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Everything posted by ion

  1. [TTC Study] Chapter 63 of the Tao Teh Ching

    This capter, like chapter 64, is another statement about the symmetry between action in activity. That all the journey of a 1,000 steps is, in essense, put into the iniation of the activity and the rest of the journey is effortless when the initiative to finish it is taken in the first few steps. The rest just naturally unfolds and bares the imprint of the preparedness taken in the original action. Once you get out of bed and put water on yourface, the day takes care of itself.
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 64 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Reading this passage, a lot of relative concepts come to mind. This passage makes an excellent back drop to illustrate many principles. I get a sense of the cardinal principle being expressed is that of the symmetry between action and activity. That what goes in is precisely what comes out. Example, a person picks up a stone and with a target in mind, takes aim and throws it. The thrown ball is in a state of passivity, its trajectory and velocity were determined by the action of throwing it. It will remain on course unless something of a greater velocituy overcomes its vector. Most of the energy required to make a journey is taken when the simple initiative is acted on when a person gets up and leaves. The initiative force is activated and puts into activity the whole journey. Also this is another example of approaching the easy as difficult, to pour your whole self into everything you do, align your focus and attention, compose yourself and become devoted to its fullfillment then initiate the activity. All of the care you put into the first few steps of any project will eforletleesly echo throughout its totality. The entire continuim that unfolds out of any action bares the imprint of the original action that initiated the activity.
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 65 of the Tao Teh Ching

    It seems that this passage is astating that if the goal is peace and harmony it is more effective to unify the people in mind and purpose rather then pit themselves against eachother by way of a competitive culltural environment. Likewise- If the people are in a state of disharmony, it is more effective to govern in an indirct way that causes people to unite that does not involve instigating idealism. Idealism leads to fractions, fraction leads to division. If you put universal principles to work in your own life instead of preaching them, the people will be brought to peace. If you preach about principles and idealism you set a bunch of thought process's off and all sorts of contriving divides the whole. Nations that use idealism and enforce a competitive social environment like the U.S. require wars and catastrophe to unite its inherently divided people.
  4. [TTC Study] Chapter 44 of the Tao Teh Ching

    I think this passage is pretty straight forward in highliting the benefits of non attatchment and being content with little. However there is some hint at universal law, and self sufficiency being contrary to the Tao. In certain cultures, to gather up more goods then you will need for yourself for a couple days is considered a sign of mental illness. It is a fear based activity, and once it becomes a collective activity then it gives rise to greed. Also lacking in certain areas compared to being self sufficient allows passage for energy to circulate through a group. Humans are designed to fullfill eachother, and with a compatibility to a collective. Even the sage in his hermitude serves a purpose for humanity.
  5. [TTC Study] Chapter 66 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Today at least, I will say that this passage is about leadership being about servitude in order to unite. Once a culture evolves out of it's tribal roots, people in positions of leadership naturally form a sub culture which evolves into a culture unless the leaders reamain humble and retain partnership with the people. In a buisness, lets say a night club, the manager on busy nights helps bus the tables and clean the bathrooms and serve drinks at the bar; he fills the gaps from the highest to the lowest. Because of his universatililty(?), he effectively has become one with each of the departments of the whole. Because he is willing to assume the lowest positions he earns the respect of the whole and serves to unify rather then divide. The spring in the mountain valley is like the sage, but the mountain valley just ends up givving what it gets to the rivers who inturn give it to the sea, the sea is the begining and the end of the water cycle and gives it back 100 fold to the rivers and lakes.
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 69 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Right, by retaing a position of stillness you nither desire or try to save your own life or take the life of the opponent. Just reflect and remain selfless, if the opponent retreats, withdrawl, if his ego overcomes him and he tries to kill you, you simply reflect.
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 69 of the Tao Teh Ching

