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Everything posted by yangluchan

  1. Secret Wu Dang Red Dragon Microcosmic Orbit

    Is this the same method that Max (Kunlun) taught at some of his workshops? Unfortunately not in the one I attended...
  2. Dancing Matt Worldwide Amazing Energy!

    I have to agree, I felt it was a bit too put together. There is some spontaneous joy in some of the people, but a lot of the videos seems like he's arranged with people and set up the camera and instructed them. Not that it's not a cool and sometimes joyous video nonetheless, but I have to say something like this gets me everytime instead, as it's a shift in people, from minding there own everyday business to a burst of joy and love!
  3. As some of you may remember, I posted a few years ago about some problems with trying retention (mostly hard clenching PC muscle, without much energy work involved either). Since last year, I instead have found I'm not ready to do real retention work (not just hard PC clenches, which actually is still a bit ingrained, when I'm close to coming, I have to try to consciously relax my PC muscle), and have focused on ejaculating usually once per week (I'm 28). Since five months back now I've got a loving girlfriend as well, so I usually have sex with her without coming during the week, and let myself ejaculate once during the weekend. However, I'm still plagued by what has been described as low jing (I'm not sure if it's yin or yang...). I sent an extensive list of my symptoms to Ron Teeguardens Dragon Herbs a few years back, and did a 4 month intensive with deer placenta, he shou wu, schizandra/lycium, gecko rockclimber etc, but although I might have had a small bettering, it did nothing remarkable. Same thing with acupuncture, which I did for 3-4 months. The acupuncturist also said that my kidneys were weak. Please note that I also went for extended periods without ejaculating at that time. When ejaculating, I get a ache in my kidney area that lasts for 3-4 days, and my knees also ache and feel weak. I also usually get a sore throat and my immune system feels "weakened", I might feel like a flu is coming on etc. Also some brain fog sometimes, and most major joints ache and also some muscle ache. Sometimes the feeling lasts for 3-4 days, sometimes only a couple of days. Most of the times the effect is immediate, but usually worsens the day after ejaculating. Some few times I ejaculate two times in one week, but it will usually not worsen the symptoms. This is also usually worse if I (accidentally) ejaculate when masturbating, as opposed to with my girlfriend. Anyone have any advice? I don't feel it's natural that I can't seem to recuperate from this, as I usually do not stress and do too strenuous exercise (although I do want to, but I don't want to exhaust myself), and I'm not that old. This has probably been this way, more of less for the past 3-4 years. I guess I started noticing it as early as when I was 20-21 years old. I've read something about here about opening the channels of the legs, that this could work? I do feel that at my age of only(?) 28 I should not be feeling this way after only ejaculating once a week...
  4. Ejaculation and aching back, knees and malaise

    Are you sure about this? I have hoped it to be so, but I posted a question about this here some time ago, and all answers I got pointed to there being anything from 24 hours to 3 days (!) from ejaculating to doing any energy work, be it zhan zhuang, taijiquan or five tibetans... I thought it seemed extreme but all answers I got pointed to the fact that it was an accepted truth that there was quite a long waiting period between ejaculating and doing any kind of energy work...?
  5. Ejaculation and aching back, knees and malaise

    Hmm, how long do you think I would have to work with her to feel an effect... I felt like it took a lot of time and money the last time (I had to quite earlier at work each week and then work it off later), and I didn't feel the effect too long, and then it came back again even though I didn't do anything to excess after the treatment period...
  6. Ejaculation and aching back, knees and malaise

    Thank you! I've pretty much gone paleo already (though some brown rice and whole-wheat pasta occasionally with some cheating during the weekends), and I'm liberal with fat, yes, as I also feel it's very important, and the real problem is all the sugar, starch and synthetic preservaties, and not the fat! During the week it's mostly fruits, berries, vegetables and meat/fish.
  7. Ejaculation and aching back, knees and malaise

