Taiji Bum

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Everything posted by Taiji Bum

  1. Hi All

    Welcome to the Bums.
  2. Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

    On the CatholicAnswers.com website I almost got banned. They think I am an athiest posing as a Catholic trying to start trouble. What I am is open minded. I tried 3 Cardinals, 10 Bishops and too many priests to count when I was having OBE's and they had nothing to offer so I turned to Taoism.
  3. Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

    I found a Dragon Gate initiate here in Michigan believe it or not who sent me an email this morning that says she has done a translation of the scroll herself already. I guess she was at the White Cloud Temple in the 1980's. How come if the Catholic church says you need them to get saved nobody believes it but Temple Taoists say you need them to get enlightened and its gospel? Nobody would listen to a western church if they were saying in order to understand the bible you need an official "church" teacher but in an eastern religion if they say you need a guru or an enlightened teacher nobody questions it. Odd, dont you think? Why suspend your inner skeptic just because its from the east? Take this verse-"If you have not met a fully-attained one who can teach you in person, how can you decide where the mysterious pivot is?" Seriously, if I knew a fully-attained one who could teach me in person I wouldn't need the scroll translated in the first place would I. The scroll was written in my opinion to help those who cant find a teacher with the diagrams used as a meditaion/insight helper. Owl, thank you for your time. I hope you keep posting here since you are obviously well connected to the Taoist traditions and not turned off by me.
  4. Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

    I dont have any superpowers although I did start the whole process to stop having spontaneous obe's.
  5. Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

    As Taoist immortals aren't falling off trees too help me I dont see that I have much choice. Plus I doubt wandering the mountains of China would help either. If I was going to draw my peak alchemy experiences they would look almost exactly like the ones in that scroll, especially the one with the boiling cauldron with the golden circle/red dot above it and the red flaming dragon above that. Those are the primary confirmatory signs drawn symbolically. I have seen them and whoever drew those diagrams saw them too. They walked the path I am on long ago and I want to know what they said. Maybe I haven't screwed up.
  6. Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

    Are you saying that the drawings came first and then all the writing? Yes, "The Confirmatory Diagrams for Restoring Golden Elixir to the Alchemical Pearl" is way better. Who are you?
  7. reply to free form

    I agree.
  8. hellow

    Tell us about you minkus and welcome to the Bums.
  9. Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

    See....thats why I post here...
  10. Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

    Dang! That scroll is famous! I have emailed all the Daoist "experts" (not many) on the internet I could find. I couldn't find Thomas Cleary but I think we have established that my web fu is weak. I think its funny that when the Chinese were building suspension bridges and mapping the heavens Europeans were living in caves. But this scroll and another map say that they know the earth was round and had a map of it way before us. If anyone has any ideas of places I can check to see if it has been translated please let me know. Or a translater. Whats a translation cost? Is there a dictionary I can buy? The picture on this thing I could have drawn from my personal alchemy experiences. I think this may be what I have been looking for. I wonder if I went to Beijing I could get a priest there at the temple to read it into a recorder and then have the modern Chinese translated?
  11. Shift Happens

  12. taoist monastery north america help please

    There is one in California that Eva Wong the author belongs to and I am trying to google it at the moment. Here is a whole list of Taoist places.
  13. Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

    Wow, thanks. Now I just have to figure a good paraphrase for that so I can do some googling. Do you have a dictionary? Are you Chinese? Or are you just smarter than me? All three?
  14. Jinye Huandan Yinzheng Tu in English?

    See now thats the reason I need it in English. Even just the title. One of the pictures from it was used on the cover of Eva Wongs HOLDING YIN, EMBRACING YANG book. She may have actually translated it but since I dont know what "jinye huandan yinzheng tu" says, who knows?

    Lansing is only an hour or two. There is a huge even downtown run by the Taoist Tai Chi Society and the Yang Family has a massively attended shindig in Royal Oak. Mostly its just advertising for their schools but it is really great to see all the different styles.

    10 Mile and VanDyke. Where are you?
  17. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    I just hooked up with a Dragon Gate Taoist close to me who is trying to help out. I will give her a chance first then I might be taking a trip to China again. The first time I went with my Taijiquan teacher this time I will be on my own. I might try the David Shen thing too but that will take a bit more research into him. I might try Eva Wongs lineage too since I like her books and her methods seem similar to what I was taught. I will definately pick up a Learning Chinese cd too. On this I need advice too since I would hate to learn Mandarin but the place I visit speaks Cantonese. I'll do a seperate thread for that question.
  18. evening

    The British Taoist Association, very nice. Now what we need is a Detroit Taoist Association. I just met a Dragon Gate Taoist here locally who is trying to help me with an alchemy problem. Maybe if she can help me we will start a Dragon Gate temple or something here in Detroit.
  19. Intro

    Yeah, all things are possible but not all things are real. Welcome to the Bums.
  20. Introduction

    Welcome to the Bums.

    It's here! Everyone do your form today at noon I think it is?
  22. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    Yes, please relate what you can to your teacher. I would appreciate it.
  23. Help, I made an Alchemy mistake?

    Hey, are you this Sean Denty? http://forum.healingdao.com/general/message/10475%5C Are you from Kalamazoo, MI? Do you still live in Michigan?
  24. Where the psychospiritual breakthroughs at?

    Welcome to the Bums. Whats the "Death Posture"?
  25. evening

    Welcome to the Bums. Glad you joined us. Do you practice anything specific?