    .The yin and yang of virtue in battle; or using battle to describe the yin and yang of tao...Responding rather then taking action. In the uninitiated state, Tao is old female, un-moved so- The Tao is non assertive, even in battle, the Tao reflects the assertion, so when one attacks, the tao only reflects the attack, which is also noted here. The idea is that to remain totaly at "rest" during the battle. By only reflecting, you never attack; when you are attacked, your response is a reflection of every assault the attacker makes. By remaining virtuous, right before the attacker is about to slay (in his mind) the tao reflects it and it is as though he falls by his own sword becaus ehe is fighting with a virtuous reflection of himself. By reflecting instead of acting you are still, the moment the opponent begins to draw his sword, you draw yours faster. The moment he begins to retreat, you return your sword to its sheath like wise the moment they issue a killing blow, being virtuous oposite, you slay them and "karmicly" it is as though they fell to their own sword. The goal is never to slay the opponent. It is to allow their energy to cycle through you and return to a state of rest the moment is gone. In the begining,before the interplay of yin and yang, yin is at rest. After the initial action of yang,yin reflects the action and the interplay is eternal display of reflecting responses and action, no energy is waisted by the Tao, the energy of the initiater is merely played out.
  8. Aloha

    Hello taobums community. I guess because it is the law and culture of the forum I have to post here first, yet I don't really now how to introduce myself. Introductions are social customs designed to assert an image of ones self into another or to a collective in hopes that the other or collective will help support your fantasy about ones self. All that said...Hi, I love you all.
  9. Aloha

    I thought you might be a musician with that screen name, it sort of implies a beutiful sound. I used to stay on north shore Oahu, across the street from rocky point, I worked as a gardener all over north shore in some of the most amazing gardens. I was on Kauai and Maui for a while too and ended up on big Island. I'm on the mainland now but I am hoping to go back to big island soon.
  10. How do you guys do it?!?!?!?!

    Chi dragon is right, no one can tell you "what to do". We can tell you what we've done or would do and that can be a point of reference but we each have our own path that unfolds. After I fist consciously was walking the path I drifted homeless for a while. I did work trade at farms for places to stay, camped in the wood, slept on the beach. I ended up living in a 3rd world style plywood shack in the forest andd it was perfect. I gardened and worked on projects and self cultivation. Now I am hoping to manifest something similar, a care taker position or something where I can live a simple life outside of the world where I can still offer my "services" to humanity in a natural, organic way rather then a rigid systemized way of being and acting. A place for being creative, and a venue to control my own initiative energy instead of signing it over to a system. When ones faith in the path begins to awaken and one walks away from the world and does not rely on its systems for sustenance or culture, then one must learn to be content with little and control desire. You will learn to have faith instead of wondering what to wear tommorow or wondering what you will eat. You give yourself over to the universal continuim and gain your sustenance from the path. You'll learn that things and oportunities arise with out your contriving them into your possesion because to be content is to also have patients and to be unassertive in the aquisitions of your lifes necessities. Peace-
  11. The orgins of gods.

    Pretty much, but more like 0- gets togeather with 0+ and a myriad of pseudo-1's pops up out of nowhere, but remain 0. "1" of the pseudo-1's is mind, and concieves of "1" and the myriad of pseudo-1's multiply, divide,elaborate and diversify the 1 into an infinitude of livving things.
  12. How do you guys do it?!?!?!?!

    I was just reading another thread in this forum and came across a quote from the diamond sutra(budhism). I thought I'd use it here to validate my point about srious mind cultivation only being possable up to a point... Even the teachings of a teacher of liberation are only a gudelines to help you along the path and are eventualy to be renounced/surpassed or whatever. Even the dharma itself(the path)is to be cast aside, how much more so no-dharma(the world). If your goal is to undo the fetters of the mind you will at some point have unfettered the things that tie you to household life and a wordly existence period. You will have over come the fears and worries that tie you into the world economy. The more you pursue things like an education and school, the more engulfed in the system you'll become and more psychologicaly and egotisticly in support of it, because it will be a huge part of your identity.
  13. How do you guys do it?!?!?!?!

