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Everything posted by Josama

  1. I had the luck being able to feel the energy already before starting any energy work.My main practice is doing the water method in ijing,I really like that meditation pose,then I am doing the kunlun,during which I also practice the inner smile + a little tan tien meditation in half-lotus(can't do the full) and praying before going to bed that's my spiritual practice right now.I figured that working on the heart may have some positive effects for rebalancing myself but the smile was my only means of doing so,so thx for that. Please call me Josama Serveral months before being able to open my 3rd eye fully I could already feel it significally ,but at some point if felt like it was half way open an wouldn't open anymore at the time it had about 1cm I think.Then when I was in a trance it opened fully and that was when I had my first(and last until now) astral projection. After awakening from the trance it went to half open again.Afterwards when I was able to consciensly fully open it I would get the golden sways already in a light trance. I used a hypnosis CD from an german hypnotist to open 3 eye otherwise I wouldn't have been able 2. Now I have wised up and don't use it anymore and anyone wanting to open their 3 eye directly I can just say DON'T. When you enter the toughtless state the 3 eye will open on it's own to some degree. I find it funny that you brought that up with eyes I actually noticed that when looking at myself at the mirror altough I thought that was due to being onesighted(cos one eye is more strained) and I have the habitude to look people in the left eye. Most of time I am in a happy mood since starting meditation and I watch comedie shows all the time. And I tried walking barefooted in the forest which only helped a little,too,that would have been a 4 on a scale from 1-10 where practicing the water method is a 6.