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Posts posted by Josama

  1. Josama - please don't think I'm unsympathetic. If being possessed leaves you feeling powerless than I can relate to the feeling of powerlessness. All I want you to know for know is that the powerlessness is just an illusion and that one day soon it will simply be gone.

    Haha, you are right Nikolai, I hate being powerless as every human does. However I am not powerless. I have no sickness that is impossible that I would call powerless. I don''t even focus on  my entity anymore. It doesn't matter, all that matters is that I continue spreading Light, the rest should take care of it's own in time. Still in my quest I want to ask the people here to not please not make the same mistakes as myself. 

    To not lust for power...

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  2. I think that you need to develop your scepticism even more ... with some focus on how certain you are about demons.  (said with the greatest of respect).


    Indeed, this i certainly a topic that needs to be approached with the greatest of respect. They are not to be taken lightly.(that doesn't mean we have to fear them though)

    I wish I could just tell everyone that there is no dark out there, only love and happiness. I wish I could just stop believing and the existence of the dark forces behind would disappear. How lovely that would be, believe me when I say I truly wish it would work that way! (to nikolai)

  3. You've never experienced your entity - you've simply interpreted reality through entity terms. Same with God. Same with ego. If you learned to view all these terms a little more dispassionately rather than strongly reifying them all, you will find that they lose their grip on you. If you don't like to be possessed, stop believing you are. I think you need to develop your scepticism more.


    Never mind

  4. Well then if these entities don't have any intent spotless let me ask does God have no intent either?

    As we all know God has a consciousness and an intent so wouldn't it make sense to have something that's working against it? Bear in mind that spreading of the dark does further the light, too. It's all the great plan of God playing in it's own right. The reason why spiritual awareness has begun to rise so much is precisely because of those evil forces working on dominating the planet. 


    I can only speak from my experience and the entity that is attached to me definitely has intelligence and intent to it. 


    I am meaning to say that there is something out there that directly opposes God and in my opinion has just as much intent as God itself.

  5. Well, couldn't it also be that the "ego" looks for convenient scapegoats and in some people labels them "demons"? Most people I have known who claimed to be posessed, and it's been an impressive number, were really just caught up the victim role. And their excuse for being so unlikable and unliked is that it's the demon's fault. Most of them were told this by energy workers/new-agers or others in that line of work. Or maybe they picked up the idea in an internet forum.


    You don't, imo, "help people" by listing a few personality traits and claiming in essence, "if you have any of these, you may well be posessed by a ne'er do well spirit". And that's precisely what you've done, plus added the kicker that the "only" way to fix this problem is to chant some exotic words you don't understand.


    Regarding what you want to discuss, people here are free to reply to any thread they wish, with any info they feel appropriate. If you want more control over discussions, you'll have to either set up a ppf or use the new anarchy function once you qualify for it.


    And as usual, like attracts like ...

    Of course to be absolutely sure one would need to contact a person such as Sifu Jenny ( I said I am not here to discuss the existence of entities because trying to convince somebody is futile.


    Most people with entity attachments go about without knowing and not everyone has a 100 % success rate of removing them. I never said that what i wrote about emotions might be foolproof evidence. That's why I used the word 'might'. 


    The only things with which you can be sure is that you lose Vitality, Yang Chi. A entity consumes one's life and that is the case for everyone.

  6. I am in complete and utter agreement with you. Since I was a child I was invaded by these things, and I have had plenty of dreams where I was a vampire living under basement, or in some crazy Gothic mansion which was owned by a master vampire, and in these dreams I was made to feel like this was my home and that being a creature of the night was what felt was only after I was sexually molested that this stuff occurred. So the vampires can vector through intimate touching.


    Before this happened, I was a child of light and a true innocent...


    Afterwards the demons inserted all kinds of nasty, negative images and scenes into my dreams both sleeping and awake to corrupt my mind and fascinate me...they revel in creating urges to destroy good people.


    Wow, actually I wasn't sure of this before, if they could induce dreams. I am wondering I had a sexual dream when I was 16, one you could say that played a key element in what led up to my possession. Do you believe that could have been an entity at the time? Also, could entity give you probably very sexual dream to increase sexual desire so as to pressure you into releasing?


