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Everything posted by templetao

  1. HupGerk, I highly suggest createspace it pays your earning from your sales via check or direct deposit. There are alot of qigong masters on this forum that use it. https://www.createspace.com/Signup.jsp I have a creatspace account and I highly suggest it. As i have made thousands from amazon myself and can personally attest that they do pay.
  2. Some thoughts

    Looking out the window seeing the green earth while focused on the storm filled sky. Almost like the hell on earth under the once blue sky will ascend into the heavens? Its at this time that I think of the some the things I learned, read, and experienced. Some people talk about different dimensions and things like that and I wonder about it. To me it just seems that as your awareness expands that your just seeing and feeling different aspects of the same radiation as before as your own personal bandwidth is increased. Let me explain, for me it is more of everything in the universe has its own vibration,light, heat, sound, by it having this it thus has an expression and information. That once exposed to this radiation we can pick and absorbed some of it because we have a part of the original energy that is in us that reflects that radiation that broadcast from the source. meaning that once you start to expand your bandwidth that you might see sound as light and feel light as vibrations but understand that this is just different parts of the same original radiation. So its at times like this that I wonder that just by being on different parts of the earth does the radiation hit us differently thus making different races of man which receive and absorb different aspects of radiation and light info that makes up the different ethnocentric views and points. It is only because that we have a piece of that original energy in us that lets us absorb and feel the manifestations or radioactivity of the source. Meaning that when you start to ascend and you see that everything is connected understand that is the same energy you yourself absorbed and if you continue to ascend you will see different aspects of it and think that it is different dimensions. But thats just a thought. Ive seen threads about real temple style and non real Temple style. My thought about this is well only Master Waysun Liao can say what is real and what is not for he is the Master of the school. I can say this that the real condensing breathing works with the sun and moon breathing and that real condensing breathing is acutally a circulation let me explain. 1.) Stand in preparation stance 2.) Inhale (reverse breathing) and bring in the sunlight into the bones but at the same time radiate it back out. 3.) Exhale now let out the sunlight while bringing it in. 4.) repeat steps 1-3 Do this with the moonlight as well. Now what is suppose to happen when you do this correctly is that the sun and moon will take over the circulation and you will be breathing with it..... What this feels once you get it and you are able to maintian it. Is that with each breath you will feel multiple exchanges of energy with the sun and or moon with each breath and you will be able to speed up or slow down the exchange of energy. When you can do this you will radiate with moon or sun chi. The first time i did this in public i was at the park and the park was packed that day and when i did this I started to attract some attention because it just feels like the sun is shining right on you and people can see it and feel it. This is the real condensing breathing it tonifys yin and yang chi builds a connection to the sun and moon while buliding inner power and this is on no dvd you must learn this from a real Taichi Temple instructor. A real Master from the Temple Style can radiate with power and this is a circulation that will open or become natural at some point A real Taichi master can breath with the sun and moon... To radiate with pure virtue and to do ward off push and pull with the tao itself and to return your power to the source of all power is beyond such things as jing. Speaking of jing i remember i remember one time i seen a dark spirit in my house and I thought to remove it so i made 3 jing balls. First i made a taichi ball and i increased the power and density of it by putting more waves of power into it. Once it was strong enough i lowered my arms and let the ball remain in its place and then i made 2 more. Once all 3 were made i released 1 after another of the evil spirit until it left(and yes such things are possible). You see it is quite one thing to talk of inner power but its quite another to have and have had it and have been thru some stuff with it but all of that comes in time. At some point in your cultivation you will have visions of places people and or future events. Everyone knows this but what some poeple dont know is that depending on the strength of your water or magentic chi you will start to have visions while doing anything in a very lucid way almost like you are existing in 2 different realities at once well this happened to me. i was driving in my car on the free way no less and i felt and saw myself leave my body and all of a sudden i was in ancient china in a man's living room. He seemed not to be startled of who I was(which was a shocker to me). We started to talk and he asked me where i was from and i said 2009 and he said,"oh your from the age of the anti tao". I was like excuse me? He said a subtle network of energy that starts on earth and will expand into space that will accompany the antichrist that he will be able to access". The conversation went on and we started to talk on other things i tired to tell him about tv and I couldnt at first. I tried to tell him that there are machines that can record this momment and play it back like on a crystal ball. i was doing the best that i could but it was his response that shocked me. he said "This is for entertainment only?" and i said yes it is mostly for entertainment. And he said, "No look at me they never stopped developing that tech" he told me 3 things that they will be able to do with it either now or in the near future. He also told me that the fact that they can broadcast energy is much more dangerous than any fire power that they might have and not to be so naive about things and that people are way to trusting with such things. The vision ended and that part of me returned to me. As i continued my drive I felt like all of nature was calling out to me like i was aware of something that most was not. It was around this time that i was thinking about going to Japan for a little bit for this was a kind of a rough time for me and he gave me good advice to not to go to japan and to stay here and help those that I could. Once you have the jing you will be able to do things that would be considered advance techniques. Try this make a taichi ball but with jing now imagine that your putting some of your awareness into the center of the ball close your eyes and have the ball leave yo and sense to see if you can still are able to sense and feel whats inside of the ball or what the ball feels. Then have it return to you. Your internal power is an extension of your mind and will become so as your inner power increases. Thinking about some of these things that i know and experienced and I look thru my window on to here and I wonder. Why is the wind so ferocious for it is wind chi that balances yang and yin chi. for it is the force inbetween for it is thus that the wind has the airy concept of fire and the watery aspects of water. Its almost like there is an imbalance in the wind that lets for inproper interaction between heaven and earth causes further problems. Almost like a problem in exhaling and the rain subsides the imbalance mmmm.. i wonder.
  3. Taoism school in virginia - US