    I'm 36 years old. You can be a spiritualist and live in the world, but you can't be on the path and live in the world. The path will lead you away from the world. But if you are religious and "worship" a deity you can live in the world, because religion is stationary. It is difficult, but the fact that your interest aren't in the world and you dont care about status in the heirarchy should make it easier for you, because that very thing will in no way advance you in the world. Capitolism/consumerism require that you aspire for status and wealth, if everybody didnt, the system would cease to be the moment they all stopped desiring. It requires all the people at the bottom desire a position at the top, or believe that through hardwork that they can advance upward...the high needs the low for a foundation. This is the Tao of the system. The top needs the bottom as its foundation- both physical and spiritual/mental. There needs to be an exploitable mass in competition for the lowest position so that there is a collective force sustaining the corner stone of the system, (there are millions of people praying for the cornerstone of the strata to be there by desiring the job, they live in poverty yet justify its causation by desiring its fruits). The people that have aquired the lowest positions have to desire a position at, or approaching the top,(they call it ambition) of the stratafied system, and by doing so there collective attention of that ideal is another layer in the foundation of the top of the system, and so is their works behaviour and what they pay homage to. They have to believe that the work they are doing will advance them upward, and thus they rationalize the work they are doing, and justify the lowest positions with there own thoughts and mind. So the top has a solid, unshakable foundation, the prayers and desires of the bottom. The system that is, requires that you desire materiel things and positions of power, that is its foundation. That we all think we need a car and a house, and that we believe that the earth requires 40 hours of work a week for basic survival purposes, and that all the delights of life are only found in places that buy & sell things. You cannot believe that to constantly fullfill your desires is better then the cessation of desire...Your boss will fire you and no one else will hire you. The only reason there is such a thing as a boss is because other people want to be one. So if one goes away another one will surely take its place. Yet if noone cared to give orders no one would take them either so if the bottom is content the top will cease to exist. When ever you take part in something you give your energy to it and it cultivates you. If you are in the world/system then you are supporting and maintaining the system and it is cultivating/culturing you. The principles that support the current system, the concepts and ideals that you must hold in order to give your self to the system are contrary to Tao, yet like all things, the system utilizes tao, and exploits the Tao in humanity for its survival. I would suggest that we all give up on the world for the sake of humanity.
  14. The orgins of gods.