    Hmm, some years back I had pain in the pelvic area, and the doctor checked my prostate rectally and said it was fine, but also checked it with ultrasound. I had the same symptoms then. I also just recently did a lot of blood work where I mentioned these symptoms to my doctor for the first time (I found I could since there is actually now a Western medical name for it - Post Orgasmic Illness Syndrome). He had of course never heard of it, but since they are actually studied it I found the courage to finally bring this up. He did some blood work, among them blood tests that should show increased something (is it white blood cells?) that would be heightened if I had an infection anywhere in my body, but he found nothing... Also tested for hormones etc but nothing came out too wrong, but testosterone looked a bit like low-normal to me, and cortisol has been confirmed a little high in the night in another set of tests (spit tests). - How were your prostate infections found? Would a white blood cell count be heightened in case of a prostate infection? I have had some pain in that area so it has crossed my mind, but I didn't ask the doctor to check for it specifically the last time I was there.
  8. Ejaculation and aching back, knees and malaise

    Hi Spectrum! Usually I do Taiji once a week (I know, it's been really slipping!), but I do small bits here and there as I get inspired to do a few moves while waiting for something etc. I walk about 20 minutes daily to and from work. I'm trying to shed some fat these days, so I really want to get into some bodyweight exercises and hill sprints, although I have a bad shoulder so I'm also trying to rehabilitate that. I actually started hill sprints the other day and it felt great, I was not exhausted, and it was only two days after an ejaculation, but today I accidentally ejaculated after masturbating (stopped right before the point of no return, relaxed but still came in a "mild" manner...). I do enjoy Taiji, bodyweight exercises (Hindu squats, Hindu pushups, pullups), kettlebell, but I usually find that doing too strenuous exercise exhausts me, and I'm really afraid to aggravate my condition... Hmm, actually I've only climaxed once together with my girl (she has issues with orgasming, although it's getting better), but I can't remember how that effected everything... Will try again and take note! I'll also try to remember to see how it's like when I get her off first and then get it on and ejaculate. I also think it would be nice for her to be vaginally orgasmic, but she has had some issues with this, but we are working towards it, as I almost made her come from digital g-spot stimulation, but she usually stops me as she feels not ready for the large orgasms she feels coming. Anyway, I digress! Thanks guys! This forum is so great, people really help each other and care!
  9. Ejaculation and aching back, knees and malaise

    Hi Edward! Thank you so much for good and sound advice! I've read before about bee pollen and wanted to try it as it's quite cheap as opposed to most other herbs. Also I've read about royal jelly? I've got more left of the schizandra/lycium (goji) drops, I guess I'll start taking them again! Would you guys say it's important to know if it's a yin or yang condition? I've been taking some more he shou wu (I had a few bottles left in the cupboard), but would this not be good if it's a yang deficiency for example? I was thinking of doing Zhang Zhuan yes, but I've also read that it should be done 24 hours after an ejaculations? Will get on it. About feeling bad about releasing, I used to do it because of reading Mantak Chias books on retention (I guess I thought I had to do it to keep healthy, so this might in fact have been what has caused this in the first place, as when I released I felt bad about it and this in turn drained MORE jing). These days I try to think of it as natural and good, and I feel really good when ejaculating for my girl, as I know she enjoys it, and I do too of course, so it's an act of love! I guess I also used to have shame about sex, but not so much anymore, I've finally let my "masculine" self out of the closet and be the man in bed with my girlfriend, and both she and I enjoy the fact that I take control and be my masculine self so she can be her feminine self. I especially attribute this to reading David Deida, really profound! Please note that I've also cleaned up my diet a lot (mostly good meat, fish and vegetables, with fruit during the day, with some cheating on the weekend), and I've started doing the Warrior Diet way of eating which has given me a lot of energy.
  10. Taoist Salt

    How would one use bamboo salt for regrowth? Mix it with water and make a paste of it? Leave it on overnight? What results could be expected? Cheers!
  11. Disturbing conclusion

