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Posts posted by Josama

  1. Update: I sent an email to Mr. Icke after developing my theory further. I am interested to know what his thoughts are.


    Hello Mr. Icke,


    I saw your 40 minute interview on youtube in which you explained the essence of your conspiracy theory. The thing that stuck immediately with me was your talk about the reptilian entities. I am a spiritual practitioner and I know entities as very real.


    In fact, I had been possessed by one until last summer. I especially travelled to the United States to have it removed by an accomplished healer. After the removal of my entity, she told me that it was a demon, which was very rare.


    During the time I was possessed (around 3 years, according to her), I would frequently get spontaneously images in my head of wanting to hit another person. This always happened when at a moment when I felt profound love and compassion for said person.


    Furthermore, I would have episodes when I was drunk that I would blackout. During these blackouts, I would still talk and walk normally, but would retain no memories of it. Normally, this would probably seem not uncommon. However in my case, I had been getting drunk since I was 16(legal drinking age here) and had never experienced any blackouts. Or if I had, I was asleep or in a drunken stupor, where I could neither talk nor walk properly anymore. At the time these blackout started happening, I was around 20. I am now 24. Once not long before the entity removal, I saw the photo of me during one of those blackouts and thought that "wasn't me". However, I must admit that at the time, I already knew about the entity.


    When I was a child, I liked to watch crime stories. I would always watch a german TV show called Autopsy, mysterious crime stories. I was drawn by the power of those stories to instill fear in me, which thrillers and horror movies were never able to.

    Last year, I rediscovered that hobby of mine and found that documentaries of serial killers gave me the greatest thrill and chill. So, I started watching nearly every documentary about any major serial killers. Following that, I became convinced that many of those serial killers were possessed by malevolent entities.


    Serial Killers whom I believe to have been possessed:


    Richard Chase, the vampire of Sacramento: He drank the blood of his victims because he thought he would dry out otherwise. This made me think for the first time about possessed serial killers. My intuition just told me that this guy was possessed by an entity. However at the time, I didn't really pursue this. I just put the thought in the back of my mind. Until I watched the documentary about Dennis Rader, the BTK killer.


    Dennis Rader, the BTK killer: During his interrogation with the police, he told them that his desire to kill was dependent on what he called "Factor X", an entity in bat form that followed him around.


    Luis Garavito, a serial killer in Colombia : he told the police during investigation that he was influenced by a "spirit" to commit his murders.


    Richard Ramirez, the nightstalker : When he was a teen, he frequently slept in a graveyard and prayed to Satan there. My belief is that there he became possessed by an entity. A police officer said in the documentary that Ramirez was breathing very heavily during the interrogation. Heavy breathing is a sign of entity possession.


    Jeffrey Dahmer: a cannibal : He said in an interview that his murderous fantasies just started appearing when he was a Teen and that they became stronger and stronger. To escape the fantasies he started drinking. He committed his first murder after he black-outed from drinking. I believe that when he blacked out, the entity took over.


    I believe that the influence that an entity is able to exert over it's host depends on the strength of the entity and the weakness of the host's mind. When someone possessed by an entity takes drugs, the entity is able to gain more influence over it's host. Furthermore, after every murder the host's mind's weakens which results in the entity exerting more influence. Thus the fantasies and the drive to kill become stronger. Important is also the matter of love. The more love the host feels, the weaker the entity grows. Murder causes the host to become devoid of love.


    I think all of these Serial Killers(not sure about Dennis Rader) took drugs(including alcohol) which greatly weakened their mind.


    This were my thoughts at the time. However, shortly after that I went to the US and stopped watching any crime documentaries.

    Then a week or so ago, I decided to watch them again. Still convinced by my theory from one year ago, I looked for visible signs of entity possession.


    Then shortly after watching the first few documentaries I stumbled upon the video of your interview. It was linked in the related videos tabs and it drew my attention.

    Like I wrote before what immediately stuck with me was your talk about the reptilians and how they try to take control over the world.


