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Posts posted by Josama

  1. well,


    I think the OP asked for important questions we can ask ourselves. Even though these questions are now relevant for me, i think they're relevant in general.


    many people get sick and need to deal with pain, fatigue, often fear and uncertainties. Therefor I posted it, not so much looking for answers in this thread.


    Concerning the answers you give



    I don't know that I will recover, and for me it's not the most important thing either. a lot of people don't recover and die as a result of illnesses, we all die in the end. For me the question is: in what way can I use this illness/experience to develop further. To go on developing I need to be contented in the situation and that is what's lacking the last few days


    That my true self can't die is no news to me, doesn't make me especially happy, is just the way it is.


    Illness doesn't necessarily need to pass, but indeed, it's sucking me up now. I'm getting fed up with the unending pain and fatigue. And that was my , general,  question, how to deal with that.


    So many people have to deal with that, especially the elderly


    I didn't mean knowing on an intellectual level, but feeling it.  When you switch into your true self then you see that it doesn't matter. That's so because the pain and fatigue is not part of yourself. The real you is always perfect, always flawless unable to be fazed by anything.

  2. I think that's a good thing, that you beginning to figure this sort of thing out.


    After practicing fusion of the five elements for some time, healing sounds, etc... I figured the approach either fake, or so inefficient that it was worthless.


    I went on to other things-- however I threw Winn out with Chia.


    PS is Winn still talking to aliens from atlantis ?




    I don't know about Atlantis, but if you think that there are no other races out there who are much more advanced technology and spiritually than us then I would urge you to think again.

    Concerning Aliens on Earth, it is evident today that the pyramids were not built by humans. Scientists believe at the moment they were built by a dead ancient civilization, but what if they were built by extra-terresterial instead?


    Also, have you never wondered why in ancient times, in nearly every country, the people reverred serveral Gods, what if those were Aliens really?


    Furthermore, there is still the Red Planet. You know the planet that's supposed to enter our solar system and approach Earth every 2000 to 3000 years? Wouldn't it have been possible for another race living on that planet to come to Earth during on of it's cyclings?


    Finally, I want to remind you that the Universe is ever expanding and that there can be enourmous time gaps between different galaxies. Ours is still young while there are much older ones out there...

  3. I've always considered sub-personalities or wildly differing modes of behavior to be a type of psychopathology....

    I said voices, but I meant thoughts really. When I say sub-personnalities I mean the parts that make up your ego really. Say for example you sit in silent meditation and you get a thought like :"ah really need to finish that work or XXX is gonna be upset with me" that's a part of your ego. It may make you anxious because of a experience had as a child it probably assumes XXX will scream at you if it's not finished on time.

  4. I'm inclined to disagree with words on this fine and subtle matter. They tend to reify false concepts, including a thing called "transcendence" and an "ego" that gets transcended. The fact of the matter is that there is no ego and as such there is certainly nothing wrong with being healthy and functional. Too many spiritual people get inflated with words, particularly antiquated and foreign words, but have a very serious desire to be recognized and loved and respected from the outside in. They use stupid esoteric concepts to attract energy from others that will fulfill their inner lack. This tends not to work and there's some excellent literature written on this topic of "spiritual bypassing." In reality, an unhealthy ego is not mutually compatible with enlightenment or anything of the sort. Maybe in a few rare beings who just snap from all their unhealthiness (see Eckhart Tolle's story), but for most people, the search for transcendence in conjunction with ego fragmentation just results in spiritual grandiosity and a very powerful delusion about self and truth and all that other jazz.


    I personally don't believe in an ego at all, but it has nothing to do with spirituality. There just isn't one and never was. I think there's egotistical behavior, but no ego. What people call the false or little self, I think is just the way they see themselves: false and little, and they're convinced that everyone has one and that it needs to be destroyed or some shit. And I certainly don't think there is a SELF or any other shitty Vedantic or Jungian God-personality that is beyond all the others.


    Here's what I'll say on subpersonalities. If they are looking for respect, love, truth, freedom, romance, or recognition from without, you are suffering the very real delusion that those things are outside yourself, and I'd do some serious and dramatic affirmation as to your own respect for yourself and love for yourself and your own freedom. As long as you are looking for things from without that are part and parcel of your being, you will suffer and act in ways that are demeaning to yourself and generate a feedback loop of low self-esteem, delusion, slavery, and emotional confusion.