    Some of us keep telling you that we recognize your patterns (even if they might be a bit more extreme than most of us have had in the past), and tell you the steps and what made this turn around for us. Now, you complain that things are the way they are, my suggestion would be, seeing as this is a TAOIST forum and all: quit it! You see, things are like they are, and the only way to get progress is to a) realize things for what they are and work with what IS. Complaining about things and wishing things were this way and that way can feel good for a while (and again, I've been there too, "fuck those girls, when they can't see me for the nice person I am"), but it will never make you feel permanently better. If you want a different outcome, perhaps you need to change something? If you are really posting to get some help, my suggestions is to look at what is posted! Might I suggest something that felt really good for me (even though scary as hell), try going around for a day, looking into peoples eyes, and feel that you open your heart up as much as you can. Feel how that feels fucking scary and you feel so vulnerable. But trust me, then, after a while, you might come to realize that you have to have your heart open, to try to keep it open even when you get hurt or when there is a possibility you might get hurt. It might just do wonders... Another suggestion is to try some hypnosis sessions, I did some sessions with Lucas West, which helped me with a lot of old less useful patterns in my mind as well. Anyway, most problems (as I guess is also a more Taoist way to see this I've come to realize) are not because of the way things that are, but because of our mental constructs around them. If we see things for what they are, your mind will go "Aha!", and everything will seem different, yet the same. AND, things are like they are. It's not right to assume that it's only men who have problems, women do too, even though I think yes, post-feminist society has left us with a society where men have probably had a bit harder finding their role. Women of the past decades wanted soft men, but now it seems that isn't enough either, ehh? All hot girls say that they "unfortunately fall for bad boys". It's because of the way they make them feel, not because the liked being treated like shit. If you can elicit those feelings in her and be a nice guy, you'll have a girl that want to stick around (provided she is a mentally stable girl to begin with). I would also like to add that perhaps you should focus on working on yourself for the time being, and not focus so much on trying to fix this problem, but rather on becoming a more happy and centered human being, for YOURSELF. If you do that, other things, girls included, will start falling into place almost automatically... :-) Good luck!
  12. Disturbing conclusion

    Hmm... I think you are trying to wrap your head around the concept of women, and understanding what they are all about, am I right? Perhaps you are not the one all the girls flock around, and you can't really understand why? I don't mean this in a negative way, I just kind of get that vibe from you, and I know what that's like. I used to be that way too. Just in really the past year did I understand more of women, and I actually realized that a lot of girls were into me before (I thought that almost no girls were attracted to me), but in general girls don't make the first move. The only girlfriends I had had before that were girls that were attracted enough to actually approach me and make the first move. Now that I actually understood this, and made my interest more apparent, girls were opening up to me, and now I have a wonderful girlfriend, the first in 4 years! I would recommend you read some David Deida by the way. Now, you say that girls are into pain. I think this is not correct, but girls are into EMOTIONS on a quite different level than we guys are. I guess it might stem from the fact that they are such social creatures, much more than we are, and very tuned in to these things. Now, emotions can be "good" or "bad", but both kinds make girls (and men too of course) feel alive. That's why girls would rather prefer a bad boy which takes her on an emotional rollercoaster of good and bad feelings, as opposed to a nice guy who is all nice and good all the time, and never evoke such strong emotions in her. I think all girls will agree they'd much rather be with a kind but strong man, who has all the "good" traits of a bad boy, but is kind and is not out to fuck with the girl's emotions to make up for his own insecurities. Oh, and yes, most girls are submissive and want the man to take charge and be "dominant". This evokes strong emotions with her, that's the problem with nice guys (oh yeah, I was there!), they think "oh no, I can't do that! She wouldn't approve of that!", when in fact she probably would love it if you just grabbed her and kissed her because that was what you wanted! In general, women are yin and men are yang, and women don't feel comfortable when having to play the aggressive part or have you ask permission for these things. Oh well, a lot of rambling, but no, I don't think girls are into pain, only emotions! :-)
  13. First: After ejaculation I get a sore back (or more like a pulsing/throbbing sensation in my kidney area) and a general bit of weakness for a day or two. I've tried retention etc, but I don't really think just saving up without refining is the way to go either, and I've found that my fear of "losing" by ejaculating has lead to my pelvic area being tensed when nearing ejaculation is really counterproductive, so I'm trying to relax more, and ejaculate more when natural these days. I'm single, but this might change in the near future now, so I think having normal sex with a woman, focusing on relaxing and ejaculating when it feels natural will be a good way to go for now, to "retrain" myself. And THEN maybe I can go explore retention etc. I think the actual "fear" of ejaculation has actually caused more of these problems than the actual ejaculation! So, this means I'm ejaculating more now, and the question comes up: - How long should I wait before practicing energy work (or any exercise??) after ejaculation? I've seen 24 hours been mentioned, sometimes 48 hours... This seems like a very long time if I am to ejaculate once a week for example... And I'm not thinking about hardcore moving energy exercises, but more things like Five Tibetan Rites and perhaps some Wuji standing Qigong. My intuition tells me that Five Tibetan Rites, being more "physical" would be safe to do maybe the next day (say after 8-12 hours), but I'm not sure. Any ideas?
  14. I feel like I want to learn the Xingyiquan's Five Elements, as I think they will work nicely for me. I've been doing Taijiquan for quite some time, but I think the Five Elements will give me a more "hard" and grounded power generation and also help me balance out my sometimes very timid nature. Case in point, when I'm practicing with my training partner doing Taijiquan power drills (like small san-sau), I will subconsciously pull punches and avoid hitting his centre etc because it seems very engrained in me not to hurt someone... Only if he hits me and makes me aware of this too many times will I get angry and hit for real, but of course in doing so I'll lose that finesse and control, ending up losing the "match"... ;-) Sorry the digression, back to the question: Where could I learn the Five Elements? I'm thinking DVD or a video clip or something mainly. Something that explains them in some detail, with body mechanics etc. Anyone have any recommendations? Cheers!
  15. Learning Xingyiqyan Five Elements

