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Posts posted by paulno

  1. I read people say ,"if you are really suicidal you would've done it by now." That is a dangerous myth that's about as far from the truth as imaginable.


    Some people contemplate suicide for weeks, months, or even years. Looking for an answer but being ignored by friends and family that question their motives and write them off as overly dramatic. I think love is key here. Simple answer, I know. But, if you're in a void and feel alone (which if understanding isn't involved can be achieved in a room packed full of people) love can give you motive for life and help get you through another grueling day.

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  2. Please read my earlier replies before posting repetitive statements(I copy-paste from page 13 below):


    You interpret my words in a wrong way, let us clarify and quote the exact sentence:


    "Master Li has explained that the original plan of this earth was not to mix races - but it has happened and Falun Dafa practitioners accept it just like we accept all other warped behaviours in modern society."


    I did not say above that a mixed race person is "warped" in any way. Warped behaviours are something very different than the fact that we have mixed race people on earth today.


    The choice of words of mine were not very good above, excuse me for that. I believe those who wish to understand me will understand me.


    Warped behaviours that an FD cultivator tries to avoid in order to be able to reach high Gong levels are typically the ones religion tells us to avoid like using drugs, stealing, telling lies, murder, promiscuity, adultery, homosexuality etc etc.


    Basically just being a good person in the traditional sense. But of course we respect all other people irrespective of what they choose to do in their lives. Everyone has a free will and we respect it and tolerate all people.


    Just my two cents, no truth offered whatsoever.


    You keep saying its not racist but then say something even more offensive Gauss. I've answered you with sarcasm many times and an attitude of anger because its a very personal matter to me. However, I truly hope you see the error of your ways. I think you're too intelligent of a guy to believe your own justifications.

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  3. We have been through this many times, let us take it once more.


    Falun Dafa practitioners may marry people of other races, many FD practitioners are married to people of other races.Hence FD is not against people mixing races.


    If CCP propaganda claims the opposite, well that is just wicked propaganda and evil lies spread by an evil organization that tries to turn people against Dafa.


    Li Hongzhi has explained that in all other dimensions races(main spirits of people are of one race, ie black, white or yellow) are not mixed since that would make it impossible to enter a heavenly paradise(as I understand it all races have special tasks to perform in the enormous cosmic body and that is the real reason for creating all the races) - this is strictly scientific and has nothing to do with our modern society´s notions of racism etc.


    And Dafa is compassionate to all people no matter how they look or live their lives.


    Master Li has explained that the original plan of this earth was not to mix races - but it has happened and Falun Dafa practitioners accept it just like we accept all other warped behaviours in modern society.

    And whether the flesh body is of mixed race is irrelevant to the main spirit which is of one race anyway and that paradise in that dimension is where the person belongs and where he was originally born and where he can comsummate himself if he cultivates well.


    This situation has also been observed by many Dafa cultivators during meditation.



    Dafa cultivation is absolutely Gong cultivation, not Chi cultivation.


    Just my understanding at my wisdom level, no truth whatsoever is offered.


    C'mon man...How is that not racist? Warped behavior?


    You're basically saying its unnatural but you've grown to accept it. Sounds like the enlightened sage Archie Bunker.

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  4. Reading the Tao Te Ching more and more I often wonder if Daosim as we know it today is what was originally intended.


    I read a lot about "The Way" and not forcing the universe to move for you etc. At the same time I hear a lot about energy moving exercise on forums like this and it sort of confuses me.


    Two things I want to make totally clear...


    1. I am in no way, shape or form insulting anyone's practice.


    2. I am not an expert on Daoism, the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu, Tai Chi, Qigong or probably anything.


    I'm simply wondering the relation between the exercises and Lao Tzu and/or does one exist? If not, do we have any idea how he may have meditated?

  5. I'm still confused here. Maybe, its me. The system clearly believes in racial segregation at some level and everyone is okay with this? Nobody has said...Wow, that's WRONG.


    It seems as though everyone is more apt to say "Well, it is good for chi cultivation".

  6. The heavens have their conditions of life and everything in this universe exists for a reason.


    How can people judge the "heavens" based on the current life conditions of modern human society?


    A Master teaches truth, a higher form of truth, whether people can accept it or not is up to them. When one ascends in meditation one will see truth about the heavens and having notions is useless in my opinion.



    I remember the Hopi indians talked about different tasks in the cosmos for the different races.


    The conditions of the heavens has nothing to do with current society and Falun Dafa has many practitioners with mixed marriages, tolerance is an important aspect of cultivation.


    Just my two cents, no truth offered whatsoever.

    Again, so all the people of mixed race are just in limbo? Segregation is ignorant and hurtful. BTW I'm not saying you or your master are racists.


    But, segregation certainly is (racist) without a doubt. I have trouble believing the afterlife is about as advanced as 1940s Louisiana.

  7. I think religion like anything else can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Just as politics can. Just as philosophy can. Just as a steak knife can.


    I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes here. But, people are quick to label something good or bad very quickly. Whether you believe that religion or spirituality was given to us by a divine source or created by us. It still passes through different hands. Some of these hands want to help people and some want to hurt people. Sad but true.

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  8. Taken from David Icke's Wiki...


    "many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson, and Boxcar Willie.[3]"


    NOT U2 Boxcar Willie! Nooooooo! ROFL

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  9. for one I think a CR (Calorie REstricted) diet would help.


    The CHinese also believe in eating until ur belly is 70 percent full rather than 100 percent. Japanese have the 80% rule (from what I've heard).


    CR diets cut calorie intake by as much as 20-30 percent so that goes along with it.



    It increases lifespan and immunity, as well as overall strength. IT does that by activating certain genes involved in the process.


    The point though is probably also to get all or more than enough micronutrients and cut back on macronutrients. The most micronutrient dense foods are the vegetables, and specifically the leafy greens, the darker the better. They also have the least calories but in relation to weight, or calories Im not sure, are protein dense. Also very rich in chlorophyll.


    Fermented food is also good to incorporate.


    Conscious Eating is a good book by Gabriel Cousens. So is Hippocrates LifeForce


    Oh, yeah Non I've actually read up a bit on that. I'm a little hesitant though because I heard it has some side effects like loss of sex drive. Which for a middle aged guy can be a risk in itself already.