    You should know beyond doubt, that your self-respect, self-love, freedom, and sovereignty are completely and utterly greater and beyond what anyone anywhere could ever give to you or take away from you. I am sovereign. My respect for myself cannot be taken away or lessened by anyone or anything. KNOW that. Have no delusions as to your value, which is infinite and irretractable. Lying, cheating, manipulating, transactional relationships, and seeking of all sorts are generally efforts to attain your inherent qualities from without. "I will be loved if I look good and have a nice personality and say the right things at the right time." "I will compromise my health and needs and integrity and truth so that you will give me respect." "I will study and practice and meditate and then I will know the truth that Sri WakaWaka has attained." All false. These qualities are already within you. You love yourself more than anything in the world, but you pretend that you don't have enough love, so you try "fall in love" or something (just an example).


    These are irretractable and permanent qualities of being and pertain intimately to proper discernment of yourself. Romance is what comes when this unfettered self-respect, discernment, and love operate in the world. The whole world becomes your lover. I don't work with subpersonalities or anything, but I would think they pertain to these basic needs and subsist on false discernment.

    When I talk about SELF I mean the loving, compassionate, selfrespecting nature within. I never claimed that it was of a higher nature, but I can definitely say that the higher levels are more easily accesible if you are in SELF.


    I also never claimed that the parts of my ego were outside myself, they are mine, but they aren't me as Dr Hawkins put it. The parts of the ego are the trees while the SELF is the forest. Or you can imagine the SELF as a vast sea and the parts as ripples on the water. Every ripple in the water disturbs the mind, the parts push you out of your SELF that's why you have to let them be. The goal iS not to stop the ripples, but to not let them disturb the mind


    Also, I completely agree with your last paragraph. I discovered this myself 1 month ago and couldn't have said it any better.

  5. "More important is not the nature of the ego, but the problem of identification with it as the me, the I, or myself. The ego was inherited as an it, and is actually an impersonal it. The problem arises because one personalizes and identifies with it. That it of the ego structure is not unique or individual, and it is relatively similar (with karmic variations) in everyone. What really varies from individual to individual is the degree to which one is enslaved by its programs. The degree of dominance is therefore determined by the extent to which one identifies with it. Inherently, it has no power, and the power to decline the egos programs increases exponentially as one progresses spiritually. That is the real meaning of the Map of Consciousness. What the majority of people think to be truth is, in reality, opinions."


    From dissolving the ego, realizing the Self, contemplations from the teachings of David R Hawkins.

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  6. what mind is, is self. Whatever we look we see our selves. Its possible to form an idea about other people but its formed in the mind also the sense of self is formed.


    I wonder what Hawkins got to say about self, is it permanent or not, does it have inherent existence?

    Hawkins makes the distinction between self and Self. The self derives from the animal world and consists of the Ego, it's a primal instinct. The Self is the divine within or the buddha nature.


    Our mind is made up of 99% "thoughtless" thoughts while the other 1% are thoughts. Thoughts are created in the empty mind, but they are not us. He makes a clear distinction between the Ego I and the real I.


    Here is one of my favourite quotes:


    "More important is not the nature of the ego, but the problem of identification with it as the me, the I, or myself. The ego was inherited as an it, and is actually an impersonal it. The problem arises because one personalizes and identifies with it. That it of the ego structure is not unique or individual, and it is relatively similar (with karmic variations) in everyone. What really varies from individual to individual is the degree to which one is enslaved by its programs. The degree of dominance is therefore determined by the extent to which one identifies with it. Inherently, it has no power, and the power to decline the egos programs increases exponentially as one progresses spiritually. That is the real meaning of the Map of Consciousness. What the majority of people think to be truth is, in reality, opinions."


    Here is a quote from Sifu Jenny which correlates perfectly with Dr Hawkin's teachings


    Meditation and Clarity:


    "One meditator asked me why he meditates. He has been doing meditation daily for quite some time because of being unsatisfied with himself. Yet, he did not see any benefit from this action and feels it is meaningless.


    To have clarity of purpose and understanding of the method is helpful for not wasting time and energy in wandering. The purpose of meditation is to know oneself. To know that I can calm the mind, I can differentiate the mind with the productions of the mind, so that I will not take thoughts and feelings to be myself and to make it easy to let go of all attachments and cravings. When all unreal subsides, the real (wisdom) arises. You are no longer living in darkness, but filled with light."

  7. he is quoting Freudian ideas. Seems his view on spiritual ego is something else, since term ego is created by Freud originally if i remember correctly.

    He may be quoting Freudian ideas, but they are not really ideas. This is not really something to understand with your mind, but rather with your SELF.


    Even if you consider them only ideas it doesn't change fact that earlier ideas always tend to improved upon with time.

  8. psyhology is spirituality with western terms. I read basic psyhology book and its same to religion. Psyche=soul(to bring one example).

    Hmm yeah that doesn't sound wrong though spirituality and religion are not the same.