    This made me look at my theory in a bigger context. Since I already believed that most serial killers were controlled by entities, it made me question as to what they would gain from killing those people.


    Shortly after I watched the documentary about Ted Bundy again, as he has always fascinated me the most. I watched it on the basis that he had been possessed. What struck me was that all of his victims were young, highly intelligent,popular, helping kinds of women. In other words, people that possibly harbored the highest potential for spiritual awakening or/and expansion of the mind.


    In your interview you said the entities want to destroy families. Every family that experiences a murder of a loved one is actually destroyed in a sense. They left with a feeling of utter despair and/or hate. A state in which they could be more easily manipulated and are less likely to experience a spiritual awakening.


    Yesterday, I watched the documentary about the D.C sniper. Two people in Washington who shot people at random with a sniper. This happened only one year after 9/11. On the basis that the killers were possessed, I concluded that that event could have been used as means to expand government control. (On a sidenote: I think he resembles Obama.)


    Furthermore, out of pure interest, I started to look for serial killers after 2000. I was interested to see how serial killers would face up against modern DNA analysis. As a result, I found that after 2000 the number of serial killers drastically increased. My speculation as to the reason to this was that either spiritual awareness had increased around the world resulting in less people possessed by malevolent entities or the entities deciding that it was now to risky. (because of modern forensic technologies)


    However, while the type of serial killers that frequently appeared before 2000 decreased, there was another type emerging. I am talking about people orchestrating mass shootings at schools or other public places.


    I firmly believe that these serial killers, too have been possessed and they are killing the most intelligent, talented people. Again, the people with the highest potential for spiritual awakening of or/and expansion of the mind.

    When I watched the documentary about the massacre in Norway caused by Brevik one thing that struck me right away was how one commenter said “it was a gathering of talented young people”. What struck me even more was that Brevick referred in his compendium of texts to the police forces as the “enemy forces”.


    Finally, I believe that those entities are probably an alien race that proceeds our race in development quite a number of years. They probably want to take over the planet by least resistance possible. When they have finally put a world government in place, they may then proceed to send in their troops.


    As to why I write you this, I don’t know. I just felt that I had to share this with you and get your thoughts on it. Of course, there is absolutely no proof for anything I said. I just go along with my intuition, which I consider to be one of my strongest assets.

  2. Today my thoughts are much clearer than yesterday so I have discovered a few things. First it is my fault that I am in this situation, I think I have been trying to forget it but all became clear to me again today. Three years ago was a period when I was still consuming a lot of drugs and often felt suicidal. Then at some point, I started awakening in the middle of night, feeling that there was hovering something above my bed, sth alive, I would then imagine myself shooting golden energy at it until I felt at peace again and felt asleep again. This happened quite a few times tough I don’t know exactly how many. Then came a day where I was feeling very suicidal, I remember drinking quite a lot and then I invited the entity to come merge with me, at the time I thought it was probably a demon and I hoped to gain the self confidence I always wanted. I know that common sense must have told me that merging with a (demon) would be a bad idea but at that time I didn’t care for anything and I thought that I wanted to be a bad guy. I can’t be sure that this was actually the day that the entity came to habit me but it must have been around that time. I know this was the worst mistake of my life and if I had known that my drug consummation would eventually lead to this I surely wouldn’t have done it. Fortunately I discovered meditation not too long after, after which I gradually stopped all drugs.


    I had a few small relapses but I haven’t taken any for a little more than a year now but my mental state is getting worse by the day, it was better a few months after I stopped taking drugs than it is now, I know that’s also due to the lack of sun right now but still. When I want to write a imaginary history it get’s harder and harder for me, my great creativity has always been one of my best capacities but it now feels that it is totally and when I try to summon it by force, I either get either angry or it feels like there is a stone in my head that just blocks any great ideas I could get. Sorry if the stone in the head doesn’t make sense but that’s just how it feels. It also feels like I am only able to use about 30-50% of my mental capacities right now.