    oh you mean the Tai Shang Men Sect and Yes they do infact www.studytaoism.com I have been following them for some time with great interest.
  4. White Tiger Heavenly Healing System "72 levels"

    All i can say that this is very valid and high level energy work very nice.
  5. Studies document energy coming from trees :)

    yes all of nature as in trees and plants have a golden aura.
  6. Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross?

    Jesus a taoist immortal? Hmmm......Seems to easy. Regular cultivation relies on bypassinng karma to ascend. Even in the mo pai this is not done until level 30. So if heaven is achieved by fusing yin and yang chi how do you expect to get into the gates of heaven with just that alone? Jesus was all about forgiveness that thru the Grace of the almighty that you can be forgiven your sin and have your negative Karma by passed thus ascend. Jesus introduced the cycle of Grace. You know there are spiritual gifts that you can get on your own and there are spiritual gifts that you can receive from God himself. Just as the profits of old would go into the wilderness and enter the cycle of grace and seek out the fire from heaven(Pentecost) and commune with the Almighty. The path of the taoist immortal is not for everyone... Jesus Lao tzu and Buddha all had their purposes. If there are wood people and earth people that all correspond to organs I wonder if there was somebody who was born that represented the dantian of mankind. Someone who carried the original signal of the creator that when touched sent this signal thru out the whole body of mankind? Just my opinion dont read to much into it.
  7. Fire Yogi

    When you work with the elements you are choosing to interact with the elements on a spiritual level which will have a physical effect. With element training theres Elemental Basic training Elemental spiritual alchemy Elemental healing Elemental talismans and Elemental Fang shi Elemental martial applications So its just not about gathering the elements and expelling them. The elemental training is much much more in depth than what readers of bardon know about.
  8. As the Tao Turns

    ************************************Update************************************************ To everyone's suprize Vmarco returned! and ready to discuss alchemy like never before. After a long battle chi kung master 5elementtao decides to take a break from TTB and do some private training. TTB breaks off into other cultivation forumsodes! Shortly after that a mysterious neikung teacher by the name of Master Lin shows up and claims to have all the answers to the mo pai!?!?! Lucas Huang returns! and now a brand new battle is about to insue! ***************************************************************************************** Will 5elementtao return? Who is this mysterious young Master known as Sifu Lin and has he achieved level 4? Ladies and Gentle be sure to grab some jumbo size popcorn and strap yourselves in for the next forumsode!!!!
  9. Avatar

    Hmmmmm This must be the Tao and how it works... I like the show but i just wish that it was more accurate. Kaze no stigma is good too. It would seem by the way they portray Aang that an Elemental master is more powerful than a typical neijia master.
  10. Fire Yogi

    South park reference love it. No but seriously if anyone wants step 2 just pm me and ill give it freely.
  11. Fire Yogi

