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Posts posted by ion

  1. Forensics scientist can tell a persond race by looking at there DNA, true or false? False, although from watching TV you might think they can. What they can do is say that there is a high probability that a person is caucasion or african american based on statistical data...aprobability, plus the fact that they say that the people with those genes are a race that is either african or caucasion is purely a label and doesn't give any credit to support the concept of race.

    I realize this statement could be misleading so I wanted to elaborate.


    On tv detective shows, you see the myth of race perpetuated because it shows cops deducint that the remains of a victim are from a black male or whatever based on dna found in a bone fragment or whatever.


    In real life they can tell if there is a probability that some one is "this or that", if they have a particular combination/group of genes. NOT A PARTICULAR GENE, but a combination/group of generic genes that by them selves or paired differently could be in anyone of any "race".


    This combonation of genes implying a probability is just that, because the person might also be polynesean and polynesean isnt a race either. The particular gene combinations that TV writers are saying is "Black", is just as likely polynesean or micronesean. These people are thought to be of Asian decent, not directly african.


    If you were to take certain genetic types from Somoa, Pure Hawaiian lineage(like on the island of Ni'hau), Tonga, Guam(micronesian), and probably other places, and place them in a genetic line up they would all come up as probably African American to a cop, because they are basing that probability on statistical data, and that also statisticly there are more African Americans on the US mainland then there are Tongans.


    It is also more accurate if they were to say,"... there is a high probability that this person is what we LABEL as black/african-american." Instead of "There is a high probability the victim was African Amerrican", because it is a label for people with a certain combination/group of genes and cultural backround, not an objective state of being.


    I want to also clarify that not all polyneseans etc would carry that gene combination/group, and not all Africans either. It is not attatched to a race but is carried by individuals who have those particular charecteristics in combination.


    Also to underline, all the genes in the group that make up the probability can be carried and expressed by people of any cultural backround and ethnicity.


    Genes are universal, their grouping is circumstancial and cultural.


    Edit to ad- The way that scientist tell how genes travel through time etc, like how they can tell a particular people were living in one region and over time migrated to another, is not by the human genome. They can trace the distribution of people from africa to everywhere else by looking at mitochondrial DNA which is different then human DNA. Mitochondria is contained in all human cells and is inherited by the mother. Mitochondria is thought to have been a completely seperate entity, a bacteria that was assimilated by plant and animal cells looooooooooooong ago to form a biological symbiosis because of the ATP produced by mitochondria. Over time it basically became apart of the host cell yet it still has its own dna that is not human DNA, and that is what scientist look at to discern the migration of genes.


    Its probably also the mithochondrial DNA looked at by real forensics experts in combination with other genes in the human genome when available, but it too is inconclusive when trying to pinpoint a "race". Because it doesnt influence appearence or race and can be carried by anyone.

  2. Which scientist are saying by the year 3,000 there will be only one race? As far as I know, all the data that weve compiled on the genome points to the fact that there is no such thing as race period


    A "black" person from Africa, and a "white" person from sweden, are more closely related to eachother then chimpanzee siblings are to eachother.


    So Any two random humans from anywhere on the planet, or any group of random humans share more common genes and are thus more like family then actual brothers and sisters in a troop of chimps.


    What is the scientific data indicating that there is such a thing as race?


    The same gene that makes a brown person brown are in my body in my genome too. Im not albino so I do produce melanin and have the same gene that makes a person brown, the only diffenrce is mine is made to stop producing melanin before a brown persons does.


    There is not any great difference between anyones genome where you could say," this one is drasticly different then that one", in fact I have brown hair and my brother has blonde, and the genes that cause that difference in appearence are no greater or less then what differentiates me from a person with drasticly different features like brown skin. The only differences are in the percieved appearence.


    Forensics scientist can tell a persond race by looking at there DNA, true or false? False, although from watching TV you might think they can. What they can do is say that there is a high probability that a person is caucasion or african american based on statistical data...aprobability, plus the fact that they say that the people with those genes are a race that is either african or caucasion is purely a label and doesn't give any credit to support the concept of race.


    The fact that you say that "by the year 3,000, we'll all be one race" shows that you understand that genes are not confined to any particular race but are only superficialy isolated by geographic and cultural barriers by pure chance and circumstance.

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  3. How is it selfesh to form a group with like minded peopole? If you have reached the realization that the best thing you can do for humanity is out side of society, and that it is because of society that you can no longer pursue down your path, how is it selfish to live simply?


    I think the idea is quite the opposoite of anti-sociall, but I do find that our society its self is anti-social and that is partly why I would like to start a new way of life.


    This society is destroying the planet and is out to gentrify everyone which I'm sorry but is to skew your spiritual evolution.


    I agree that having your needs met allows your mind to rise to higher thinking, but truly meeting your needs, along with being content with little.


    You said it protector, having your needs met and not struggling for the simple necessities is what allows a mind to evolve. However, our society never lets you meet your needs.


    It takes 2 hours average, 4 hours tops of light work a day to meet yourneeds and beyond living an organic lifestyle. The systemm tells you it takes 40 hours a week and that you've never actually met them, put are just making payments on them.


