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Everything posted by Clarity

  1. All is Mind

    To imagine a mind separate from Mind!
  2. All is Mind

    Now that is a great answer. Merci beaucoup!
  3. In my case, I had an 'awakening' in college and knew that I needed to find a teacher. I went looking locally (there was no 'online' at that time) and found my teacher. It was a clear case of my being 'ready'. I just picked up a copy of local magazine that advertised for this sort of thing and there he was.
  4. Yes, it is. Yes, one does. Also, one must keep in mind the progression is not necessarily linear. To Spotless' point about 'seeing through things' I recall numerous experiences where I was looking at a person and I could see them when they were 'young' and when they were 'old'. The old become young and the young become old as the veil of time falls away. This afternoon in a restaurant, a friend of mine mentioned something about how she knew a cold was coming on because she would have an aching sensation behind the right eye. What I 'saw' was someone hitting her in the side of the face/head (a past experience of being traumatized). I mentioned it to her and she immediately told me a story of a man she dated who stalked her and hit her on the side of the head, in just that very spot. My teacher saw through BS with laser clarity. He taught everyone in the room (at meetings) how to do this with and without words. There was no pomp or circumstance, only a brilliant and shining Mind of truth.
  5. I suppose it depends on how you define 'mind'. The answer is both yes and no, as confusing as that sounds. In one sense, our 'mind' translates everything we perceive with the sense organs. On the other hand, direct perception of reality is experiential and requires no translation. However, when we choose to write about it or discuss it, there is always a translation. On your second question, I'm not claiming or defining anything. However, I do have experience of all three stages.
  6. The answer is to get off the pedestal of 'thinking' and get more into your perception if you really want to see things are they really are, Jeff. One can be neutral and perceive Life without conditioned mental filters getting in the way. If you really 'believe' that others are not 'advanced' enough to for you to learn from them (or 'heal'), then I would seriously suggest you question your beliefs. There is much misinformation spread among so-called 'spiritual circles'. And humanity as a whole has an enormous weakness around misinterpretation. Much of that comes down from the past around religious and cultural misinformation. Spiritual teachers are not immune to spreading and receiving misinformation either, even ones who are considered by others to be 'high level'. The secret to pure cognition is getting out of your own way. It's very simple. It's a secret that isn't a secret. When you really know, you know with certainty. This is what the Sufi's call 'knowledge of certainty'. Too much attachment to the discriminatory apparatus of the conceptual mind weakens (limits) the perception. When the third eye opens, there is the potential to connect to our insight for the answers we seek. This is real seeing.
  7. In terms of the weaknesses, it wasn't the interview (or the trip to Mexico) that triggered you as much as it was the person doing the interviewing. Weaknesses around 'slave labor' (direct karma from you to this person) which weakened your 'money, sex, and freedom' triad. To neutralize the karmic experiences, delete all your karmas around 'back breaking work' and 'forced labor'. In this case, the weakness was from you to this person (forcing them to do back breaking work as some kind of foreman). Some keywords are: back-breaking, labor, slave, money, freedom, burdening. Also, you'd want to look at all of the polar opposites to any of these things. I strengthened them generally and the triad also. So this is a very good example of spiritual experiences from the past getting 'triggered' which then weakened you physically (weakened your fitness). Glad to hear you are feeling stronger/better! Edit: P.S. Cleared the 'physical' weaknesses on the sternum, hips, and knees.
  8. Burning up karmas...

    Find the energetic weaknesses and delete them. So EFT yes, but more direct would be something like Yuen Method (so you can strengthen and delete the weak energy from the past). To get to the weaknesses, you have to get out of your conceptual or thinking mind and 'feel' for the weak energy. Start by deleting all of the judgment, criticism, and blame (blaming the wrong thing). The strengthening and deleting takes place on your midline. For example, one 'weakness' I feel is 'regret' and 'guilt' around past choices. There's some military karma (from your spiritual experiences) from the past mixed in with that job and the people. 'Dead' and 'lost' were both 'weak', as was 'disappeared'. It has the energy of being 'haunted' by your past experiences on the battlefield. There's more to delete there, but this is one way to 'burn up' your karma.
  9. Off-topic content

    It's not just off-topic, it's vindictive; I read that post.
  10. Heart-centered living and Middle Dan Tien precautions

