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Posts posted by WuXingQi

  1. In the book "Opening the Dragon Gate" Wang Li Ping is depicted as being being very modest in his earthly possessions and material needs. If the point of asking money for instruction is to demonstrate dedication by sacrificing your own material possessions, I would gladly give the sum requested away, but would rather give it to the needy and poor to demonstrate my dedication and lack of attachment to material wealth. If this is indeed the intention, then they should be willing to instruct as long as I'm giving the money away... just a thought.

  2. I'm going to have to argue with that one. It was my understanding that hard style MARTIAL ARTS are fine as long as you don't overdevelop your muscles. It's hard style QIGONG that can be dangerous if done too much for too long. Dangerous hard qigong like that is taught in styles like White Crane. It overenergizes the physical body or yang body and, if you neglect your energy body or yin body, you will become like an electronic device that doesn't have enough power to keep it running and your health will deteriorate. That is why White Crane and styles similar to it also teach soft qigong and small circulation, both of which energize your yin body to keep it on the same level as your yang body.


    Again, regardless of your opinion, I've personally known several masters who practiced hard styles exclusively and all of them began to develop severe arthritis once over the age of 45. A couple of them realized they were too focussed on the hard aspects and started practicing softer tai chi and qi gong and the effects of arthritis gradually disappeared.


    Hard styles tend to close/block and damage the joints causing arthritis. Hard styles should be offset by exercises or movements designed to open the joints and connect the meridians to let stagnant qi flow. If you don't believe me, just practice nothing but hard martial arts for 20 years and then come talk to me when your arthritis starts.

  3. If you held that last one for an hour good job. One thing to note. Your left shoulder gate is blocked. Work on swinging that arm around a lot and focus attention on actively massaging and loosening the muscles there.



  4. My understanding was that "san gung" was the result of doing too much very-hard-style martial arts over many years. Eventually, when you are too old to keep doing it, your body suddenly starts aging much faster than before. I compare this with a similar phenomenon that happens to people who abuse steroids to build muscle mass and strength, they have a very similar problem when they stop using the steroids.


    Yes, hard style done exclusively over many years will result in quicker aging and usually also very bad arthritis. I've seen this in several masters who did nothing but hard style external martial arts.

  5. The physical and energy bodies can only handle so much of certain types of energy at one time due to blockages in the mental/psychological/energetic. Yang should be brought in and then balanced with yin. It should also be circulated, and if necessary released if it is too much. You can tell if it is too much when you start finding yourself quick to anger, nervous, over-bearing toward others, and generally stressed or tense. Additioanlly, if it is not either appropriately circulated or released through use, your physical body will begin to get sick in the places that it is trapped.


    For a person who is adept and opening all (at least the major) energy channels in the body, Yang always enters as at the same time as Yin. In a person who is just starting and cannot open the appropriate channels at will, they will tend to bring in either more yin or more yang, and the one type of energy gets blocked up in some part of the body. This is what causes sickness.


    Drawing in and storing energy in your dan tien or some other energy center should not be your first main focus when learning. It is better during your first few months of training to focus on appropriately stimulating and opening the major and minor joints of the body and learning open these at will and keep them open in order to open the complete channels. The joints are major energy channel gates in the body.


    Start with the feet, then legs (on leg at a time), and then move up to the perineum, and then opening the dan tien. When you get to that point, you can focus on pulling in energy through your perineum up to your dan tien. If you have learned to open your leg channels you will find that as you draw in energy through your perineum up to your dan tien, energy will also be at the same time drawn up at least one of your legs (from the heal) to the Dan Tien. One is Yin, One is Yang, and they will mix in the Dan Tien.


    Have fun... be balanced... don't over-due it and go crazy... undo your blockages and procede at a modest rate.

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  6. Here's an interesting site that sounds a lot like kunlun.





    Actually, this isn't any different IMHO from the higher/est levels of Qi Gong of any style. The ultimate goal is always Wu Wei or formlessness and/or spontaneous flow. I definitely think that the practice of this even at early stages is very beneficial. However, learned forms are also essential for one very important reason:


    Both the physical body and energetic body gets trapped into patterns or habits... sometimes to such an extent that to do anything other than that pattern is completely outside the energetic or physical consciousness. Thus, a person may move freely/spontaneously, but it will tend to be in the context of known movement patterns because these are what feel most natural and are naturally followed by your energy (following the easiest path like water which will choose to go around a hard object if it can rather than through it). It is similar to expression through speech... I may speak spontaneously, but I'm not likely to use words I don't already use on a dail basis... thus the flow will be restricted by the boundaries of known patterns. So, learning specific forms either through a teacher or (even better) through personal investigation of your own patterns and boundaries (becoming more self aware of your habits and patterns) is essential to expanding the boundaries of your expression (expanding your vocabulary). To be effective, both paths should be walked simultaneously. Learn knew movements, and learn to move into and between all known patterns spontaneously and fluidly. This is Wu Qi, or Wu Xing Qi if you prefer :).

  7. The second is the yang body and thats the one that when it leaves the body it is from the top of the head, looks like a candle flame and when it re-enters the head the entire body feels like it is burning and it also radiates light bright enough to read by.


    At least thats what I understand it to be according to traditional Taoist literature. I had hundreds of spontaneous OBE's and started the Taoist Alchemy to stop them which it did. I dont have the yang body though. Maybe someday...


    Interesting... not quite sure I follow the differences, but perhaps just because I'm ignorant. In most of my OBE's I do feel as if I'm leaving via the top of my head, but I do not feel myself re-entering/integrating through the top of the head. On one occasion I had a very energetic return in which my physical body was lying face down on the floor (I had been doing meditation and rolled over before leaving my body... oddly it's easier for me to actually leave while on my side or stomache). As I re-entered my home and came down on my body I tried lying down with my energy body's back side down while my physical body was face down. As I tried to enter a ton of orange and red sparks started flying all over the edges of my bodies where they were touching, and I began to feel very strong energy sensations. I couldn't quite get myself integrated until I flipped around face down and then I phased back into the physical.


    It would be interesting to know/understand the difference between a yin body and a yang body while out of body. I do know that it is very draining for me to leave my physical body unless I've built up a lot of yang qi in my dan tien. If I do it too frequently it feels like having sex too frequently and I sometimes get sick. Early on I learned not to do this too frequently because of that unless I spend time charging up first.

  8. I can leave my body on a fairly regular basis (although it's usually quite draining so I generally avoid it) and "travel". These experiences started when I was young (around 13) and doing Dan Tien focus breathing. However, I do not think this makes me an "immortal" any more than any other human being is. I think these are just beliefs created as an attempt at interpretation of experiences that come naturally when one cultivates inner awareness and personal energy gathering and manipulation.

  9. I'm not saying I doubt it's possible, I only doubt that this particular individual is really doing it. I've actually done something similar in smaller scale to several friends during qi gong practice as well as when giving girl friends massages. However, it was done without control (not on purpose). For example, if I've done quite a bit of meditation and stored a lot of yang, the moment I would touch my girlfriend lightly on one shoulder in preparation to give her a massage she would have a strong spasm of that arm and it would jerk upward. I've also felt it pass from me into the person when this happens (but I'm not always aware of it). Again this is not on purpose, but happens so frequently I can't imagine what else it might be... and I am not in control of it because I can't willingly do it (although I fear that in a confrontation it would happen naturally).


    I think I've seen enough of John Chang to be convinced. When you see him touching people and seeing very real spasms in their muscles, that's not so easy to fake I think, and I doubt the whole camera crew and everyone visiting is in on it (although I suppose it might be some hidden device, but at one point he's nearly naked).


    However, in the demonstration of this other guy in the video it would be much more convincing iff the students were actually in the air (say a flying side kick) and then in the middle of the air were stopped by some invisible force and propelled backward without ever being touched or having their feet on the floor. Of course, then we would all say it might be on invisible strings... so maybe Chuck Lidell against this guy would still be better.

  10. All of my meditation is either lying or sitting. I prefer lying since out of body experiences occur more frequently here and lead to higher level experiences and interactions with guides. Also, I can gain tons of physical type energy more quickly than sitting as it's easier for the entire energy body to expand and take in yang through the feet (or one foot) and yin through the lower gate simultaneously and mixing/balancing them together throughout the whole body energy field. Sitting meditation is fine as well, but for me standing is only useful when in motion to encourage circulation (Moving qi gong or tai chi).

  11. Depends on what your goal(s) is/are and how long you are willing to wait for them to come to fruition. For example:


    If your goal is to be very effective at defending yourself in 90% of all physical confrontations within a year or two (depending on how fast you learn/aptitude), go for a modernized version of wingchun kungfu mixed with BJJ or some submission wrestling... or basically MMA in some flavor.


    If your goal is to learn how to effectively end any physical confrontation quickly by killing your opponent (hopefully not your intent) then Ninjitsu or something along those lines.


    For a combination of the physical with more internal development which takes longer to manifest itself in actual practical physical self-defense in realistic street combat, then one of the more traditional form based Kung fu, Aikido, Tai Chi, etc.



  12. i found this article on david shens forum. according to this student, jiangs master who is 117 yrs old can move objects and more... the article is sincere and well written- imho


    i'm really close to going to china with david- they are saying there are over 100 masters who can do this stuff- all students of jiang and his brother. numbers like that seem pretty hard to ignor- it will be interesting to see if they do the research and what happens after- too bad their forum will close




    Thank you. I do not have access to this forum, and it seems a long process to apply.

  13. This is absolutely spot on, Karen.


    It's the leaky vessels that need the sealing 'rule' so that they are able to learn containment.


    Once containment and ego immaturity/energy loss through blabbing/envying others etc is not an issue, then hopefully discernment can have some firm soil in which to root.


    This is why it's pretty safe to tell people "Dont Talk!" because those with discernment are unlikely to, and the others need to learn to stop with the oversharing, already.


    The payoffs of sharing versus the losses from not hearing other people's experiences.. well... we have a fair amount of texts, methinks, and our teachers to ask.


    And ultimately it is our own experience which is our guide.


    A few years back I used to share a lot (too many) of my experiences. I then learned that as I shared less (or rather at more appropriate times in more appropriate ways), I was given more.

  14. I find there is a time to share with the right people. I have a few students and I will share experiences when I "feel" impelled since it seems to resonate with their state and the context of their growth at that point in time. If I tell too much I somehow feel depleted... if I tell just the right amount I actually feel more energized and they seem more energized. I do not know why this is the case, but I'm sensitive to it and try to follow this intuition closely. There is no black and white here. Some experiences can be used to inspire people in general, and some should be kept personal for a while, or perhaps forever. I think our tendency to make hard and fast rules as opposed to following principles is a good indication of where we are at in spiritual/mental maturity.


    I agree that we should carefully review our experiences as well as any motivation in telling them before making a decision to share... but share carefully not as a mechanism to control others, but a tool to helping them. This goes for any knowledge. Why would a teacher try to communicate advanced college level math to a student who hadn't even demonstrated a grasp of basic math? It's not to "control" the student... the student is just not ready. It is a kindness not to overwhelm a student with more than they can assimilate at any moment.


    That being said, there are teachers that hold back knowledge for egotistical or selfish reasons, but to classify all teachers as such just because they hold something back is very narrow minded.

  15. I don't need proof that these things exist because I've personally experienced them. I also do not seek "powers" as part of enlightenment and happiness. In general I seek to strengthen my mind, my focus, and my compassion. This will naturally allow me to act creatively in a loving manner with greater and greater abilities. However, these abilities can be a good indicator of the experience level of a teacher, so I think it's appropriate for a teacher to demonstrate for students, but not necessarily for the whole world. Context is important. As a software engineer and manager I know that knowledge is always presented to different audiences with differing levels of filters and controls. Anyone who has ever possessed knowledge of importance will understand this, those that have not... may not.


    That being said, I do not personally think I would be impressed with a teacher burning or shocking me somehow by touch or non-touch. As mentioned here it can be done with various electromagnetic and/or microwave devices. However, I would be more impressed with the teacher demonstrating telekinetic abilities. If I could choose an object that is non magnetic (like a stuffed miniture toy bear or something), and pull it out of my pocket and hold it in my hand and the teacher can pull the object from my hand from several feet away without touching me in in any way I would then be impressed. Any object can be affected by electromagnetism with sufficient levels of power, but the power necessary to affect a miniture pooh bear with no metal in it would be way too big for a human to hide in their body or under their clothes :).



  16. Hello, just a short greetings to all here. I've read posts here for a while without adding comments or my personal experiences. I thought perhaps I would post some thoughts and/or questions of interests on various Taoist and meditation topics. I am a software engineer and team manager for a well known software company, but have been involved in the martial arts (both traditional kung fu, karate, and also more modern MMA including Brazilian Jiujitsu and submission grappling) most of my life, had a number of out of body experiences early on in my life, and later began more more structured meditation over the last 10 years that has evolved. However, would like to share experiences with potentially even more experienced members and perhaps get feedback that might help my own growth, while also sharing some of my own insights that might help the growth of others. I belief that in general life teaches me through experience, and it's very important to me to take advantage of the opportunities life presents to learn so that I don't have to repeat lessons. Also I proactively seek to also learn from the experiences of others so as to bypass certain negative experiences whenever possible :).



