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Posts posted by XieJia

  1. Notice what others (or you) cultivate with their words as an exercise ... it reveals what each values and seeks to cultivate... the question is does one really want to cultivate and value what one cultivates and values?


    Thank you Et for an amazing present. :)

    Yet again, this dialogue with you brings me good fruits;

    I do not know how the others see this thread, whether it's pleasant or unpleasant but I know it's fruitful at least for me.


    It is the mind at the present moment which is being cultivated, and Right things are being cultivate even more with this moment.

    It is one of the missing puzzles of my practice; just to see it.

    It is also amazing how one wrong things or how one wrong understanding in the mind will manifest itself in a karmic ways entirely on everything one did or do, all because of not-knowing.


    Although the true path might not be yet clear for me, I will diligently cultivate the right things

    so that the true path appear.

  2. Yea we could talk about what's wrong a moment ago as well as talk about what's right right now...

    Now what's right at this moment, will be right forevermore...

    what's right in this moment is the seeing of what's right in this moment.


    Thanks :) for the reply



    so seeing this moment is the same at seeing what's right in this moment.

    I assumed that seeing what's right at the moment precedes seeing the moment.

    now i am seeing that they are the same in this moment.


    You're my brick wall with a speaker playing the same song over and over as loud as you can


  3. according to you Why does knowledge disappear when ignorance disappears?

    as far as I know when ignorance disappears knowledge appears and stays


    Once what's wrong is gone--- we are left with what's right...

    once we know something --- we have the knowledge of something (unless we forget it, or change it)

    oh and lets keep in mind the possibilities and which ought to remain as such forevermore...


    wish you all a nice thursday.


    Hello et;


    "Once what's wrong is gone--- we are left with what's right..."

    once what's right is there; what is there to be saying that's right

    is it not the what's wrong a moment ago?


    what's right at that moment, could be what's wrong in this moment.

    so what's right in this moment is the seeing of what's wrong in this moment.


    what's right at that moment? leave that to that moment, and look at this moment.


    like you said, there are possibilities that remins as such even forevermore.


    atleast that it's what i been led to understand.

  4. If you have chance drop by the North Eastern of Thailand part in Ubon Ratchathani;

    A temple with history with heritagewith the forest traditions,

    Venerable Sumedho should still be around.




    Another I could think of is Venerable Mitsuo

    He is in the Kanchanaburi Province.


    Still there are many retreats, and teachers.


    They were seekers as well when they visited Thailand.

    Atleast you should be able to communicate with them.


    Good luck and may your trip be full of wisdom and good fruits. :D


    P.S. If there's anything, drop me a pm.

    I lived in the Surat Thani and occasionally go to Bangkok and the Chiang Mai area.

    Will be glad to help a fellow bums.

  5. BE AWARE ...



    I think I am aware-ing.

    Still there's a big maybe surrounding that.


    Way to go Et, ;)

    Mindfully pissing me off is really good way to reveal me to my nature.

    Not everything you said is right or wrong but they just happen uproot what's wrong with me.


    Once what's wrong is gone; that particular ignorance disappeared.

    Once ignorance disappeared, Knowledge disappeared.


    Therefore we can then be done with knowledge at that particular moment.


    Sounds simple doesn't it? ^_^

  6. Indeed this dialogue is enjoyable by me too... hope others find it enjoyable too :-) if not well thats their issue :-)


    What did you mean by " I would like it to hit 'home' more"?


    To cultivate one needs to plant, water and closely observe what develops... weed out some stuff and put in some stuff... with experiences, the attitude one has may determine the experience one has, though what actually happens may be 'stuff that happens'... the truth being present and experienced can take many forms... it is 'my will' to be wronged or am I volunteering to allow the other to learn something... for that matter should I move in such a way as to teach the other something about 'volunteering' ... in interactions each side chooses what to cultivate... yesterday I learned something new regarding dancing... I realized that one can move gracefully and dance with others even though the others move to a different beat and would rather fight than dance... regardless of the motives one can exercise and move harmoniously with everyone if one knows how to move and flow with the music... one can see the blow coming and move in such a way as to transform it into a caress... one can stumble and rather than fall be helped to move a certain way that leads to other moves and flows... seeing the doing, the awareness provides the opportunity to change what needs changing or to recognize it to maintain it... to cultivate it...


    there is infinite possibilities.

    AND the 'infinite possibilities' is that some remain as possibilities forevermore...


    I hoped it will hit the spot more on where my defilements lies.


    Lol The blows are filled with compassion.

    Nonetheless, the motives or the music; it is a dance.


    it is 'infinite possibilities' when the present being seen is not 'infinite possibilities' anymore.


    We need only stop what we are doing and begin to appreciate our lives as they are, accept who we are for what we are, and then everything else can fall into place.

    How many people are willing to do this?

    Not many and it is threatening for many, because the notion goes against everything they've worked so hard to achieve in life, but if you can do this, then freedom can be achieved, true freedom.

    You will understand the real meaning of loyalty and faith, of compassion and humans being.




    Hello Aaron, nice thoughts you have there.


    It is naturally for water to flow to the four great oceans;

    it is in man's tendency to think that he/she craves or creates; we managed to change cow's milk into cheese, yogurts and butter, which in reality in really just milk. Milk at the end of the day also rots, such as clean water gets dirtied to dirtied water.

    At the end of the day, maybe us human of the society achieved something maybe we didn't.