    Ok, this might be going a bit of topic. Everything in this post is purely theoretical. However, might prove interesting for some. The main difference between demons and other entities is that demons work together. Their purpose is spreading darkness and fighting the Light. 


    After observing and thinking I have come up with the idea that they

    1) use the collective karma for their own vile purposes, like was the case in germany during WW2

    2) They don't chose their targets randomly for the most part. Since they fight the Light, everyone who might become a light worker is a danger. We can recognize these people by the light in their eyes. The more light the eyes emit the stronger the spirit. So if they can't possess those people directly what they do in my opinion is use the people around them to hurt them, to try and dim the light. They attack people who have good Karma??




    Take this with a grain of salt, not that it matters anyway

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  7. Do not externalise your own problems in the form of the demon.


    You are right. Blaming an entity attachment for one's own problems is wrong. A demonic possession doesn't just come about like.  It's a desire for something that attracts them. Also, a certain crooked nature in yourself. If you are a truly loving and happy person, you wont' get possessed by a demon. However if you are a very angry person, never getting what you want than yes this could well attract a demon.


    In the end it's yourself that causes the possession. (Karma) Till you haven't worked on the root issues that caused the possession in the first case it will happen again. Blaming the entity is futile.

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  8. May I ask: would the ego without the entity be in a state of spiritual health?


    Or does the ego itself have to be awakened into some kind of higher self?

    Without an entity an ego would be considered 'balanced'. With a demonic attachment you get a very strong ego. People with a demonic attachment they ooze confidence in a lot of cases. Of course it depends on the kind of entity.

  9. I couldn't help but notice that everything you say about the entity I have heard said about the ego. To be ego bound is to be heavy, is to have strong need for psychic resources that you take from others, and most of all, it is the ego that feels most threatened by the awakening of the true self. My point being: maybe we ALL are possessed to begin with?

    That is because the entity attaches to the ego. I am not here to discuss the existence of entities. I am here to share my experiences so it may help people.

  10. Hi,


    For those that don't know me or I haven't read my story, I have now been possessed for 5 years or so. That corresponds to the time I have been meditating. I doubt there is anyone on here who can give you a more detailed account of what a possession really is like..


    First, as you probably there are several kinds of entity attachments, mine deals with negative entities only. If the term demon does bother you just put a different name in there : jaggernut, rabbit, shit, whatever it's just  a name after all... (keeping this for fun's sake :P)



    Negative Entities : Negative Entities are entities that are malicious in intent.

    They have two main purposes 1) suppress the spiritual development of the host and 2) manipulate the host's thoughts and emotions 3) use the host's energy to attack the people around him


    As for


    1) If you feel that you aren't making any progress in your spiritual practice that may well be because of an entity attachment. If you are effectively dissolving your blockages, releasing emotions/getting happier and more loving, healing old childhood trauma, getting healthier, those are signs for spiritual progress.


    2) Usually, for people without an attachment when they get angry, the anger builds up slowly in the stomach and then explodes when it gets too much. In my case, the anger explodes out of nowhere. There is no way to let it go because it's like chasing after a phantom. More than that there is an increase of other negative emotions, mainly apathy and fear. As for the thoughts are manipulated in such a way that there is more increase in negative emotions. If you may think that 'the situation is hopeless' 'everyone hates you' 'they are out to get you' that is the entity manipulating you. Negative entities, they increase paranoia greatly.


    3) This one is pretty easy to notice. If people avoid, or you feel that every time you hang out with people and they get tired easily or they don't have nearly as much fun with you there that could very well be an entity attachment. Entities they are dependent on Yang Chi (Vitality) to remain on the physical plane. That's why they not only draw energy from the host, but also from those around. That is why people with entity attachments are generally known as energy vampires.


    Finally, I want to say that there is only one technique that I have found that works when possessed. The technique is called chanting 'Namo Amituofo'. Not only will it decrease negative emotions as it strengthens your Higher Self, but it will also make you aware of the entity. (in my case at least) This is also the best protection against entity attachments (as it increases Light) and works perfectly with any energetic practice.

