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Everything posted by Cognizance

  1. Slave of Gods

    The truth is, at least to me and my understanding, is that we humans are immortal fragments of consciousness/awareness imprisoned in our bodies in a cyclical Death-Amnesia-Birth cycle. We have been imprisoned as slaves for "gods" which are extra terrestrial/dimensional entities. Duality (Tree of Knowledge) we have eaten from and thus we see everything as yin/yang or within a spectrum of it. We have yet to attain enlightenment/freedom (Tree of Life). I believe that through meditation, we can achieve this and realise our true potential. I believe, after researching, that reality including thought and emotions are all vibrations within the ether and that achieveing enlightenment is achieveing resonance with the supreme consciousness through which "objective" reality is manifest and that through this resonance, great powers can be channeled.
  2. At rare instances I masturbate nearly close to orgasm but I don't reach the orgasm itself and do not lose any fluid. Now I understand some people think it's healthy to masturbate once in a while. I haven't had an orgasmn in two weeks and only masturbated 2 within those two weeks. Does masturbation in any way consume jing/qi even if you haven't ejaculated or attained an orgasm? I believe that in masturbating without ejacuating is a good way to develop discipline in a weird way in that I really really want to go all the way but I end up stopping instantly. Would this cause any impedance? I apologise if it is "tasteless" to some people but let's face it, we are dealing with our body and sexual organs/energy is one of, if not THE most important part of our body as it is how life is brought into this world. Thanks for any feedback guys. Cheers .
  3. Finding a sifu

    So far all I've been doing is retaining my jing and meditating. When meditating, I sit in a full lotus/half lotus, straight spine, sitting on my hui yin point touching ground, right hand on left hand cupping dan tian and embryonic breathing. I try to achieve a state of "nothingness" so to speak. I am planning on finding a true master. Should I persist with what Im doing now and would a master typically charge you, a true one? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you so much.
  4. Finding a sifu

    My understanding is that, semen can be converted into yang qi. The generative force developed during an erection should be reversed and moved up the spine and circulated and purified. Once this is done sufficiently, you store it in the tan tien. I believe that this process is to be done for a 100 days. It is imperative that you attain stillness to gather the light which is the third eye. You focus on this while meditating. I am not too sure though. Im going to kind of just experience it for myself. I am very confident in how qi feels as I have felt it numerous times.
  5. Finding a sifu

    That was beautiful Stig.
  6. Pride does not = Confidence

    To OP, I usually find that women tend to mix up confidence with arrogance a lot. I do not know whether it's because of the emotional instability (drama) or mob mentality that attracts them to these men. Having said that, they always end up complaining about them. Of course not all women are like that, but those that are insecure with themselves tend to go this route. And they always assume that you want to listen to them talk about these things LOL. I find girls that are secure with themselves extremely attractive. No need to put make up all the time or dress in a provocative manner. No need to straighten their hair everyday. But hygeine is a must .
  7. Finding a sifu

    As someone said, they can be Masters of anything.
  8. Finding a sifu

    Thanks for the reassurance Vortex. Would you please clarify the difference between Jing conservation/Forceful retention? Thank you.
  9. Finding a sifu

    Sorry but I fail to see your point. Waste time thinking about what? The concept of just going online to find a "master" and then paying X amount of money for Y number of classes doesn't sit well with me. I just don't believe true knowledge can be bought. It's funny how people make it out to look like you need to be paying for lessons to make any progress. Thanks for the feedback Leif .
  10. Finding a sifu

    Thanks for the reply mate. Very kind of you to share your experience with me. You are very lucky to have found a teacher in a metropolitan city. I live in London so...LOL.
  11. Finding a sifu

    Brilliant reply. I definitely agree that yes everyone needs money to survive BUT a "true" master charging to teach a big group of students without demonstrating any form of achievement or energy causes a lot of cognitive dissonances in my head LOL. Thank you Astral, that was really insightful.
  12. Has anyone managed to find any reliable pre-communist "pointer" with regards to internal work and alchemy?
  13. Ancient Knowledge