    Freud may be good and all, but he wasn't a spiritual enlightened person as far as i know. Dr Hawkins definitely is. Real teachers transmit their teaching through energy, not words. Michael Lomax does it in his book as Dr Hawkins does in his.


    Here is a quote from the book :


    "In spiritual parlance, ego implies a negative quality, an obstacle to realization because of its linear dualistic construction. In psychology, however, the term denotes coping and survival skills needed to deal effectively with the world."

  9. Love can be expressed below (sex) and/or above (the heart and mind). It is creative energy. If expressed primarily below, there will be oversexuality...which is normal for most people, especially if they try to change it. If expressed only above, with the below destroyed, it is weakening to the creative energies and life. If expressed above while not destroying the below, it can increase your creativity and life and increase your sense of real love (not attachment love) is more balancing.


    This is exactly what I meant by cultivating love. It's unconditional love you will want to cultivate.

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  10. i wonder is Hawkins influensed by Freud? If so, i am usually going to the source or to the original idea.


    No, absolutely not. It's completely different. Dr Hawkins works are completely spiritual, not psychological, not in the true sense. You will understand once you start reading it.

  11. i have many theories, i like yours, i don't follow my own and others but trying to find something new and better what would debunk my current best unknowntheory in brain what i can't stop following.

    I can only make theories because this isn't me we are talking about. If it's you should be able to pinpoint the reason.



    Just try to get into your Self and do introspective watching in meditation. Not thinking cos thinking is of the ego. If you are in meditation and there is something coming out, maybe a thought that may sound like a younger voice of yourself then you are coming nearer. After you have finished meditation and you feel you have discovered the part of your ego that associates with the sexual desire then you can do intro-perspective thinking and try to locate the event in your life where it all originated.


    I hope this helps. Also, I would highly recommend reading "dissolving the ego, realizing the self, contemplations from the teachings of David R. Hawkins". I am reading this at the moment and I can't praise it highly enough. This may just be what you are looking for.

  12. i cannot help but fall in love with every person i meet eventually, and develop strong sexual feelings for them that completely override my rational thought process

    You need to find out where those strong sexual feelings come from. What is the source?


    Some reason could be for example, (I am not saying it is for you, just to make it clear what I mean.) that you don't know to express your love other than sex. Or that you are anxious of the person you are in love with leaving you if you don't establish a sexual relationship fast enough. In the latter, the reason for that could be that you had a boyfriend when you were young who left because you were reluctant about having sex with him. Like say your first love which you wanted to go slowly with.


    You need to look deeply into yourself and find the origin.

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  13. @ Josama,


    watching craving pass away is transforming jing to chi..


    point 5) physical exercises are depleting any craving and opportunity to transform


    point 6) if you express love then its postnatal, imputed with already dirty thoughts


    No, you are wrong about the 6. point. For me when I cultivate love I do it by chanting "na mo a mi tuo fo" and keeping buddha in my mind. At times I feel intense admiration, love and faithfulness in Buddha so where are those dirty thoughts you are talking about?


    Concerning the physical exercise : at the beginning this is true, but once your body get's used to it sex drive goes trough the roof. Though I can't speak about Martial Arts practice. I know Martial Arts forms are very good at shifting Chi in the body so it might be different.


    Lastly, thx for the first one, didn't know that that was the transformation already.

  14. Listen kids... It's not about "transcending the ego".

    Everyone go read Internal Family Systems.

    Transcending the ego doesn't mean dissolving the ego even though the title says so I know it's a little misguiding. Transcending the ego is about stopping to identify with the ego. The ego doesn't disappear, but you start viewing it as what it really is, an illusion of your mind. You start recognizing the illusionary nature of it, well that's the goal. I am not qualified to explain it and everything is already made entirely clear in the book.

  15. Hi, this is a very good question and not an easy feat. First, forget eliminating it entirely, that's not possible for normal people. However, you can effectively manage your sexual desire.


    The best advice I can give you is to


    1) Try to see every member of the opposing sex as a friend you don't have any sexual feelings to. Basically, if you see every 3 person who comes by as a person you would like to have sex with, your sexual desire will skyrocket.


    2) Don't watch porn


    3) If you feel a sexual desire arising don't try to suppress it, but watch it and let it pass


    4) If you can do it then transform jing to Chi (not many can though, I can't so it's probably irrelevant)


    5) Doing physical exercises by my experience is not a good idea as it will increase Yang Chi which in turn will increase sex drive. Depends on the activity. Avoid weight training as this will increase yang chi a lot. Jogging through the forest would be my choice.


    6) Not sure about this one, about how effective it is, but try to cultivate love/open the heart. Some of the sexual energy should be converted to love if you sit in meditation.