    Focusing too much on any one 'center' will bring about imbalance. Also, for people who already have too much energy going into their thinking and conceptual mind, focusing on the heart (especially when there are blockages) will tend to increase anxiety. Bringing awareness to an area is fine. Sensing an area is fine. But repeated practices that focus on one area to the exclusion of all others (and doing too much of it) is a pretty good recipe for trouble.
  11. Digestion problem

    In your case, food is not really the 'energetic weakness', it's the trigger. The first weakness is entirely non-physical. PM me if you would like some energetic strengthening for this problem.
  12. True Reverence

    Your serviette leaves me speechless, deci belle. And the apology, well....elevated.
  13. Mind your Manners, not Mine

    You always make me laugh, db. I love your ruthless comments, they cut through the BS like a warm knife through refreshing!
  14. Hi Jeff, Failure experiences from the past as a cumulative effect (that gets triggered) and then the negative thinking and emotions that goes with them. In your case, it wasn't so much negative emotions as it was negative thoughts/thinking (like self-cricitism from the sub-conscious mind). In general, the weaknesses are not really isolated, they are connected to other weaknesses from the six levels of influence (physical, mental, emotional, psychological, spiritual, and psychic) and beyond. For most weaknesses, we don't know that we have them consciously. So the method works at the sub-conscious and non-conscious mind/awareness levels too. Another way to talk about a weakness is an "over" or "under" connection (too much yang/not enough yang or too much yin/not enough yin). If something feels "strong" (strongly neutral) it means there is no over or under connection to wholeness. The way to get to our insight is to get more into our feeling (of strong and weak). In your case, it's your thinking that weakens your connection to you feeling (and your insight). I will say that sometimes 'strong' and 'weak' is right out the window and you just tune into the answer 'in a flash' (literally like a flash of light). Our thinking is really very slow compared to our insight. That's not to say there's isn't a place for thinking, but it should be very quick and supported by our feeling.
  15. Jeff, that doesn't invalidate the weakness. You may be good at it too, but it can still weaken you. Also, there's a weakness around 'negotiating' and 'not getting what you want'; it comes up as a 'failure' weakness; the cumulative effect of your failure experiences (both mind and spirit), deleted.
  16. The simple answer to your question (r.v.) is 'yes'. Weaknesses can be grouped into non-specific categories and deleted in that manner (like a barcode). But really, the important thing is to delete the weaknesses that are applicable to the situation. I spent about 20 years cultivating before I came across YM. Since I started using Yuen Method, my insight has been sharpened and honed considerably. The way I see it, life improvement is not really about any particular method. The point is to have access to your insight so you can resolve life problems on the spot without struggling.
  17. In Jeff's case, the weakness to 'protecting secrets' comes from his contracts, vows, and pledges triad. Past life vows of protecting secrets (and I mean protecting them to the death), resolved. Also, an over-guarding weakness in this life around family relationships, resolved.
  18. I thought I'd give Chris a chance to answer this one, but here you go. When I ask about this weakness about 10% (from the mind) of it's effect is from hiding in this life (without being specific, but we could get specific). The remaining 90% (from the spirit) is coming from other time and space (past life experiences). Even though Chris strengthened and deleted this weakness, it is still possible to ask about the weakness and get answers. Some of the hiding weakness feels like hiding to save your life due to religious persecution; cloistering (hiding out in a monastery) as a karmic experience (both Buddhist and Christian); and hiding from the hordes (the Mongols). Another hiding weakness around esoteric secrets (and protecting them),which brings up some kind of karma around the Freemasons or Knights Templar (which it seems you were a member).
  19. Was about to answer r.v.'s question about Chris when I stumbled on a decade weakness around the number 40, leaving the 30s and entering the 40s, resolved. The number I get for Chris is a 300% improvement in his insight. In terms of his satisfaction with his own life, that number is more like 700%. It's worth noting that insight waxes and wanes depending on the situation. The more you use it and strengthen yourself to your own insight (and delete the weaknesses), the more it becomes effortless.
