again) they will do business with him.


    Just hearsay but wanted to share the story here


    Hah this is so true, you cant tell if someone is an ass by how they act when they are drunk. I for my part always end up kissing everyone when I am drunk. Lol, if I were to do that in japanese society then they would probably think that I am gay haha.

  3. I think you could say "I have faith in him" and use it in the first definition that I stated: "I've known Tom along time and I have faith in him - if anyone can bring those cattle across the Rockies at this time of year its Tom Coulter"


    Yes we could, however it gets rarely used. It's not something people identify with and there lies the problem.

  4. Gifts, without written contracts are considered verbally binding contracts in the courts.

    Example: an engagement ring, after a broken engagement, despite having a receipt there is no obligation to return it, legally.

    It was a gift.


    Yeah, but in that situation one could lie and say that it wasn't a gift and he stole it. That in turn would impose the need for either witnesses attesting before the court and/or some proof of ownership, no?

  5. The legality of it is that yes, its theft, and could be approached in small claims. Just wanted a sample of others opinions...thanks guys..


    Not if the other person retains the bill for it. Or some other proof like a credit card statement. I think that ownership doesn't change unless stated in a contract. If it is in your house it is different as anything on your property is considered yours by law. However, not if the other person can prove ownership with one of the above. Though I can imagine if it is only a bill it would prove quite difficult to prove as the other person could just have stolen it.

  6. The lines blur in this topic because the word "faith" is defined even in the dictionary as two different words - one is what I would suppose is the root definition though I have not verified this at all and one being an asurpted definition that is actually another term for the word "belief".


    One could say: "in view of all that I have read and gathered about these concepts and practices of Yoga, I have decided to take a "leap of faith" and give it a thorough, diligent and reasonable test in order to see if they bear fruit. I have no agenda what so ever to prove their correctness or folly - they just appear to have merit in the face of some reasonable trepidation as well. If they are found true then I will be delighted and if they are found untrue I will be delighted, for from what I do know from the facts, their is nothing in the process of discovery of yoga that will harm me in the least and in fact everything I do in the discovery will only effect me positively"


    This is very different than the other definition of "faith" - that it is a "belief", but the word appears to have been asurpted and if enough people us a word in a particular way, the definition will change or expand and be published with the new meanings. If one looks it up these two definitions are given for the same word.


    One is a bit like holding ones breath and going underwater with a assumption that you can have a reasonable expectation to submerge in time to breath again.


    The other is a bit like watching Fox "News".


    You are absolutely right. However, for me the first thing that comes to mind when I think of faith is the church. Even while I know that faith can also be used differently. Like sometimes you see faith used in books referred to person. Usually it says something like 'I have faith in him'. In that context I find it is still all right because you have faith in a person. To have faith in someone you know and trust is easy. However, to have faith in someone(like Amitabha) you have never met is difficult.

    The problem is that having faith in a friend is not used a lot as it is used mostly associated with religion and that is where the problem is. Well maybe that just shows that there is nor real faith between friends in general in our society anymore...


    Hmm this is a tricky topic. I was never religious, had and have trust issues, so faith is as far as I am concerned a very foreign word to me. However, due to pure land recitation I have come to know what faith is so I can relate to now. Still when  I think of faith I use it as believe or hope like you put it. The funny thing is I made a test just now. When I thought of 'faith' what I felt was 'doubt', even when I thought of Amitabha. When I used trust however I got 'faith'. That's why I had really avoid using that term rather use trust and/or unconditional trust.


    That feeling of unconditional trust is part of the Higher Self so it's very important. As doubt is part of the Ego it will only hinder progress. One simple exchange of words can make such a big difference...

  7. Ive been studying psychology and this particular personality disorder for some time, and after months of research and observation, conclude that this meme has indeed been incorporated into this unit! How interesting, to wear these clothes...


    I am the same. Narcism is always based on an intense inferiority complex. The only way to heal that is 'Love'. I am trying to do by being of service. I find the moment when you help someone and that person is grateful to you at that moment all your problems vanish.


    What you need is Self-Love my friend. Maybe you should consider giving Louise Hay's 'you can heal your life' a read. Very good book on the subject.