    In Daoism, there are places for great people; there are places for lesser men, places for thieves, places for sage, lords, beggars and such.

    It is the current nature of the world, what could one do but to nurture and cultivate one selves.

    In the end, maybe much is wrong with the world, maybe nothing is wrong at all.


    I am looking forward to your thoughts.



  8. excuse me, turtleshell for partially hijacking your thread;

    I am have actually finding it very fruitful for me at the moment. :P


    Indeed look into the nature of the feeling present... AND the infinite possibilities... to cultivate here or not! does one need to ask how? does one need to do the action? does one chooses to do the action? Why is that so instead of something else being so? I get into a lot of 'dances' because I constantly 'challenge' certain points... when looking into the heart of the matter its actually rather simple... what does one choose to do and why?


    et, I am actually enjoying this dialogue with you; I found it to be fruitful to myself.

    Although I would like it to hit 'home' more but this will do, it makes me happy.

    let continue our dances shall we?


    to cultivate, one need to choose to see.

    what one need is to see.

    what one action one do is to see.

    seeing the doing, the seeing liberates the doing.


    true, there is infinite possibilities.

    but the 'infinite possibilities' is the truth being present.


    it is 'my will' to be wronged either by itself or others.

    by doing so, the way is seen.



  9. Yes there are causes! Sometimes the causes are internal and sometimes the causes are external...Some people feel a certain way regardless of what happens ... which can be good as can be bad. One needs to cultivate the feelings one has to enhance the experiences one has... Why do you claim that there is no question of to accept or not accept? or was you point that at the moment one chooses to act the question vanishes and is replaced with a factual point... In a way you are right the question isn't to accept or not accept its how to accept it! (fully, not fully, not at all).


    thank you for another reply;

    in my humble opinion,

    the thing that is possible to cultivate here is to see into the nature of the feeling present.


    then do one need to ask how?

  10. Feeling just happen... sometimes out of habit... recognize them and cultivate what you want to feel...' event thought I feel this way and I recognize it I now choose to embrace ...'


    Thank you for your thoughtful reply ET.


    there are causes for feelings aren't there?

    why do one needs to cultivate them?


    to accept or not accept; there is no such question.

    the moment one choose to accept it or not to accept it;

    that in itself another feeling.



  11. Sometimes I feel sick when I understand just 'whose' 'will' it is. It's rarely mine arising from the present circumstances is what I'm finding. Very unpleasant indeed.

    Even saying this, I know it's not 'my will' but a wish to come across as a 'good practitioner'.



    'Whose' 'will' is it to feel sick and unpleasant?

  12. Perspectives are still everchanging, the naming is still there.

    No such things as unchanging names.

    If one were to watch one's thinking attentively, watch as it arise, watch it as it sustain, watch it as it dissolve away.

    When it is gone, what is there? What is here?

    All the perspectives vanishes; when this is happening at that very moment; the present moment, the truth is unclouded.

  13. @Raz,

    lets continue with the wordplay.


    who do one see when one looks at the mirror?

    what do one reads when one is reading words?


    now take away the mirror, take away the words.

    where does that answer gone?



    If what one sees is but what one visualises,

    If what one reads is but what of one's own perspectives.

    when one can shred that those concepts, is it not breaking free?

  14. be mindful of your mind when you used them and you will know the benefits;

    for example for what feelings or thoughts does "I Love You", "God", "War", "Hunger" invokes.


    Words have its power, man's mind is operates in such ways that we can't think without words or form.

    Mantras are words that have been arrange to invokes a fruitful feeling/thoughts in different cultivation practices


    Think of it as a sandpaper or a whetstone,

    In the end of the day, they works wonders when practitioners understands their real meanings when they disappears.


    It is also useful to roughly know the meaning of what you are using or in some case knows what effect they have on your mind/body.

    • Like 1

  15. You are reading these words.


    How do you feel about knowing that the words are equally reading you?


    This from the stand point of; for every truth, the opposite is equally true...


    awareness is within all, awareness is within nothing....


    Namaste =)


    when two equally reflects;

    knowledge is clear

  16. don't run away from feeling, the more you run. the more it will comes.


    throw all spirituality out the door for the moment


    all "those", "this" and "that"


    now come back;


    you can't eradicate clinging by not wanting it.

    It could be done only through thorough understanding.


    even-though you went to temples, trying to connect to other people in other activities;

    do you feel deep inside down that it doesn't really answer your question deep inside?


    for the moment come back and

    get back in touch with yourself.


    whatever feelings you may have,

    watch it...

    watch the body having this feeling

    watch the feeling as it is happening

    watch the mind witnessing this feeling


    now tell me, if you are watching then who is feeling the feeling?



    another method is the hold onto that feeling so tightly, carry it throughout your day.

    I am curious about how long you can hold it for.


    Peace, Mindfulness and Wisdom to all...

  17. How many Buddhist Monks realize Emptiness?


    Is it something very few realize or is it very common?


    Is realizing emptiness the same as being a stream enterer?


    Like what Boy said; don't worry about it.


    And like Xabir said; Stream Enterer realizes Anatta.


    If the Stream Enterer thinks to oneself, "I am a stream enterer, I have attained Stream Entry".

    He/she can't enter the stream.

    The parody of it is that the 5 aggregates can enter the stream but the "me, I, self" have to be left where it is.


    Mindfulness and Wisdom be with all