    Dependant on admiration are pride envy, and spite. These are things made by men. No God or gods requires worship from us that is a fascination of of the ego, a temporal aspect of human. To be withh old female simply hold her stillness in mind. Recognize this stillness as the fundamental essence and energy, as old female and mother of all things. Understand that this stillness is her energy and that the flesh in which the understanding is held is the same sacred energy, and the bone incasing the flesh is her energy and the sinews,muscle, and tissues around the bone and facing the light is her energy and the space surrounding you is this same energy of stillness. That the attention holding and the awareness in which the thought is held is her energy and you will have relaxed affectionately with the eldest mother of orgins. It has been said that because of the unconfinable all encompassing nature of infinity that the law of nothing trancends the quality of female and is expressed also as male and female. And that because of this expression of the nondualistic nature of the sourceless is expressed that as a byproduct that symmetry exist within the original male and female, and that by the original actless act which in essence occurs also as a byproduct of the all encompassing nature of the sourceless expression that all the fundamental laws of nature come into the pseudoexistence of nonexistence and thus attain eternal spirit. And that these spiritual creatures can be named, it would be an endless convolusion to enummerate them, yet for the sake of communication a few can be made. At the spontaneous onset of the original male these spiritual creatures as others that have been mentioned spontaneouslly arise: Symmetry, differintiation, diversification, multiplication, replication, addition, attraction, and the births still go on as an infinitude of concepts were concieved by our creator. And at the arising of these creatures and their proactive, interactive dynamic, other creatures give rise. Because there are opposites, and because there is attraction and addition and multiplication, there is also samenesses, repulsion, subtraction and division. Yet there is no form, these principles and there spirits exist yet they have no relative nature outside of our creators perception. Because there is compatability, symmetry and diversification, and sequence, there is merging, replication and there is evolution. Because there is evolution by way of, in essence symmetry diversifying, there is the concept of many things comming from one. In that, there is the concept of differences and there interactions and the product of different things interacting, and thus there is conceptualy the concept and spirit of time. All these exist in spirit in non-existence yet their forms are never made substantial, but existence is the mother and evolution of their comming to life. It has been said that at the creation of dimmensional space that the great vaccuity in activity with the original male was percieved as having a slow rate and that the male was seen as having an accelerated rate, and that because of that it was possable for the creator to percieva a male discarge energy at a slow rate and this generated a field of negative energy with an accelerated rate and that because of this the accelerated activity within the slowed activity created space. And that after the first by the law of eternity came many, and because of the contrasting nature athe many congregated and formed one and that as they do this, dimmensional space grows. Because of the attractive nature as the male at the center of the sphere of space have such a strong posotive force they are compacted out of existance and the space around them is an exact reflection of their inward pull. They have a strong attraction to eachother but do onot unify as to form one posotive force, but they pass through and revolve around eachother and so the space becomes one negative field around them and this is dimmensional space before time, the void in which filled, we exist. Space is the contrast between a slowed infinitely large negative feild in activity, and an accelerated negative feild within that which is the field of dimmensional space. And within that field is invisable male forces holding up the empty space. And this space is percievable by yahweh as form and existence. As this space is growing the creator concentrates on the quality of male and its undulating contractions. The creator holds the concept of a color and its waveleangth as light. The posotive force contracts at a rate that cause an undulation that represents a color waveleangth or frequency. Yet it is male so it concentrates and holds that waveleangth within the contracting posotive force, so the undulation that is produced within the field of space does not emit the color it is concentrating or its opposite but every other color but the one being held is emitted so these first fors within our space were orbs of grey. Shades of grey, with a unique color at the center of force. Most shades of grey