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Everything posted by Clarity

  1. Tao Bums - Why Subscribe ?

    I did the lifetime donation thing a while back. Didn't get the nice badge though, just a note about warning points under my name, haha.
  2. I had an experience like this just yesterday while eating lunch in a restaurant. Three older ladies (in their 70s and 80s) sitting next to me were having lunch. One of them was talking really loud and couldn't seem to hear what the others were saying. Not only that, she was monopolizing the conversation and she seemed confused. I strengthened their midlines and deleted the fitness weaknesses, immediately the conversation shifted and the loud one kind of shut up, lol. Manipulation is one thing, strengthening a person and deleting their weaknesses is another. Really, this is removing karma because anything that sticks to us is karma. Karma is not just about past life experiences, we generate a lot of karma in this life too.
  3. Wasn't the point of this thread to illustrate how meaning is lost in translation?
  4. So much is lost in translation from other times, places, and peoples. Thanks for sharing this. It reminds me of the Sufi story "The Traveler and the Grapes". "The parable that follows was originally composed by the greatest of all Sufi poets, Jalal ad-Din Rumi (d. 1273) and recounted by Idris Shah, the Grand Shaykh of Sadarna. A Persian, a Turk, and Arab and a Greek were traveling to a distant land when they began arguing over how to spend the single coin they posessed among themselves. All four craved food, but the Persian wanted to spend the coin on angur; the Turk, on uzum; the Arab, on inab; and the Greek, on stafil. The argument became heated as each man insisted on having what he desired. A linguist passing by overheard their quarrel. “Give the coin to me,” he said. “I undertake to satisfy the desires of all of you.” Taking the coin, the linguist went to a nearby shop and bought four small bunches of grapes. He then returned to the men and gave them each a bunch. “This is my angur!” cried the Persian. “But this is what I call uzum,” replied the Turk. “You have bought me my inab,” the Arab said. “No! This in my language is stafil.” All of a sudden, the men realized that what each of them had desired was in fact the same thing, only they did not know how to express themselves to each other. The four travelers represent humanity in its search for an inner spiritual need it cannot define and which it expresses in different ways. The linguist is the Sufi, who enlightens humanity to the fact that what it seeks (its religions), though called by different names, are in reality one identical thing. However — and this is the most important aspect of the parable — the linguist can offer the travelers only the grapes and nothing more. He cannot offer them wine, which is “the essence of the fruit.” In other words, human beings cannot be given the secret of ultimate reality, for such knowledge cannot be shared, but must be experienced through an arduous inner journey toward self-annihilation. As the transcendent Iranian poet, Saadi of Shiraz, wrote, I am a dreamer who is mute, And the people are deaf. I am unable to say, And they are unable to hear."
  5. Visualize everything as golden

    When there is no mind, there is nothing to fabricate, project, or visualize. There is only wordless realization of suchness.
  6. Chris, effort is weak for you at mental level. It's like trying too hard to get to the answers. Now that I've been doing this for a while (YM), I've noticed the answers come to me quickly with no effort at all (most of the time). Also, your ancestors and your spiritual experiences of struggling and using effort to resolve life problems, deleted. There's a weakness coming from the collective human consciousness around effort and people thinking they have to struggle to get results, deleted. Thanks for sharing this info on the healing codes.
  7. Another thing that is very helpful is to strengthen people's perception. In YM there is a triad for this, which is having perception, no perception, and reverse perception. Also, people have weaknesses to changing/not changing, being different/not being different, being the same/not being the same. Often I find people's perception is too slow. If you ask why, you can get to the specific (e.g. limitations, or their emotions or thinking interfering with the perception). The triad for the mind is thinking, emotions, feeling (strong and weak). For insight it's feeling, perception, and intuition. Where people go weak is mostly around feeling, perception, and awareness. Also, there is so much weakness from the past around people NOT having insight (also for the ancestors), so that has to be strengthened. If you look at the method more closely, you begin to see that deleting weaknesses is a way to free oneself from the stickiness of karma. It's not the only way but, in my experience, it's a huge shortcut. This is especially true for deleting karma or spiritual experiences from the past. So many of people's weaknesses come from the spiritual and psychic level, but most people don't even acknowledge their existence. You may have noticed that it's possible to tune into a person and get some immediate insight into what's going on. You get a feel (strong and weak) for how a person uses their energy or a flavor of their inner life. This is done telepathically or empathically. The key is to remain neutral so you don't identify or resonate with a person's weakness. In terms of entanglement, people think (this is what the five senses tell us) there is objective reality and separability but this has been proven by quantum mechanics to be untrue or an illusion. This is really where quantum mechanics meets spirituality. Yes, I could feel the weakness around misinterpretation (you were having a mental reaction), that is why I've been chiming in. The weakness around saying things out loud, superficially there is a fear of criticism. Behind that I feel some karmic experience of being imprisoned (and decapitation) for saying the wrong thing, deleted Reset, spirit, mind, body. Edit: fixed the link
  8. I have found that some of what puts people off is the language of 'correction' and 'weakness'. I know Elma Mayer uses different language, such as 'alignment,' 'disconnection,' and 'disentangle'. BTW, your ancestors had a weakness around preaching (and criticizing) to others (same for being insensitive), both cleared. So Chris strengthened and deleted his weakness around preaching. But did you know you can simply ask what the weakness was (in the past) and the answer for him is his own spiritual experiences of preaching to others. These weaknesses tend to color our perception which causes us to misinterpret or misunderstand what other people say and do. It is true, as you say, there is definitely a time and a place for clearing weaknesses. More often than not, I do them silently here on TTB and elsewhere (like standing in line at the grocery store). Here's a super easy strengthening, you put all of your attention on a person's midline with the intention of making their midline strong to anything and everything that might bother them. Also, I have found that simply putting all of your attention on your own midline is a good strengthening for the awareness. Tensing the midline will also strengthen it. When you tense the midline there tends to be a natural holding of the breath (and vice versa). Very interesting stuff, so please keep sharing your experiences with us!
  9. Actually, you and chris d have some indirect (ancestors to ancestors) karma, let's clear that now (raiding karma). I didn't get that chris was criticizing you. People do have a lot of weakness around using 'passion and excitement' to 'motivate' themselves. Nothing wrong with getting excited or passionate about something as long as it doesn't weaken you. This way you don't need to rely on positive or negative emotions in order to do things or be motivated. BTW, around appreciation, your ancestors had a weakness to 'not appreciating'. You have a lot of 'enthusiasm' and an obvious calling for this kind of inner work. Not everyone shares this same depth of interest.
  10. ...

