lazy cloud

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Posts posted by lazy cloud

  1. I think it is worth noting too that the teachers here, are here to facilitate students as well as other more professional pursuits ; not here as individuals to just discuss and banter back and forth.


    I know when I was in that position there is an assumed authority and for effeciencies sake you don't want to be bogged down with a ton of questions. Just give the answer and move on.


    I think when they bump into folks that are not looking for professional advice or may not be interested in thier particular authority, ...who don't just take an answer on their authority, it can become frustrating and I guess if you are a bit sensitive that would become defensiveness...


    I try to give them that latitude. It becomes a different game when that "professional advice" wanders out of their area of expertise.. say into assessment of the person or assumptions as to what a persons true intentions are etc. (esspecially if that proclaimation is assumed to be from spiritual awareness or some other nonsense). The ones here not as their students can find that a bit over the top and react defensively too.


    I think over time I would have knee jerk reactions and get defensive if I was here with as an expert and a bunch of folks didn't accept that...


    What I find obvious is the defensiveness or assumption that certain people are always there just to attack etc. or are always reacting from a certain agenda.


    I remember once posting a question to a teacher. He had made a statement which I thought was really insightful... the reaction was really hostile - that I was trolling him out to discredit him. It was just the opposite...


    I think if anyone (teacher of not) is operating from that mindset, then they need to take a break. No matter how many words we've read from other people- we do not know who they are. Our assumptions on their intentions or agendas reveal as much to us, if not more, about who we are than who they are.


    Its at a point now where I can't post at all without it being assumed that I'm attacking "teachers"... but I have picked up those battles in the past, and I don't take a person's authority on title alone (behaviour is important) so I guess it is not unreasonable to expect people to react that way... all the more reason for -o- to fade way.


    I think the best is just let them say their piece and move on - the rest of us bantering types seem to get along just fine. And it is from that ilk that I find the best insight aswell.

    OK, -O-, I cannot disagree with any part of your post. I respect your experience and insight. You are thinking of leaving this site ? 5ET has also suggested he may leave the sight. That is what I am trying to point out here when i said unintended consequences. IMO it would be better if everyone stayed on board and learned from experience. I have some experience and some knowledge. I am certainly no expert.

    I am here to share and to learn. There is a thread by Kate where it talks about how cool TTB is. I look at it as a useful resource and can see it being a positive benefit.

  2. I sent an email to some students training BP, hope they have time to come here to share what they think of the course!

    Can you give us an idea of how many levels are involved? If an average student were to put in 1-2 hours a day where would you expect them to be in 3 years? which level?

    • Like 1

  3. Well one of the points that William Mistele raised in the article I linked is that some people, even when they are in the act of apologizing or making amends, cannot help but sneak a few digs into the people with whom they are conversing, principally my re-framing whatever terms that person has used in order to paint their position in a different light.


    You can notice it quite a bit in 5ET's post above yours, lazy cloud. (and in a few other places from a few other people!)


    At the same time, I've seen 5ET purposefully bait people and play games. For instance, someone in another thread asked a question, and 5ET's first post was, "what did your teacher say when you asked him/her?" At least from my position, it's pretty safe to say that the person was practicing on their own, otherwise they would have included insight from their teacher in their post. But it seemed like 5ET couldn't resist bringing up the topic about absolutely NEEDING to have a teacher, for nothing else will do, which not only is a point that has been beaten to death, but for some reason he did NOT just bring up the topic DIRECTLY, but had to circuitously bring up the topic by forcing the admission of the person. If he genuinely wasn't sure if the person had a teacher, he could have just asked, "do you have a teacher? If so, have you tried asking them? If not, are there any in your area? Where do you live, perhaps I can help?"


    In my opinion, actions like that are rather sneaky, and reek of some pretty serious personal issues- that of relishing superiority, and forcing others to acknowledge that superiority themselves.


    I have no problem with people who have different philosophies than myself, I have no problem with people feeling the need to bring it up whenever they see fit. But good lord, if you've got something to say, then just fucking say it! And if you've got a disagreement, then good lord, respect the other person's opinion and experience! Rolling your eyes at the person you are trying to make amends with doesn't help your cause, no matter how many times you say, "but what I said was...."

    Sloppy Zhang , I understand. Also I do feel(imo) that you were singled out from the start of this thread. I have not been on TTB as long as most(all) that participated in this thread , so as far as past history and tendency IDK.