    Concerning the angry feelings that is something that happens quite often, most often when I try to study something or I will get really anxious although I am neither an angry nor a nervous person, I have always been the calmness in person.

    Than today I tried if I could see the entity and then it felt as if something was on my head that felt like a suction cup. However I became scared and I then realized that it probably isn’t that I can’t see the entity but rather that I don’t want to because it freaks me out a little.


    The one question that I asked me most often until now was that why should an entity intentionally push the host in a state utter madness/confusion as the host in that case is much more likely to commit suicide. Well this morning I found an article where it says that is so that the host doesn’t notice the presence of it.


    Now one last thing, yesterday I didn’t express myself clearly. I said that I thought priests would be charlatans but what I actually felt was that I had put more trust in someone who uses prayer + energy to remove entities than someone who only uses prayer. I am aware that real prayer will also augment energy as it opens the heart and crown but a real master who has cultivated energy over many years seems to be the better bet for me.


    @friend : Those were pretty much my thoughts. I feel like going to see Sifu Jenny will probably be the best for me even if I have to wait a few more months. Fortunately that right now is the worst time(winter), so when spring starts life will become much easier again.

  3. I haven't really considered exorcism until now because I thought that most priests would probably be charlatans. Though it would be very easy for me to travel to Rome, my father just recently bought a house in Pescara which isn't very far and he goes quite often there to work on the restoration. He already asked me several times to go with him. Are there any good priests in Rome who do entity removals successfully?

  4. By "the entity giving me hell" I mean that, apart from taking most of my energy, it influences my thoughts in a really bad sense. When I am around people I like, often thoughts pop in my head like "I wish he dies" or I get an urge to hit them this is driving me crazy. So because of this I now mostly avoid eye contact with the people around me.

    Aditionally I think that the entity is also attacking the people around me. When near me, people start sneezing, sleeping or let the things in their hand fall.


    @thetaoiseasy : the last 2 years have been the best and at the same time the worst of my life. The best because I met new friends with which I can laugh heartfully despite my situation, my feelings of love these 2 last years have been such a gift but at the same time has my world gotten more sinister...

    Although I hate it, I must admit that this hopeless situation has made me enormously grow as a person.

  5. Yes you are right now I know I have an entity I won't be able to forget about it but since being told that I have an entity after fist being depressed I find that my situation has gotten much better, probably because I know can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    • Like 1

  6. Hello,


    In september I contacted Sifu Jenny because I thought that I may have an entity issue after reading a testimonial of one of her patients. When I had my online consultation she told me that I indeed have a entity that it has been with me for three years and it is pretty serious. Unfortunately I won't be able to go see her before september while the entity is giving me hell, so I thought that I could as well write on here in the hope of finding people who have been in the same situation to ask for advice.

  7. Thanks for the reply.


    Thinking about buying a copy, going to take two months to arrive though!


    I paid the 14,38 $ for priority shipping,the book was shipped on Thursday and got here yesterday(Luxembourg).

  8. Hi, just wanted to stop by and share my experiences with my Stillness Movement qigong and also ask a couple of minor questions. I LOVE Michael's Light Warrior's Guide book, and relate to a lot of it - the Stillness Movement practise instantly appealed to me because of its simplicity. I could actually imagine Lao Tzu teaching such a technique, it totally meshed with my understanding of his teaching: effortless effort, doing without doing. This is unlike the other qigong practises I'd been doing which I was finding a little contrived perhaps...maybe contrived isn't the right word. But like I was trying to make things happen and achieve results?


    My primary reason for using Stillness Movement (and I've been doing it for about 6-7 weeks now) is to heal myself physically. I'm getting over Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and between S-M and regular acupuncture, I believe it's definitely helping, after 7 years of really being quite badly affected with this. I try to do 2 hours practise a day, and I've been combining it with my meditative practise of attempting to simply rest in pure awareness, which is now my primary spiritual practise. I feel a great deal of heat in my hands and dan'tien, and energy moving up my feet and legs, and more recently I've noticed a sensation of light in my forehead. Previously I had been doing qigong practises outlined by James MacRitchie (global qi project, I think?) but hadn't been feeling all that much...this has felt immensely powerful though, so I'm sticking with it. I think I've found the practise that's right for me.