    I do grow food and it is far more empowering to reduce your desire for materiel crap, and to actually know that YOU can meet YOUR OWN needs, rather then scrambling around in desperation to get a job that either directly or indirectly is screwing up the earth and contributing to the consumer society and its aim to gentrify the world, begging a bunch of capitolists, competing with your brothers and sisters so that someone can employ you/ barely give you enough to scrape by til your next check, and meet your needs.


    I'm actually in the middle of setting something up like this with freinds. A community with others who do not fit in nor want to with society.


    Were all very productive people spiritually minded and capabable/experienced in producing bulk ammounts of food, through gardening and livestock.


    People are good and important. I've tried the hermit thing and it is definitely good to have the abilty to completely drop out if and when you need to, but people are important as far as keeping sanity and remaining emotionaly balanced and able to experience joy.


    I've also lived off grid bymyself with out a car orr electricity. Nothing but me and an infant and I grew food all day, but realized I needed people in my life badly. Its part of our design to be a part of some sort of social group and to have regular contact with people, to give to others and to recieve from others.


    Society does not have a monopoly on any of that and in my opinion the current trend in our society causes in sanities in the same way isolation can, because society keeps most of us in the egotistical position, either by pleasing us with materiel wealth, or placing us in a mental place of worry about meeting our needs.


    There is no place to just be.


    If land ownership was non-existent which I believe it should be because it is a basic human right to have a place to live, not a privalege to work fo;r and by that I dont mean a house, just a piece of land that you can grow food, gather food or hunt or fish for food- yes I do think that is a human right, the system, its stress and insanities would go through such a postive transformation, that it would no longer be this particular system, just like this particular system is no longer the system it once was.


    I believe people require autonomy to evolve. I also believe this system denies people of that.


    I think it is interesting that what some people call selfish, I call progressive in the name of humanity, and what they call not selfish, I find to be something that is appearently devoted to destruction.


    But thats just it, if we have different opposing views, why cant we go seperate ways? If we have different views, why cant we have ours? Why do we have to live out yours?


    I am capable of caring for myself, and I quite love doing it. Most people find a very natural satisfaction from growing and harvesting a crop, it aids in spiritual evolution and links you with Tao. No greater feeling then hooking your freinds up with more produce then they can eat.


    It is not a desperate scramble to survive when you are working directly for your needs, unlike the system where you never actually meet your needs because you actually have a job doing clerical work for the consumer society and have lost that connection with the earth and humanity and dont even know how to meet your needs directly.


    Humanity doesnt equal the system, so dropping out does not equate to anti-social behavior, in fact in this day and age it can be seen as quite humanitarian to drop out, considering the course society is on.

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  4. I think something like this is a good idea. Most hippy type communes are a failure because all the people involved are self absorbed, or in the cases where they arent, some body always moves in who some how ruins it for everyone, and they are a hunting ground for pedophiles.




    Or the person who owns the place is an egomaniac and or a power tripper or something like that.


    You read in all these old stories about monastic type temples etc, and then compare them to what we have today which are all highly institutionalized religions with a statified heirarchy, or buddhist themed giftshop/retreat setting for rich people who are being had by a charlatan.


    A place for a person to goto, to renounce the world to pursue what they see as their path, to live a simple life style or whatever is pretty much unavailable to most of us in this generation.


    I find that there is no religious freedom in our country because I am at the point where my path is a battle with the unwritten laws of this country and the forced servitude to the false belief that we work 40 hours a week just to survive. It is against the unwritten laws of this country to be truly content with little, because we are forced into working to fulfill exaggerated needs.


    It is even against the law to go into the wilderness to live like a lone hermit. The only land you can stay at for free is BLM propperty and there is a 2 week time limit. I actually did drop out and live in the wilderness for the sake of seeking a hermitage, but I ended up living like a fugitive, hiding from government employees.


    I've often thought that if I had the money that I would invest it in a piece of land and open it up to likeminded others. Not a commune with forced expectations and some communal farm or ideal, but something more egalitarian where a person had space and autonomy.


    The true likemindedness would be the key to making it work. I know for a fact that producing enough food to even have surplus to sell would not be an issue, so the other key would be that those involved were content with next to nothing and largely free from desire

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  5. You have invented your own version. Karma literally means 'action' and every action has fruit (result) ... the result reflects the original action such as if you plant a plum stone you get a plum tree. You should strive to do wholesome acts not for selfish reasons of thinking it will be better for you but because the result for everyone will be better.

    I see the fundamental reality of it. I didn't invent anything. So why do you see that karma, translating to action is actually cause and effect/ action/reaction? Action is what I've been talking about, and the resulting activity, not necessarily the direct reaction.


    If you plant a plum, alot more then just a tree growing alo happens, but none of it is caused by the plum seed being planted. The tree grows, becomes an eco system and a splendid harbor for birds.


    What defines an act as wholsome and why should their activation be based on an emotional attatchment? Why is it better to commit a wholsome act then to commit an act for purely logical reasons? Or why is it selfish to commit wholesome acts because I believe as a primate it is in my biological nature to commit wholesom acts in the name of the group or groups I am designed to be a part of?