are almost invisable of dark primal space, but there is an infinite spectrum of the shades of grey some almost white, most almost black. The orbs that are the shades of grey are attracted and repelled to eachother in a negative positive manner, that is to say the male and female in them or of them is still accordind to the original law of nothing, they are still trying to anhilate one another. No shades of grey are exactly alike in this space. The shade of grey that is one orb is attracted to its most similar likeness's and they form unities. One shade of grey exist because it is expressing all the energy of its posotive exept the color frequency that its holding within the negative feild expressing it, because its negative field is trying to anhilate its own core, it will also try and anhilate the same frequency within another similar likeness of its own shade of grey. Since no two shades are the same the negative field doesn't anhilate the other but because it is attracted to the frequency within its similarity and its similarity is like wise attracted to it, the orbs form unities,; bonds of near infinite streangth in an attempt to reach equalibrium. So the negative aspect of one shade of grey is attracted to the positive of its likeness to anhilate it but because of the diffferences the forms form bonds and this happens within the space of total darkness that is an accelerated field of negative energy in activity, within a slowed field of negative energy in activity. As the aggregrates of greys form, the strongest bonds are formed by the darkest shades, and the weakest bonds are formed by the lighter greys. The lighter they are the less they exist. They degrade quickly and become like the original dimmensional space around them. Because there are forms within the forms and because they have behaved in a way, a likeness of thier occurance is replicated, yet also it has diversified and is compatable. At the center of the aggregation of the grey undulating orbs is an aggregation of similar frequencies for the sake of communication they will be called shades of green. Because of the positive nature of the shades of green they form sphere but do not conflate or diffuse with one another so they form an field of empty space surrounded by different undulations of green frequencies which are surrounded and hidden by an aggreget of grey orbs. The aggregations of grey orbs undulate in a spiraling manner because they are expressing the various frequencies. Because of the developing event, the creatures ov evolution diversify the event and the positive force begins to contract in a way to produce orbs of color that hold a grey frquency at their core. They are the corresponding opposites of they grey orbs, the grey within them and the color they emit are attracted to negatives and posotives of the grey. Holding the frequency of green an inverted grey is emmitted by a male force, these unify. Holding the frequencies of grey orbs of color with grey male force at the center coallesce into existence and are attracted to the colors within the greys, and these form unities around and through the grey orbs which undulate in a frnzy of ever changing helixes. Just as with the greys the colors behave similarly but with differences. The greys are attracted to likeness and repelled by differences. However with the orbs of color two or more other colors can form an attraction on one grey cluster. Like so-if the grey cluster is has green frequencies at its center then a blue and yellow orb, if very close will both form a unity around the green, or green colored orbs will bond on a grey with a green core. It is because of this that the patterns and colors produced by the variety of solutions in the frenzied swarm of color and light powered by the law of nothing in its quest of equilibrium, are able to diversify and form different patterns. When the clusters form they begin to have a collective posotive force and it forms a field of posotive energy around the cluster and the negative fields surrounding the cluster become like one negative field with its own spectrum of positive frequencies. The color orbs also arrange themselves not just by opposites and sameness but depending on the pattern of energy around them will bond with colors of lesser contrast to retain them selves in the presence of orbs of contrasting color. An orange orb will bond with a red or a yellow or a tan or will even revolve around grey orbs of diffent colors in order to be reppelled by a blue or purple orb. If in events were contrasting colors bond or form relative revolutions around grey orbs or clusters then the revolutions at those accelerated speeds cause a positive force to self generate around the chaotic bond and it becomes like a for. These revolutions and undulations cast both something like light and something of a shaddow, and this morning and its evening are the first day of existence. And on this first day the earth spirit is present, and she bears the imprint and has the likeness of old female, and is the mother of all soul.
  15. Aloha