    Anyway, sorry if I'm rambling. I have a couple of questions, if perhaps Michael or anyone else could help?


    1. My interest in qigong and Taoist practises started when I felt a very strong inner impulse to learn and practise the microcosmic orbit. I didn't even know what it was - the words just popped into my head and upon investigating I felt strongly that I needed to get that flow going. Am I right in thinking that Stillness-Movement qigong automatically starts the MCO, without having to consciously direct it as a separate practise? Intuitively that's what i'm feeling, but I was just wondering if that's the case?


    I stopped doing all the other qigong practises (MCO, inner smile, inner sounds) as I simply don't have the time to do it all. Am I right in thinking Stillness-Movement is a complete practise in itself that negates the need for these?


    2. I was wanting to share the practise with someone else, who has less time than me. If you're practising an hour a day, is it better to do an hour all at once, or would two half hour sessions work?


    3. This is almost a bit embarrassing to ask, and you might laugh, but is it possible for Stillness Movement to make you more sexually attractive to others? I only ask because in the past few weeks it's started to get a bit ridiculous, with at least two people seriously wanting to pursue relationships with me and several more coming onto me sexually, including people in committed relationships, a long-standing friend and most randomly a complete stranger from other country (via Facebook, which isn't even a dating site). I've often been told I'm 'cute', but I have a somewhat sannyasi temperament - I'm not into partying and socialising much; I spend more time by myself creatively or pursuing spiritual study or practise. Since my last relationship I haven't sought another and haven't had this issue of people hitting on me until very recently and I'm wondering if it's somehow chi-related? Is it the increasing chi people are after?? I'm not really sure how to handle it.


    Hope my questions aren't too dumb. I've read through the rest of the thread (and greatly enjoyed doing so) and don't think they've been asked before, apologies if they have.


    I don't know about 1 and 2 but any qi gong that raises your vibration will make you more attractive.

  9. Tibetan_Ice,I concentrated more than 2 months solely on

    my 3 eye. until it opened completeley,that was right when I started meditating,I wasn't ready yet to open it fully,but by doing so it ruined everything for me. I just wanted people to be aware that there is danger associated with it. If the 3 eye opens naturally through kunlun or annother practice than that's annother story.



    Just don't try to force anything.

  10. Please Please DON'T work on opening the 3 eye,don't make the same mistake I did,you will fuck yourself up if you try to open it directly.You can open it to about 50 % w/o having grave consequences but I highly recommend you to not play with fire. While working on the lower centers,strengthening them,the Energy will naturally go upwards and open the higher centers. If you still want to open your 3 eye I recommend you work on your heart chakra instead,The heart chakra connects lower with higher centers acting as a balancer so if you open it,more energy should automatically go to the higher centers assuming that you have more energy in the lower centers.

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  11. I have found this to be true also. But Yuen Method isn't just a specific. General corrections are also very helpful where you strengthen entire areas of a person's life.


    Here are some of the general areas we look at:


    Six level of influence - physical, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual and psychic

    Six life supports - fitness, relationships, career & purpose, money & finances, aging & time, health

    Negative life experiences - trauma, karma, limitations, fears & phobias, past illnesses, and spirit attachments

    Life pentagon - ancestors, descendants, spirits, multiple personalities, and collective influences


    There are also a number of very important triads to consider (here are a few):


    body, mind, and spirit

    issues, triggers, and choices

    needs, wants and desires


    In my experience, when people come to me for help I often see specific weaknesses that need to be addressed. But if you ignore larger areas of their life (like work, relationships, money, etc), old patterns can creep back in. So it's important to address a person from the perspective of wholeness and not just focus on specifics.


    However, there are times when a single correction will resolve the issue and it even seems to 'require' that level of specificity. This is especially true if the issue is very specific (like you feel bad ONLY in a specific situation).