    Truly it is the tao to have wholsome acts be the spontaneous response to the stimuli and should never be an action taken by a POV. Spontaneous act of selflessness is our true nature. It is our true nature to have good will towards others and to be unattatched and so open with our possesions and selves. When these things are cultivated, the one who cultivated those things will spontaneously act without pretention or causation.


    However it is logical to watch out for symmetry And the point you made about karma translating to action is one logical reason to not make wholsome acts consciously for any reason especially emotionally based;. Because your reasoning is emotionally based and on a POV, then it will be an action taken. Beyond the direct result which will undoubtedly just add to the overall imbalance in the world, you will also creating entanglements and that is why karma as the conventional understanding is asociated with action , because all egotistical action creates entanglements that will undoubtedly lead to many people, the "original" commiter of the action included, accumulating more "bad" karma that will absolutely have to be lived out and dealt with.


    Buddha taght a way to avoid accumulating karma and stepping out of the repetitive cycles of action causing activity that creates more action wich multiplies obligated activity that must play out.


    Killing karma as rara put it, is largely what buddhism is about, and it is the karmic cycles that we create with our actions that are the inspiration for many of the buddheist approaches to liberation.


    The idea is not to cause something because there will be a direct effect, but there are unseen reactions symply by taking action what ever it may be, good or bad, selfesh or selfless. The symetric response to action, what ever it may be is to bring balance to an imbalance, if you do what you think is good in the name of your perception, your opposite is bound to do the same thing but you'll call it bad, and if you dont let go right there, the reasoning you held onto will cause you to act again as an elaborated diversified reflection of the first action, yet with the aspect that it intigrated from its causation, and if you never see the connection it will expand, and elaborate as it moves forward in time until it is so different appearing from the initial action that you wont be able to make the connection til after you die. Not to mention all the other people who as a result of your action took certain actions and accumulated mor karmic time themselves.


    Karma and reincarnation are not methods of assencioun. Peoples lives dont tend to get better and better after each birth, they get worse and always end up accumulating more karma, and if symmetry cant bring the events to completion and dissolution (which is its nature,) because of concepts we wont let go of, especially the ego concept, then a symetric awareness to the one who accumulated the karma one will come into being simply to deal with the accumulated karma that it HAS to be apart of.


    There is no entity that is reincarnated because there never was one incarnated, however the cognition and tendencies of a being can be synthesised and an analog awareness can be made to be born, in which case a very similar sense of self arises within the being which can connect the current awareness to the "original" in the dimmension of spirit and mind outside of time and space where those barriers are not. So there is a linking ofnear identical energies with a fused self awareness that trancends the death barrier by creating a symmetric being to develop the near identical self awareness for the soul purpose of acting out the symmeties creeated by otherwards to deal with accumulated karma that your awareness, emotions, and cognition are an intrinsic part of.


    Buddha taught the way out of that because the nature of this thing in relation to the human ego will naturally accumulate more and more bad karma indefinitely simply by trying to swat a fly that is annoying you , or looking out in the chaos and feeling like things arent what they should be to where you desire to change things/take action. If you see that things arent as they should be then that is a symmetry of your mind and any action taken, good or bad, will be off kilt and cause more problems for one.


    Buddhas approach, and Im sure that there are plenty of you who will accuse me of inventing this, was to die before your physacal death and to deal with the issue that most of us are tortured by at death while still "alive" His actions created no karma, good or bad because he was completely selfless and thus took no action.

  6. cause and effect = karma

    I disagree with that. To take an action is to cause an activity, true, but Karma is different. What we call karma is the replication of the action and activity. An action will cause an effect, karma is the returning of that action, generally reversed on the original doer.If you do something to someone, that will have an observable reaction, karma is not apart of that observable reaction it is when that action returns back to you, or, the repeating of that action from the original doer.


    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you because of the law of symmetry, but it may not come back to you like that, but it will spread like that, if you do good or bad by your own judgment unto another, if there is a likelyhood of it the event will replicate itself and spread out from them to another who will also likely be an element in an event generated by symmetry.


    Karma is symetry replecating events and drawing togeather the elements of those events wich you are one of if you were a part of the event. Karma is the manifestation of a whole world of events that come into being soley to reproduce an event. It is and was a creative force and vehicle of creation. It is here in our ego ruled human world that symmetry has been trandformed and held in position of the great cosmic judge that distributes justice. It has mutated into this because we ourselves collectively hold concepts like good, bad, and judgement/justice.


    If you give a guy 20 bucks, the effect is that that guy now is carrying that energy, the karma is that because of yours and his beliefs, the action has extra elements, conotations and even emotions that will have to be rplicated, and is thus far more complicated then the actual event. The events that come into being will have there own cause and effect and unless the energy is difused some how, it will continue, and or spread indefinitely. The events that come into being to full fill the symetry are not necessarily a part of Gods original plan so to speak; not a part of the original continuim, but once they do come into being, you will be inescapably woven into the happenings. You wont be able to directly escape the happening, or opt out, or stop itwith force, but you can end it by altering your perception of it.


