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Everything posted by Clarity

  1. Hello from Japan

    Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the forums.
  2. Not receiving e-mail notifications

    Still not receiving any e-mail notifications.
  3. Not receiving e-mail notifications

    Just turned off all notifications, saved, re-checked to notify and saved again.
  4. Not receiving e-mail notifications

    Not that I recall. Also, I have replied to many threads since then but still no notifications. For example, no notification from this thread even though I am set to follow all threads where I reply.
  5. Some Thoughts

    Awesome, thank you, it does. And not that it really matters, but I agree with your assessment about young men and retention. Cultivating non-attachment, awareness, and perception—you can't really go wrong there.
  6. How to make money?

    Well, it's obvious you have a talent for art. Really like your water fasting vision.
  7. Some Thoughts

    "Fighting" against kundalini is like trying to drain the ocean with a coffee cup. Your physical and spiritual intelligence is trying to to get you wake up, instead you complain about it and insult your own intelligence.
  8. Where is the braille?
  9. Interview with Bruce Frantzis

    Karma blush, wonderful! Now going out on a limb.... I deleted BKFs karmic weakness to being traumatized and traumatizing others. It was weak for him personally, his spiritual experiences, and the descendants (future generations). So even though he recovered from his accident, the weakness was still there, gone now. Edit: persoinally to personally
  10. Ha! Well, whatever you did seemed to fix the problem with Sophos (it also updated this morning so that could be it too). The formatting problems with the text seems better too. Thanks Sean.
  11. I re-tested on my PC with Comodo Firewall, Avast, Firefox and Adblock Plus. It works in this configuration. However, it does not work with Sophos running it's on-access scanner on a Mac (in any browser).
  12. Update and solution: Setting Sopho's on-access scanner to "Clean up threat" instead of initial "Deny threat" seems to fix the problem. Edit: Evidently the scanner being on does always interfere with URL re-direction.
  13. After a little digging, lo and behold it is Sophos that's the problem. Turning off the on-access scanner allowed the redirect to complete. Not really an elegant solution though, since that opens up another can of worms.
  14. It does the same thing with Safari, Chrome, and Firefox on my Macbook Pro. Does the same thing on my PC. It does not lead to the correct page at all, it never makes it to the Taobums. It always winds up here: This is something used to work fine....and it's consistent. Seems like a board configuration problem to me.
  15. the importance of posture during meditation

    You could start by addressing the source of your pain. So instead of unclogging other people's toilets, you could start by unclogging your inner toilet. I'm talking about flushing all the waste products and weak energy down the drain. In general, struggle, loneliness, hopelessness, and isolation are more painful for people than physical injuries. It's just that we believe we have physical problems when the source of the problems are, more often than not, non-physical. The answer is not good posture or meditation, the answer is to address the sources of your pain and begin deleting them.
  16. No need to wait for them to dissolve, the weaknesses can be deleted. There was a time and place where things were slow, but not so anymore. The teaching has to be adapted to the time, the place, and the people. The short path for me was to learn how to stop my mind and abandon conceptual thinking as a tool to solving life problems. It doesn't have to take an entire lifetime or multiple lifetimes to stabilize and crystallize one's inner atmosphere.
  17. When we feel hurt, very often the experience triggers our own experiences of hurting others (which weakens our energy field). My take is we are here to experience Life and to resolve all of our karma while we have the chance to do so on the physical plane. There's really no need to engage in conceptual thinking, just resolve the karma or the weakness.
  18. Haiku Chain

    Give me song and wine! The sleeping dragon awakes Go find your way home
  19. Reiki

    I'm sorry your experience was painful and traumatic. As Cat mentioned, you are still carrying this pain with you. When I ask about the leading energetic weakness around Reiki and negative experiences, the answer is karmic influences that have not been resolved. This is true for Jim (who you quoted) and for you as well. Practicing forgetting the pain and trauma (and fear) won't really make it go away, it continues to influence you at the sub-conscious level. I would suggest you would be better served by resolving the experiences than arguing about any potential dangers of Reiki. When I ask about the 'dangers of Reiki' the answer is 'misinformation' according to energetic testing (which has nothing to do with Reiki). So it's not to say that you didn't have a bad experience, it's only to point out the misinformation (that Reiki caused the problem). It's true that Reiki can assist in bringing karmic issues to the surface, but it doesn't mean that Reiki is dangerous or unsafe in any way. Again, it's so easy to confuse cause and effect. When we confuse cause and effect, we tend to misunderstand or misinterpret what's really going on. Finally, this Reiki Master you saw has an energetic weakness to being 'mean-spirited.' This is unfortunate, I can see how this would negatively color your view of Reiki.
  20. So true, Sin, so true. And not just emotions, weaknesses come from the mind (mental, emotional, psychological, psychic) and the spirit to weaken the body. It seems to me you dug up some 'backstabbing' experiences (from the mental body, spirit body, and the ancestors). Some weakness coming from the neck (cervical spine, C2), deleted.
  21. Reiki

    Now we have run the gamut from "Reiki" does nothing to "Reiki" can cause spirit possession. There is much misinformation and misinterpretation about Reiki, especially from Westerners with religious backgrounds. I have given Reiki to dozens of people (in person and by distance) and never had any kind of negative experience. I've received Reiki from numerous Reiki Masters and never had a negative experience. Spirit attachments are really not that uncommon but please don't blame Reiki for your spirit attachment. The idea that a practitioner loses life force when sending Reiki is complete nonsense. In fact, I either come away feeling completely neutral or more energized after sending Reiki. Finally, I would suggest that a 'psychic' calling Reiki a scam and 'unsafe' is pretty laughable. In Jim's case, he has karma with Tibetan Buddhists which he has not resolved.
  22. World View - What is basic Human Nature?

    I am saying it's not about concepts, morality or definitions; it's the experience of connecting to our humanity or essence. Yes, I suppose you could say it's mostly a question of semantics in regard to your post. However, once we begin to have a discussion about the experience, we are already several levels removed. As a species, we are what we are without the need for any definition. I mean a cat or dog is what it is, they don't need a discussion or a philosophy to define their existence. So, yes, I suppose I am saying that there is no such thing as 'basic human nature' in the abstract, that can be defined by words and philosophy. For the purposes of discussion, I prefer 'humanity' or 'essence' because it is simpler and less confusing. When I made my statement about the three words, I mean it based on the energy behind the words (not really going together strongly). I do not agree that humanity is good or evil, flawed or perfect, because these are limited judgements we make about ourselves as a species. We judge ourselves and other people's actions all the time with little insight or understanding into the deeper level of cause and effect. Eh, I hope that clarified my original statement.