    It's also true that people will often need more then a single session to get better, especially when they have a huge load of negative life experiences or a lot of accumulated karma over the years.






    This is very interesting,I can see the dept in that. My legs from my knees downwards have been bothering me now the last few months(my knees and my calves) and I am wondering could you perhaps look into ?*Please be assured that this question was asked with respect and kindness*,





  12. Likely yes, given his level and specialties of the schools he studied with.


    In case that was implied, Sifu Lamb's posting on entity issues has nothing to do with Kunlun. (But yes if anyone is seeing those reptiles by any means get in touch with her.)

    She is a healer that specializes in entity issues, that's all.

    (I didn't see her students (of yigong aka Max's Kunlun level 1) talk about reptiles nor other problems that get connected to Kunlun school on this board.)


    And yes since this is a "Kunlun book" thread it would be great if someone posted what's the difference from the old book. :)


    I was asking this because I may have an entity issue and Max is more accessible for me than Jenny.


    Does anyone know in how much entity possession can affect the thoughts of the possed and if an entity can also cause imbalnces in the energy-body/field of the possed?

  13. In level 1 one will put concentration on the Tan Tien to fill and build it,in lvl 2 one compresses the Yang Chi in the Tan Tien by using the same breath retention used in tummo(great lock),right?


    For me it seems like the 1 is the most crucial level,don't you need an experienced Teacher to help you establish the Tan Tien,to jump start your engine so to say?

  14. In fact there was a bunch of discussion about him a while back. Some previous students calling him a scam, others vouching for him.


    Yea it's here.


    This thread in no way gives evidence that is actually a fraud,all that was said in the thread is that the book shouldn't be naned Beginning Mo Pai Neikung as the book doesn't contain any actual training instructions and because 300 $ for the level one method is expensive.


    I want to hear from someone who actually paid the 300 tell me it is a scam.


    Honestely I wanted to pay the money but what kept me from it was the book itself the author writing that it would take many years to build a foundation and most don't even have enough chi to get to lvl 4 all put me off. That is not what a scammer normally does....

    • Like 1

  15. You read too much into what I said, Jim/Kosta/Andreas are established students, this Lin person has not been established as a true student yet even. No one except the guy who promotes him has even met him in real life.



    My main concern is that we have a known scammer who claims to have a copy of the mo pai manual who uses proxies to appear to come from around the globe, and has the M.O. of selling ebooks. This guy has screwed the community for a lot of money, with his mo pai manual scam. He creates hundreds of accounts here and elsewhere to convince people he is real but only talks to himself with different personalities. This guy is a master scam artist, and probably has some serious mental issues as well.


    If you look at Lin's books on amazon you will see there is not one with a good review from a person who has their real name verified, without real name verification they can easily be posted by the author. Furthermore it seems he releases new versions of the same book to escape negative comments from real people, while posting tons of fake reviews from unverified people.


    I don't know about the reviewers on amazon concerning name verification but I do know that the auto added content to the second and third edition since I have the first and second edition to compare also there are things in the book that make much sens like John Chang's teacher not allowing him to charge money because of his karma and also other things that seem like only a mo pai practioner could know.


    I also know that in the case of a scam people would have already started writing about on the net, I am sure that there are People that already paid the money but why hasn't anyone of them come out to tell they got scammed?

  16. This Lin person may or may not be the real deal.




    If Lin can help you continue past the basic guidance others may offer with basic meditation instruction, then maybe he might be worth talking to later. I don't know, but I don't really trust him as being the real deal.


    Well, I have both Costas's Magus of Java and Shifu Lin's Beginning Mo Pai Nei Kung and the Energy I get from those two feels the same + there was the guy who blew his Tan Tien,the things he talked about are in the book also seems to me like he learned it from Shifu Lin. Also the book has been avaible since december now I believe but there hasn't been one person yet who has actually paid and come forward and said that he got scammed which happens normally quite often with these kind of things.


    I can see where you are coming from MPG teaching such a dangerous System via e-mail correspondance is a reciept for disaster.