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  8. I don't really like the term 'faith'. Faith is something I can't relate with. Faith for me is a word I relate with religion. Christianity has ruined anything religious for me. Also, faith is usually used in relation to a deity. Calling a Buddha a deity would mean that you are never able to reach the same level. Also, for some it may mean that it isn't real.


    That's why I prefer trust. The one thing I would recommend every beginner of a tradition like Pure Land Recitation to do is to picture the Buddha they are connecting to as their best friend. That way unconditional trust(faith) will come on it's own.

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  9. As you probably know Manny is highly religious. I think he prays before every match. Well on the other hand we know that generally negative emotions make you slower while positive ones make you faster. More than that however it's the decrease in energetic blockages that increases speed drastically. 


    In Bruce Lee's case we know that he practiced Taoism and to that I think it's a lot to that that we can account his extraordinary speed and strength. Well I personally find that Manny and Bruce have a lot in common.


  10. From the maps I have been working with they say the letting go of earthly attachments is the first stage, which is an awakening out of the human form into the recognition of the primordial awareness which is always present in all situations, that which was present before you were born and will survive after you are dead. Yet that is just a first stage and relatively common, there are hundreds of people on YouTube who talk about this realisation in one way or another thinking that that is enlightenment. (Master Wang's realisation might have nothing to do with this so its not meant as a commentary comment on him.)


    The second stage is that there is a bouncing back down into the human form to liberate all that remains, to bring the awakening to all that is in pain and confused there, which you could say is the stage of unconditional love or awakening of the heart. Which is relatively rare.


    But after that there is a third stage, which they call in Zen the awakening of the gut, which is the most primordial stage or awakening out of both existence and non existence. Which is very rare. Perhaps all three could be considered enlightenment, i dont know, and it is just a map, one of many, which may not operate in linear time.


    The Zen teacher Arvis Joen Justi said that enlightenment was "simply standing in your own two shoes".

    You misunderstood. I know that in the first stage you are 'actively' letting of attachments. What I meant with letting go is that you have let go of all attachments. Meaning if you wanted to you could chose not to eat, drink and die just like Master Wang.


    Though I made a mistake what Dr.Hawkins calls enlightenment is what you call non-existence. He says there are still different stages to this. He actually he puts like lv 700-1000, 1000 being Buddhahood.

    The first step of enlightenment he puts at 500 unconditional love while he says that real enlightenment starts at 600 which is absolute peace. No actually he calls lv 600 illumination. It's a little confusing, but as I see it's that lv 700-1000 that is important. If rebirth in pure land is at lv 500 it would mean that js only half of the way^^

  11. Good questions, not that I know the answer but I am in the camp that there are always deeper levels.


    Even if there is some sort of final perfected state for the individual bodymind to achieve by that point your identity will have transcended individuality altogether and therefore there is still the rest of the world, (which you now see as part of yourself, or at least not separate) which needs refining and liberation, so where does that end?


    What I have found is that when you ask people what they mean by enlightenment nobody really can give any sort of a straight answer or really knows what they mean by that term.


    Many modern teachers talk about "awakening" now because it is a term less loaded, although I don't think that should be equated with the same thing as what people historically mean when they talk about enlightenment. Awakening generally means that you wake up to the fact that you aren't the person you thought you were your whole life, you are altogether something different, but after awakening there is still a long refinement process, its not a final stage, rather in a sense it is just the beginning.

    I would define enlightenment as the letting go of all earthly attachments, when you are not bound by them anymore. Like in Master Wang's biography at one point of his training he meditates for three days straight without eating or drinking and then experiences what Taoists call Great Death. He is hen literally dead for a few hours or(can't remember) and from that point on you are called 'immortal', I would define that as enlightenment?


    Actually in his book Dr.Hawkins said that the first step of enlightenment was unconditional love. Then in the next stage which he called simply 'enlightenment' you don't experience yourself as your physical body at all anymore. Like you don't have any identity anymore.

  12. Ah I thought you just meant normal people, not normal enlightened people.


    Ultimately there is no difference, but Buddha's like Gautama Buddha were exceptional in their ability to teach, to be able to convey and transmit their realisations to a wide variety of people with different capacities and minds.


    In that sense they had to have completely embodied their realisations, so they were no longer speaking from old conditioning in their systems. There are many people with the same realisation as the Buddha who can't convey it to anyone else, or see no need to, or their perception is still affected by latent tendencies and conditioning.

    Well, according to Dr.Hawkins there are several stages to enlightenment. As an example he placed Mother Theresa at the first stage. In Pure Land tradition, they make a clear distinction between the first stage of enlightenment where you escape the cycle of birth and death and the last stage called 'Buddhahood.'


    In Michael Lomax's book he writes that he asked Wang Juemin if he had achieved the ultimate level? To which he replied that there are always higher levels... Then I read somewhere on here that the founder of Mo Pai had achieved full enlightenment, though they put it as levels 72? (No Mo Pai discussion please)


    So it seems that there are either always 1) higher levels or 2) a final state which only a few in human history have achieved. I think it's safe to say that Lao Tsu was also one of those and may have been one of the first?


    Furthermore I wonder if what may distinguish a Buddha from other people may be the ability to awaken even people that wouldn't normally? I mean without the mantras, only a select few would be able to awaken in one lifetime. Even with the mantra, there are still people who probably won't. I mean narrow-minded people.

    Maybe someone who is a Buddha just has such a big effect that anyone who is around him gets a long-term effect? no matter what his Karma?

  13. Hi,


    I have been wondering what actually distinguishes a Buddha between a normal enlightened person? Is it only a matter of 'amounts of energy' or is more something like a Siddhi of awakening. What I know is that when you do recitation of 'Namo Amituofo', at some point you get a dream of Amitabha Buddha and from then you get that golden ball of light around the head.(which I personally call Buddha Lamp :) )


    So I have been wondering if the transmission of that ball is maybe something unique to Buddhas? Though of course I can't say if this is the case for every mantra. Is it different for others??

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  14. Namo Amitabha Buddha


    Hi Josama,

    There is a possibility that you struggle with your subconscious.

    Your dialogue indicates overthinking,your mind full,unrested.


    Make peace with your subconscious,meditate,allow your thoughts to empty.

    Forgive yourself,release all anger,be at peace.

    Your life is now.

    Recognise your true self,be that person.


    Neuro-transmitters within the central nervous system are wonderful when influenced by positives.

    These chemicals activate us into creativity,arts,problem solving and more when in balance.

    When these chemicals are out of balance,we change our perspective.

    One motivating número- transmitter,dopamine,helps us enjoy life,to much,we get high,thoughts become bizarre,irrational,we become suspicious.Perception is altered,thoughts develope not in keeping with reality.

    Not enough dopamine,we become lethargic,lack interest,reduced function.


    Sometimes medication can be helpful,either short term or long term.

    When the CNS is out of balance,you are high,can't sleep,mind whirling,voices perceived,how do we get relief.It offers us a chance to reset ourselves.

    Medication can help,sedating,dopamine blocking agents,offers respite,sleep,a chance to readjust,paranoia is diminished.


    Drug use distorts our awareness and perceptions,sometimes positive.

    Sometimes these distortion are long lasting,medication can help.


    If anyone is experiencing thoughts of self harm,there are services,talk to someone.


    This post is offered as an alternative perspective,no offence implied.




    Humbly juls

    I thank you Juls for the valuable advice and no there is no offense taken, why would I when you are only trying to help?


    The thing is I don't have nearly any paranoia more at all. I haven't taken any drugs sine 20 january, I don't drink and don't smoke anymore. All I need is to be of service, no more powerful medication out there for entity attachment.


    Also, I am afraid that medication will reduce my light not too mention that I feel happy as long as I help people and don't get a failed removal. I just wish the people I am helping would come to me instead of me having to search for them. That would spare me a lot of time.

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  15. Please take care of yourself Josama.  The being of service to other people sounds great.  If you are having suicidal thoughts I recommend also reaching out to professional mental health services, counseling or psychiatry.  They may not know much about the whole entity thing, but that doesn´t mean they can´t help.  I believe you have the power to feel good.




    Thank you Liminal. I meant that I considered it, but not that I wanted to. Life is too much fun for that even with an entity. However, it's greatly disturbing for me that I am spreading suffering. I never once in my life wanted that. I am sick of being a tool for the dark, not like there isn't all ready enough suffering in the world. Stupid little me...

  16. A small update : Actually, it's gotten worse and better. I haven't masturbated/ejaculated for more than three weeks. For me that's without precedent. I have no doubt that I am on the best way to fixing my masturbation habit.


