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Posts posted by Josama


    Although I didn't want to talk about entities much in this thread since we already doing just that may as well post this.


    Here you can actually see a real case of possession, assuming of course this is not staged. What I found is that court rooms, besides hospitals and monasteries are  places where the divine gather. That's the places entities try to avoid as much as possible hence so much resistance. I sometimes make similar mimicks like that, just much weaker.

  2. Hey man let me give you the straight truth. You can argue and debate this all you want, but it's the truth. I'm speaking as someone who was in a similar boat as you until I snapped out of it, finally got my shit together AND I got over my victim story.


    While you may be utterly convinced that you have an entity, the fact is that you may or may not. "Entity" is a semantic definition of an assortment of different kinds of energies, it just depends on how you look at it.


    Many of these healers and Sifus that charge thousands upon thousands of dollars are frauds. Why? Because anyone can do what they *claim* to do. If you are at 3 failed attempts and counting, then perhaps it is you and your attitude that is the problem, not the "entity" or the healer.


    Dude, what you have to do is abandon this narrative of your life. If you keep it with you, you are NEVER going to get better. There is no one out there that is going to be able to "exorcise" or "fix" you. The only way out is to take a good long objective look at every aspect of your life, implement daily steps to fix it, and then you will find your situation gradually improving.


    I think it's just such an easy cop-out to say that you have an entity. It's arrogant and wishful thinking really- it assumes that once the "entity" is gone, you will have it easy and will not have to do any more work. That is so patently wrong it blows my mind time and time again how people who refuse to deal with reality as it is invent all kinds of stories and reasons for why they are the way they are instead of actually doing what they know they should do to get better.



    Again, you may come up with another reason YOU think is very valid for why your story is true, but you are the ONLY person who is keeping that idea alive in your reality. Not only are you keeping it alive, but you are re-enforcing it constantly in your mind and the people you interact with.  You've got to cut this out man, seriously. 


    The only thing you're going to realize at the end of your life if you keep up with this is how much time you have wasted feeling victimized instead of living your life just the way you are, however unpleasant it may be.  Life is meant to be lived in all it's colors, and it's not always going to be pretty.


    You didn't listen clearly to what I was telling you, I am not in the victim mode, I am not looking for a quick fix, I know that change has to come from me and I am doing that, neither do I expect a quick fix by removing the entity. There is only one simple reason why I am looking for someone to remove the entity it's so my health will be able to recover. If someone told you that you had cancer and told you he was looking for someone to remove it because he felt that trying to remove it on his own in a natural progress was too risky would you then say to him 'stop playing the victim, all you need to is change yourself and the cancer will go away on its own?' You see even if it's my fault like somebody gets lung cancer because he has been smoking most of he life and then he knows that it's his fault because he was careless, but he wouldn't say : well I am responsible for it so I should deal with it on my own' Honestly, after phrasing it like I must admit that I am really a fool for even anting to remove it on my own. However that which caused it, must be removed or it will happen again. For somebody who got lung cancer because of smoking, he needs to stop smoking or else the cancer will come back...


    Oh and the removal I had with Sifu Jenny was not a failure, this was made clear in my thread...


    LOL : I can already see some of you shaking their heads and thinking 'he just doesn't get it' while I do exactly the same :D

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  3. That's because "entities" are just symptoms of your Shadow Self, and you can't remove your own shadow...  But if you don't believe me, then you'd think spending thou$ands on 3 failed attempts might be a hint??


    Your time & energy would be better spent on some self-inquiry and psychoanalysis...


    That said, this lady is a great energy healer - and perhaps could help fix some health/energy issues that might be contributing?  But in the end, you're probably going to just have to do some deep psyche-searching, either by yourself or with help...not keep looking for some magic bullet quick fix.


    What you say makes sense to some degree that I need to change myself, but you are wrong if you think that 'entity' and 'problem' are one and the same or that entity is the same as shadow self. If you want to believe that then there is nothing I can do to convince you o the contrary. Just for some reference the Buddha mentions it briefly in the Lotus Sutra : 'he calls it Union with evil beings and calls it one of the great sufferings together with poverty, sickness, being separated from loved ones...' Ok not sure it's exactly, like I am not sure if illness is included. I will try to look for the quote tomorrow and post it.


    What is important for me is that the entities have already caused quite the brain damage by now, it has become a little for me to speak clearly by now, furthermore, my intelligence is decreasing and by intelligence I don't mean only IQ, but everything it entails intellect, clarity of mind, sensitivity, compassion.


    The entities need to be removed in order for me to recover fully and yes it will be like coming back from the death.