    If you are stolen from, meaning that is how you defined and thus experienced an event, you are potentially in for a leangthy world of unpleaseant exerience, yet the universal effect was simply that you didn't have an object anymore, and if thats how you experienced it, that would end it. You might end up suffering a year or two or more events that would have never taken place otherwise, that eventually lead you to the point where you end up repeating the "crime", or it may happen again that you are "robbed" at least a second time. However if the feelings and definitions associated with the event have at all changed lets say by becomming lessened, the major event of being robbed when replicated, might become a minor one because of your change in values during the time it took to remanifest.


    But also because of symmetry, to have something taken from you could easily equate to a situation where something will be gvven to you, and because of symmetry, it will some how be of equal value.More then likley also depending on the contents of your mind.


    Its imortant that the original symmetry is between what we percieve as opposites, the yin and yang, but that the opposites do have the exact same elements as their composition, they are just different expressions of those elements so when humans concieved the concept of good, they drew fromof the abyss, the reality of evil, to get rid of evil would be easiestly achieved by stop thinking of anything as good. If you dont want to be stollen from, dont be possesive when somone wants something and give freely what you have, and if it is apart of your charecter, because of symmetry you will be replenished so that you can be taken from and so that you can give freely over and over again


    To he who has, more will be givven, and to he who has not, even what he does have will be taken away. If you dont want to lose anything, do your best not to find anything. The excitement you feel when you find something that hasn't been let go of, is the same level of distress you'll feel when you lose something of equal value.


    So an example of how to minimize karmic entanglements would be to not place much value on things and to try not to be too attached, that way if you find something it will be no big deal so it will be no big deal when you lose something.

    @ion I like your post a lot. So are you saying that any "misfortunes" would be down to our own perceptions of good and bad, and if one is to experience "bad karma", it's down to their own particular attachment to that particular guilt?


    If so, then we should kill karma in our practice...forget about it. Without it there, we can't drag ourselves down...

    Hopefully I answered your question Rara

  7. If I may adress skydog and others from my perspective. I think DB being what appears to you as a "bitch" is a reflection of your self importance. I see no error from the perspective of a follower and emulator of Tao with someone of an accumulated experiential state beliitling and obliterating the foundation of the loftily arrogant by way of reflecting their inner sense of acomplishment, superiority, and aire of certification.


    It is quite fitting in many cases, and comming fromsomeone who is naturaly egalitarian, it is done without the accumulation of karma, as a wu wei reflection of the aggressor.

  8. If there is no "Karma" then where does it/symmetry come from. It comes fom our collective understanding of morality and justice...more realisticly, it is influenced by those things, but what it really is, (symmetry in events) has its birth as a force of nature, long before time.


    Its birth into objectivity happens when the yin gave birth to yang. As soon as yang is, symmetry between yin and yang was, so symmetry has been an eternal law since beginingless time. And like the rest of Tao, it diversified from utter formlessness and elaborated as it issued forth with time space materiel and form into the socially influenced force that it is for many today.

  9. Race and karma have some strickengly equivalent similarities; the most notable of which is that niether exists by their own accord, but the human condition as it is continues their existance.


    Karma, as something bad to get rid ofor unddo, is something that will create more karma. The idea is to discontinue any entaglements to the durrent reality, so , you want to first stop believing in bad or good, then you can start to see what karma really is, because even though there is no bad or good, and no god or anything delivering justice bases on morality, there still really is the issue of Karma for a follower of Tao to deal with,


    So what is it? Cut and dry, plain and simple, Karma, he immutable force that the liberated are unsubject to is symmetry.


    Just like a leaf has two identical sides, and everything else in nature, so do events, phenomenon and happenings have symmetric reflections, though in the immaterial, they are less discernible by the average eye.


    One reason they are not as discernable, is because of the way we as people label things, or judge them within our spectrum of like and dislike, or good or bad. When "karma is visable, the good recieve good and the bad recieve bad; when it is invisable except to the evolved eye where good and bad are equal, then it is seen that the exact elements are on both sides, where some times the good recieve the bad, and the bad recieve good, the elements are all the same but we prioritize them differently. This is why the "evolved" or discerning eye percieves karma as symmetry, the vehicle of time and creation, not Karma, the delivereer of moraly based justice.


    Better to not influence your fate in chance happening by believing in concepts like good or bad, better to serve others and aim for the middle path, then symmetry serves you.


    Now, with that said, there is "good" and "bad" karma, good karma would be a lack of entanglements, allowing you to peacably return to a state of non0being, identifying with nothing; bad karma would be extranuous entaglements causing you to dwell in longer states of being identifying with th egotistical state; a state where in you have to practice way to get out of with out accumulating more busyness percieved from an egotistical state.


    The best and onlyway for a person to avoid karma regarless of race, is to cultivate an identityless state, meditate much if not most of the time, and to keep ones activities centered around the serviv=ce of others.


    All activities generate a symmetry/karmic necessity to happen, so pure meditation is the absolute best way to serve others and accumulate NO karma.


    In order for that to be true in its purest form, a psycholigcal state, or level of understanding has to be reached, not taught, that all efforts in serving humanity are futile and counter intuitive because of the nature of Samsara and ignorance/illusion. When this understanding is reached, one understands there is nothing more progressive/productive towards the salvation of humanity, other then to sit in meditation and to make NO false moves.

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  10. Either you eed to ejaculate and so your body is doing it, and or you need to work more on the psychological aspects of assimilating sexual energy/desire.


