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Everything posted by Procurator

  1. mentioning of Michael Saso : a polyglot cosmopolitan scholar who is ordained as a daoist priest. below is an example of his work from a synchronistic thread-
  2. This thread is priceless. It shows a nice progression from an idea that an aged cosmopolitan polyglot academic can immerse a paying customer in Dao ....
  3. mm ...she has a page on amazon so she must be. i am quite sure she is qualified to teach "qi dancing" and "hypnosis" as well as cooking.the question still stands -what qualifies her to teach daoism? not info ON or ABOUT , or HER TAKE ON daoism. what qualifies her to teach daoism?
  4. but of course. it also has "qi dancing" , "sharing yr xperience", "reading a textbook" and preparing yr own food for 850 a pop. what a bargain.
  5. yes it is very PC but it is not even daoism at all. she lists her qualifications as being a practitioner and a teacher, leaving out the most important in daoism - being a student. whose student is she? the saying goes "those who cant..."
  6. Welcome to the new Chinese language forum

    Location:I think I've always lived in my head - why do you ask? (shrug)
  7. Welcome to the new Chinese language forum

    以毒攻毒---Yi3 du2 gong du2. Like cures like. no it doesnot:))), this means to cure one poison with another one and is a well known french expression. .......................... n................... 以牙還牙---Yi3 ya2 hai2 ya2. Like for like hmmm, no . this means a tooth for a tooth and is a slightly better known biblical phrase. this must be some kind of a veiled insult....not that there is anything wrong with it.))
  8. 信心銘

    well you posted this presumably seeking constructive critique..may be. anyway its dead wrong. you start by mistranslating a set phrase "the ultimate dao" and it all goes downhill from there. advising the reader to "become disgusted" is as far from the text meaning as it can possibly get.
  9. Welcome to the new Chinese language forum

    以毒攻毒---Yi3 du2 gong du2. Like cures like ............................................ 以牙還牙---Yi3 ya2 hai2 ya2. Like for like these two are obviously not original chinese but rather translations from the west. there is also a few that have been butchered in translation from ch. into engl.
  10. Taoist Yoga Question 1

    you welcome anytime, no sweat. 1. no . i am saying that the tears produced by this exercise are not normal tears. the latter are useless. what you need is tears connected with your qi. e.g. when i stand in immuvable post for 5-10 min then tears start to well up, even thou there is no shiny object. and it happens because the qi gathers inside and seeks an outlet. 2 it does work quite well but needs to be understood correctly. its a qi exercise not eye exercise. 3. you need to learn how to gather qi, so there is something to work with, both a shiny ball and your bodymind are just props, they aint gonna work without the amassed qi.
  11. 信心銘

    a natural state of what? and if it is so natural why it has to be revealed? and..and..and what is the diff between gaining and revealing? ))
  12. 信心銘

    and? that text makes a fascinating topic for a discussion, except i am having a hard time discerning what you are getting at. if you meant it that way, its all good.)
  13. 信心銘

    u welcome. what does it reveal?
  14. Good morning

    i was attracted to here by the chinese subforum since i am studying chinese , probably will post there from time to time.
  15. 信心銘

    "it is only vexed by choosing and selecting" so just one. here is a good translation
  16. 信心銘

    there is no reason for it to be translated that way, however 至 is not the Great but rather the Ultimate.
  17. Get to know the real Procurator

    Well, I looked at your list of suggestd factors and singled out attitude for demonstration. Namely - "playing dirty". A long, long time ago a vagrant ethnic group has discovered that playing dirty pays, that inhabiting a different nation and playing dirty will put them in control of the host nation. Let me demonstrate two examples of my altercations on your forum. Consider this - I have insulted a jew, freely admitted it and will calmly accept the consequences. I play clean. What would I do if insulted? Ignore him, or curse him back and that wuld be the end of it. I have dignity, I play clean. What did the jew do? He whined up a storm in a public forum, foisted his problems on others, tried to drum up pity, raged that he does not know my adress so he can hurt me, shamelessly invoked genocide, (is not it the cheapest how they use genocide at the slightest provocation? dont they have any respect for their dead?) In short, he played dirty. Dirty = filthy, no dignity. Now, another altercation with a jew: I have called her an idiot, you have banned me for a while, that is the end of it. I play clean. But here is the fun part: in response to my insult she called me a name, an equivalent of "nigger". I just ignored her then. Now if I tried to lie my way out of it and told you that "an idiot" has some kind of a methaphoric meaning would not you consider me a shameless lier? Of course you would. Except I am not. I did not lie, I have dignity, I play clean. On the other hand that is exactly what she did, when I exposed her for her hipocrisy: she lied that the russian equivalent of "nigger" has a metaphoric meaning, that it is not a slur. Shameless, dirty play is not it? And that is how they get ahead both here and in the world: by the dint of playing dirty. And that is the reason they are filthy to me.
  18. Get to know the real Procurator

    God Sean I will, but just give me a minute man , I have life you know.
  19. Get to know the real Procurator

    Sean, I understand this forum is dear to your heart but please understand that I have no reason to be as affectionate to it as you are. I am here to chat about something I am passionate about, similarly to my grabbing a cup of java on my way to work. I am not at the coffee shop for ambience or people, I am there for coffee. Will there be an "out of business" sign one morning on the cofee shop door, I will head to the next one down the block without thinking twice. Again not to rain on anybodys' parade but these are just words on the screen, good for 5 min of my daily surfing rutine but not for much else. However I am here for a reason: people are groping in the dark, all kind of nonsense is being foisted on poor saps. If I keep one or two from falling into a trap, I have nothing more to ask.
  20. Get to know the real Procurator

    BINGO!!!! lol just the entire concept of honesty and for all eternity too. Typical..or shall we say, sterotypical.
  21. Get to know the real Procurator

    eh uhm...while you are at it why dont you explain what exactly this ethnic perjorative means that you called me the other day "churka" (guys wait for it , it is hilarious)
  22. Get to know the real Procurator

    It depends what is the punishment for my crime is gonna be - if its attending a sensitivity class with bagels and coffee- yes....just for the giggle value; if the secret police is gonna break down the door in the middle of the night , scare the kids, beat me and drag me away - you know i just dont see how it is helpful. so...would you happen to know what is the appropriate punishment for insulting a jew is nowdays? i mean other than reading through avalanche of whining in this thread? compagnero, i believe the expression you are looking for is "cute"
  23. Get to know the real Procurator

    his description of the events is accurate. feel free to do whatever. (shrug)