    However, at the same time the entity got even stronger. This is due to me reading Dr.Hawkins 'Power vs Force'. I am not sure if the energy in the book is meant to remove entities or just a resolution of duality. Whatever it is, it worked as failed removal.


    So I can say be extremely careful of failed removals. You can tell a failed removal in an increase of tiredness and apathy.


    I don't know how it is for other people, but in my case the entity is opening astral gates if my light (shen?) is low. I knew I had a portal back at my home which I couldn't do anything about while my place at Uni was clean. Before heading off to Uni, I posted a status on FB in which I used a lot of my light. I used so much actually that during three days I slept for like at least three hours every afternoon additionally to night sleep.  Two of these were at Uni. By the end of it I realized that during my sleep the entity had opened a portal there, too. Even though I was still chanting every day it was not enough to prevent it.


    However, after that I stopped masturbating and spending all of my time to being of service. That made it a lot better. However, after that last removal it went downhill big time again. The effectivity of chanting has decreased dramatically now. It's just through service that I am feeling better again now. However, I don't care about me at all in this. I have become a walking disaster for humanity and honestly I can't even say if one part of me didn't even want for it. It's hard to tell these days what is mine and what isn't. All I know is that the last thing I want to bring to the planet is suffering. I have been thinking of committing suicide and putting an end to this, it's that bad. However, I can't do it as I have a responsibility to see this through.


    So the bottom-line is this : Please for the love of God be careful of what you do. Don't be stupid like myself and lust for power, may that be sexual or not.

    Be especially careful to not do any powerful energetic practices with an impure mind. Also avoid if you are lonely.

  17. Josama, i think you're missing the point being made, spotless is not talking about names.


    I don't think he was talking about christianity either

    Rejecting christianity sounds fine, but...i never was a christian, brought up an atheist. Still, many of my unconscious ' beliefs' are formed by the christian mold that overlays the culture I'm living in. As long as you feel resistance to a topic, or a person, there's something in you that asks for attention, thats the way I feel it to be. A something that needs to be released or resolved, whatever. An issue to deal with.


    Maybe you see in these texts what pertains to you at the moment, as in a mirror





    sometimes..i thoroughly dislike my teacher ( the feeling is getting less though...doesn't come as often, or as strong, see, there's my ego talking...I'm a good girl....... :huh: ), and then I need to forcibly remind my self not to send out bad vibes to him.


    He stabs at my ego when i thought i had found some balance, he doesn't talk to me once in a while, and by now i know why he does that..he always pushes me out of my comfortzone, and then i create a new comfortzone, only to find he pushes me out of it...


    he's the best thing that has happened to me in this life, but yes, there are moments i do dislike the same time loving him in a sense that is unexplainable.


    So my conclusion can't be different than: I dislike my own behaviour and thoughts and project that on him, and him being a mirror, I get it back in a very pure and unrefined state... to chew on


    that's my mirror i suppose...



    You are right, Sifu Jenny is like that, too^^


    Blue eyed snaked it's not what he said about entities that disturbed not in the least. In the end I even agreed with him. What picks at me is how he called me stupid( i detest that word) for using terms that a lot of masters use. Also, you can see that he didn't read my comments clearly or he would never have said the thing about serveral Gods. For me God is the Universe, that means all of existence. In that space there are serveral powerful light being that can be considered Gods. Gautama Buddha himself lived serveral lives like that.

  18. Who knows what these 'negative entities' are really is certainly possible that you made a decision before you were born to experience this because you wanted to clean up some karma fast.


    People with Kundalini awakenings are often bothered by demons and whatnot. If Kali wishes to chop the head off your old ego, then certainly what better way than to 'send in' some demons to do their work and break you down.


    It is possible that in past lives you raped and murdered (I'm betting many of us have done some bad things). It could be that the arising of demons is actually part of the spiritual fire process.


    I always like to face my demons, battle them, and make friends with them. Try out all kinds of things. If they keep bothering you, try asking them what their issue with you is. You might find that the issue they have with you is the issue you have with yourself.

    This is some wise counsel, Thank you Songtsan :)

  19. Oh spotless you are hacking on the smallest of things. You are missing the point just as well as me. I know other term than God and to call it Universe would be strange. You are setting this all into a contex of christianity. To be clear, I never liked the Church and never will, the whole institution is full of old inflexible old toads.


    They are just NAMES so get over it. it doesn't matter what calls one what. I agreed to change the name demon for you are right that it engenders fear, I was just hoping to take that away by making people familiar with it. Honestily spotless you are a pain in the ass, I mean where the hell do you even take the motivation to write pages just discussing something so trivial as 'names'. In that time it took you to write all that stuff I was able to do lots of chant.


    Take life easy that's how it is meant to be.


    If we ever meet in real life I will just call you spotless, that name certainly suits. I will say 'now that shirt is spotlessy clean Mr.Spotless' or 'now that's what I call some spotless hair (bald) Mr.Spotless' :P

  20. If you take a look at my story, you will see that I elaborated on how one can find that the healer in question is able to remove the entity. I never claimed that only she could do it. From the top of my head I can name Sifu Hinata or any other master from the Spirit Fighting Sect.


    She didn't beg me to share the story, neither did she plant the idea in my head. She just told me 'Jos the fastest way to up your Karma is to share your story' and that sounded obviously quite delighting me. So you guys please don't go assuming things and judging people you never even had one conversation with in your whole life.

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  21. The use of words like demons have a very real, misleading and propagating feature. It is extraordinarily naive to think they are only just words. It frames the entire nature of them as bad and predisposes mind to assume all sorts of things. Also, bringing God even into the discussion also brings with it the immediate distaste so many of us have for idiots speaking on behalf of God.

    What is interesting here is that the conversation that one constructs using the words Demon and God in this context is precisely the kind of sentence structure the very beings we are talking about love us to use. It wakes up a whole shit storm having nothing to do with the actual subject and solutions at hand.


    Regarding the idea that these being do not exist and that we should in a sense transcend their existence - along the line that none of us actually exist or sentence structures along that line - it is of no value. Ignore and move onward with the idea that they do not exist is a false proposition.

    Essential to the process is the elimination of such words as Demons and in general the flip side - Angels and God.

    Our bodies are in a sense like a house - our religious heritage - most religious heritages - have us trying to subjugate our house as something inherently vile and a temptress. (How incredibly unfortunate for women this has been)

    Moving beyond religion is something most of us in these forums have done - and it is part of the process as ones vibration rises. I do not mean in any way to vilify religion - it has its place and the services of each have their place in bringing to that group exposure to higher energies.

    We have this house - it is our body / being temple during this life. Because our planet does not teach people yet how to properly work with and attain the great fruits available to us from birth, we treat our relationship with our great vehicles in the most damaging ways.

    One of these relating to the subject at hand is to leave all the doors open. Since we are not taught how to care for ourselves in the higher sense and our religions are as yet twisted concoctions of fable and truth and hysteria- we have no idea what we would best do and plow through life with the assets of our heritage if they may be called that.

    We are not taught autonomy and when many "find it" it is through barricade. For many that cannot barricade themselves, they invite other players to help keep the play alive. Most - nearly all - are a mix of the two - on either extreme they are typically locked up or sedated.

    Beings inhabit bodies everywhere - we inhabit ours, the squirrel inhabits its, and our pets inhabit theirs. We eat the bodies of chickens and cows formerly inhabited by a being, and beings exist all around us. As many do not have bodies as do. Beings oversee small environments, care for plants, rein over vast regions.

    The Human being, contrary to much babble thought, is a very high being. We are so high that we signed up for a very tough mission.

    And we are still as yet so mired down in this mission and the illusion of time and space that it feels as if we are tainted and utterly lost.

    In our lowly state of affairs we both reject the mission and retch at the prospects - and we invite into this mix the aid of anyone or anything that can do something - even if it is to simply manipulate us and keep us "alive". We rent ourselves out or give our bodies away in this lament and foggy existence. We invite beings of all kinds into the house we call our body and we let them rearrange the furniture, purchase the foods that will keep us their slaves and read books and attend worship that will fill our minds with fear and further deplete us of any notion of what we might do to clear our house and our minds and again take ownership of these great vehicles we have been given and the astonishing possibilities we will embody.

    The foremost way in which we can begin to clean up the mess is attention to our diet. If you suspect you are "well rented out" then a fast can be very helpful and the removal of all alcohol and drugs is essential. Drugs such as sugar and caffeine included. General indulgence needs to end.

