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Everything posted by Leif

  1. Masturbation and the Law of Attraction

    Click MultiQuote button on each post you wish to reply to. Once done, click Add Reply button at the bottom of the page, and all marked posts will appear quoted in the reply post field.
  2. Celestial Qigong/Neigong DVDs

    second link is password protected
  3. wasn't it this one: http://www.thetaobums.com/index.php?/topic/17968-question-about-the-fire-method/
  4. IMHO the teacher is more important than the method (if I had the luxury of choice, ie lots of good teachers, I'd go with one that'd be best fit for me at the moment of decision personality- and energeticaly-wise)
  5. Can a serial killer be a taoist?

    someone with less self-control even took the time to post a dedicated video guide on using ignore function with brawnypandora0 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGWcqQlg1wI I wonder what would be better LOL
  6. Bad experiences with chi kung

    it could be but it mostly depends on how you do the meditation, it's up to the meditator, for me it works just fine on making the emotion weaker most of the time also I wouldn't draw a line between qigong and meditation...again it depends on who does the qigong, and sure many do just the qigong moves and not the other parts/layers...but to me meditation is one of the parts of qigong
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I believe sifu Terry says somewhere that you should follow your own natural breathing pattern, anyway just found and copied the instructions from his website: "Once this initial breathing sequence is completed, breath naturally and evenly as you do the rest of the exercise. Do not hold your breath or strain your breathing! " (If you wish to work on your natural breathing pattern (as I have found out during FPCK that I sorely need) for example the taoist breathing program from Bruce Frantzis seems good to me.)
  8. Help with protection from taoist black magick

    If there is no Lucas Huang, neither of the guys posting here could actually be Lucas Huang, makes perfect sense to me you serious? If not participating, he is watching it very closely and "defending" himself by posting pics and threats on his blog, which are timewise reactions to this thread and which btw. seem to be in sync with visits of ....... oh no guess games anymore he himself is good at destroying his own "business", it seems to me
  9. The Lower Chakras

    Hot topic for me, you are an inspiration, it's the next thing I got to work on. In the past I had some success with Donna Eden's work (she suggests circling palm clockwise and anti-clockwise, among other methods - eg. connecting two chakras by hands so that they can "communicate" better - my words) and breathing into/through chakras. Will try your method too, that would make sense now that I'm more into qigong work .
  10. That's good idea thanks. Though I was kind of hoping to get "the higher level stuff" , and remember Terry Dunn saying that's something not to be released publically. that's one of my open questions about FP, I'll raise them one day after getting through all the posts in FP thread and digesting them I stumbled upon these as well, just couldn't discern whether these are same products or not. (Still if I'll ever get their DVD, that'd be only to compare to Terry Dunn's. Terry Dunn is a safe point here for me and I'll go with his FP. I remember Terry Dunn saying somewhere in the thread that the FP disk from flyingphoenix.com website - he probably had flyingphoenix.us on mind - contains different stuff than his FP. Also their quotes along the lines of "these FP meditations supersede the old meditations released" don't raise much trust with me.)
  11. Thanks. so more of a "demo" than "instruction" Not quite sure so far whether he has one, I could find Rizzo's, LaRochelle's, but not one yet that would seem like his own. Don't even know whether LaRochelle (owner of that website) is authorized. (There is just too much controversy around GMDW on internet.)
  12. Jenny Lamb "Better than any mantra for this life or future lives is to keep your heart in a pure state." Glenn Morris "Opening of the heart chakra is second only to the kundalini in the achievement of enlightenment."
  13. just a tiny note so that it's not connected to some practices (eg. yi gong) mentioned above: if I understood it correctly, wudanquan's post is about Red Phoenix which is the part of Kunlun that's not shared in the Kunlun book but only taught at seminars
  14. I too am inclined to view it as such, it probably depends on what one's expectations are. Jenny Lamb says: "For any higher level of spiritual or energy practice, such as Yi gong (or you may call it Kunlun), it is its own complete system, designed to achieve its highest attainment." and I believe somewhere she also wrote along the lines that just the level 1 of Yi Gong is all one needs. (And this is only part of Kunlun what she considers complete system.) On her website - Q&A part - she also discusses the question of combining with other system. I think this is something where if you really wish to do both despite the pre-warnings, you should turn to the teacher with a question describing your current practice in detail. (After all, yi gong was combined with other practices into Kunlun, Jenny Lamb is a buddhist doing a taoist practice, and her DVD contains number of other practices besides yi gong and she says to do them in sequence.)
  15. "This practice is not written in any form" might relate to only part of practice, as most of it is described in the book. There is a list of teachers on http://www.kunlunbliss.com/teachers.html but it might be out of date. I believe I have heard about someone in Austria but he is not on the list, there are teachers in Germany and Norway. If you are in Switzerland, maybe you know a bit of French - French edition of Kunlun book is currently available, it's just the English one that's not.
  16. Finding a sifu

