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Everything posted by Procurator

  1. Age faster by training methods. Opinions?

    without first asking why, asking how is no use.
  2. Qi Dao - Lama Somananda Tantrapa

    I hear you:). The problem is not these fakes per se, its those who pays them. Folks like to be had, its their nature.
  3. Lu Dongbin's 100 Character Stele

  4. Celibacy

    its probably 2.5years for me, i forgot What's more, the researchers found that a cell that's partway to becoming a sperm cell can revert back to being a germline stem cell--previously thought impossible.
  5. the Three Pure Ones

    crickets:)) to understand the reason as to why they are antropomorphic just one word is needed - microcosm.
  6. that is so commonly decent of you. but since we touched on the subject of true launch the forearms of the launched are never stuck out like that, they are flung either up or adhere to his body.
  7. Is this poster photoshopped? Yes or No?
  8. the utube is blocked in china so tell me what s on those videos? him NOT photoshopping NO posters? or NO cooperative skinheads NOT jumping back pretending they fly?
  9. i am curious about the flying skinheads. is it a requirement? Flying skinheads! Shave your head and fly! (Black t-shirt uniform helps).
  10. Shifting (quick) fire

    Its a reasonable request put in a wrong format. The first rule of communication is specificity. Ask a vague question- get a vague answer. Ask "anyone" - replies no one.U have to address a specific person by name, tell him yr location, ability to travel, links to webpages of teachers in yr vicinity, books that u looked at etc. Then u will get a specific answer.
  11. Lu Dongbin's 100 Character Stele

  12. Lu Dongbin's 100 Character Stele

    sure anytime. post your understanding of the expression u unsure about and i will correct it. e g in the linked translation 降心 is "settle the heart". its not , its a tech term for placing the energy of the heart into the DT.
  13. Lu Dongbin's 100 Character Stele

    to mistake concisness with simplicity is a, well mistake. it is coded its not simple at all.
  14. Mantak Chia

    (chuckle) look at his recent photograph it will give u answer to all of the above.
  15. Shifting (quick) fire

    you are hurting yrself. u gotta desist and find a teacher.
  16. retention contest

    what naturally arises naturally dies. no need to practice
  17. I Ching translations the veryfirst one
  18. I Ching translations

    no they are secondary, but i looked at the source material. take "headless dragon" originally it was referring to elther waning moon or the constellation of Dragon going head first behind the horizon and thus headless. wanna bet a pint that none of the translations even mentions this ?
  19. I Ching translations

    unfortunately there is not any, and reading with a view to understand the book is pointless, because in a sense there is nothing of substance to understand. the reason for that is that Yi is an onion of: 1 lines. 2. yaos (commentaries to the lines) 3. 10 Wings (commentaries on yaos) 4. chinese commentaries on the wings 5. western mistransltion of all of theabove. So the Yi is based on yaos ( the lines are meaningless without them) but the meaning of yaos was forgotten by the time the wings were written, so the errors snowballed over 2000 years. e. g. when yaos refer to "headless dragon", "jaws", "skin on buttocks" these are the examples of images that were misunderstood even in the Wings. Their true meaning came to light only with recent discoveries of divinatory bones and buried manuscripts. this is why the book can be a useful prop for selfexploration and mind games, but as of itsef it does not contain much of value.
  20. I Ching translations

    i have to agree, not only there is insurmontable threshhold of language culture and time; the Zhou Yi is a special case in a sense that it was misunderstood by the chinese themselves very early on.
  21. i am saying that "it is not infinite," is a fact. and "nothing ever is " is a fact. now gotta put 2 and 2 together.
  22. Friend, you said it: its not infinite. There is a also a good sayin': "its not u coming its u going".
  23. now to translate 至道 (the Ultimate Dao) as "Dao is touched" is an elementary mistake similar to translating "Your Highness" as "oh, you are so tall". 至道is a set phrase , a basic title for the Dao. The fact that Saso mistranslates it so naively tells everything one needs to know about his grasp of the subject. now we have another aged cosmopolytan polyglot western scholar who mistranslates the most basic of phrases in those VERY clear texts. He is ordained (immersed) too! the circle is complete.