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Everything posted by kundalini

  1. Find A Master

  2. It has been said, written and typed that bodhidharma stared at a wall for nine years and achieved enlightenment. What do you think his method of wall gazing consists of? I think he may did tranquility meditation while gazing the wall. But there are pictures of him holding two hands in an upwards cupped position at the level of his qihai. This may imply that he focuses on the second chakra directly behind the qihai in the middle path and that he may have practiced some sort of inner alchemy during his meditations. I tried the wall gazing technique with void meditation before sleep, just gazing on the ceiling until my eyelids close due to tiredness, and then I strain to open them again, and continuing the gaze on the ceiling. This is a great way to go to sleep. You get to see random images propping up too. Years ago I tried this for a while and sometimes had the beginning of out of body experience, usually accompanied by strong electrical vibrations while having physical body paralysis. One time I was out of my body, I could see my body standing a few feet away. But it could be a dream
  3. I think Rafiki is a shaman + kungfu master.
  4. Hello

    hi there. i like the impossible