    Maintenance of a lower range of vibration is essential - for those well rented out - Not "Flying High" is essential.

    This is a very important problem - a great many who are finally and "forever" on the path have arrive here through great angst. The teachings immediately bring to us all sorts of practices that bring great immediate relief and empowerment - but in our exuberance we Cannot hear very well when our teachers - the real ones - tell us to get out of our heads, to ground, to learn to control our desires and not to feed our fears. We think we have a handle on that - we don't and we don't and we don't.

    We reject any real Head issue, being grounded is "New Age crap", and our desires "are under control to the extent they should be otherwise I might as well be dead", and "I don't fead my fears, but I must stay well informed other wise the fucking bastards would own me".

    We don't hear the Qi Gong Master when he says "attention lower dan Tien" but when we hear the word Kundalini we perk up and are ready for a blast off.

    When working with Chakras we want to open them all up - and run them at white - and we and most teachers have no clue what this even means or how completely wrong and damaging it is.

    We think the seventh chakra is better than the first.

    We will spend hours moving to a high state and no time at all greeting our union with our body and the earth and in coming back to full breath and a grounded state.

    Gradually we move into an addiction for trance and loose ourselves to the babble of that state - little different than the one we are seeking to relieve ourselves from. Or we go to clean "intellectual" engineering and wall ourselves off from a great deal of real inbody practice and we sidestep the heart entirely.

    Dissipation is perhaps the biggest issue of all in this struggle we have signed up for. It is dissipation that removes from us the fruits of transmutation.

    From now I am gonna use the term 'negative energies or negative entity' just as Master Hawkins does and since he keeps the term God I will keep that as well. Also on another note you should be aware that light beings such as the archangel Michael they definitely exist, to deny their existence you could as well deny the existence of any other celestial master.

  22. You may wish to withhold this opinion that "Whether his demon is real or not is always indeterminable".

    Specifically the lower forms he referred to were as I mentioned because he explained them exactly as that group is, but beings can be determined and they can be somewhat powerful depending on ones constitution and belief structures of fear.

    Quite a number of people with seizure problems are afflicted with being issues - a friend of mine died in a struggle because of this. Once I happen to be sitting in a restaurant when I watched (in what seemed slow motion) an entire episode take place before me with someone I was just observing because his energy was strange and building. Just as soon as the person hit the floor I went over swiftly and ripped the being out of his space and brought him back into his body.


    This dark side stuff is why I am here in this forum - it is a load of fear - and what is typical is people speaking on behalf of God and Dark vs Light. Move up a few planes and it looks like kids telling scary campfire stuff but actually believing it on a daily basis.

    Beings can be a very real problem but by a long shot the biggest problem is that the host on some level is in agreement to the game.

    Calling these beings Demons has no value, nor does speaking on behalf of God as though you have a clue - this is a real child / religious level.


    I am not religious spotless, not at all, never have been. That's the same thing as with demon, it's just a god-damn name for christs sake!


    Really the last thing I want to do is spread fear here, God know(^^) there is already enough fear on this planet. The reason why people fear demons is because

    1) people think that demons can take over our body which is of course utter bullshit

    2) people are afraid of something they can't see


    As to the reason why I didn't use another name because it's bothersome and some real information should dim the fear.

    As for the dark forces I can't if there is truly something(mara) that counteracts God/Light directly because if God wouldn't exist neither would we. However there is no doubt that there are dark forces fighting the Light. On this planet they are trying with all there power to prevent our spiritual evolution and by doing that , they cause exactly what they don't want.

  23. consciousness and intention is what you're talking about in your previous post, and that's not far off from the guy with the long white beard and flowing robes.

    No it's different because if we would say that it is a guy it would mean that it is someone who isn't us. We are all connected together because we are all part of the greater consciousness which I call God. I mean without this how else would we be able to exchange energy over hundred of miles in an instant?

  24. I think you're making a lot of inaccurate assumptions about the people here. I would wager that the majority don't believe in the  god you're describing. Put me in that category.


    Ah well I didn't know that. I never believed in God either just as I never believed in destiny be sure of that. When I say God I certainly don't mean a guy swimming through the sky grinning mischievously at us.

    No, I am talking about the whole Universe. God is an it, a force with a consciousness nothing more nothing less.