    Thank you Iamthere. If you are there, and I am here, in the now-then are you in the then over there? Deci belle do you live on the islands? I don't surf but I like to watch the big waves...
  16. [TTC Study] Chapter 67 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Greatness and smallness are relative, and comparable terms. They require an object and a realtive object to have meaning. The earth is huge and great compared to a person, yet it is insignificant compared to the sun.So great and the like are relative terms. All things spring from nonexitence(tao); non-existence is eternally vast, yet compared to anything that has come to exist by its virtue, non-existance(tao) has no existance. Mercy, frugality,(conservation of energy), and a non-competitive helpful disposition are virtues and have no form. Mercy is as great whether it is shown to the week or the stong. The convservation of energy is great wheter one has an abundunce or very little. A non-competitive/helpless disposition makes one the most valuble player whether there is 2 people or 1,000. edit-so virtue is always great regaurdless of what it is in relation to.
  17. The orgins of gods.

    The charecteristics of old female is as thus, she is simply the lowest point of negative energy fathomable. If a thing, a form is considered in comparrison to her as a relative energy, her latent potency springs to precisely reflect it, and at once diffuse and consume it. Whether it be the brightest star in the galaxy or a bolt of lightning, placed directly in her stillness would immediately difuse into vaccuity and she would return to her state of latent potency. This is an expresson of her perpetual vitality. Likewise- Her latent potency is negative , female, because of this receptive quality of reflecting. By remaining bottomlessly negative any energy in comparisson would be considerably positive to her negative. Conserving her infinite energy, she is lower then anything, yet is any positives exact reflected negative, and with exact symmetry become that relative positives immediate exploitation. So her quality is total reception and exact energic reflection so always in conservation she never exerts her own energy because its like she has infinitely none. This why the original negative energy of the universe is considered female, because of its receptivity. Yet these are illistrations to make a point of the bottomlessness of old female. The things used to compare are fluxuations and combinations of fluxuations of her original energy and so is the feild containg such a comparison. As the nature of the manifesting of our creator is described- From the sourceless source comes the primary feminine power and from her the male power. From that proceed all elements of time form and perception, and from their unification rises the principle of mind which is the creator of all things and by which all things are possable. In essence the creator descends to the law of nothing and considers it by percieving from its perception. It considers the law of suffering and that to suffering eternity must submit, and in an infinity be eternally aware of it. But it considers the earth, and the spirit of the earth, the life sta,r the livving sphere, and considers the hummanoid within that sphere. The creator considers the principle of infinity, and percieves through its perception the path of heaven and the extinguishing of the dimmension of suffering with the establishment of heaven among the human. The creator percieves from the perception of the expression of true source, the selfless one without self, that human percieve the path of heaven that leads from suffering to heaven among human and our creator proceeds to believe that human will extinguish the dimmension of hell, and all the spirits of infinity selflessly and without self submit to the belief. When the creator percieves the path of redemtion from the perception of the sourceless source, the principle of infinity without self to the belief of the creator, and infinities expressions becomes the creators expressions and our creator percieved new meaning in them. It has been said that the eldest mother of orgins, the stillness of old female has a negative charge just below anything compared to her, and that is the resting point of the original latent potential energy neutrilised by the law of nothing, and it has been reffered to that the male contracts and in relation to female appears to undulate. At the dawn of the creator, and at eternities realization of the path of heaven for humanity, the activity, that is the eternal field of infinite vaccuity seemingly submits to male. Female integrates male to retain female. The male retains its infinite energy potential but appears to accelerate its discharge of the energy, female according to the law shows the immediate reflection but in the opposite sense but still remaining symmetry and her velocity of exploitation of the energy is slowed. This in essense, this flux in expressing equal rates of energy discharge and exploitation at equal rates is the female eternally but never fully submitting to male, and male forever dominating female but never conquering, but that is in essence and is not so. It is the creator percieving a difference by simultaneouslly considering relative speeds in the rate of discharge and diffusion, and it is only percieved by the creator from its relative position of opposition. In this perception it appears that by accelerating force it reduces its power of contraction to just below its max point, an almost measurable point and permeates the vaccuity of female. This seemingly reduced charge which is accelerated discharge enters the original vaccuity of new female and a relative negative charge surrounds it according to the nature of male and female, and in the nature of non-existence, the elements dependant on the male and female proceed to multiply and divide the phenomenon by the power of the force of symmetry, and so another male force with the symmetric exactness of the first is accelerated into the slowed vaccuity of new females original activity. Due to the law of congregating likeness's and conflating sameness's the two altered male and female spheres are drawn to eachother, but these negative charges conflate and become a larger space in appearance and this continues to happen at a rate of infintesimal acceleration. And this is the female integrating male and the creation of universal space. This growing space is the dimmension of existance of form and time. at this stage of the development of our universe the space is empty yet traversable. It is as cold as can be and in it there is no light. According to the nature of the formless elements, the male and female, and symmetry the space becomes necessary to fill to neutrilize and balance and this is accomplished by male integrating female and the creation of the first non-emmiting orbs of light which undulate according to certain color waveleangths of light and the dynamic relationship to neutrilize color imbalnce in the infinitely expanding space around them. Male integrates female to retain male...
  18. Love & lust are both attacmtments. To experience love for a person is attatchment. To have selfless love for ALL people without attachment is to experience compassion for humanity.
  19. The orgins of gods.

