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Posts posted by thedole

  1. thanks SV!


    The same friend recommended checking out this summary:



    haven't done so yet.

    Don't know if this belongs here or in the older thread linked to. But I was wondering what came out of this process for those that has gone into it? Seems like something that is just what I need as I have a hard time connecting with the moment and intellectualise alot about my emotions instead of just feeling them..

  2. I'm sitting on the fence for this one. Any swearing or pictures of women who are supposed to be androgynous(even though she didn't have doule D's I only found her HOT) don't bother me personally. I do swear and I've spent more time looking at porn then I have spent meditating over the years. But I don't really see the necessity of cursing in a online community like this. Swearing is a spontaneous outlet of negative energy for me and not a language enricher. But I guess other people have other perceptions of this going to extremes in any direction and anything inbetween. The naked women only gives me a hindrance to scale on my path to a less lust saturated mind.


    I think it would not be anything wrong with either decision, but I think my centre of gravity is slightly towards the side of the fence where this is unaccepted. Not because I think it is so bad as it is now but, because such places fast spin out of control and I think it is fully possible to make a point without this. Maybe some people who find it offensive could grow from having it allowed, but I think people who tend to curse can grow from needing to restrain themselves also..


    Personally I have a hard time taking stuff seriously if it is said with excessive cursing and usually just turn around and look elsewhere.

  3. :)


    I charge people to treat them, yet when I know their financial situation I make considerations like

    buying their vitamins for them, or treating them for free once and a while.


    I go to their homes, and though I do not have much rent to pay, I live as though I have lots of expenses; not buying what I think I might need, not going to places just for the sake of going, eating home, or buying food that is less expensive, and eating once or twice a day... helping people is a selfless lifestyle... of course one has to take care of oneself, so do so ^_^


    And in the process try to make good considerations for those with financial difficulties. Difficult indeed, but a life worth living :D

    You have a truly commendable attitude Lin! Someone on another forum in another context said

    The key is to be complete in yourself. Then you can share what you've got with another.
    I think this very much fits in here as well. But my fingers don't find a good way of explaining what I mean with that right now. As I have written and deleted that sentence over and over I'll just let it stand to be pondered. hehe


    I bought a book on the fundamentals of chinese medicine a while back but I derailed and didn't get through it. Think it will be a lifelong self study this field for me, with droplets of wisdom trinkling in over time. Maybe I just need to get a bit more "complete" before I'm able to commit to it a little more.

  4. Yes, would be great to be able to edit your position, so we can keep it up to date!

    I travel too much, it just does not make sense to write where I am, just where I will be eventually.


    BTW, quite a Norway community we have. We should start a sub-forum on the Norse gods


    I'm kinda surprised about the fact that there is so many Norwegians in here.. Makes me wonder what learning opportunities I don't know about around here..

  5. It may prove unfruitful to verbalize differences in transmission btw different traditions, yet my own experience with Qigong, and Hua Gong in praticular is this;


    Only after you reach a point where you think you cannot take it anymore, the chi will take over.


    The pain, and effort invested in dealing with the pain are really subsidiary to the focus on the effect.


    As for the vid, it does not show what we're actually doing: Sitting on our heels with knees on the floor, and hands above head. My friend in the clip was unable to sit like that for more than 2 min.

    But hey, we'd been skiing at high elevation with no rest days, so you have to give it to him.


    Things soften up abit after a couple of Vino Caldos later that night.



    I don't have an experience myself really as I'm fresher then fresh to all of this.. I think it makes sense in a way how the chi takes over when you think you cannot take anymore as then the body don't have the option of using "regular" means of supporting itself.. The effect of that would be much the same as if one was able to voluntarily relax the muscles to the same extent and redirect the chi wouldn't it? Come to think of it that would be like a yin and a yang way of doing the same thing in a way... Maybe a good way for folks like me that (as you probably have realised by now) is way too much "in my mind"..


    So has he adopted the practice now?

  6. You're way ahead of me in your development but just out of curiosity, why do you need more work on your sacral before you move on to the solar pleuxus? Especially considering your goal of harmonizing yourself I would think that having a few massively developed chakras while others are lagging behind could actually work against your purpose? How it works in reality I don't know but a massive sacral chakra without a well developed heart and possibly also solar plexus chakras I would think in theory could be a bit troublesome at times.


