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Posts posted by XieJia

  1. kind of like throwing the pebble into the pond to cause the ripples in just the way to cancel out the ripples in the pond sort of way...


    the point I was making is that was previously useless was transformed and ceased to be useless that is why it is now useful


    I hope that my clarification of the twisting the twisted to make it straight helped... yea I used distorting the distorted to make it undistorted ... same thing in different words...


    I do see what you mean but even

    when one is saying what is distorted, silence is saying what is undistorted.


    without the undistorted, can the distorted be present?


    I don't think that one needs to throw another pebble into the rippling pond,


    if the natural state of the pond is calm.

    the ripples will eventually subside itself, if one are to allow it.


    and if the state of rippling is the natural state,

    then why throw the pebble into the pond.

  2. That someone can turn a useless thing into something useful does not make the useless useful it makes the turned thing be useful ... its a subtle difference... Discovering the error is not the useful thing, the useful thing in itself its the insight one gets that enables one to deal with the situation in a better way ... its not about who is right and who is wrong its about what be right...



    what was previously useless is now useful and so it is useful.

    finding errors may not be useful but it's what one do with it that makes it useful.

    who cares about who is right, who is wrong?

    that is/was never useful.

    it is about knowing right, knowing wrong and make that useful.

  3. You and the universe is the same function of the Dragon?

    what's in the mind is the partial reflection of the Dragon?

    The Dragon moves, yet it goes nowhere?

    there is only seeing through appearances,

    in that appearances there is only seeing?

  4. Happiness is happiness ...

    Those that know happiness appreciate happiness

    those who do not know happiness think/feel/experience happiness is something they do not know


    those who do know happiness think/feel/experience happiness in just about anything they do ...

    even if its just doing nothing...


    Ok, let me rephrase my post.


    when happiness is not fixated,

    one is happy.

    • Like 1

  5. I am going through a train of thought that's just making me so angry and sad.


    Now, is the goal to be in that mindful state permanently? Because in order to be in that state, i'll basically be in a state of thoughtlessness. How are you supposed to get through life without thinking about things? How are insights and revelations supposed to pop up without analyzing things and thinking things through in your head?


    Hi dc9,


    how about letting thoughts comes and goes with their accord?

    In minding the breath, you could be thinking?

    In thinking, are you breathing?


    thoughts like like breathing, it comes and goes.


    one is aware when one is thinking,

    one is aware when one is not thinking.


    You recognizing that you are going through the train of thoughts, this is already cultivating mindfulness.

    this train of thought being the cause, it brings forth other feelings or emotions as effects.


    the realizations and insights are popping up, don't worry about that.

    the mind might just frame it in this way as bringing up "Questions"

    before you actually realize that these insights are actually "Both question and the answer"


    you need not worry about going through life in the state of thoughtlessness or wanting to be mindful permanently.

    The moment to be mindful is what is right infront of you.

    And as you need to think in anytime in the future, the "Now" then will automatically brings up the thought that you need accordingly.

  6. In the end ... I think ... whatever system you follow mysticism is a solo task ... you are alone and that is how you must work. What Plotinus called the 'flight of the alone to the Alone'.


    each one knows each one

    though alone, every else is there.


    my personal experience of Buddhism have been fruitful and life-changing,

    The Buddha's teachings has allows me to come to terms and accept many things.


    I am sure this also applies to other religions around the world for other people.


    I am not sure why Eastern Spirituality will repress the individuality,

    come to the East and one will find that we are still all individuals.



  7. I think what you guys said about Buddhism have some valid points.


    However to my observation, I'd never see anyone happier than those realized ones.


    The Buddha points out that:

    The five aggregates is ever-changing,

    through being attached to any state of them is short-lived.

    That attachment is suffering once with the states' cessation.


    The happiness lies in the freedom from desiring and freedom from attachments.


    Buddhist aims to cultivate "Mindfulness" in place of Ignorances;

    in the end, it's just Ignorances that disappears; and anything that is attached to it.





    Yeah. I see what you are saying about the 'golden meaning' within the 'chaotic enigma', or 'irrationality of existence' (am I correct in that this is close to what you are implying?) but the irrational I was talking about was more like indivisible, complete and whole, missing nothing - rather than rational as in divisible by something other than itself or 1. Sort of like a diamond, every facet reflects every other facet while retaining it's own particular 'right'ness or view. As opposed to mentally rational or irrational, i.e. driven by 'common sense' as determined from group agreement (you know what I mean) or otherwise.


    But I see where you're going with this, so I'll through this out there for you. now that I think about it, the only real common sense that we all share is consciousness, right? So the meaning of our existence - that is, what is left when it all 'averages out' is only our particular expression of self-awareness at this moment, which is a work-in-progress result of everyone else's self-awareness at this moment, combined with our particular point-of-view, uniquely influenced by our own set of unrepeatable circumstances. So it's like an exponential thing, the meaning grows with us, and includes us as active participants in that great 'equation' called life. Close to what you were saying?


    Lovely :wub:

    might be nice if you could express that using a mathematical expressions and notations.

  9. What? Me change? I've done that many times in the past. I'm on a roll right now so don't expect changes from my part of the world any time soon.


    I meant it in a positive light, something like


    The Tao is ever-changing,

    How change it change from that.


  10. Don't forget that wu-wei was the actual method of realization of the ancient Sages...


    they are really marvelous bunches, glad they left us with some texts and wonderful instructions.

    I was meaning that breathing might be more appropriate for Wuwei example than weeing.


    I will suggest that breathing is very important.



  11. Valid points...

    Seeing the potential, did the genius reached that potential?

    Higher race? did the genius became one of such?


    If so, then there's nothing to worry about humanity.


    If no, then the genius should reach that potential first.


    But if there are two geniuses and they disagrees with each other then

    from your definitions; both of them are idiots.



  12. Imo, a developing individuality is determined by what one is driven by... his or her symbolic quest towards integration, sanity and wholeness. This

    Alan Watts aptly exclaimed:

    "Society gives us the idea that the mind or ego is inside the skin and that it acts on its own against society. We are to play the game as if independent, but not to know we are playing as if. The individual is self-determining, but only by virtue of the rules. This is an insane definition of sanity." (from the book -- Beyond Theology: The Art of Godmanship)

    :wub: Been loving all your posts lately.



    By all means the convoluted mess of cause/effect somehow meaning out into this coherent experience of life is ridiculous enough, that we are able to function from outside of it as though a player in a game, to see those strands of fate weaving themselves on the fly, despite the extreme speed of phenomena, is downright bizarre, odd even. So I say the universe must be a prime number, divided by itself, and not a composite. No way man, you can't fool me, it's odd all the way down! It's all a prime number, which happens to be both real and irrational, it goes on forever and it's never the same once. Maybe that's why they call it the triple realm. :)


    Maybe an enlightened being just realizes he is a transcendental number, he could never count himself in. :P

    I like what your post too but I don't know about to think or comment after that.