    The authoritarian attitude was also a bit of a turn off for me . I tried to look past that as 5ET did say there were problems developed from becoming friends with students.

    Maybe this is his way to deal with that issue?

    I do also feel that the generation you are in was put on the defensive from the start.

    It is puzzling to me. At this point I am just trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I am staying nuetral and just suggesting that both sides take another look at the consequences(unintended).

  4. Hopefully alot of lessons can be taken out of this thread. It was rather painful to follow from any perspective. To 5ET and Ya Mu's credit they do provide links,books, and dvds AND they personally teach.

    IMO 5ET tried to use a motivational technique that just took an unintended turn.

    (for the worse) Such is the way of risk taking.

    In any teacher/student dynamic there can/will be misunderstandings.

    What if we frustrate the decent teachers to the point where they say "Hey I got this , why should I care if anyone else gets it or not?"

  5. I just want to find a place where I feel I belong. I've never had that at school, at church, or at any jobs I've had. I don't know if a commune is right for me, it's just something I've considered.


    I need to do something, move on with my life. But I cannot function in a corporate work environment. That's just out of the question. In any case the economic system is coming apart and trying to go up the career ladder now is an exercise in futility.


    I've thought a bit about going to a monastery but not specifically about ordination. I really don't know much about that.

    IMO the Question? Asked by Rainbow_Vein and suninmyeyes needs to be answered before you proceed further.

  6. I am wondering how much experiential writing would balance the current volume of drivel?


    Reminds me of a comment from earlier about things being off topic.


    Does 'Fact not Fiction' imply that fiction may not be included?


    Facts in posts are totally subjective to future readers anyway.


    Two sides of an argument sets the stage for resolve which has nothing to do with sides.


    In the long run resolve is made by the reader/seeker from their own intuitive ability and feeling sense.

    That is an interesting avatar. I also liked the previous one you used.

    Every poster here has the option/right to go back and edit their posts.


    I had hoped to see some comments from anyone who attended one of these recent seminars.


    I can also understand a variety of reasons they would choose not to do so.


    A public teacher should expect close scrutiny. They should not be subject to vicious attacks. IMO and it is subjective.

  7. The reason for the courses instead of the DVD's is I want to get serious people and not just sell DVD's to anyone, I want to see this art survive in the hands of a student that wants to train this and develop on his path!



    Its not a good thing when talking business I know but I rather quality that quantity you know what I mean???

    I have heard an old teacher say, way back in the day, "A teacher had a choice of producing good skilled students or making money teaching lesser students. It is very difficult to do both."

  8. Rodin is carrying on with Teslas work that got covered up.

    He's presenting in the only ways possible to guarantee the

    informations survival. It is very important.


    `We've all been programmed with simple little ideas since schooling

    began that constantly affect right perception.


    The working model pattern Eneagram/Rodins Coil Diagram is the alchemy that brings

    god self consciousness into presence as the universe.


    The geometry of these patterns are found inside the human body.


    Right mind and understanding make binary perception real.

    palatalize the word BraHma?


    Why does air go in on one side and out on the other?


    Wind forms vortice inside some caves and makes a whistle.

    Conchas are blown as a horn, but the frequency or spin has

    to be just right.

    I know another Concha












  9. Zenyatta likes it as well.

    Some horses get carrots as a reward others guiness. I spent a night at the Kentucky

    Horse Training Center outside of Lexington. Some of those horses know how to party :D

    I am not joking. I learned about tienchi there too.

  10. Here's some Taoist things I have done:


    1. Chi-Gung-(quit 3 years ago)

    2. Painting with Chinese ink on rice paper-(quit 2 years ago)

    3. Attempting to learn the I-Ching-(quit today after 2 weeks)


    4. Looking at the cherry blossoms blooming (now)

    5. Seeing the good in someone when others see the bad and vice versa (now)

    6. Vibrating to all the ten thousand things working in perfect airplanes roaring and street lights changing and clouds moving and all of it merging(now)



    So I've come to the conclusion that 1,2,and 3 for me are 'trying too hard' to be closer to Tao. Being closer to Tao or swimming in the flow is more about small everyday occurrences such as in 4,5,an 6. I may not be an expert in any modality, I may not have anything to offer tangibly... but if I can live in the heart of Tao that's all I want.

    May i ask, which Chi Gong you practiced and for how long?

  11. This would be way cool but my husband and teen-aged sons won't be into it! I can't hurt them by up and leaving but it'd be great for younger folks or those without family attachments.


    Can I come for a visit?


    I think it would be ideal living...maybe in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western N.C. or Tennessee? I'ts beautiful there, good climate, lots of teeny farms, a zillion hardwood forests, streams and waterfalls. In Tennessee it would be cheaper and less developed than n N.C. I think Tenn. has the cheapest land in America.


    Me, I'm just looking for a house out of this crammed in sub-division in the heart of Las Vegas. Something out in the desert with an acre and no immediate neighbors. Some place where I can hear the wind whistle. Maybe even a real tree and grass instead of 'desert landscaping' which means gravel!


    Keep the dream alive!

    In Tennessee a reward for climbing to the top of a mountain would be able to look down to the clouds.

    Also the spring water coming out of the mountain could be useful. There will be a few hermits already there.

  12. :lol::lol: west virginia ninja vs. steven seagal , who is gonna win?!

    watch on spike tv " don't go ninja-in no one don't deserve ninja-in"


    Sloppy Zhang has a nasty choke hold. did lazy cloud ever say what his weapon of choice was? :ninja: the judey chop?

    If the "judey chop" is weilded by someone who has 15 years of iron hand training it becomes a diferent type of thing. Someone bull rushing me with head down and neck/back exposed? :lol: Tournament and Street are 2 diferent places. Tournaments have rules. That being said on any given day .........

  13. Easy, That is very interesting work. I look at you as a Chuck Yeager of test pilots and not on the tolerance level of the average "seeker".

    All the compounds in PiHKAL are not methamphetamine derivitives. Peyote was mentioned in this thread. I am in the same opinion of you in regards to Peyote or

    San Pedro. However I do find mescaline more interesting. It is a phenethylamine class.

    I am surprised Raven's Bread was not brought up in this thread. I would not group it with the other "shrooms".

    For me safety is a concern. That is one reason I favor mescaline. I have never heard of anyone ever dying from it. IMO the avererage "seeker" experiences a visionary state of awareness on typical "shrooms".

    I have never personally tried the Vine of the Soul. I am curious about it. There are other plants not mentioned here that give powerful life changing experiences. I will not bring them up either due to what I view as a safety concern.

    I won't knock the toad venom because I have never tried it. I am trying to stay in the plant kingdom. DMT biosynthesis is quite easy and instructions readily available.

    It may require a visit to the local nursery.

    Seems to be a consensus that this is a stepping stone tool and not a lifestyle.

  14. I'm in a hotel this week for a conference and so have had the teevee on some while hanging out. It's been awhile since I watched any teevee, and man, it is one depressing piece of shite collossal waste on every level. I wish there still was stuff of this quality to watch now. The only good thing I could find to watch was the big Dog Show in NY this week. It's sad and frustrating.


    Thank goodness for the TTB :ninja: I think there is even a new thread saying so.

    Kung Fu , Green Hornet paved the way.

  15. :D Dang! When 3 Buddhists show up in a thread They certainly give alot to chew on.

    Beautiful image Gerard.

    On a side note @ Marblehead. I have a friend here locally who told me that in 1976 that He read an article in Newsweek. It was about a Taoist in Taiwan who left his body standing in a temple. It still stands there with hair and fingernails still growing. I think my friend is "pulling my leg" . Does anyone know about this?

  16. :lol: the debate continues.

    Sun Lu Tang was 60 when he took the Japanese Champion's challenge.

    I dont think Guo Yunghen would end up on his back. Bengquan was not his only weapon.

    I said earlier about everyone being in their box. I am also in mine I suppose.

    DoJo wars and Streetfights are apples and oranges.

    I agree with you that there is no substitute for real experience.

    We all have our "war stories".

    Do you think a xingyiquan master does not have Strength, Flexibility, and Explosive Power? What they do have is a Fighting Spirit. Fears no Demons.

    Push Hands is not fighting but rather a Training Technique for Sensitivity.

    I would not advise anyone to go up and try to kick Tu Jin-Sheng in the nuts either.

    Wonder what those monks do in the Shaolin Temples all day? Probably worry about MMA guys :o

    Debating is fun :) I don't take it serious. I respect the Gracies. They have opened alot of eyes.

    I will send a letter to the Chinese military to suggest they replace xingyiquan training techniques with BJJ.