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Everything posted by pennyofheaven

  1. Pulsating between shoulder Blades

    Sounds like you were unblocking. In order to adjust ones frequency one needs to remove any thing blocking that flow. The bigger the blockage the more intense it might feel.
  2. Love and Relationships

    I am suspecting that you already know the solution to your dilemma. It is the battle between the heart and mind. The mind wins when what you hold to be true is broken by your actions. If this is so it only requires you listen to the heart without participation from your mind. Any course of action you must take will then feel right. If what you hold to be true is false, you will forever be participating in a cycle of denial. Truth to oneself is more rewarding. Only you will know that.
  3. The Brain that Changes Itself

    Oh ok. Watching brain plasticity you mean? Or the therapies?
  4. One chosen path does not necessarily mean you have one master. Then it depends on the path you choose I suppose.
  5. So you advocate one master in a lifetime? That would mean you cannot grow past a master in your opinion? Is that the opinion of your master? I doubt that any master worth their salt would advocate this. If nothing is lacking how can one damage their vessel?
  6. Akashic Records

    One would not know the good until one experiences it. Whatever good if any requires connecting the dots so to speak.
  7. Akashic Records

    Amazing what a life of experience can reveal. Perhaps that is because the illusions of what we think exists are shattered in one way or another and we discover from the depths of our inner being. Incredible I do agree!
  8. Akashic Records

    Yes indeed.
  9. True Self

    That makes sense.
  10. Akashic Records

    Had a quick read about kundalini. I could be k active according to the quick read. Yes they read scrolls, books, image type recordings. Fast, slow, ancient languages. It's all very interesting to hear different peoples accounts. Yes the same type of instantaneous access on a variety of subjects, events and things. What intrigues me the most is the less schooled they are, they are more prone to have huge amounts of intellectual knowledge available to them that is astounding. I haven't been fortunate enough to come across those records yet. Apart from the average schooling I have had. Its pure experiential knowledge haha. I either learn by experience or I don't. It seems to be on the rise I do agree. Perhaps it has always been and people feel able to discuss their experiences more openly without the fear of being judged. I have often wondered too whether or not once you have this ability to access, the ability to access is like turning a switch off and on and increases when its on.
  11. True Self

    I do agree with the Buddhist view.
  12. Tao and Morality

    Haha yes!
  13. True Self

    Oh no I didn't intend my post that way. Perhaps I need to rethink the way I post. No apology necessary. No harm done. Clarifying is part of discussing as I understand it. {{{bowing}}}
  14. True Self

  15. True Self

    Ok call it whatever you want to call it. I don't know what that is except for what you understand it to be. What you understand it to be however is not what I am pointing to. Perhaps you misunderstood me, I don't know? I am not talking about independent anything. Nor was I talking about any will. You got all that out of my post? Where is the remainder you are referring to? So essence is not pointing to the empty and malleable nature of everything, to you, ok I cannot help you not seeing that. Who is talking about God? If anyone wants to call the empty and malleable nature of everything God (not that anyone has on this thread) or essence it doesn't change its nature. Interdependent origination/emptiness is more the description I would use.
  16. True Self

    Huh? I am still confused? What level, what test?
  17. True Self

    How do you mean level of playing field?
  18. Tao and Morality

    I agree with what you say. Compassion is what naturally arises when one has empathy. I tend to view empathy and compassion like a marriage. If empathy files for divorce from compassion. Compassion will complain and counter file (if thats a thing hehe) on the "no grounds for divorce" reasoning. Where ever empathy goes, compassion is sure to follow. Even when being ignored.
  19. The Skeptic Within

    Whatever you chose to do the skeptic in you might be a useful tool? It is always helpful when we can question our own perceptions. Whomever you learn off cannot give you the skill to do what you wish to do. They can only point to. So it matters not what you think of them if you are open to practicing what they teach. Only you can confirm within yourself as to the authenticity of what is being taught. Then there are the things of the mind that a cultivator might not question. The skeptic in you might always question. This can be a good thing. It just might prevent you from being stuck in a cycle that you can move on from. So it could be a useful tool?
  20. The Brain that Changes Itself

    Yes. Great, cool, excellent in a nice kind of way. Did you think I meant something else? Or you don't agree? It is clear that neural pathways have been developed in the different forms of therapy amongst other things or they would not be able to do these kinds of therapies Not everyone has the ability to do the different kinds of therapies available today so it is evidence that they have developed or aided in developing these neural pathways naturally but had no proof. Now science is proving and are confirming that new pathways can be learned through brain plasticity. The new pathways arise from the brain perceiving more of 'what is' as sages old and new have done. Just no scientific proof at the time.
  21. The Brain that Changes Itself

    Yes agree nice science is confirming that.
  22. Tao and Morality

    Some excellent points made by the Taoist!
  23. Tao and Morality

    Some excellent points made by the Taoist!