    The "physical" desire or need to ejaculate is largely a psychologically/culturaly potentiated feeling; much like our hormanal response to finding a 100 dollar bill, (adreniline, relief, satisfaction), our response and/ or urges from or towards sexual stimuli are conditioned into our biological physyque.


    We are constantly bombarded by imagery that is designed by some of the most intellegent sought after minds of the planet, to manipulate yur egoless brain into wanting/desiring certain things. Their approach is based on centuries worth of research and knowledge into the human pdyche, so dont feel like a chump or a sheep for being filled up with is designed to manipulate the core of your being.


    So we are all filled with more urges then we actually have; the goal would be to reduce the urges down to what you actually do have, and that requires YOU to re condition ourself and to reject what you are not interested in, and that might actually be that you are not at all interested in sex altogeather. If that is the case which I believe it is for most, then you have to be prepared to accept that you are not a hetero- or hmosexual might not have an affilitation to identify with which is hard for you, and the culture to accept because one way or the other our society is dominated by sexuality regaurdless of gender/affiliation.


    If you have not dealt with excess culturaly charged sexually directed energy, and also do not ejaculate, then you will more than likely have issues with random ejaculation and or odd sexual desires that you dont even identify with.


    Its weird being egoless in nature, in a society that defines you by your sexual preferences and defines those as black and white.

    Just to elaborate, and/or clarify. As an average eveyrday human of the modern age, you are constantly bombarded with sexually stimulating energy.


    If you identify with the stimuli at at all, as though you identify with the concepts of hetero, homo, or bisexual, or anything imaginable, then you are susceptable, and under the influence of that energy. To truly achieve the goal of not ejaculating, you need to aproach the task as an introspection and via neuroplasticity through meditation, and or drugs like psilocybine.


    Non-ejuculation is only desirable from the non-conventional psychological state that is relative to an un-gendered being


    In this day of technological enculturation, expidient means may be required by the conscious an active mind,

  11. Either you eed to ejaculate and so your body is doing it, and or you need to work more on the psychological aspects of assimilating sexual energy/desire.


    The "physical" desire or need to ejaculate is largely a psychologically/culturaly potentiated feeling; much like our hormanal response to finding a 100 dollar bill, (adreniline, relief, satisfaction), our response and/ or urges from or towards sexual stimuli are conditioned into our biological physyque.


    We are constantly bombarded by imagery that is designed by some of the most intellegent sought after minds of the planet, to manipulate yur egoless brain into wanting/desiring certain things. Their approach is based on centuries worth of research and knowledge into the human pdyche, so dont feel like a chump or a sheep for being filled up with is designed to manipulate the core of your being.


    So we are all filled with more urges then we actually have; the goal would be to reduce the urges down to what you actually do have, and that requires YOU to re condition ourself and to reject what you are not interested in, and that might actually be that you are not at all interested in sex altogeather. If that is the case which I believe it is for most, then you have to be prepared to accept that you are not a hetero- or hmosexual might not have an affilitation to identify with which is hard for you, and the culture to accept because one way or the other our society is dominated by sexuality regaurdless of gender/affiliation.


    If you have not dealt with excess culturaly charged sexually directed energy, and also do not ejaculate, then you will more than likely have issues with random ejaculation and or odd sexual desires that you dont even identify with.


    Its weird being egoless in nature, in a society that defines you by your sexual preferences and defines those as black and white.

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  12. As for energy work: As the tao gathers, all these amazing things evolve naturally without any intention. Energy work was devised for people of very advanced age.

    I find in my lifestyle/daily activities, the enegy work just happens. You could say because of the naturalness in the lay out in my gardens, that they are not generic rows but settled into the existing landscape, that when I walk the narrow path between the patches and with my left hand I hold the watering can full of water and fully extended, bringing it towards me as it empties itself, slowly and keeping it steady it returns to me empty, I refill it and with my right hand I water the garden on the right.


    My movements are pure and natural Tai'chi, spontaneous and un repeatable, the energy flowing through me is balanced and natural, and like the water nurtures all things.


    The simple task of hand watering for a couple ours a day excersises all my core muscles like yoga, brings balance to my chi and keeps it flowing like Tai'chi. Walking bare foot on the rocks, my root grows deep.


    I practice nothing, and immitate nothing, yet uncontrivedd emmulate everything.

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  13. The first steps in adjusting to a medative lifestyle is to become content with little. Become needless and try not to concern yourself with where your food comes from. Next, stop worrying about yourself image. Stop cutting your hair and shaving and dont be self conscious about it. If there is a certain look or trend you identify with, stop adjusting your appearence and thinking to that image. Wear whatever clothes are available and think nothing of it. All the while, reduce your identity, don't require actions to validate, reenforce, or project an image that you wish to identify with. If you identify with a sports team, a political party, or a religion, cease to do so immediately. If you identify with a role, as a an artist, a this or a that, a drunk or a saint, or a profession, reject everything you know about those things and remove its influence from your being. Let go of any trace of an ideology.


    Give your activities over to something you can feel good about and are of service to humanity. Plant a garden and distribute the food.

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  14. I believe this is true. There was a study that showed, not too long ago, that certain races have certain genes that affect their behavior, and many other factors, that differ between the races.