    With this people who might not have been able to see entities before might well be able to. I can't say for sure as I don't have any other experiences to go on apart from myself.

    If you got angry reading this and 'think something like how is that supposed to do something' or 'like demons are real lol' then I beg you to look more closely at yourself. Negative entities they will do everything they can from doing a technique that might actually help or contacting some who can help. Also, they will do everything they can to manipulate you into thinking that they are not real. When I don't chant at all, I don't feel the entity at all thinking that they might not exist after all.


    Basically, they get angry at everything that helps in spreading Light.


    I know because every time I write something that benefits the Light (like this) I get furious. 

  11. When we fill the energy centers with qi, this can also have the effect of attachment, leading to hoarding, separating, and closing off to others. We become stagnant in our connection to our environment and this is mirrored internally.


    Hence the importance of emptiness. Though surrendering our attachments, desires, all that the ego holds dear, we come to empty ourselves of everything, even as we turn the light around and receive everything, thus attaining equilibrium and refining into purity. On our path in the world, we rest upon what we encounter, dissolving our fate, yielding to remain whole, nurturing through emptiness, radiating trust, dao, in all directions. As we shine dao through all that shades it, we become of service to dao.


    Wow, this is great, thank you :)

  12. Don't be sorry. I was just being silly. Though that is interesting info, so thanks for the clarification.


    So...exactly what kind of giving are you talking about? Everyday good deeds? Working in a soup kitchen? Doctors without borders? Donating one's fortune to charity?


    I've done the odd good deed here and there, and it's certainly nice to make people smile, but I've never had the strong urge to volunteer my time for charity or anything. Perhaps I should...

    It depends on your abilities and character. It's actually important to help people that are in similar situation as yourself. Say if you were bullied in school then helping those that are in the same situation is easiest and most beneficial.

    If you are a person that likes to make people laugh like Jim Carrey than you could do that, making people laugh is actually a form of service, too.


    If you are a person who sucks at talking face to face like myself than using the internet might actually be the best option. You could make your own website to help people. Or you can do the same on twitter, youtube or any other site. This is the age of the internet so why not use it to our advantage?


    Being of service is really about spreading Light(love and joy)

    However, it's more than that even. Don't think that by giving all the time you get nothing in return. It's opposite, we get what we have.(david hawkins) If we give the people love then that's what we get in return. If we give them confidence we get confidence etc

    Furthermore when giving we experience a big detachment of attachments. When we spread love and happinness(light) that's what we will get. That will actually give us a satisfaction that no other thing can provide not even drugs or sex. Not to mention that it makes you strong and humble. It develops 'backbone'


    The options for helping people are endless. If you are serious about going through with it just ask yourself :what are my strengths that I can use to help people?

    Who do I want to help? And how do I want to help them?, face to face, internet messaging or indirectly,(raising donations etc)?...

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    ...because you're bowing all the time? Or bending over backwards to help people? :P

    The energy centers on the front of our body have the function of 'taking in' while those on the spine have the function of 'giving'. Most people are takers only, which means that there spine is closed. The best way to open the spine is not by trying to work on the blockages if you don't have an awakend kundalini or a teacher on who's energy you can draw. By giving, giving and giving some more this is the fastest way to open the spine.


    Sorry for not clarifying.

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  14. I know what you are trying to get at Perceiver, but this is not the case. You can tell by feeling into a person's energy if there is greed or not. Although I wasn't able to feel into her energy at the beginning, I can now(for the most part), but it' also depends on the senders feeling. The stronger the intent when we write sth, the stronger the energy?

    There is no greed, only love, gentleness compassion? To give you a comparison, Max's energy felt like pure joy.


    When I think back on that book about that guy called Li or so who taught the first lvl of Mo Pai. He asked 300 dollar in the book. His energy was full with greed. It's the same when you go onto the deepweb marketplaces, the energy is full of greed., though not as strong because people on there are not practioners.

  15. Not that I'm capable of truly knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that demons are there or not, and whether someone can help with them or not...but from my level of perception, I agree with you completely regarding Jenny Lamb's behavior.