    My interest in Taoism is the result of a long time of research in physics. This might seem to be on the opposite spectrum to each other but the reason that I even began researching physics was because as a child, I read many books on flying saucers. This lead me to want to discover the propulsion system behind these aircrafts in later age. Originally I thought that it was "aliens from outer space" but as I researched further when I was about 17-18 after being educated in advanced physics and mathematics, one thing lead to another. I began to read up on Tesla's work and Wilhelm reich eventually. The reason I dedicated so much time on Tesla is because of the immense contributions that he has given humanity, yet he was relatively unknown. I wanted to find out why. To me this was an indication of authenticity. I came to realise that "UFO's" are secret government technology based on Tesla's patents which were classified by the F.B.I to this very day illegally and that the whole "Alien" aspect to it is one of many disinformation projects by the western governments that represent us. Tesla, having established a method of transmitting power without wires, wanted to give free energy to the whole world, his ultimate goal. This was brought to a complete halt once the bankers realised his "treacherous" plans. Where would they put the price tag? What interested me is that Tesla discovered, through PRACTICAL experiments, that the Ether exists in contrast to Einstein who is a stooge that diverted physics for the worst. Through this medium, he was not only able to master anti-gravity but also the complete break down of matter and it's reformation which is replicated by physicist John Huchison...Alchemy. He also discovered that when High Voltage D.C currents were released in very short impulses, this ether field is manifested. Voltage was simply different concentrations of ether and the tendenancy for it to balance out, is the cause of motion, current etc. I then began to notice that the characteristics of this ether was strikingly similar to many ancient established notions. Qi, Mana, Prana, rLung etc. Not only was it similar but the whole philosophy behind this ether was exactly the same. It is the agent through which change comes about. It is responsible for entropy i.e its erosive characteristic, since it is dynamic and penetrates all matter. Tesla also found that when ether streams from his magnifying transmitter passed through metal, electricity i.e electrons were formed due to the crystal lattice structure of metal which somehow condensed ether (Sacred geometry?).This lead me to research ancient esoteric studies such as the Kabbalah, Hermeticism etc. I have come to the conclusion that there is a conspiracy to conceal this knowledge from the people by the Abrahamic relgions in the past and governments today. The Chinese cultural revolution is another extension of this agenda. You will find that the abrahamic religions took bits and pieces of previous "religions" which were actually factual accounts and not only kept it secret but also produced a major religion to filter this knowledge from the masses and consolidate power. After all, it's impossible to establish an economy when energy is in abundance. The serpent (kundalini) of the Tree of knowledge/The tree of life (channels in the human body), Breath of Life (Qi/Prana), biblical sorcerers, the four ages of man, all begin to make sense. Not only did these religions persecute and kill people who had this knowledge (The inquisition) but gradually built up a paradigm that of positive evolution to make our ancient ancestors look like a bunch of idiots who knew nothing. To label all ancient stories and accounts as mythologies or legends is demeaning to the human race. When you look at all pre-abrahamic civilizations and superimpose their beliefs, everything becomes clear. I am hoping that people reading this will at least research themselves and come to their own conclusion. Two books I recommend reading: Tragedy and Hope (Carroll Quigley)and Secrets of Cold War Technology. I hope the first reply isn't "Conspiracy theorist!!!" lol. After all conspiracies is the reason we have politics. Hope you enjoyed my first thread and thanks for reading . -1-
  14. Jing Retention

    I've been retaining my semen or let's say I've been celibate for about 10 days. And Im quite good at controlling my thoughts but what If I ejaculate while asleep? How do you prevent this from happening? Do you tie like a band around your penis cause I heard students did that and that they can apparently pull in their testicles into their body. Some also pull cars using their private parts. I would genuinly appreciate any kind of advice
  15. Pre-communist Chinese Zeitgeist

    What about this and the Secret of the Golden Flower. I don't understand the need for secrecy seeing as the world is already a disaster with weapons of mass destruction, enormous energy released by the tniest particles enough to destroy everything in its path. Why would they still keep it secret. Another Boxer's Rebellion perhaps?
  16. Pre-communist Chinese Zeitgeist

    are you serious? How? I mean yes, I would appreciate your assistance.
  17. Pre-communist Chinese Zeitgeist

    I understand that the cultural revolution was actually a genocide of these enrgetic practices. Do you know of any Taoist practices that survived perhaps and were untainted by the genocide?
  18. Funny you say that because Im smoking a joint right now. I just recently joined Tao Bums. Nice to see we have something in common broski
  19. Enlightenment Experiences Poll

    I haven't had any enlightenment experience yet with regards to the meditation Im doing, I did however manage to make a qi ball which manifested as greater heat which got the attention of my sister when I threw it at her. I didn't meditate or anything, just charged up qi for literally 40-45 minutes while directing it. This happened when I was around 14-15. Im 20 now and Im only starting to take this practice seriously cause I am very convinced it's true. I can actually get a crushing sensation of energy which affects breathing in the heart chakra at will. But I would not personally consider that an achievement in any shape or form . I now it takes years to develop and master.
  20. When meditating, I understand that you focus on achieveing a state of sensory deprivation while breathing air down to the dan tian as the belly comes out. Apparently after 100 days of "gathering the light" then it is genuine and work can begin. Im not sure if Im meant to visualise but Im convinced that with persistent practice that you will begin to actually feel qi and eventually control it through breathing but not through visualisation. Kind of like how qi is lead to your arms when you flex without you even thinking about it once mastered. Im not sure, will anyone please give some directions on the technique. Im sure that a lot of fellow bums have been training diligently for a long time. What experiences and techniques can you share? Am I on the right of path at a price of 100 days lol. Thanks for any feedback .
  21. Li Ching-Yuen. That's my answer to that simple question.
  22. Hello Hello

    Hellow fellow members. I've been reading a lot of very informative posts on Tao bums for quite a while now in particular effilang posts. I must say that Im very impressed by the maturity and intelligence displayed in this forum thus far lol. I hope that I will be able to provide as much as I am able to take away from this community and wish everyone the best of luck towards their noble aspirations. Thank you once again.
  23. Hello Hello