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Posts posted by XieJia

  1. Consider if you're creating a bigger problem for yourself by considering yourself as good as them as bad. The brighter you see yourself as, the darker the shadows will seem. Maybe this is why TTC says something about not insisting upon one's own virtue.


    If you see these people as yourself, and see their emotion as simply energy moving within you instead of creating a story about it, then it's pretty much effortless, isn't it?


    Just pondering, I'm not nearly as experienced as you...


    Edit: Just reread your post and maybe you were saying the same thing....semantics!!!


    Well said Center; not that I understood anything :)


    And here's spam; and borrowing words from the old.

    When one takes a path to completion; that particular path disappears.

    Do fishes swims with knowledge of water, do bird flies with the knowledge of the air?


    Wish you all goodluck though and a good weekend.

  2. Taking the path with enlightenment in mind;

    that notion itself led you astray. The enlightenment state is beyond that of the mind or any perception or conception. Enlightenment cannot be achieved; and the word is empty of any meaning.


    To take the concept of self and to pursue enlightenment is like a giant snake eating its own tails. So there's make the statement of "You are already enlightened." as the notion to put that part of us at rest.


    I would dare to speculate that the notion is a misinterpretation of our true nature which is that of the 'Bodhi', the knowing which is the different thing from the you or I.


    Enough of my babbling; practice...

    And you will see that the you is not so you either.


    Good luck and wish you success on your journey.

  3. Hello;


    I am new here in this forum.

    Just want to say hello and introduce myself.


    Feel like saying something meaningless;


    The way is wide and vast; yet not a single foot can be placed.



    Wish all those that thread the path to arrived and those that doesn't mind to enjoy the journey.