    For myself, this flesh suit is of a race that is known for its stereotype being massive alcoholism. And I have always found strong pulls towards drinking, father was an alcoholic, and I have lost tons of uncles to alcoholism.

    Thats all very misleading. In the future this sort of information will be useless.


    There is no such thing as race. Any belief in race is a form of racism and an extreme case of self and other. The genes the studies refer to do not belong to a race. Before globalization which started 500 years ago peoples had a tendency to be more geographicly bound to their region of orgin, and because of cultural imprints, certain genes even undesirable ones might prevail in one culture/ethnicity but not in another, but this has absolutely nothing to o with race or ethnicity.


    Ethnicityis just a psychological state, and a social designation. An ethnicity is ANY social group, even a religion is fits the definition of an ethnic group, so dont be misled by the term as to mean race.


    But if an ethnic group is isolated enough, and certain cultural practices or likes and dislikes cause a gene to stay afloat in that group then it appears that that group is defined by those features.


    Any gene can be passed around and assimilated by any social group. The gene that causes some cultureal/ethnic groups to not metabolize ethanol, is not a defining feature of a certain species of human, it only HAPPENS to be promminent in that group at the MOMENT in the great sceme of things. The more cultural barriers fall, the more the "isolated" gene can move around, and any person is just as likely to assimilate it as the next.


    If someone from group A carrys a unique gene that is promminent in their group has a baby with someone from group B where the gene is rare to non-existence, and the person from group B takes the baby back to group B, the gene has been succsesfully tranfered from group A to to group B.


    If the gene is benificial for survival, or if for some reason the gene produced a trait that the group members found attractive, then over the course of generations, that gene would become more and more promminent in group B.


    Over the past couple hundred thousand of years, this has happened countless times with out direct observation, so when you look around at the current moment, here at the relative begining of the mass of biological trait transfer(globalization), you see races with defining features because you dont see the genes moving through time and acroos space.


    Race is also social construct that is different from country to country. Black and white, as we call two races in America are pretty much nonexisting races in places like brasil where they actuall have over 400 racial possabilities. In brasil, you can even change races in a life time. I have 4 kids from the same mom, the oldest is not mybilogical offspring. Within my 4 kids there are four races according to brasillian definitions, because each one of them can be classified into another group based on their physacl charecteristics, and I myself am one of those people who change race depending on geographic and environmental conditions. All my kids have the same mother, who in this country is in the same racial category as me; white. In Brasil, me and my kids moms are not considered to be the same race.


    In brasil, race is not designated by a line of decent or lineage. Im not black or white according to my parents or backround, but I am categorized racially by the genes I am expressing. So If I am fairskinned and dark haired Im classified as such and such, however, if I move down to the coast and my hair turns blonde or red, and my skin turns dark brown, Im another race. If My hair does not turn color, and my fair skin does not turn brown, but burns and freckles, then I am considered another race.


    In parts of Africa, when a "black" American or European shows up the Africans will designate their race with a word(I forget what the word is, and it varies from country to country) that translates to "White forigner". They do not identify with "African Americans" as the same race as them just because of the skin tone, they think of "African Americans" as "white" people because that is what they, as a race of people are like to the Africans.


    There is no defining line, and virtually ALL traits thought of as unique to a race, are only isolated by coincidence or cultural fancy, and only for the relative moment.


    I like the Brasilian way. If you have a "white" parent and a "black" parent, you are not half black and half white, you are something altogeather different and it is not automaticly milado. Milado is one of the 400 races, and does not mean half black and half white to Brasilians. If you end up with blue eyes and freckles with thick hair and a high melonin level, then you'll be one thing, if your biological sibling expresses other traits like thin hair brown eyes, a high melonin level and no freckles, they will be another race.


    But race, as a classification designated by lineage or back round that defines your sub-species does not exist, and it is far more accurate to classify yourself based on purely superficial characteristics.

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  15. One thing to consider is that creativity isn't the only manifestation of right brain thinking.


    You're obviously very spiritual, and probably intuitive also. These are right brain functions.


    I remember in English class I could never come up with stories our teacher wanted us to write. But I always did well when interpreting stories. BOTH of these would be considered right brain functions.


    My point is just that your right brain functioning might take different FORMS than what is typically considered creativity.


    Just trying to point out another way of looking at it :)

    I believe that intuition, and much of what are considered psychic abilities are not products of right or left brain thinking at all but are more aspects of the enteric nervous system. Consciousness, and particular left lobe thinking is a distraction and/or a source of confusion to intuition and psy abilities.

  16. There is a lot of discussion about the connection of the right and left brain in the psychological world, and how they function together. Many meditation programs are designed to bring the two into harmony.


    In my opinion, the right and left parts of our brain are actually already ONE. They therefore function in perfect harmony, whether this is APPARENT or not.


    Every part of you is ONE with every other part of you. Your mind, body, and soul are one. You are ONE LOVE, ONE ENERGY, ONE LIFE FORCE. Therefore how could "disharmony" be REAL?


    The problem I see with all the talk about "integrating" right brain and left brain, or otherwise different parts of the self, is that it just creates an ILLUSION that we're not ALREADY unified. It's like talking about how to "become" one with God. We ALREADY ARE one with God.