    I live in Norway, and as far as I know there are no teachers of Xingyiquan in Norway? If there are, they are "underground" in that case... Anyone know of any? I also don't really care to travel too far to learn Xingyi as I wanted this to just be a compliment to my Taijiquan, and not my main endeavour. Thanks for all the great tips guys, I have done some Wuji standing and some basic Zhang Zhuang before (actually even tried some Santi Shi once), so I think I will incorporate some Santi into my training. Sounds good that it's more "martially" geared, exactly what I need, really great tips! :-) Cheers everybody!
  16. Hi! As I've explained before I used to do Mantak Chia sexual methods (only learnt from books, and taken a bit extreme of course, as I was young and stupid, now I'm only older and still quite stupid... ;-), and I held back ejaculation by clenching my PC muscles HARD and holding as long as I could. This resulted in retrograde ejaculations into the bladder of course, even though I could usually go on with a semi-limp penis after this orgasm. However, I had some beginning problems with acute pelvic pain etc with this for a period. I've since then slowed down, and I've also started ejaculating sometimes once a week and I feel I do not have such a bad view of ejaculations anymore, as I used to feel devastated and drained when I ejaculated before, now I see it as beneficial once in a while, even though I sometimes might feel drained after ejaculating still. I think over-ejaculation in my teens might have lead to low jing, which resulted in premature hair loss, pain in lower back and pain in the knees. So I feel I still have to preserve my energy and not ejaculate too often. Thus I started to work a little with Tantra, just getting close to an actual orgasm, breathing and feeling etc. I've also recently started isolating the tailbone muscles and working on these, as I feel they are the key to getting orgasms without ejaculation. However, since the clenching of my PC muscles are so ingrained, I get hard clenches when I approach orgasm. I think this is normal, but mine are very hard, and I find it extremely hard to NOT clench them, especially if I try to clench my tailbone muscles as well. Since I mentioned the PC and perineum areas are tense and should be loosened up, it's of course not too beneficial to clench my PC hard a lot, but I can't really practice the methods of tailbone clenching either without this... Anyone of you have any tips on how I can unlearn my body to clench the PC muscles? Oh and I just massage generally down there, are there any stretches or anything that might also hit the PC/perineum area? I've started stretching my back and legs (hamstrings) recently and found I'm quite stiff, so I'll work on this slowly! Thanks in advance guys! Cheers!
  17. How to prevent PC muscle contractions?

