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Everything posted by Leif

  1. That was about my main concern, I can take that my technique might be wrong even after going through the instruction for 20th time and filming myself and all, but the health aspects bothered me more (from knees to spine problems some mentioned - eg. Frantzis). That's why I have been considering Frantzis' bagua program too despite the price which is almost out of reach to me, as he seems to get very involved with all the details including health aspects in his materials. And no price is big when it comes to health. Hopefully I'm not bargaining much, except limited geographically (I won't travel out of the country to learn). Only Ted Mancuso's DVD is pretty inexpensive, but it seemed to me it's real course and well structured, unless most other DVDs out there. Thank you for the link, I'm just reading it and it quite matches my view on the matter (but then that was only formed by reading some of the bagua threads on this forum where you serious bagua players participated, anyway). In the end I'll likely get the teacher sooner than anticipated. There are only about two teaching publically in our country, and I might be able to get to the intensive beginners course one is offering. 4x3 hours to learn 8 palms and ba da zhang is way more intensive progress than expected but it will get me foot in the door to have access to the teacher.
  2. Thank you Trunk. But you had quite a bit of live training right? Or did you start with Heart of Bagua first? I have some other non-fighting course from Sifu Matsuo and loved his teaching personality and his Youtube demos, that's why I'm considering him (also for the other topics he teaches to eventually progress towards one day, like silk reeling and iron shirt).
  3. looking for some help<<<please

    Maybe meditation: eg. http://www.hindawi.com/journals/drt/2012/246725/ If you are that drawn into Kunlun, you can try to get in touch with Jenny Lamb, she's the original transmitter of Kunlun level 1. Most likely she will advise against practicing it in this case though, but maybe she might have an extra advice for you.
  4. the power of now

    Yet another proof that just reading books doesn't make it ;-). I know people that benefitted alot. But they re-read the books many times, watched Tolle's videos all the time, and practiced (it's not that hard with Tolle, it's not like that he has many techniques that you got to learn). But I too can see why Anamatva has no desire to read it. It's most beneficial for those without deep background in those arts discussed on this board. It might be watered down but still is powerful. It's good to transform millions. Then there are other teachings that are relatively more powerful, but good for maybe hundreds or thousands.
  5. direct transmission thru a book/webcast

    I guess this whole thread diverted a bit off topic almost right after it started, but the initial question format contributed to it mightily. My feeling is that it was about transmission in mahamudra and dzogchen lineages, specifically: - pointing out instruction - transmission that allows you to practice certain teachings (many of them are not allowed to be practiced by those who do not have appropriate transmission) but I can only speak for myself and not for healingtouch. My (very limited) understanding so far is that pointing out instructions are somewhat possible "by distance", same as it's somewhat possible to transmit shakti by distance (by somewhat, I mean it's usually less effective/powerful, than in person). At worst, it has no effect, but same can happen with live pointing out instruction. As for books, I'm not aware of any author who claims transmission is "part" of the book (in respect to mahamudra and dzogchen). IMHO transmission can happen through book as well (as some wrote already), but it's not transmission in terms of "pointing out instructions" nor in terms of "being allowed to practice 'secret' teachings", but a "general type of transmission".
  6. direct transmission thru a book/webcast

    Chögyal Namkhai Norbu: http://tsegyalgar.org/theteachings/worldwidetransmissions/ As for KAP, that might be a bit different, my subjective understanding is that it's purely a safety measure (in other words you can practice KAP drills without transmission, it's not "restricted teaching").
  7. DGS's Dizzying DVD Collection

    I ordered a DVD couple weeks ago and from Sifu Matsuo's follow-up email I understood his computer just broke down and he's travelling somewhere. Still couple weeks ago already.
  8. Using Qi to fight evil entities

    check eg. http://thetaobums.com/topic/10540-spirit-fighting-martial-arts-los-angeles-classes/ or http://thetaobums.com/topic/13455-spirit-fighting-training/
  9. Trying to pick a QiGong system

    I have heard good things about Chilel, as a healing qigong. Anyway, I second the above, try Michael Lomax or Flying Phoenix. I think they'll fit your criteria to start with - both are very "easy:. I don't think you'll like the second part of Michael Lomax's workshop as IMHO that practice doesn't fit your current state (intense moving), but the core of the system is basically sitting meditation, and if you go for the seminar you'll get a huge boost with that practice (including a healing presence of true master teacher). Flying Phoenix in first two levels contains static standing and sitting meditations, where absolute minimum for most is 5 minutes per exercise, so that IMHO will fit your criteria as well, and first two levels are easy to learn without attending live workshop.
  10. White Tiger Heavenly Healing System "72 levels"

    Yes it's similar "methodology" (didn't know about Red Dragon though). I didn't progress beyond first couple of meditations, so far BFSYG seems to be more variable in the breathing aspect (unless I have missed something as I only read about it Flying Phoenix is always three initial and three closing breaths, but it might be just one in some BFSYG meditations and some even have percentage breathing included in the closing breath sequence).
  11. Tip For "Haunted" Kunlun

    Given what I read from Jenny Lamb I doubt she has time to read the forum posts here I was considering posting on Jenny Lamb's Facebook group to ask for a statement (regarding the connection of entity issues to her lineage spontaneous qigong), but it came clear to me that it's not needed, because she issued one through her articles already: At the same time she posted here that article on entity issues, she posted it on her Facebook group together with another one whose main point is recommendation of spontaneous qigong for self-healing. (I have no doubt she wouldn't do so if there was any entity or other issue with it.)
  12. QiGong, Chi Kung

