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Posts posted by Procurator

  1. I believe the others say:


    "Even if the spirits do not appear fearsome and powerful, you should still fear them"


    "Even if your teacher has grown old, if he is virtuous, you must still respect him."



    not quite. yours is a western thinking :rolleyes:


    仙灵哉不威 - 自畏

    师老矣有德 - 须尊


    when an immortal turns into a heavenly being he becomes not imposing - then its time to be in awe of him

    when a teacher grows old it means he has accumulated De - then one must worship him.


    i cant read cursive on the other two, ask Chidragon.



    So . . . if not like a flowing river? More like . . . something else? Like a wave or something?


    more like a turbulent stream rushing down the mountain


    I gotta wonder though, if they're so good at keeping secrets, how do you know this?


    its not that they are particularly sneaky , its that the students are more than willing to dupe themselves "hey, just wave yr hands smoothly its taichee, man"


    i know this by going back to the source. in this DVD u will find the original unadulterated river phrase as well as see what real TJQ looks like




    His movements have a really great flow to them. My tai chi instructor often tells us that our form should be like a river flowing continuously. That's what this looks like to me. His movements are like a flowing river. I don't get a sense that his movements are especially powerful, but maybe that's hidden? Like steel in cotton?

    it may come as an unpleasant surprise to you or your instructor but Yang family taichee for external students is a ruse to conceal secrets. they do it from performing the form in such a way as to hide whats going on and in twisting the language of old sayings.


    in this case the saying was "the form should NOT be like a flowing river". they just dropped the negative. clever.



    As the emergence of the embryonic breathing is the pre-condition for opening that gateway, it should naturally be the choice...

    u seem to be confusing cause and effect here. a teacher's retort to this statement would be "if there is no embryo how can there be his breathing?

    A famous Taoist saying tells us : " 不識玄關, 學道無益" ("It is doomed to be fruitless if we can't recognize the Magic Gateway" )

    exactly. and its just the beginning.

  5. My teacher did explain the process, yet I did not go into detail about it here. If you are so inclined, please explain what you mean by "error", as this there is no maturation process of light.

    if you read e.g. Ch. Luk's "Chinese yoga" u will find a phrase "first stage is white light - it is useless"


    As I have been trained, we are not defining light as ripe or not, and this does definately not only work on Xing.


    if whatever u r doing involved ming too u would noticed specific effects on the body, beyond what u have described.

  6. I've been focusing primarily on the "light" forms in my practice lately, with an additional prolonged Nei Dan sitting, and some interesting realizations have started to appear. I basically wonder if anyone has come across similar effects of practice;


    Collecting the body light is done through static or moving forms that infuse and permeate the body with light that initally is, to lesser or greater degree, dispersed. A highly trained practitioner may see this as the light of the body allmost like a waning comet dispersing istelf continuously, provoking the decay of the organsim. Most commonly, the effects of dispersing the body light or shen is felt through letting the awareness seep out through the senses, like watching TV, emotional upheaval, being "top heavy", etc. As an effect you feel inflated, tired, sleepy, unfocused and unaware. What most people are not mindful of is that most ailments and many illnesses actually start with this kind of dispersal of the Shen. Even very dense material, like back issues, and organ problems seem to be deeply connected to this dispersal.


    In and of itself, our life energy is actually the meeting of the insubstantial light, that is also the cosmic light infusing interacting with matter. The substance or matter feels almost like a magnetic pull, attracting light. When the light meets the matter, life begins. When light leaves, decay, illness and death occurs.


    What happens more frequently in Nei Dan sittings for me is sometimes, spontaneously, a very precise "slit-second" gathering of the light into the LDT, and something similar to a subtle spark or blast occurs with immediate effects on the body. Last night this was experienced as a sudden correction of the spine, and almost like the light "jumped" into the body, the spine in particular. It felt like the body was jolted back to life.




    Anyone had any of these effects in this practice? What are the subsidiary effects of working with light+



    these are good results but because yr teacher did not explain u the process- u still work with xing only. that leads to a second error - collecting light that is not ripe yet.


    otherwise, good for you.

  7. How did I change from being a new-agey PC Cheerleader to being a vicious thought policeman? Did my crystal chakra alignment back fire or something? If you think it is a saccharine cesspool why on earth are you here?