    You are not buying knowledge, at least not in my book, though I can understand most think that way, that's how the society works. My point of view is more towards "energy exchange" (money=energy) and paying for masters time. I didn't say that and wouldn't subscribe to that. Paying for lessons has nothing to do with making any progress. For similar argumentation, people often say "you need to pay to really value the teachings" and while I understand where they are heading with that, I don't care that much about that one either, it's just, more or less, the "western school of motivational thought" kind of thinking. Sure there are masters who will not charge anything, for their various own reasons. But whether someone charges or not has little to do with them being master.
  17. Finding a sifu

    Would a typical master let you live with a subconscious feeling of overwhelming debt to him because you didn't have to pay a dime? Would a typical master require you to work for him for free in exchange for his "free" teachings, like it used to be in the old days? Just thoughts.... In my very humble opinion, don't waste time thinking about that, especially not before you have even met the person you want to study with.
  18. Hi all how do you PM members?

    You probably can't do anything here until you post the first post in the Lobby forum which you just did. So now click on any member name and in their profile there is "Send me a message" link on the left side. If you can't see it, chances are you'll need couple more posts, some forums have PMing limited to new users with little posts, don't know about this forum - but I only got a couple of posts and can PM already so you'll probably have it enabled already too.
  19. Quick Kunlun question

    I got the movements right away on the first session today. But then I'm a bit more kinesthetic and get occasional slight involuntary muscle trembling or movement here and there...(which is why I thought this (Jenny Lamb's DVD practice actually) might work for me). I'm complete qigong noob, you have been warned, before I go on with my opinions as that's what it is: Your body knows spontaneous movement qigong already. It's when you are a bit worried or stressed and palm your forehead automatically. Or you feel like stretching yourself a bit during day and do that..at any place..in office chair...in bus...sitting in waiting room.... When you feel like dancing and do the few dancing steps to feel better. You do it all the time, some in more or some in less subtle ways. The key here is to let it happen, allow your body to move. If you feel some sensation, let the movement develop out of it, allow it to happen. It's said "do not guide your movement" but there is a very tiny margin between guiding and allowing and you have to explore that for yourself. I don't know if I did it the right way today...I don't celebrate that I got the movements...I'll try to empty my cup yesterday, and the days after, again and again, and again start from zero. From my understanding (sure, first day in only) getting the movements is unimportant, it's important to get in touch with "it", allowing, feeling, letting yourself be guided by the inner wisdom, becoming one with "it", there I feel a long way to go myself. I admire your dedication, one hour is only a distant dream for me.
  20. Five Tibetian Rites

    it's 1 cd (over 1hr) and 1 dvd, from http://smashanpress.com/tic_discs.html#P2 it doesn't contain just the 5T but some other stuff (Five gates breathing for example, which is what Santiago often mentioned here as 5pb Five points breathing) the intro starts along the line that this "practice no. 2" is about becoming aware of the 3 main subtle energy channels and 3 dantiens for a dedicated spin-meister, they also have another DVD in practice 7 that has two bits on 5 Tibetans...I think I'm skipping that for the time being, need to start practice instead of growing CD collection
  21. Five Tibetian Rites

    I'd have to devote it couple of hours before I can make something useful out of it as with my level of English it takes me a lot of time to grasp the instructions fully, particularly as here they seem a bit compressed - a lot of info in small space. But I managed to listen to part of CD today on a background. At the beginning Tao says more important than visualization is breath awareness and to follow breath with eyes (closed). While I was expecting traditional visualizations (eg. Mercier's Chakra book has maybe 2 or 3 hatha yoga exercises almost identical to the Tibetans and she includes visualizations and it's about visualizing colours in chakra areas, something to that extent...) this is more about energy awareness filling up the three dantiens. Inhaling inward, filling the lower dantian, breath and energy spiraling, distributing energy to the dantian on inhale and to the body on exhale, breath pressure and distribution, things like that. For the first exercise for example, it's something along filling the lower dantian as inhaling inward, allowing energy to spin as you spin your body, becoming aware of yourself as center of spinning, rooting yourself to the ground (I'm sure I missed couple of details - this is not the full how-to). I'm expecting Jenny Lamb's DVD tomorrow and want to go with that first, but if any questions about Tao's 5Ts let me know and I can try to find out.
  22. The Max Christensen Facts Not Fiction Thread.

    http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros but better don't read it...or some might consider you part of that group LOL
  23. Do you know whether Jenny Lamb teaches Maoshan 5E practice in her Yi Gong DVD please? on re-edit couple of days later: she doesn't teach it, it's something Max Christensen learned from someone else (Andrew Lum?) so Kunlun book is probably the most accessible source on this practice
  24. Chunyi Lin's Master

    as posted elsewhere: