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Posts posted by taoey

  1. The guy could have helped us all open things up, but ended up going into greed and deception. A pity.


    Money is the cause for a lot of evil.

    But untill a majority of us all decides it is time to slowly take it into another direction, like fair trade and so on, it's not one of the easyest things that anyone could by themselves do.

  2. According to Dan Winter, there are shamans who are trained and able to steer and dissolve tornadoes, and i thought this would make a nice topic.


    'The local Mayan shaman get's a test one day, when given the task to go out from the local village and save it from an approaching tornado. He follows his shaman teacher's instructions carefully and images inside his heart a picture of the FEELINGS of the TORNADO being magnetically sucked into his belly. His teacher called this 'Eating the HOOCHA' (eating the ANGER - Sentic wave for anger =1/7 which is all unshareable or destructively interfering waves) of the Tornado. At some point by feeling magnetically for the feelings of the tornado better than it was able to feel for itself, the tornado 'falls in love' with the shaman - who succeeded in wave embedding himself into the center of gravity of the tornado. By making a little picture inside his heart, which is SELF SIMILAR (or FRACTAL) to the bigger picture of the SHAPE OF MAGNETISM (literally the FEELINGS) of the Tornado - the result was - the OUTSIDE FELL IN. (Mathematicians call this operation of perfect inrushing compression: perfect fractality - perfect inward self-similarity - like zooming infinitely into a fractal or fern tree inside fern tree.). If your were a plumber observing these wave vortex operations of the student shaman, at that point you would have observed the big twister begin to follow the young shaman around like a favorite little pet puppy dog. "






    Sounds plausible / doable to anyone? I think so. And it sounds very interesting and good, also.

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  3. Sounds like a good salad dressing also. :-)


    I know some who have had great success with this:


    1 cup raw ginger

    1 cup raw garlic

    1 cup fresh lime juice

    1 cup apple cider vinegar (real, not flavored)


    Put everything in a food processor and blend down to tiny bits, smaller the better.

    Then reduce/simmer on stove to 3 cups.


    Let cool then add 1 cup honey.


    Take one tablespoon a day every morning.


    I know one guy who had coated arteries (per doctor) and after taking western meds it didn't help. Said he took this for 6 months or so and went back to the doc who asked him what he was doing because his problem cleared up.


    This is what he told me. I've been taking it ever since but no history of cholesterol issues... couldn't hurt.



  4. "there have been reports of people with four or more types of cones, giving them tetrachromatic vision."




    I can see energy coming off people, probably infrared and ultraviolet too. And i can feel their energy and state of being if i want, too. (Sometimes also spontaniously, but it does not bother me. I think it's a nice and useful experience. And also one that will probably progress into more also.)

    • Like 1

  5. I'm thinking that spontanious mudras can probably also be very pleasent. (Contrary to horror stories that you can find anywhere and almost nowhere where you can find positive experiences. Which is extremely weird in my opinion because it shouold all be good and not bad. It;s probably to do with the trapped and negatively hypnotized mind only that people "look for those" "kind of experiences" ????

  6. Just a thought:

    Can you also do all bones at once? Would be faster that way. :-) I think it could work just as well.

    Probably easyer for someone who has tried these sort of things before with success though. :-)


    Also, there will probably be a process taking place to change the structure of your bones over time?


    Like: More chi in them and maybe less "coarse stuff"? Anyone who can confirm this maybe?


    Hey thanks! I was a bit lazy to write the entire sadhana, but the pre and after bits about the giving away flesh and then the turning to dust are important in augmenting the utility of the meditation. Also for those reading and wanting to try this meditation, try to have the clearest best image of a white skeleton you can find online (not a grey skeleton on white background) or a plastic replica in a halloween shop. This you should have in front of you, and you can peek at it, then close your eyes, and find the bones on your body. The way I do it is fairly slowly, bone by bone, and I redo the bones several times. Theres also tricks to visualizing if you are not good at it, like mentally shining a flashlight over the bones.


    The visualization of the white bones, which is where most of time and effort is spent, is meant to release some kind of qi from the marrow and bones. This is absolutely what it does to me, and when I do this meditation my qi cycles like a freight train, my sexual potency goes up to like when I was 16 years old. I havent got samadhi aspects shortly after, but what happens is the qi rises so strong that often there is arising of a blissful energetic state. This is why I think that if the OP has some kind of energetic blockage due to uneven Kundalini cleaning energies, then he can do this to balance himself. In any case its good to do to further his progress.

  7. Interesting.

    I sleep on my back, on my belly, on my left side and on my right side, usually i change sides when i sleep, and i am aware of it. :-)

    Also i find myself in pleasent semi-sleeping, semi-conscious together states also, and it gives me many good ideas, insights, foreknowledge, conscious connectedness to "everything". Quite nice, quite handy, and so on.



    Lack of proper sleep is another common problem resulting in your symptoms; how much sleep a night do you get on average? Do you take naps? Do you sleep on your side (left or right? this matters in terms of your left, central and right channels, I'll explain why), back, stomach?

  8. According to Dan Winter (you people know him, right?) biological architecture can also capture good chi. And also water and magnetism also attracts good energy. And maybe it can also be used to unpollute the rivers, and so on.