  4. I think he is referring to how any experience of the Tao which is objective because subjective as soon as somebody tries to put it into words.


    Laws are something done by humans so they are subjective, they are experienced differently for anybody. If say there is a law that says 'so an so' you may interpret it in a different way than another person. Why is the Lotus Sutra called the Sutra of immeasurable meanings because the meaning is different for every person because it's subjective even thought the experience known as Nirvana is the same for everyone.

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  5. What have you convinced you have an entity?


    I feel it easily and sometimes though I am not focusing too much on it, I just keep on my practice and during my practice it resists like when I recite 'Amituofo' or when I am reading the Lotus Sutra. It feels like a big mass of energy that's moving around, there is a ton of resistance from it. I have seen it a lot of times before and usually when I recite a lot I will see it more clearly though I never see more than black mist or when more accurate blue lines of energy that run from my eyes to my heart. But like I said I don't focus on seeing, neither do I focus on the entity anymore, but just on changing myself.



    You can read my story here :


  6. Hello, I am wondering if you could recommend any professional healers life Sifu Jenny or Sifu Hata to me that offer a service entity removal? Some of you may remember my thread a while back and that I said that I wanted to try removing it on my own, however this seems rather foolish in hindsight, best to be wise about. Sifu Jenny told me that she is now unable to remove it, so my next choice would be Sifu Hata since he is also a similar lineage, however he doesn't offer any long-distance consultation and just to fly to California for a consultation would be to farfetched.


    So what do I mean by professional healers, by professionals I mean people that know exactly what they are doing, I have had three failed entity removals so I have become quite prudent by now. What I have learned is that


    1) this entity can only be removed in person

    2) New Age stuff I found lacking in comparison to traditional healing

    3) using a non-violent method of removing is better than destroying it with say a light-sword


    Apart from those already mentioned I have heard that Chunyi Lin is also quite a formidable healer, but not sure if he does entity removals?

  7. I used to have the same kinds of addictions (quite badly), but I prayed my them away... I also went psychotic around the same time I broke the addictions, which might have helped.


    If you ever feel the need for an exorcism, there are advanced sufis who would do it for free.


    I don't know about your belief system, but in Islam we distinguish possession from simply having a demon in your body and mind, because almost everybody has a demon in their body and mind. The demon will be de-demonized if you just purify yourself and behave well. And if you de-demonize the demon, then you can reach enlightenment without it leaving you.


    Possession happen on the level of duality while enlightenment is non-dual. The non-dual level can't be influenced by any demonic entity. I am not sure how it works, but I guess it doesn't work by throwing the entity out, but rather one ascends out of the body that contains it. To remove it means to reach enlightenment as I understand.

  8. A Small update


    One month ago or so I did metta bhavana for a period of 5 days or so. As metta bhavana is supposed to cultivate non-sexual love I thought this would be the best way to try and solve my masturbation addiction as Sifu Jenny told me that I would not be able to get rid of the entity before. The result however was disastrous. What happened was that In those 5 days I cultivated lots of hot energy and the entity is using that energy to burn my body. My whole body has been feeling like a lava stick for weeks now. This burning always happens whenever I am in a state of greed, anger or anxiety. This state was so bad last week that one day I thought I had done some long-term damage to my body as one night really hot Chi gathered around my right kidney and the day afterwards it really hurt. It felt like it had done long-term damage. However, it seems that I am fine after though I am still in pain every day. Also, I have prohibited myself from reading spiritual texts now because my greed for the Dharma is too great. Whenever I read a text that has energy in it different from light then this increases the burning right away.


    The pain led me to find solace in a state which I call good-will state or still-water state(even though it's not still, it just sounds cool :)) in which my body is surrounded by cooling energy. To get into that state all I have to do is to change my intention from one of wanting enrich myself to one of wanting to help people genially. 


    This state is definitely most interesting as it every desire of mine that comes up disturbs it right away, this allows me to become much more aware of my attachments. Like when I write this, I can't maintain the state as my desire for respect disrupts it. 


    Right intention is definitely most important, I have only been doing this for one week and my world got already much brighter. I imagine that in the next weeks it getting even better. Already, I feel nearly human again.

  9. Not that experienced with Chi Circulation as the intent-move methods never worked for me, but I know one thing: the throat opens and closes according to honesty. Maybe a point to consider..

  10. I have this Maverick persona I know; makes people think I am a lazy layabout. Truth is I can't stay still. There is no rest for the wicked.