    Couple more words to the best time to practice: Max Christensen in the interview transcribed on http://www.neikung.de/interview-max-christensen-en/ says: "And the thing is in our tradtion people practice one hour a night evening time is the best time about 7:30 pm and that allows your body to calm it allows you to regenerate. If you want to do it between 11 pm and one am then that will be a time for spiritual endeavors. If you want to use it quickly for health practice between 5 and 7 am in the morning." also google search http://www.google.com/search?q=kunlun+practice+morning+or+evening&start=0&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8 reveals few threads from this forum that cover this Yes it's for Kunlun, but I believe particularly the advice from the interview above is applicable for Yigong as well (first level of Kunlun being Yigong, and Max speaks mostly about Kunlun 1 in that interview).
  13. You can read it without Kindle, Amazon has free software readers for number of platforms (including Windows).
  14. Mopai Training with jim mcmillan

    You almost sound like you accept their powers except their wisdom, thinking that your wisdom (including with whom/how to share the knowledge) is higher than theirs.
  15. Tip For "Haunted" Kunlun

    The intent behind ball holding position in Kunlun is to strenghten the central channel energy to ignite the spontaneous movements. (Though I can see one can end with "ball of energy" in some cases even without such intention eg. if sitting in that position for longer time.) Btw. original kunlun 1 (yigong) doesn't even end with hands at dantien (at least not in the yigong dvd), just intent to store energy in dantien.
  16. Entity Issues

    read the testimonials on her website - it seems first she will ask you for a photo and she can find out from that
  17. Kunlun Book

    Likely yes, given his level and specialties of the schools he studied with. In case that was implied, Sifu Lamb's posting on entity issues has nothing to do with Kunlun. (But yes if anyone is seeing those reptiles by any means get in touch with her.) She is a healer that specializes in entity issues, that's all. (I didn't see her students (of yigong aka Max's Kunlun level 1) talk about reptiles nor other problems that get connected to Kunlun school on this board.) And yes since this is a "Kunlun book" thread it would be great if someone posted what's the difference from the old book.
  18. Chris Matsuo http://dragongatesanctuary.com has an Iron Shirt DVD (I liked GM Doo Wai's demo on on Iron Shin and Iron Forearm but don't know whetehr/where they teach it. )
  19. Mantra68 email address

    you can find website link in his profile, that link has contact form and email address
  20. QiGong, Chi Kung

    Did your read "Best time to practice" on Sifu Lamb's website?
  21. I didn't do Kunlun and can only take it from the viewpoint of fairly short spontaneous qigong practice learnt from DVDs by Jenny Lamb (Max got this reputedly from her), so I'm for sure missing a lot of Kunlun related details. Jenny Lamb stresses spontaneous qigong is all about cultivating awareness, right from the start. It seems Max puts stress on the bliss part instead. You get what you are after. The technique itself is amazingly (extremely) simple yet powerful. All the power is in practice and it's target/path. Practice(method) is not wrong, but goal can be. And yes, of course, it's just you. The posture really has no much significance IMHO, it's all about awareness & allowing & goal you have for your practice. So now that you have found a technique that works and mastered it, why drop it along with the goal (bliss) that didn't?
  22. Mo Pai and Immortality

    So you know what the measures for achieveing the Mo Pai level 72 are? of course the word "probably" excuses you, one can say anything after "probably" That's the general description of how any energy master operates. For example, I have read it mentioned many times with people practicing Indonesian and Malaysian internal arts, not just grandmasters. I have nothing against Waysun Liao, but claims like this don't serve him nor you nor the thread (which I'm enjoying and thankful for as it's interesting discussion) well. I understand your enthusiasm, though.
  23. Osama bin Laden Dead

    Having him alive would be a huge burden with little effects. Dead = no problems. Disks, data and fame = all they need. the deal was an automatic one. We can do what we always do and whatever we wish and you'll keep mouth shut or we'll stop support. The Pakistani government comment about this aggresison was sheepish. Even if they frankly didn't mean so, they could issue much stronger statement about that against US, to not look like complete loosers. I belive it's near to confirmed. Same pics as months or years ago. Many media didn't circulate the pics due to knowing they were not real. But right..hard to confirm 100% anyway. It was not assassination, they seriously wanted to capture him alive, but somehow the warning bullet reached his skull instead of the ceiling by accident, must have been the sniper sneezed accidentally just when pressing the trigger. Or he didn't make it to undress himself completely and handcuff his hands to the bed in the 3 seconds time-limit allowed, or there were nailscissors within the 10 meters range, thus was considered not safe by the shoot-whatever-moves guys. In any case the will to get him alive and face justice was there but the conditions were not met.
  24. John Chang Video

    Informative, yes. Credible? I read couple of Sean Denty's posts on the topic here and elsewhere and while I have no clue about his credibility his posts don't click with me. (just an opinion of mere beginner who got the feeling he must rely more on his gut feelings than anything else in this "cultivation world", and who doesn't follow Winn's nor Chia's system) Here is btw. Michael Winn's response: http://forum.healingdao.com/general/message/10475/
  25. Tai Chi Ruler

    Terry Dunn has a book on it and mentions it shortly in the Flying Phoenix thread. I'm not much informed either but I believe there is Tai Chi Ruler practice that's qigong, then there is one that's more martial arts like (part of Taichi system).