    If I had the ability to dispel demons from people's lives, I wouldn't charge them that much, if anything at all. It's a service to humanity if you have that ability, not a lucrative business. Why not charge a fair amount instead of a fucking ridiculous amount? An average person earns lets say $40,000 in a year for actual hard work (not for playing the role of master over others)...only really well off people are making $12,000 in 10 days! If she kept that up for an entire year she'd be pulling in $432,000! The excuse that people need to pay in order to demonstrate giving something of value for achieving a result, is a complete cop out, especially when the treatment doesn't work! The excuse that the treatment did work, but then demons came back because of one reason or another, is hogwash. And blaming it on the patient, rather than taking responsibility and completing the exorcism pro-bono, is more bologna.


    She has failed in what she agreed to do in a business arrangement...shirking her duty to Josama. So now, in my view, she owes him. If she even has these abilities, which is now doubtful.


    Also...I was taken aback at her response to his private emails, posted publicly on Facebook, before he personally came out publicly with his story...



    Is this really a way to talk to someone who paid you many thousands of dollars, who seeks your help in what seems to be a demonic possession? I think not. I viewed this as public humiliation, rather than any form of help for him. Gotta humiliate the people who threaten your business model, because others might then see that your work isn't even effective?


    This whole thing could be easily resolved if she demonstrated virtue: actually help the people who need it, for as long as they need it, do it quietly, respectfully, and don't rip them off. Not that I'm perfect or capable of knowing/judging her as a person...but lets use some common sense here, and call this behavior what it is = unacceptable.

    Aetherous : If you were her, getting so much money out of it and that a patient who had paid you already before would come back to you, being prepared to pay her again would you really tell that client off? Also, if you were only interested in money would really post something like this on facebook that may just provoke a reaction like this? The reason why she actually reacted as she did is because my failed removal made her sad, I hadn't written her any mail for like 2 years. She probably thought that everything was fine. She only wanted to give me a wake-up call, if you read her first mail, you will realize that she only wants my best...


    Also, she asked me for permission to post them.


    Carbonbreath and Aetherous : I know you guys are only trying to help me. I sincerely thank you for that and I certainly had hate for it seem that I was attacking you two in my previous two posts. It's just that Sifu Jenny, she is not at fault here. She convinced my to post my story as a mirror for others so that it may help others and at the same time lift my Karma by doing so. Her advice was the most useful I could get. That she would come under attack after helping me, my honor would not allow.


    If I were to blame her it would mean that I would be insanely STUPID. The choices I have made may not have been smart, but at least I can contend myself with the thought that not all hope is lost with me.





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  16. I was going to recommend iboga, but you beat me to it.


    Josama- your story is very similar to mine on many levels. In my case I blamed it on bad genes, bad decisions and misfortune.


    But, it's not about me- it's about you. Please read up on iboga (and for that matter; ayahuasca and kambo). I believe with the proper set, setting and guidance, they could help you immensely with your addictions. I want to emphasize these medicines are not something you should take alone or take lightly. It may very may well be the greatest commitment of your life. Iboga has no agenda, and it will not lie to you. It will most definitely kick your ass and wake you up to the reality of your situation and your life so you can finally start to see clearly.


    Your post confirmed my suspicions that Sifu Jenny is a very cleverly disguised con-artist. What you left out is that she charges 12,000$ for those 10-day treatments, which was obviously not effective for you. That wouldn't be too bad in and of itself, if it were not for the fact that she re-inforces the -idea- (as she did in your case) that you even have a demon/entity in the first place. She effectively casts a spell on you in order to hook you and reel you in. In my opinion, that is completely fucked up. I don't care how accomplished/holy she and other people may claim she is, and I am not afraid of speaking my truth, and that's what I believe.


    I didn't read the thread yet, so this has probably already been mentioned, but you seem thoroughly convinced that your misfortune was caused by your so-called demonic possession. Regardless of whether or not you are possessed, your mind-construction; your idea of this has a very powerful impact on you. It's a very convenient way of playing the victim card, and you in that game, you always come out the losing end.