    Sounds like you might have death anxiety, too. Mind you, most people tend to suffer from death anxiety at some point in their life. However, it's much stronger in some than others. I personally wouldn't recommend isolating yourself too much for too long as it will only make it worse. 1-2 days max to clam your mind. Have you tried to just let go the want to control anything? I do it a lot of times, when negative/evil thoughts or fear come up then I just relinquish any want to control it or anything. (breathing included)


    If you do it right then you will feel your breathing becoming very calm and soft there will be a feeling of relief.



    Edit: Of course it doesn't have to death anxiety, but if you can't sit still that means you have a lot energy, there is a lot of energy in anger. Moreover, anger never comes alone. Anger is caused by either fear/shame or grief.

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  11. Hi Josama,

    This death anxiety or something like that is familiar.

    Relief and peace of mind came after looking,focussing on this death anxiety.


    Death is for sure anxious or not.

    Is it so scary.

    Is this short life awareness,motivation to take in so much more,just for fun.


    Many aged persons on the brink of death are relaxed and accepting of their mortality.


    At the end of primary school,devastated like a death,perceived by 11yo level of understanding.So to it can be likened to our mortal death the transition to our universal high school.


    Cheers,good to have you back.




    People can only be accepting of their death if they are sure that they won't be reborn on the lower realm of existence. In my case I can see exactly what is waiting me after my death which is why I am scared. However at the same time on part of me also feels happy at the prospect of my own suffering. It's that same part that will laugh if I end up there...

  12. Sometimes "just helping people" can turn into escapism from one's own life.


    I don't think you will transcend your problems if you don't start living your life, or at least try to. If you live only for other people then you'll still be caught in a negative thought pattern where you don't attach any value to yourself or your own life. And that may still cause the entity to be there.


    I believe the only way is the hard way: What do you want out of life? Write it down, make a plan and go after it - step by step. And remember not to approach personal problems from a masculinist "I must defeat it" viewpoint. Remember the feminine wisdom: Acknowledge and accept problems as a means of transcendence.


    There are no other people. The idea of separateness is only an illusion. It's only escape from life if it's done out self-motivation rather than selflessness. Which is the case for me. However that doesn't mean that I can't have moments where I do it out of selflessness. However less and less now because I have come to expect that moment of bliss that arises out of selflessness LOL What I need to do is place myself in a situation where my passionate nature completely takes over. What keeps me pushing forward at the moment is death anxiety. However it will be only when death anxiety stops that I will be able to come out of it.

  13. Hi,


    I am looking for potential buddhist temple to stay at for a year or so, depending. Preferably in europe or asia though continent doesn't matter much for me. It's not really the place that matters, but the atmosphere that's most important. Generally, the nicer and more compassionate the people there, the better :)


     Do you have any recommendations?


    Also, tradition doesn't really matter, what is important is that is centered on service like the Zen schools and not on meditation only like some(very few) do it.


    In other words I am not really looking for a place with spiritual achievements, but personal achievements, kindness, trust, compassion. I need a place where I will be able to be open about my entity issue. I think that would be for the best. Otherwise, I would be feeling like I would be hiding something important all the time which I don't really want...

  14. I believe that joy (bliss) is a marker on the way to ‘enlightenment’, I wonder if others would agree, or if they feel it is unnecessary.


    "Mature awakening is sat chit ananda – absolute bliss consciousness. Typically, the freedom and peace comes first and the bliss a little later. No bliss means not fully established yet."






    Yes this is definitely true for me, however I wouldn't judge by bliss as that can be misleading and dangerous, but rather by compassion and wisdom.
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  15. I personally view this sort of thing in a simple way...the mind is stuck, so there isn't social lubricant. You're not so well able to flow with life. Simple...that's it.


    The remedy is to practice a type of meditation (external calm abiding meditation), where you're aware of your environment instead of whatever is going on within (feelings thoughts body sensations etc). You train your awareness to go toward the outside...and when it does consistently, you're able to flow with life. The best way is to take a leaf or flower, and look at its details. When the habitual tendency of the mind comes around, going into daydream mode or else feeling body sensation or whatever...then just gently bring your attention back to the qualities of the object, the leaf or whatever it is. Noticing only that in the moment is practicing correctly, and bringing your noticing back to that when it drifted in a gentle way, is also practicing correctly.


    Do that for like 10 minutes before a social situation, and you'll notice how much things change for you (provided you did it correctly, by actually training the awareness to go outward and not get stuck in the mind).


    The sense of self is primarily what gets us stuck, especially in social dynamics. We're aware of ourselves being too quiet, not having enough eye contact, being this or that too much or not enough...those thoughts are draining to our energy and have a snowball effect of taking us even more internal and closed to the outside. It doesn't mean you're depressed, but it just means that your sense of self is strong, which is related to having higher intelligence...and that the solution is just to release it. When being aware of something outside of us, we're not aware of ourselves in that moment...we've released the sense of self, so that it can no longer dominate our experience.


    The throat is related to our sense of self...when we're having a hard time, it tightens. Sometimes we might even have trouble breathing or have vomit come up if the stress is really bad, and we're forced to do something we really don't feel like doing. Obviously, speech is related to the throat as when it's tight, speaking won't happen as naturally. Words of course can come out, but they don't flow out...the whole demeanor is forced in such a situation.


    But by releasing the sense of self by being aware of other things, by relaxing and letting go, then the throat loosens. Then speech flows more easily. When you're not aware of your sense of self, there's nothing to hide regarding who you are, because there's not even a thought of who you looking at people's eyes isn't such a big deal. It's only a big deal when there is the burden of who we are that we're carrying...but that burden is simply a thought that can be stop feeding it energy and it stops dominating you. The way to stop feeding it energy, is to meditate as described.


    So yeah, it's not that you literally have no emotions. For instance, I'm sure it doesn't feel great to have the social issues (as I know from some experience), and that's why you made this had emotions regarding it, because if you literally felt nothing then you wouldn't care about this issue at all, and would therefore do nothing to resolve it. So emotions are there.

    This is actually a LOT like what I have been discoverimg over the last few weeks and that exercice you describe is actually similiar to something I have been trying the last few days though I concentrated on people instead of objects. I will try it with an object now to see if it makes a difference. Thank you :)

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  16. I have a problem. I don't show any emotions, don't talk about emotions, don't feel strong emotions.

    When I feel emotions, I'm stopping that feeling very quickly.


    I'm like a robot, when I talk I'm using short sentences and tell the facts, but without describing any



    I don't have a hobby or something to be passionate about. I'm boring.


    When I talk with people I don't look in their eyes. When I'm in a group of people celebrating something and everybody is having fun I almost always keep silence.


    I don't know what's wrong with me. I can only guess it's related to anxiety.


    After looking in wikipedia I think it might be depersonalization.


    Does anyone know what can help me? Is there any qigong which can help?


    I'm practicing Zhan Zhuang for a month.

    That sounds a lot like I am or was. Do you also tend to drink a lot of alcohol when being around people?


    if you suppress your emotions thst means that they are negative or you wouldn't suppress them. You could basically have an underlying depression, but put a mantle of no feeling to escape.


    If you have negative thoughts/feelings I would strongly advise against doing any form of energy practice. Not if you aren't absolutely sure what your underlying thoughts/feelings look like.


    What you need is something that elevates your mood. I would recommend 'Namo amituofo' + service for that. Namo Amituofo to start developping buddha nature( Postive feelings) and service to weaken ego(negative feelings). You can't go wrong with this combination. After that you can still practice as much Qi Gong as you want. (If you still feel like it)

  17. Your story is fascinating, but I am skeptical if the things you see and experience are really there.


    I am in a similar state of discontent as you are, but I don't feel and see anything spiritual. No third eye sight, no demons or entities. Just plain old misery and discontent with my life. I believe that if I attain some type of spirituality, I will be much less miserable. And then I read your story where you claim to have many spiritual attainments, yet you sound in an even worse state than me.


    How is it that you were able to get spiritual attainments even if your mind was plagued with many issues, and I am not able to even though I am in the same position as you?


    I think you must be blessed to be able to get anything at all. You must have some kind of good karma or something to have to be gifted spiritually.


    I hope you get past your demons. I think you have much more potential than I do.

    I don't have many spiritual accomplishments and I never claimed so. However I have been practicing for 5 years and I lterally spend every minute on how to attain enlightenment. Also, all my life I have had better access to my Higher Self due to a traumatic experience when I was 4 years old. This may give me a better start. However don't make a mistake, my drug intake did slow down my awakening a good deal. I am pretty sure I could already be enlightened by now if I hadn't taken any drugs at all.


    As for the entity I just know because I have experienced it. However it doesn't matter, if you are virtuous then you won't be affected. If you don't an impure mind you won't get possessed. If you are possessed and you don't know you can still solve the problem by being virtuous.


    The easiest way to achieve enlightenemt is by recitation of 'Namo Amituofo' and doing virtuous acts. (If you don't have a high level teacher)


    Also, my encounter with Sifu Jenny made a big difference.