    In those test you can take that tell you whether you are right lobe, or left lobe dominant, (right or left brained) I always come out balanced brained meaning I use both lobes equally, or both lobes use me equally which ever it is. I think its more both lobes are equally active, and there is no me, or using of me by either "side".


    Im pretty much right handed, Im goofy foot on a sketeboard or surf board which isn't necessarily a left handed thing but its kinda the left handed stance in board sports. I use my left freely to do things that people usually use their preferred hand for, but I don't write with my left. I dont really try to though, but I have thought about it. What I thought was in order to write with my left the best way to practice would be to immitate the developmental steps of a child which is to scribble. Then after scribbling became natural feeling with the left hand, the next step would be to work on the basic shapes, (triangular, circular and rectangular)then after thae basic shapes became natural, Id practice writing. I dont think the whole process would take as long as it would for a child though.


    About 11 years ago I started using my left hand alot more simply because I felt so out of balance. I felt like I had spent my whole life walking one direction in a circle...not exactly dizzy but off balance from neglecting my left hand so I started consciously using it more until it became natural and reflexive.


    Most right brained people think Im left brained until they get to know me, and then they are usually suprised at how much I can relate to their right brained perspective. The inverse is true also.


    My dad, who was also intrigued by the Tao and felt its resonance, is more then likely balanced brain also (IMO), based on certain suchnesses about him. He is basicly right handed, plays guitar like a right handed person but throws a baseball with his left hand and catches with his right.

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  17. I meant to add to my post about the video which was saying that mustard gas from the war was later used as a pesticide, that something similar was practiced here for years.


    Agent orange which was used as a defoliant in the vietnam war gave birth to a chemical or two that the logging industry around here and proabably else where, sprays on hardwoods like oak and madrone in/on the public redwood forest, so that they could get rid of all the stuff they didn't want, and just clear cut all the redwood and other conifers like fir etc.

  18. o.k. the deer got my biggest pumpkin last night despite me snoring away in the tent.


    One deer was sleeping by my tent when I went up to go to sleep. haha.I


    figured I would scare it away for good with my snoring but no!!


    The FEASTED...


    well still have 7 good pumpkins left with more coming in - how many jack-o-lanterns do we need anyway?


    So will fortify the deer fence.


    I confirmed it's the deer eating the tomatoes also - not grasshoppers - lost a few tomato plants since they had not flowered yet....


    Doubt they'll flower with the tops eaten off.....


    But the deer don't touch the tomatoes! Thankfully...


    so.... Got some free deer manure in the garden now....


    well I think I'm going to eat a deer this fall. Gotta make a bow or cash out $300 or so....

    Beatiful garden. You and I have a similar style and climate maybe. Nasturtium have gone wild here. I've slept in my garden before and woke up with deer standing right next to me. Apearently our living scare crow tek only works when your awake and upright. I didn't actually have an issue with the deer over eating at that point, no fence either.


    I was in the harbor the other day and noticed that the restaurant had a motion sensor activated sprinkler jet that shot a180 degree arch when ever a seagull landed on the roof. They were trying to keep the seagulls from aggregating and pooping all over the place.It seems like that would be a good offensive defense where fences aren't available or wanted. They could be easily powered by a 12 volt solar set up.

  19. A great documentary about natural farming:



    can't wait until this goes viral!

    Cool vid. I've been meaning to come back and watch and just did. Not exactly about "Natural Farming" in the strict sense of the technique called Natural Farming, bu I appreciate it being included none the less.


    Very interesting perspective represented in the vid about the contribution of WW1 &WW2 to the disaster that modern farming has become. From having killed off many actual farmers on the front lines, to the chemicals developed, and stockpiled for war purpose to disposing of the surplus as pesticide and fertilizer, comparing that with the Natural farming way it really gives life to this expression of lao tzu-


    When the world lives in accord with Tao,

    Fine walking horses can be retired form plowing the field.

    When the world fails to live in accord with Tao,

    Even pregnant mares are used as war horses,

    And were forced to breed in the battlefield.


    Another video that is not directly related to natural farming is this one-


    This video shows, in essense, the type of thing I was describing in the op, that Id like to work on establishing.

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  20. Totally agree. So much space and water is wasted on lawns and golf courses. The upkeep of them generally means using copious amounts of water and a high nitrogen chemical fert. Every time they are mowed they loose massive amounts of water over the next few days until a callous forms over the cut. More water is required to keep it green after its mowed. Once the callous forms its only a few more days before it needs to be mowed again. It would take less water to cover the whole yard with a productive garden then it does to care for a lawn.


    Southern california is a desert, with irrigated water from the rivers of northern california and oregon being squandered on an inedible grass, and huge ammounts are waisted, just running down the gutter in the act of waisting it on the lawns. Imagine if all that was converted into food plants more suitable for the climate.


    The average yard in southern california is enough space to feed a family that lives there if manged propperly. If everyone in LA grew food plants in their yards there would be more then enough food produced by the citizens of the county to end up with a surplus of food after the feeding the entire counties population, homeless and apt dwellers included. The surplus could be sold by the county and the proceeds invested on equiping every home with solar panels.