    Well actually what the master is doing in the video is that he is actually training and charging up his fire chi in front of everyone. Chanting a fire mantra while close to fire gives you a much better charge by letting people be in the room with him as he does this he gets to help the local village people. I would call him a master yes but i wouldnt call him an elemental master for it is elemental master's business to keep his elemental chi very highly charged at all times and to grow that charge and the elemental energy as to progress over time. The difference from just gathering fire chi and expelling it and charging and flowing it as well is thus. When you go to manifest it if you just gather and expel your going to have a hard time manifesting it. If you charge your fire chi and let it flow then when you go to manifest it its going to be so strong that it almost scares you. You have to 1.gather it 2.////// 3. expel it 4. charge and flow it and repeat daily Then there is higher elemental spiritual work as well. The elements come into you very pure you can use the earth to further refine them...
  12. Fire Yogi

    Hmmm a yogic master of fire. its good to see one wish id seen more. Very good documentary. Even meditation on fire will start to invoke your own and heat you up some. But you have to have some fire in you the master in the video uses a mantra to to bring the fire essence out from himself. The breathing technique he uses keeps the fire chi emitting from his body so the out side fire doesnt burn him. Very nice.
  13. My telepathy experiment today WORKED

    Full Lotus, You are on to something with the purified jing infact my theory wasn't working until I started to purify my chi. Purity in mind and chi is vital it can actually hold you back from progressing.
  14. My telepathy experiment today WORKED

    I'll state it again. I actually hold back the lion share of my knowledge when i post here.... i am fully well aware of taoist sexual alchemy Ive read a few books on it including taoist yoga by charles luk. Thru years of research Ive actually found my own method. Which I just put together finally. Im now in the stage of proving it. I train at least 5hrs a day or more. When im done im left in a state of magnetic stillness as i stand with a purified magnetic vortex(tian) swirls around me cooking me but at the same time strengthening me. I feel this big ball above my head expanding a lot of heat and what feels like an unlimited electric potential building. I realized that I am the dan and the field that I create is the tian. That the tian feeds the dan and once this is done the the dan can grow and be strengthen until you become pure virtue. I realized that the sexual alchemy, chi circulation, and all of that is just the base for higher work to build an effective tian to reconnect to the dan and thru that the stillness of that could the true alchemy happen. I found that the dan and the tian come together in the magnetic stillness. Ive done the research put the work in tested it now im proving it. Im on some other shit...Im a hardcore alchemist.
  15. My telepathy experiment today WORKED

    I am well familiar with the book that book in my house looks abused all taped together highlighted man I took that book everywhere to work the dentist everywhere. I actually had to take a brake from it so I could grow....had to live it and feel it then go back to it with some experience. Then reevaluate. I have my own theory to reach the golden dragon body and its working. Im experiencing the progress that i thought I would.
  16. My telepathy experiment today WORKED

    I guess this would bring up the question of who would come looking. But before I get into that. Id like to mention something about having a spiritual connection. Most people do things either with the logical mind or emotional mind very few live their lives by what their spirit pulls them to do. Living life by the call of your spirit gives you a spiritual connection to your life. Spiritual connection is very important it is stronger than intuition. Intuition is being able to feel or know something before it happens. A spiritual connection is to know what is going on a spiritual level. For example in star wars when all the Jedi are killed and yoda senses it and then he is able to protect himself from the betrayal(if you noticed he grabbed his heart). That was a spiritual connection. If it was intuitive based he would have had a vision of it before it happened but intuition is not 100% spot on. Theres an energetic limit before it becomes spiritual. If yoda had a spiritual connection to his life he would have known as soon as he woke up that something very bad was going to happen he would just feel it in his spirit vision or no vision. Spiritual connection is nothing special everyone has it with someone or something. Most are just spiritually connected to their own life in that way. For this you must have an open heart. I think this is what Jesus told Judas to have an open heart and not an open mind because you can be logically and energetically manipulated but the spirit never lies it is what it is and there is spirit behind everything. Now back to telepathy. A qigong teacher teaches because he or she has a spiritually calling to do so and thus this teacher will have a spiritual connection with his or her students. When it comes to the question of who would come looking. First let me say that our life is a testimony in action for all spiritual beings. This is also partially why some spirits walk the earth after death so they can learn and understand more about mankind and see the obvious truth to what they were blind to in life. This is also why that 1 would get spiritual advancement thru opening the 3rd eye and seeing things on a broader scale to observe and really learn and see the universal truths. K, If they were ethical they wouldnt be looking in the first place.
  17. Hardship