    So 27 minutes is the magic number. Will have to take it up with the wife this weekend. No pun intended!
  11. ...

    It was definitely a karma, coming from the past (as in not this life). In terms of pleasing others and pleasing yourself, what I look for is balance. When there's a lot of unevenness, it creates a weakness. Hopeless to gravity means you fall down. When you say that others 'can't get you off,' perhaps you just haven't met the right person yet. The 'cannot' part of it was weak, that is what revealed the karma.
  12. ...

    Well, you were getting into some "hopeless" energy with your last few posts. You know the 'ol "I can't get no satisfaction" thing. That hopeless energy definitely must go. OK, so the big thing was a karma of forcing others into prostitution (pimp karma). Faking it is a weakness. I heard "Fake it baby, fake it.....fake that orgasm." No weakness to pimping, prostituting, or faking it.
  13. ...

    There's definitely some karma there weakening your ability to connect with women. Won't post any details here publicly, but I strengthened you to the karma/spiritual experiences with women. Great topic, thanks for sharing this info Cat.
  14. Is taking an entire bottle of melatonin safe?

    Bagua, I cleared some spiritual experiences (karma) around sex and orgasm which I prefer not to post publicly. You're welcome to PM me for details.
  15. Is taking an entire bottle of melatonin safe?

    Also strengthened you to emotions and thoughts from the past. Deleted the triggers around the experience, strengthened you to relationships (from your six life supports), and strengthened your time triad. Relationships was the first weakness in your life supports, the weakness being 'relationships' from the past.
  16. Is taking an entire bottle of melatonin safe?

    Traveling or being away from home is definitely an energetic weakness, at the mental and spiritual levels (as in a spiritual experience of losing your family and home due to your village being burned down). Loss and guilt/grief also came up as weaknesses around this specific event. People have a lot of spiritual experiences around sleeping/not sleeping and bad things happening in the night. In my view, it's always best to address the energetic weaknesses first. Mark's technique is nice because it really grounds you and gets you out of your 'head/thinking/mind'.
  17. Haiku Chain

    Now where's the front door? Lost in the house of my heart My cup overflows
  18. Haiku Chain

    the other: left! right! Distilling the marching mind Now stand in essence
  19. Marketing and deception

    Some good advice in this thread. Also, you would want to neutralize your experiences of being cheated (from your spiritual experiences) and your ancestors experiences of cheating others. Even out all the karma and neutralize the weakness to the human collective consciousness of people cheating each other. The triad is lying, cheating, and stealing btw. Edit: added triad note
  20. Carly

    I was a radio junkie in the seventies, listened to all her tunes. You know, at the time it seemed like the right thing to do, but people kept telling me, "You're so vain!" It seems I'm dating myself, lol, proof of my vanity. And such a wiseacre to boot!
  21. Carly

    I was waiting in anticipation for this.
  22. The broken record

    Well, it was very clear and well stated, so thank you. And then there's this: "Enlightenment is one's newborn innocence replete with one's inherent potential." Just so, just so! And this: "You grab this potential essence and seal it away, not leaking a spark, utterly void of intellectualism." My teacher called this "stealing the light."
  23. Energy Healing - Does it really work?

    Hi Clarice, Why in the world would you sit through 'hundreds of sessions' if the first one did nothing for you? I know I'm one of the few people on this board that uses Yuen Method (chris d is the other that I know of) and I have no recollection of working with you in any capacity, either publicly or privately. When I read your post it smacked of sour grapes. Clearly, complaining about what isn't working for you won't relieve your pain. It might blow off some steam, but your better off getting to bottom of what's irritating you and causing the problem. Faith, belief, and emotional comfort have nothing to do with resolving energetic weaknesses or blockages. However, you do have weaknesses around bitterness, loss (as Friend picked up on ), and a karma of helplessness (really of making others helpless around starvation). I say so because I can feel the weakness and the energy of "nothing and nobody can help me due to my having made so many others helpless." So really your question about 'energy healing' seems more like a troll, even though that may not have been your intent. The truth is that nobody is in a better position to know what's bothering you than you. But you cannot resolve your pain by clinging to weakness and helplessness. As long as you resonate with the energy of helplessness, you will remain so. Also, it is true that some problems need to be played out (as Jetsun mentioned). Some have a lot of stubborn resistance to changing. Sometimes the only thing that will really change people is having a major life event, something that threatens their life or the life of a loved on in a very big way. In other words, some have to hit 'rock bottom' before they will change. For your part, you would also want to delete the negative emotions (especially anger) that you deny and keep hidden. Suppressed emotions (too much mind in the body) will wreak havoc with your physical well-being. So the answer is to turn an honest eye toward your problems so you will know what's going on inside you. When we deny, lie, or suppress what's going on, we suffer and create more pain for ourselves. What Friend was saying about not clinging to your pain is spot on. The Buddha said, "Do not cling, grasp, or dwell in form." That is some pretty good advice if you ask me. Sincerely, -Adam