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  16. I want to update this topic in light of a recent discovery I have made.


    First though I would like to thank Bearded Dragon for his advice to just stay in SELF which definitely was very sound advice.


    Now to get to the point: I recently got the book : "Dissolving the ego, realizing the Self, Contemplations from the teachings of David R.Hawkins.



    It's basically a pocket book full of quotes from David R.Hawkins on how to transcend the ego. I can't recommend it highly enough. It may only be a summary of the larger more in-depths book of Dr Hawkins himself, but there is so much value in it.

    Even if you may have trouble understanding some passages since Dr Hawkins vocabulary is quite formidable, there is a definite energy transmission in the written words. I feel like this is the missing puzzle piece I have been looking for.


    Moreover, this book is only a short summary of Dr Hawkins books. However, this book alone is enough to keep me occupied for a year. Count to that the even larger and more tedious originals and you have enough for a life time!

  17. Another suggestion would be to contact Sifu Jenny


    She does online consultations over Skype. During my treatment, she told me about a few of her cases. One patient who was influenced by Alien energy, another who had a curse. I can't be sure on this, but I think curses would be generally harder to deal with than simple influence by demons because a curse is an intentional attack on you. While demons only look for a host.

    Also, this may be karma related, someone getting revenge on you for something you did in a past life. I think these are even harder to deal with...


    Chanting does reduce karma, so in your case I would try chanting for a few days to see if it's getter better and if it doesn't to contact Sifu Jenny or another person who may be able to help you.

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  18. I can give you some advice on this as I was possessed by a demon for about 3 years. I finally got it removed by Sifu Jenny last summer. Since then I have found out that I have actually a sub-personality in me which attracts entities and demons. I don't want to go into to much detail here because this is very personal...


    I suggest you do four things :


    1) Play the chant "namo amituofo" where you sleep during a few hours. And also try to do 30 min of chanting everyday. Chanting of "namo amituofo" will generate yang chi and work on the heart and crown chakra. All these things will make you more resistent to entity influence.


    2) Try to be as loving as you can. Also try to laugh a lot, I found those to be what demons are most weak against. Though the laugh most come from the heart.


    3) Try not to have fear as fear will weaken you and strengthen the demons.


    4) Do some meditation or intro perspective thinking to find out if one part of you intentionally attracts the entities.


    Stay safe and good luck,



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  19. If you want to purify your ego and transcend it, you skip the step of creating a healthy ego. Psychology teaches you how to create a healthy ego, to cope with negativity in this world, act appropriately and help transform negative emotions. While this is a good training for the beginning, it keeps your consciousness in the ego state and does not enable you to see beyond the human matrix, for you are still identified with your "self" as being human.


    This voice you speak of, wants to be silenced in a conscious way. There is no spiritual awakening and still having chatter in your head. There is no audible voice in your head anymore, once you are awakened. This voice is replaced by a knowing. You then simply see and understand in an instant.

    I know exactly what you mean. What I call Self is exactly like that. A answer to every question, though it's not transmitted as voice but as knowing. Also, the Self doesn't have a real voice. It's more like feeling. A feeling of peace and openess.

  20. Apart from the SELF every human has all kinds of different personalities. While the SELF is compassionate, loving and most importantly quiet, the other personalities are egoistic and chatter.


    In my case I am able to very clearly hear the voices of those sub-personalities while I am in SELF. However how I can I work with them and make them evolve or release?

    Talking to them doesn't work...

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  21. Nah, I don't think the shovel has any special association to me. Though now that you have said I just remembered that I liked to shovel holes in my garden when I was in elementary school. However I doubt that has anything to do with it.


    Hmm as for the interpretation, I got the feeling that the shovel meant that Buddha didn't have any problems with committing himself to the simplest of tasks. Somehow I imagined Buddha shoveling and looking like the happiest man at the same time...

  22. Ok, this may seem childish, but I had a dream yesterday and wanted to know if it meant anything.

    I am not new to dreams and I like them quite a lot, but this one I dreamed about a buddha statue.


    I dreamed that I was outside and it was raining a lot. On the ground in the mud, I found a little buddha statue, a little more in height than my outstretched hand. The buddha was a standing figure and on the neck of the buddha was a chain attached and at the end of the chain was a shovel. Both chain and shove were not made out of gold contrary to the rest. When I picked up the statue I marveled at it's beauty. It seemed it was radiating a brilliant glow. In my dream I thought that it would look beautiful in my bed chamber. When I woke up this morning and remembered the dream, I was a little sad to find that no there was no buddha statue in my room.


    This was the first time I ever dreamed about something buddha related and throughout a lot of the day yesterday I chanted "Namo ami tuofo"

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