  20. No need to apologize, Jeff. I didn't take it that you were implying anything along these lines. It is possible to have what some call a 'healing reaction' where a person perceives that something is worse instead of better. However, this is almost always caused by a reverse perception weakness. I've never seen anyone I've strengthened have a 'kundalini problem' after the fact. Also, when people have a big reaction (aside from a perception weakness) it's usually some kind karmic entanglement from the past. This is why it's so important to clear any weakness around "I owe you, you owe me, payback, revenge, getting even, having a score to settle" and so on. The 'unintended results' is an interesting way to put it. You don't really know what the results will be, nobody does. So you have to be neutral to the results. When we get up in the morning and go to work, do we really know what the unintended consequences will be? (hint: think automobile accidents) You are correct though, if a person has a deep seated fear or some karma with the person in question, that can definitely ruin the neutrality. One drop of judgment can destroy the neutrality. No, you don't have to be 'enlightened' (whatever that means!) to 'know.' It's more like a clear, calm, and balanced state where you are not affected by your local self, mind, or conditioning. So in another way, you are 'enlightened' or free from the burden of karmic entanglement in that moment when you perceive the weakness. To me it's like stepping outside of local time and space and entering into the 'zero point field' and finding the one answer that is applicable to the weakness. I know for some people it's not so easy to get into the neutral state and connect to their feeling of strong and weak. This is so because they are burdened by their emotions or their thinking. I would add that anyone who is able to keep their mind quiet for any period of time has a tremendous advantage doing this kind of work. In terms of your questioning, one thing I do see is you would like to have more 'certainty' and 'clarity' around these matters. One way to address that is to resolve all of your 'uncertain' and 'unclear' experiences from the past, then strengthen your insight (which is a triad of feeling, perception, and intuition). I strengthened your mind triad, insight triad, and deleted some misinterpretation from the past. Most of the lack of clarity and certainty was coming from your ancestors, so we delete that and delete the cumulative effect of all your 'not knowing' experiences. What we are looking for is evenness between opposites so that knowing and not knowing are more even. This is what we mean when we talk about neutrality.
  21. Jeff, just to be clear, the first correction was for my own lack of neutrality around her loudness. If I was strengthening her to simply make her shut up, I assure you it would not have the 'intended effect.' Once I was neutral, I didn't really care that she was loud and that's when I really perceived the weaknesses. If you are concerned about your own neutrality in any situation, you can go to your midline or centerline and strengthen yourself for neutrality with a burst of mental energy to the midline. Or just feel for the weakness, strengthen it to 100% with infinite potential and delete it down to zero and the power of minus infinity. In my case, I had some weakness to my ancestors aging experiences (I had a very loud grandfather, lol).
  22. Hi Jeff, Mostly I don't interfere in other people's lives. In this case, the older woman was obviously struggling (I overheard her say the doctors thought she had a stroke), so I took a few seconds to silently strengthen her. The fact that she calmed down and got quieter was just a side effect of strengthening her central nervous system. Also, I don't go hunting for weaknesses in these situations, I just strengthen whatever feels weak according to the situation. Last night I had a similar experience. My wife was watching the local news on TV. I was on the computer when a story came on about a man who had been bitten by a mosquito, contracted West Nile Virus and was now in a coma. When I overheard the story, answers starting flowing in and it the feeling I got was "it's not his time to die." Now, none of this came from my conceptual/ego/thinking mind and it felt 'strong' to strengthen him, so I did so. I mean if a person is bleeding on the street right in front of you, do you ask if it's ethical (or ask permission) to call an ambulance so they can get some help? If a person is obviously upset/distraught and they bump into you, is it unethical to speak to them and ask them if there's anything you can do to relieve their discomfort? There is much weakness in the collective human consciousness around suffering, struggling, and slavery. Institutions, religions, companies, governments, and people use ideas to influence people every day and mostly we think nothing of it. Strengthening a person's weaknesses is really a way to remove karmic entanglement. So I don't see it as a question of good/bad or ethics as much as it's a question of time, place and person. And mind you, a person can simply reject the strengthening effect if that is in line with their higher purpose. Also, I wanted to point out that when people suffer and struggle it has an effect on everyone. So one could turn your question upside down and ask, "Is it ethical to suffer and struggle, do nothing about it, and create more of the same for others?" Of course there are boundaries I won't cross. I recall someone asked me influence a situation (to promote an obvious lie) and I refused because it crossed that boundary; I knew it would only create more karmic entanglement for me and the person asking to influence the situation. A wordy reply, I know. I trust this sheds some light on your question. SIncerely, -Adam
  23. the need to know...

    Is it a need to know or a need for certainty? I'm much more interested in certainty and perceiving the truth of things. I know I filter the information that is posted here (as in I don't read many of the threads). If I really want 'to know' what's going on, I don't rely on my thinking mind, I use my feeling (of strong and weak) and connect to my insight. I guess what I'm saying is experience is more important to me than conceptual knowledge. I know some of us come here to share experience, while others seem to have a need to prove just how much 'they know'. What do we really know? If you ask yourself that question and get out of your thinking mind, the answer(s) might surprise you.