    Wang Liping - only heard of him on here and all I know really is that he charges 3000$ a session.


    Kunlun - same but cheaper.


    Frantzis - quite an interesting interview published on here but otherwise know nothing of the man.


    I am not associated with any business ... is there anything else you would like to get off your chest????


    oh yeah quite a lot thanks for lending a shoulder to sob on



    If you think it is a saccharine cesspool why on earth are you here?


    apech i am not "here", 5 min of my online time is here.


    u r actually the most innocuous one , nobody is impugning u, but u r aider and abetter.

  8. I originally sent this as an email to Sean, then decided to post it as a topic in my personal practice forum.


    To engage a wider audience, I'm posting it as a topic in Forum & Tech Support:

    sean unleashed a bunch of new-agey PC cheerleaders on forum thinking that he will catch more flies with honey than with honest exchange of opinions. as a result the forum turned into a a saccharine cesspool meaning he shot himself in the foot.


    the mods are now corrupt thought police who viciously punish every critique of businesses they are associated with be it wang lipin, kunlun or frantzis.


    the blind who tolerate this deserve to be led by the blind.

  9. that's what I'm trying to tell the people now for years. I've met a hundred people who claimed they had opened their SHO and only few of them really had. SHO is not a tingeling sensation or what ever. If you have opened your SHO you will know. It's like liquid fire that's moving in your body.

    Everything else is like a teenager peeing in his pants thinking it's an orgasm.


    sorry for my bad english. I'm still learning.

    like liquid fire that's moving in your body.


    more like a teenager has experienced a well known deviation of "roaming fire, entering demons" thinking it's SHO.


    maybe peeing into his pants a bit while at it too.

  10. Hehehe. Sometimes I have no clue either.




    That quote can likely be found somewhere in "The Art Of War".


    Myself, having a military background, I suggest that the quote is very valid. But the term "extreme prejudice" is a tricky one. It does not mean killing those who do not need be killed. "Extreme selectivity" might be a better term.

  11. Are we not talking the movie, "Lost in Space"? Learn some english and then post some more.

    in all fairness to amateur translators with sub-par english their "translations" make as much sense as those "professional" ones, i . e - none.




    both of them have no clue whatsoever




    do they have any idea that the first line means smth like "in order to completely subdue the country - the punitive expeditions must be executed with extreme prejudice"?


    no they dont.

  12. I read the Hanfei commentary on this chapter and he has a curious section saying:



    So there is a very early story relating that general's horses are synonymous with war-horses(?).


    i would disagree with this statement. in every cavalry there is a dichotomy between a prized steed and a mass warfare horse.


    the opening lines are "accepted wisdom" something like a aphorism with centuries of experience behind it.


    "When there is Dao under Heaven even the prized steeds are left idle (or used for manure). When there is no Dao under Heaven then even suburbian lands (normally reserved for agriculture to support the city) are used to mass produce mass warfare horses"


    the analogy is that of vegetable gardens established in view of war necessities in White House and Buckinghem Palace in WW2.


    also the dichotomy is between a small peacefull state where prized mounted steeds were used for chivalric duels or pomp and a totalitarian mass armies of huge chariot formations along the lines of Qin.



    the rest of the paragraph is authors interpretation of this accepted wisdom.

  13. What was a diff character initially...???



    The reason that LaoTze use 谷神, spirit of the valley, is because "valley" has the characteristics of Tao as abyssal, vacuous, and serene.

    hmm, no that makes no sense. there is no spirit in the valley. those are contrived rationalisations by native speakers who lost ties to traditional teachings.


    1. 浴神不死

    2. 谷神不死


    Let's look at the translations:

    1. The spirit of the bath will not die.

    2. The spirit of the valley will not die.


    Which one makes more sense and logical to you, line 1 or 2.....???

    heh)) they both make zero sense, spirit of the valley is as nonsensical as spirit of the bath. they both are erroneous, it was a diff character initially.




    Ah, the eastern classic text was written with metaphors. The classic text, sometimes, does not say what it means nor meant what it says.





    Yes, westerners do spell things precisely as what was in their thoughts.

    must be because they were written in chinglish too