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Posts posted by cicida

  1. Thank you Otis, I love the above way that you put it. It is nice to try new things and having new adventures. It takes courage to make the change too. Reminds me that if one gets meets a new route. 'New directions' like what you said.





  2. Hello brothers and sisters! I've read a lot on this forum, for years actually, but have only now actually signed up. I guess I learn more when I shut up and listen lol. I've studied kung fu for most of my life, my father taught hard fist styles and as I grew I found the softness that I was looking for. Bagua is my favorite, it's balance of internal/external expression is sweeter than the duality of frosted mini wheats mmmmmmm!


    I live in Dallas and travel a good bit, if you come out this way let me know and I'll take you out to drum circle with me to meet some of the family here. I study with a few different masters; I've been fortunate enough to find several wonderful teachers. I primarily study with Master Yuanming Zhang (Long Men Pai -Dragon Gate) and help orchestrate workshops for him as well.


    happy to be meet you all... high 5's n *hugs* all around :)



    Hello Red Pheonix


    You have written a warm introduction and good to have you here :)


    Sending you more sunshine and cheers !!



    • Like 1

  3. Thank you cicida


    i dont know how to reply but i felt what you mean.



    Lol... its fine XieJia,


    Just like crickets sing to each other and we do not understand...only the crickets understand.


    Minds of ancient people are complicated but yet intelligent, their heart move like chess. I recently saw books being sale on SunTze for business management and even for teachers. Cant imagine the works of ancient people still relevant to tame the minds of today modern world.


    In which areas do you wish to learn from SunTze ? Maybe you wish to share?



  4. Thanks for the above discussion.


    I feel the suntze art of art is magnificent. We can apply this at our workplace, hobbies or how to attain a better friendship with our loved ones. Sincere dialogue and fruitful negotiations is better than forceful conflicts. A great work especially in those days where everything depends on inner heart.



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  5. Marblehead,


    Thanks for sharing. I find it so sentimental especially this line : "A quiet old graveyard where I walked alone. With lessons carved into stone". Life is always changing, from birth to death. Sometimes, when there are so many things we should say it to this person, but we keep it inside our heart saving for another opportunity and another time. When this person is unexpectably gone one day, our heartfelt words can only be shared it on their grave. I feel this is rather depressing...



  6. How does one increase self love?


    Hi dmattwads,


    thats a thoughtful question ....


    Maybe at times we should not take things too hard. Most illness arise when we over exert our mind and heart to interprete what is right or wrong. We get angry and sad when we try to analyse matters that fit to our well.


    What do you suggest?

  7. That is all you must do. Love yourself, and love anything that you can relate to out in the world. Just simply learn about yourself and who you truly are. THIS is the key to nirvana.



    Like the way you put it ....


    Sometimes it is good to eliminate all the complicated affairs of the world. Maybe a chocolate?