    Informer, You are quite correct on this. This usually goes on the list of things ill never post about but im glad to hear this from someone else. Informer I dont know what training your doing but your going in the right place. I was going to make a post about the eye of the heart but I decided against it.
  18. My telepathy experiment today WORKED

    Oh yeah man thats when you learn that privacy really doesnt exist. I remember when i was in Germany there was a master on a tour who followed me all over amsburg. he would just show up where ever i was at. On that day I was just walking around pondering on inner alchemy. There alot eyes on you when your in the spiritual community. Remote viewing, astral travel, telepathy and so on.
  19. My telepathy experiment today WORKED

    Drew, Good progress! Sounds more like telepathic suggestion. Keep going man its gets more interesting. The more you start to open up telepathically the more interesting this whole chi kung thing gets. Some masters are really powerful. Like ive been contacted even when i just visited their websites or before I called. (Talented chikung masters will do this and find out who you are and what you want) Telepathy works alot on intention and awareness. Ive been contacted a bunch of times. Most chi kung practitioners are already telepathic but they just dont know it. Because their awareness isnt open enough to listen that way but they broadcast all the time. Some say that they are just wearing their hearts on their sleeve but thats not the case. They were just broadcasting all the time and didnt know it. As soon as they are made aware of it they usually can stop it. When your really open telepathically you will start to just receive messages from other people from around the world and local. Telepathy has levels to it as well. A good chikung master leads his students telepathically even if they are not at the level to perfectly receive it or if they are even aware of it. A high level chikung master can make you hear it no matter what level of achievement that you may be at. This is why it is good to train. A master can warn you of things and so on. So train keep your dantian open and progress.
  20. Taobums Q&A with Kosta Danaos

    The funnier thing to think about is who is going to be new patriarchs of western taoism? Who is going to be the western Lao Tzu?
  21. Correspondence of Feats

    That is correct. but this is possible with all the elements like air, water, and earth can be projected as well. This use to be taught as a whole in taoist alchemy training.
  22. Well first lets speak about what we awaken at the lower dantian. well first let me explain something. Jing can be used for internal power but that is not its original purpose. Jing helps to awaken the power at the lower ldt then you unite that spark to the source of all power the Tao. now lets take inner power as we know of it today. Some have empty force some have jing. But very few have awakened the power at the ldt and achieved the great perfection. I know nothing of cords needing to be cut or anything like that. This is my opinion I may be completely wrong but if you want my opinion on the mo pai's internal alchemy theory. For me it becomes obvious if you look at it from a non internal power point of view and look at it more like taoist alchemy. Meaning this all taoist alchemy strives to go back to the source. I think what the mo pai is doing when they reunite yin and yang chi the way they do it is to recreate what happened when the sperm and egg came together and thus wake up that point in the lower dantian. Where as other methods try to mimic what that original cell did to wake it up. Now the way the mo pai does it wakes it up and amplifies it at the same time. In the temple style we awaken this spark then amplify it. I cant say if it is the same level of attainment or not for the methods are different. All i can say for sure is that this spark exist in the ldt of everyone and there are various methods for waking it up. For those who tap into this will have the great perfection of body and mind. Ive come close to tapping into this but personally I havent pierced the veil. for me what it felt like it was like all these circulations started happening at once and the my ldt started to bounce and I felt this different vibration i never felt before go out of my ldt and move up my spine. It was weird like it didnt even feel like my own vibration it was just something else. But I couldnt hold on to it and i lost it.
  23. The mco has to be understood for what it is. When you were in your mom's womb first cell that was created was your ldt then it moved up creating your spine then your arms and so on. This was the orignal purpose of the mco and marco. If we developed correctly thru our lives the orbits would have never been closed. They were closed because we lost our connection to our ldt. So now in taoist alchemy we try to get back to the source. So retain our prenatal essence and store chi in the ldt. Then once we have chi in the ldt we try to circulate our mco. This is done so we can recreate the original internal environment so we can once again awaken the power that is still in that original cell in our ldt. So the mco is done and you got chi going from and returning from the ldt mimicking what the original cell did in us when we were in our mom's womb. To properly tap into this original power you must recreate this environment and tune out and or remove every other signal and just listen to your ldt as your mco spins. Your mind must be still, heart pure, energy pure, like a baby's. The other part of making a diamond is removing all the extra coal around it so the diamond is revealed.