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Posts posted by XieJia

  1. pay extra attentions to your body, your mind, your feelings, your thoughts in throughout the day.

    whether while working, stressing, travelling, walking, eating, relaxing, before going to sleep or anything you do.


    when you are more aware of the connections and influence between the surroundings and yourself;

    and yourself and the surroundings, any practices will become easier.


    TTC is a good book to read;


    how about confirming it with your body and mind?

    • Like 1

  2. Good things, bad things;

    Comes to end.


    There's no greater joy than to know that you lived this life.

    Like a pair of good old trainers; you well exhausted its life through using it fully.


    In things' return, it is brought to completion.

    Therefore one should not laments when the ketchup runs out. :P

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  3. Indeed Stosh, thank you for your post imbue with sincerity.


    There are those that comprehends the world as a whole complete unity.

    There are also those that comprehends the world through each moment experiences.

    I dont see much differences in the two.


    I have heard from somewhere that as we cultivates, the more mundane we see of ourselves, the more profound we see of the world. We might not become nicer, calmer or less neurotic than any other but if cultivation makes us nicer, calmer and less neurotic than our former selves then by cultivation; this is our best gift tp the world.


    If enlightenment is anywhere, it will be at the same place as our ignorances. In midst of confusion or like the hottest fire, it can forge and melt.

    When one neither accepts or rejects, what is there?


    Enough of that for now;

    If one is at peace then it is all alright.


    Take care


  4. I am not where near your location neither a monk.


    Normally if you can locate communities of shan or burmese, bhutan people in the area; they are quite a temple going bunch compare to other asian countries.


    Some temples have something like mediatation evenings, you can join the monks meditating (mostly start like 5 or 6 pm onwards after their evening prays).


    Monks mainly start eating thier meals between 11am and noon, you should be able to talk to them afterwards, dont talk to them while they are eating though. Let them know what aspects of Buddhism you are interested in.


    If you are biking there, and you plan to meditate there; it would be good to bring a comfortable change of clothes.


    Wish you find what you want to find.



  5. Maybe you should also trust your brother.


    If it pains you much seeing him crying, you should just approach him and tell him that it's not just him but it is making those around him feels bad and hurt aswell. And that it means alot if he would share what have been bothering him. From there atleast you should have some more info and can choose how to act appropriately.


    The situation could be something minor.

    If you are planning anything, be sure you will be able to bear the

    worst consequence possible.


    All the best Sinan

  6. Not too sure really; if up to my opinion. Buddhists are agnostic.

    Buddhism is a path for practice.

    The scriptures mentions deities, gods and goddess and powerful beings.


    Over here in the east, most respects them as elders or teachers or sometume similar to family relatives while some dont outright.

    The Buddhist path is independent of them as a beings,

    So i cant be sure to proclaim anything.

  7. Thank you Stosh,


    The lady was use as a subject matter; one of the things that we remembered was that

    we made a choice in liking or disliking something, even when the apparent reasons for that liking or disliking


    We'd still cling to our likes or dislikes.


    I like your comment about the minds, the minds maybe functioning all right all along.

    Even their composition or decomposition is to their nature isn't it?


    Wish you a nice weekend,


  8. Lovely Belle ^ ^, let me join...


    Wonder sings, summer breeze

    Warm air blows within beast.

    Wind comes, Wind goes; such a tease


    Sun shines

    Cloud yet wanders, rainbow glides.

    All is expressed, myriads unfolds.


    Lightning Bolt! Thunder roar!

    Rain pours, tree leaves fall

    Within that moment, all ado


    Truth unspoken,

    Not through mouth or written words

    Let it be pour out from the heart.


    Fill the oceans to the sky high

    Torn me down from this height!

    Light it up, burn me thorough!

    Let the true be set free!


    Moon reflects, blue birds sings,

    Sun shines, cloud glides.

    With truth free, all is done.






  9. The point of past lives surfacing is to realise the transience of this current version of 'self', isnt it?


    indeed, Cat :) .


    one benefits from past lives knowledge in that way.


    in Buddhist terms:

    one can also learn about what one's past action is fruitful, what is unfruitful.

    and cultivate what 'fruitful' now.


    on the other note,

    is the person last week, the same person now?


    if yes, how so?

    if no, how so?

  10. Past Lives; constructing a hypothetical case :D;


    if one is able go recall all of his/her past lives,


    what could that one do right now to benefit oneself?


    look at a less extreme example,


    what can be learnt from our memories?

  11. Thank you again Deci,

    The above resonants with clarity.


    Ever-changing is the Dragon's nature,

    yet it does not change from the unborn.

    It is not that the breathing actually stops;

    it became so fine and the awareness becomes free.

    there is no more discerning or differentiating.


    In terms of alchemy, one's Dharma eye sees potential, which is originally essence: this is the Self. That's what it does. One's eyes see appearances, which is sense: this is other. One uses essence (potential) to seek feeling (sense). The Dragon's special designation iswill, earth, the center, the true intent; which is living awareness itself where there is only complete unity without location, so potential and appearances are naturally, factually and spontaneously resolved in immediate acquiescence by the Virtue of Receptivity. It is up to oneself at all times, because response is a personal affair determined by the karmic forces inherent in any given situation wherein one is wonderfully innocent, open and audacious.


    Such a wonder!

    I received the above with awe and fear.


    Please tell me if my observation is not correct here.


    What the Dharma eye sees is the Dragon.

    Yet the potential never manifests and unfolds.


    The great Yin meets with the great Yan.

    All manifestations unfolds;

    the center is here.

    The true intent is to 'return', yet it returns nowhere other than here.

    The unity is complete, the nature is perfect!

    The essence is pure, its function complete.


    All of Creation is such... and such is the Dragon.


    Thank you Deci :)

  12. Hello Yondaime,


    You are young, it's normal for you to have immense energy.


    One can focus it on many things; find a what you want to do.

    Whether any kind of sports, your studies, art, or cultivation or anything.

    Then direct your energy there.


    If you explore into Yogic or Taoist Alchemy realm,

    there are actually things that is more intense than orgasm.


    Not that I advise you to seek that out; it depends on what you want to do with your energy.

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