    Carbonbreath, I have tried enough drugs and I don't need them. You may think that they could prove helpful in one's spiritual progress. That is true, BUT they are risky and there are better ways. There is a reason why people like Michael Lomax who actually have gone that way tell you so. Chanting 'Namo Amituofo' opens the guru chakra, as a result, you start experiencing actual spiritual progress and that without any risk.


    As for Sifu Jenny, yes it's true that her prices are expensive, but have you actually met her in person and got a feeling for her?

    At first I wasn't to sure about her what to think. I mean when I talked with Max, his energy was so bright, so alluring. With her I didn't feel anything. It wasn't till after I got to meet her and after that I realized : she is a real master. Like one of those old hermits, who just seem like your average person walking around. I don't know if it's due to her hiding her energy or if she was always like this, but her knowledge is VAST.


    She never said that my misfortune was because of my possession. Au contraire, she told me that the possession was the fault of my own actions which is absolutely true. It's just hard for me to not concentrate on the entity as I feel it all the time, it's like you have a nasty pimple that doesn't want to go away^^

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  17. I am not religious, I merely came to this site because I have chosen to neither masturbate nor have sex. I understand that people here do the same for similar motivations. I still have various issues as a result (slight mania and abdominal pain) which I seek to solve.


    Hello. You are in luck then that you found this site. This the University for spirituality, it's choc full with intelligent people. Also, Spirituality and Religion are not the same. I am not religious at all(never was), but I am very spiritual :)


    As for the sexual desire thing I recommend that you check my story out, I had a hefty masturbation/sex/drug addiction. I still have sexual desire, but it has gotten a lot less since I have started producing more shen(spiritual understanding/intelligence). It's all thanks to chanting 'namo amituofo' and Vipassana/letting go. My thread will give you a good entry point.





  18. qibrush, I wouldn't try to force stillness if I were you. What happens if you do that is that you add another layer to your ego. It will feel like stillness, but will only block your spiritual progress. The thoughts you have are due to emotions. Once you start letting go of emotions, the thoughts start diminishing. Trying to concentrate on breathing or a single point to achieve stillness is actually pretty difficult.

    I would recommend that you use a form of chanting like 'namo amituofo'combined with Vipassana/letting go, as for the explanation I recommend 'letting go the pathway of surrender' by david R.Hawkins.



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  19. @Lth : I know that what people generally understand under the term of demons doesn't exist. There is no entity out there that can take complete control of you. What I call demons are entities that are malicious in nature. In the end however it's only a name, doesn't really matter what name you give them. Though I must admit that it's probably better not to use the term 'demon' as it generates a lot of fear and that is exactly what they want.


    @Aetherous I wish I could just kick it out, I don't have that power, unfortunately. As to the reason, I will find out in time, but you are right that the reason is very important.



    @Perceiver : I don't want to change anything about the story, I just want to beautify it. Like I said I will turn this in  a Youtube video, I wrote it with that in mind. Furthermore, the story isn't finished yet, not till the demon leaves and I have dealt with my emotional issues.

    Also, you asked if I still beat myself up over it. When I wrote the story down I was actually feeling happy just by knowing that this will be able to help some people. However, when I read over it, there was a lot of sadness and anger that came up. I actually was suppressing all these feelings along very strongly, but they are starting to surface again now... 

  20. Great story!


    The problem, as you likely know, is that you still haven't resolved your root issue...but only the symptoms.  Hence, the root never goes away...and the symptoms keep resprouting.


    The demons were a symptom of feeling guilty about your addictions, which were a symptom of:

    You need to surgically deprogram whatever subconscious belief manifested in the old events that caused you so much traumatic pain you sought addictions as a diversionary coping mechanism. 


    TBH, you don't really need any fancy spiritual rattles & drums...just some good, hard-nosed psychology and therapeutic bodywork (IMO).


    Yes, you are right. Actually, after my second suicide attempt, my mother sent me to a psycchiatrist, however I never told him anything. I wasn't ready yet to talk about it at the time. However, when I realized some time ago that I need someone to talk about it so that I can finally work through it, I asked my mom to make an appointment for me. Which is tomorrow I think... :)

  21. Thanks for sharing, really heavy story, glad you came out alive and wiser.


    Ibogaine is no. 1 for breaking addictions. Micro-dose over a week or so for true life change.