    Think of how much gasoline would not be used importing the food supply in to los angels county. Think about how little money would leave the county into the pockets of corparate farms and and corparation owned or even chain grocery stores. Think about how much less traffic there would be on the road, and how much less oil would be used on large machinery on far away farms if everyone grew a bunch of food in their yards.


    Atleast replace the inedible lawn grass with wheat or dryland rice or something.

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  21. Salvia divinorum is abslolutely nothing like marijauana. The more intense either of them get, the more appearently different they are to eachother. At low doses salvia can be cannabisish.


    That all looks good on paper about amanita containing an MAO-I, but that it acts as one, Id disagree with.


    Passion flower contains an MAO-I. So does tobacco, and honesty many other things do to but they aren't active MAO-I sources for use in blocking the enzyme that breaks down DMT or any thing else. You can smoke a cigarette, and or drink passion flower tea, but you wouldn't have to alter your diet to avoid tyramine or anything, and neither will inhibit the enzyme.


    I've heard lots of arguements presented about dmt use in north africa, the mid east europe etc, that Jesus did aya'...none of the plants outside of the americas contain enough DMT to really use as an enthegen.


    There are potent enough sourced of MAO-I's over there. Namely Pegenum Harmala.


    Pengenum Harmal grows around north Africa and the middle east, probably into south eastern Europe. Its use and trade was pretty wide spread all over the place though, for its use as a dye. The color it produces, and the common name of the plant is "syrian rue".


    These are a potent mao-i. According to the info above, a.muscaria has a similar compound to the harmala alkaloids, but that doesn't mean it is in as high a concentration as it is in the seeds of the syrian rue plant.


    Syrian rue is active at doses starting around 2 g. Not much at all, a small handfull of seeds. Since there is not a fixxed ammount per seed, there is not an exact dose of seeds but between 2 to 3.5 grams is plenty.


    Taking more and more of an MAO-I does not make it more potent, it acts like a switch that allows other things to get you high so you only need enough to activate the switch. The high from the MAO-I itself is incredibly mild to non-existant.


    Psilohuasca is a candidate for soma. Psilohuasca would be an ayahuasca analog. An MAO-I is taken about an hour before psilocybin containing mushrooms are ingested.


    The effects of the mushrooms are doubled by the MAO-I, and the MAO-I ads its own effect to the trip, a real sense of ancientness or something like that.


    It might be that if there is any truth to the existence of Soma that it was similar enough to ayahuasca in that it was not at all a straight forward mix, but a brew containing many alkaloid containing plants and fungi, that togeather had a synergisic effect. But like Aya' there would be the two main ingredients; an MAO-I, and nn DMT, but in the case of an old world it would be an MAO-I, 4OH-DMT and 4PO-DMT (psilocin & psilicybin), instead of DMT, plus what ever else they had laying around.


    Probably included some datura/belladonna.

  22. I've always heard that Soma was the Amanita Muscaria mushroom.





    500-0 BCE: Rg Veda hymns, a set of sacred stories from India, include mentions of a magical intoxicant called Soma. In 1968, R. Gordon Wasson published the controversial book Soma: Divine Mushroom of Immortality, speculating that Soma refers to Amanita muscaria.






    Amongst those who believe that Soma was a psychoactive plant (there are other theories by those less inclined towards this explanation), perhaps the most widely accepted proposed identification is that Soma was Amanita muscaria. There are alternate proposals which include Peganum harmala, Psilocybin mushrooms, Cannabis, Ephedra, Blue Lotus, etc.
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  23. There was also recently an article in High Times and now growing on other sites and publications talking about how there is more conclusive evidence that Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples were more than likely using Cannibinoids to heal people.

    I think he/they probably at least experimented with it and other drugs, some of the earliest christain frescos have blue mushrooms and poppy pods pictured in the corners.


    But I think this is funny-


    conclusive evidence that Jesus of Nazareth and his disciples were more than likely

    conclusive evidence that it is probable means there is no proof. They cant even prove he existed let alone if he did drugs.


    The highest I've ever gotten on pot was from eating canabis. Certain varieties have a very high cieling, meaning even though they are not so potent, if you continue to smoke it you can potentially get very very high. Those varieties, usually sativas make the most potent canna-food. Other varieties may be potent but have a low cieling. You smoke, get high but dont get much higher.


    So when you ingest foods made with a high cieling cannabis, it can be almost psychedelic. I remember putting cannabutter made from a potent sativa on a piece of toast once. After eating it I totally forgot about it then smoked some herb a while later. I noticed I kept getting higher and higher then I remembered the toast.


    I was watching Shindlers List for the first time and it had gotten to the shower scene and I started panicing. I felt like I was in there with them, I could feel all the fear, panic and terror of everyone like it was mine and had to shut off the TV to get a grip. Then after mellowing out I started laughing uncontrollably. In my mind it was freaking me out because I wasnt thinking anything was funny, the laughter wasn't at anything, in fact, in my mind it was freaking me out and I was concerned about it, but my body was just mechanicly laughing.


    It was all very unexpected because every other time I've eaten it before then it had been a very mild experience where I 'd get realyl groggy and hungry for about a day and a half. That toast took me off gaurd.

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