    Any suggestions for stretches that are benificial to this? I think I have a lot of tension down there in the pelvic area that need to be relaxed...
  18. Happy birthday Father Paul

    Even though I was not around when he was active here, I must say I have really enjoyed reading his posts. He pops into my mind sometimes when eating pancakes and it always brings a smile to my face!
  19. Andrew Lum/Patrick Moon contact

    Maeven, just one question: Is is the practices or the organization of things you think is wrong? Do you still do Kunlun and Red Phoenix? Thanks!
  20. how to prevent nocturnal emissions?

    Just wanted to throw in a question here...: How can one achieve orgasm without ejaculation without the use of the mco or PC/anal muscles? What would be a good way to achieve this without straining something? Just get close to orgasm and stop and train your body that way? No conscious leading of energy with the thought? Cheers!
  21. What is a good breakfast for a TaoBum?

    Hey man! I'm also trying to shed some fat, so weekdays I try to eat mostly fruits and berries, vegetables (though not starchy ones like potatoes and rice) and unprocessed meats and fish. Gives me a lot of energy and keeps me full. Also I believe fats are important, don't eat only lean and fat free, you need some good fat from olive oil, some animal fat isn't so bad either in my own opinion. Flax seeds and/or flax seed oil is good, also get your omega 3 from fish oil. Weekdays for breakfast I usually have the following smoothie: - couple pieces of frozen banana - 1/2 cup of frozen blueberries - 1/2 cup of frozen raspberries - 1/2 cup of frozen blackberries - 1/2 cup of frozen strawberries - yoghurt - a topped tablespoon of unflavoured pure protein mix (whey and casein) - some Kellogg's All-Bran Plus for fiber - a tablespoon of Udo's Choice oil - water until the right texture This does however make almost a 0.8 litres of smoothie, so I usually drink half of it in the mornings and save the rest in the fridge for the afternoons at work. Can really recommend this, the taste is great and I feel it gives me energy for a long time. On weekends I ususally have bacon, eggs and baked beans, usually without any bread, and some fresh orange juice! And I indulge a little in a beer or two if I want, some sugary things if I'm so inclinced, an ice cream etc. I try to keep some balance though!
  22. Bellydancing

    Wow, beautiful (video 3). Anyone else (men) respond to this? I feel like we see the sacred feminine in that video... I've been becoming very aware of these things lately, that women who are in control and yet allow themselves to be fully feminine are very attractive to me, somehow allows me to open up to and be comfortable with my masculinity, which I might not have before (because I guess I thought masculinity was about being a macho jerk). Oh well, a little off topic and a little on the Deida side, but still... Great videos!
  23. Well, it's not about a Daoist, but I guess Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman should be mentioned as well.
  24. how to get ride of unwanted sexual desires?

    Hi Santi, I've read a lot of your posts, and have come to respect your opinion very much. You seem like you have been around the block (or the Tao) so to say! Just purchased your book Secrets the Gurus Will Never Show You, will try to get through it this weekend! I wanted to ask you: What methods do you have of ejaculation control and orgasm without ejaculation? Sublimation and transmutation of sexual energy as well? I would be very interested in this, as I feel too much ejaculation weakens me, but still, as a relatively young guy (single at the moment) I have a relatively strong sex drive! If you have some methods of how to withold ejaculation when having sex and transmute energy etc that would be very interesting to hear! I've tried Mantak Chias methods from books for some years, but I know now that the focus on the PC muscle made everything worse for me, to the point where I still have to try to consciously relax the PC muscle when having sex, or else it will contract really hard pushing me towards ejaculation, and sometimes even leaving it sore for a few days! Looking into Dr. Lins anal breathing method using the tailbone muscle as well, is this a part of your method of ejaculation control as well? Thanks!
  25. Making rain

    How about Reich's Cloudbuster, can't that supposedly also be used to make it rain by reversing it's flow? But you meant perhaps only how to make it rain using your own intention and energy?