    I have never done drugs, and even though I have easy access to Ibogaine as I live in South Africa, I will never use it. Ibogaine can be transcendent and really give one incredible glimpses of heightened consciousness, but I have a belief that there's no free lunch.


    I won't break my spiritual 'virginity' with LSD or Ibogaine, but I would rather struggle through Taoist Neidan for years to achieve lasting, deeper results taken to its conclusion.


    There is no need to take drugs, really! I recommend that you try chanting 'namo amituofo, I have tried a lot of practices (Tummo, inner and outer dissolving, Kunlun, and Vipassana) Out of all those I tried chanting is by far the most powerful. Not in terms of energy generated, but in terms of spiritual progress. Moeeover, you can combine it with an energy practice without problems.

  22. i enjoyed reading. thanks for sharing.


    what i just wanna add is you should consider the demon thing as a belief system. so no you cant be possessed. you can have poor mindset based on fear though. that will make you believe you are not yourself.


    so i offer you to try a method. which is not based on duality, as in you think there is evil and good. the evil you of the past and the good you of now (which you struggle to maintain)


    so i suggest you try be neither for a moment. just sit down and try to be, just that, without judging it good or bad. i guarantee you will experience all kinds of things surfacing and it will not be easy (do as long as you can do it at a time), maybe some things will look like in the exorcist movies :)  but that is the stuck energy budging, so it can manifest internally to you or even externally, like in the movies :)


    observe your demon opponent when doing it, see how he does it, maybe even get a laugh or two, as you realize what he's doing really has no effect on you, except a little bully push here and there and some noise.


    its more like that kid's saying "sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me", so eventually you will see that the demon is using names to hurt you. so it can be painful, that is what they do. like bullies picking on kids. but someday the kid outgrows the bully and the bullies life becomes miserable, or something like that. there is complete reversal ^_^


    so try it if you haven't yet. you will see how good it is for getting a better insight.


    best of luck to you


    I understand your viewpoint and I thank you, what you say does show great understanding even if you don't believe in demons. In these last few months I have learned a lot because of it. One of them is that you can use a possession to learn about yourself. (that is is you don't go nuts and I very nearly did, still a danger now, though it has gotten much better)


    The demon shows me what I least want to see. That's a good thing if you can use it. A demon can't create what isn't there which means it shows you what is a part of your dark side. Still, a possession makes spiritual progress very hard if not impossible and demons they do attack the people around them though chanting makes this much better. Also, it's due to chanting that I can see them. Otherwise, I couldn't, not yet at least. Actually usually if you are possessed you won't realize at all. It's when you start using methods that weaken the entity that you start getting fearful, in my case at least.

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  23. sorry for the original poster, I'm derailing again..


    When you think that my knowledge is purely intellectual and when you feel that when that ' knowledge' is not intellectual but really felt the resultant is



    well, as said, i do not agree with that. What you call the true self is, at this moment, living in this body and has this mind as an instrument. Both are severely out of order and that influences the ways I can use them.


    Happiness, or even being " extremely happy" by the way is a much overrated emotion for the simple reason that it has a flipside , i prefer contentedness.


    and I wonder why you post this (again), your remark is not helpful, and even though I do not want an answer on this question, you may ask yourself the reason/motivation for posting this.

    No actually, you are right, there was probably no need to post it. Then how about you try chanting 'namo amituofo' that's what I wanted to include originally, but didn't. That practice Gives you the feeling 'that everything is going to be all right', can't imagine anything better. Sorry, I will clip out here, I didn't want to pick at you, I just wanted to help you. Sorry I actually expressed myself not ckearly. I am actually in a situation that is in some ways similiar to yours. I am possessed by a demon which takes away my yang chi and so my health, fatigue is standard for me. However, more than that I have other demons attacking me constantly. I can understand that you are frustrated, you feel powerless just like me. However, after chanting I realize that it just doesn't matter because my higher self can't be fazed.


    May the light be with you.