    As I said my understanding of these things are very basic so I would really like to hear what is the advantage of working on the chakras individually like this in contrast to working on harmonizing and developing them in harmony?

  7. I'm on a career change path myself after years of sick leaves and one of my paths lead to what you have done and the other is the one you're considering.. I find Chinese medicine and accupuncture tremendously interesting but I'm not sure how it would be for me to work with. I have problems with inter human relationships that I would need to iron out at least, and I don't know if there is clients for a full time income around here. The population density isn't very high here.. One of thos fields that I would most definitly study if money (and therefore time) wasn't an issue though.


    I would think that someone who is cultivating and developing his chi and sensitivity to it will have an advantage in this field?

  8. I didn't notice that these changes were so dramatic until I failed. But from only a very short time(six days) of non-ejaculation I actually got less lustfull, my everlasting apathy started to loose its grip along with my depression. I also think that it increased my chi awareness a bit but I'm at a very low level from before so that one I'm not sure of. How i noticed these things was how they went boom back in my face when I spilled my semen. But I was a bad case of a porn/masturbation addict from before so my jing is probably way depleted, don't know If one can expect such dramatic results with a more balanced starting point..

  9. Hsin tao is amazing stuff! I practice it and mentioned it in my intro but did not see anyone else practicing it or ever mentioning it. You may feel results immediately, right after the first practice. I find it to give me much faster results than any chi qong practice I have tried. I would not get the book if you are learning it for the first time, I took a class with Ratziel, but I would suggest the video instead, I think it could substitute for the class pretty well, although I do not own the video myself. It has no relation to kunlun and I mentioned it to Max and he was not familiar with it. I showed him a very quick demo of 2 of the movements and said it would be good for me, good for building yang chi (I think his words were yang chi).


    Thanks, I think I must check this out sometime!! :)

  10. None...picked the video, read the book and started off! I have to admit though that this is the first practice I did not learn directly from the teacher. Ratziel repeatedly tells one not to try too hard ... that seems to be the trick! From speaking to a student of his and reading his books, I do not hear anything about a transmission being involved, unless he does something in his workshop and does not speak about it. He does say that the techniques in the video are enough for most for the entire lifetime and can take them places.


    Thanks for the insight!

    I've never had a real live physical teacher of such things myself. I'm going to tai chi classes now but I think I'm the only one there with a cultivation mindset, more of a new age vibe there really. The teacher is nice but its the first class she teaches so it's a learning experience for her as well..

  11. I guess marketing is a two edged sword. It may draw in the masses and maybe scare away some of the more serious students as they find it questionable..? Or maybe not, because those that are inclined to be deterred are probably already into good systems already and wouldn't be swayed over anyways.. Or maybe I could use a good slap in the head to stop my thinking too much! :rolleyes:


    I meant Hsin Tao is awesome! That's all ... based on a little of what I have been practicing so far!


    The confusion regarding the origin, and all that, I kind of ignored as also the marketing that accompanies the technique, based on a tip from Xienkula and stuck to the practice. This has been the find of this decade for me...


    Kunlun, I don't practice so I have nothing to say about it. I just mentioned that for some reason and it was probably irrelevant and out of context.


    Did you learn it from a seminar or remotely from the dvd or something? I ask because it seems energy transmissions is all the rage these days and wonder if that can be a contribution as to why there are so many testimonials about speedy healing, or if it's the techniques alone that has produced them.

  12. BUT: The way to promote it picking "Secrets" and lineages and all that stuff, and then in fact coming up with that Shaolin story, which hundreds of thousands of Zen or other practioners can easily identify as the Bodhidharma story... that's easy ignorant, impertinent or just silly.....

    (Sorry for all the harsh words, but evolution in that field of life leads to fantastic things like the taobums, but there are still some prehistoric artefacts like this guy out there...)

    I agree with the view of the sensationalism of it all! But in spite of this there is something about it that speaks to me on some level anyway. Good chance its just on the level of my mind who can't stop searching instead of accepting and embracing what I already do and know though. My inquisitive mind is a sucker for amazing claims of fast results I'm afraid..


    Not sure about the origins and stuff! This seems to be going the Max and his students' way but the practice is awesome...

    Got a little confused, you mean the practice of Hsin Tao or the practice of Kunlun is awesome(or both)? And what relation between Max and Hsin Tao did you mean? That of how it is presented?