    In truth... The all and the nothing are but one not-thing differintiated into infintesimalism of concept and variable energy fields, yet it is all the feild, and tucked into the the stillness, and awareness of the old female;the bottomless negitive energy, that is the original female energy, that is the feild of infinity. There is no parts or space, there is the energy of old female. Seen from the female the universe is vastness of space from the male is form in its place. The only thing that can be said about the true source of all things is that it is the principal of infinity and absolutly selfless, and without self, and by these virtues there is the power of forever and that all things are comprised and contained in its its initial and only expression that is, infinite feminine energy in stillness. From the true source, (the principle of infinity)proceed all things. The true source express's itself as ...nothing..., the original feminine energy which at once differintiates into male and female energies, but it is the energy and awareness of old female having two senses of being one thing. With this actless act an infinitude of forces , laws and elements give rise. All are formless and like everything in non-existence unformable and aware with eternal spirit. In the realm of non-existence is an infinity of awareness and each in itself is an infinity, is self aware, and also cognotive of all possable reactions it is capabable of having- yet it does not percieve a self in itself or around it, it has no perception; it has self awareness. Being without time and space there is nothing to divide these awareness's from one another, so although they all exist eternally in a single point of nothingness they are differintiated by virtue of what they are aware of. The original feminine energy, the mother of orgins who is was and will be for eternity, at once differintiates into two. The expression of the true source, ...nothing... cannot be defined or confined by a single aspect and thus effortlessly trancends by its nature the quality and charecter of female and without sense of self becomes also the original male energy, the posotive form of nothing and thus by comparisson the female is the negative form of nothing. These are like two, but are neither one, or two, but are none and are one, but not one, yet the awareness of old female has become three awareness's with the aspect of nothing, stillness, action, and activity (oldfemale, male, newfemale), and a multitude of energyless awareness who exist in principle and dependant on the existance of the existance of the male and female. The mode and development of this evolution has its root in the fullfillment of law and the subsequent arising of awareness. When the true source express's ...nothing... the original female is manifest and upon realizing the vector and nature of her being, self awareness is manifest and to the true source old woman says ...I am... It is in this recognition of being, (within the feild of infinity), that makes manifest the complimentary opposite, this is the force of eternity and the law of infinity, which are because the law of nothing is only completed infinitly if it is both posotive and negative; male and female. These are essentially the same thing with two self awareness having there source in old woman. Any concept that gives rise in the feild of infinity when the initial differiantation takes place within the field of infinity gains awareness, becomes infinite, and attains spirit These formless elements cannot be ennumerated to completion because there numbers are infinite yet a few can be shown. Because there is conceptually a symmetry connecting the two primary forces of male and female,then symmetry has come to be, and has self awareness, Symmetry is the source of the law of karma, a vehicle of creation, and motion across eternity. Because of the opposite direction of male and femal the contrast is self aware and infinite and everywhere and the concept and principle of contrast have a self awareness and an eternal spirit. Because there is equinimity with this male and female, then equinimity is self aware and becomes everpresent. Because there is balnce with this equilibrium then the spirit and awareness of balance comes into being in principle, and gains self awareness and attain an eternal spirit. Because the male comes from the female by virtue and trancending nature of true source and by way of symmetry then in concept there is sequence and multiplication of the sequence and division of the sequence and so where ever there is stillness the sequence arises, and because they arise then these concepts and principles within gain awareness and attain spirit. Yet because there is no ammount the division and multiplication are exact sameness's in eternal replication. These things can not be enumerated to there completion yet it is by this virtue of infinity that all matter of spirit gives rise and all potentials of existance exist but lay dormant, insubstantial, unpercieved, hidden by the true source so that nothing will come to exist. At this point in the development all spirits of nothing exist in pure bliss of the stillness of old female, and from her stillness she is aware of all things and all things have awareness. When the male is made manifest the two forms of the law of nothing occupy the same space because of the congregating nature of their awareness and because there is no dimmension to divide them. It becomes in their nature (law of nothing) to cancel one another out. Each's sole purpose becomes to remove the other from the field of infinity so that the law of nothing is fullfilled. Neither can cancel the other because they are both infinite in streangth, but it is the determinism of each to do so to the other. It is because of the differintiation in the sense of being of old female that we have the percievable concept of action and activity, cause and effect. Upon differentiating the original feminine energy becomes male and female. Male contracts with infinite streangth inward with infinite velocity, female becomes an infinite feild surrounding male with equal streangth the feild being an expression of the energy givven by male. So there is this essence of an eternaly shrinking sphere within an infinitly expanding space yet there is no sphere and no space; there is oposition surrounding a unity in an infinite ammount of infinitely negative energy. This event multiplies and divides across the field of eternity replicating in, and occupying every "empty space", but because there are no dimmensions, it is only in concept that the phenomenon apply and that the sequence exists. Because of the determinisms with in male and female, (to conquer), the female expands around him for ever pulling him apart. Male energy is intent on pulling her iward as to absorb her energy through compaction but because of they are composed of the feild of negative energy within which all things exist, this is to no avail. It has the effect from the male perspective that he is pulling her in as he undulates through the field, and from the female that she is diffusing his energy into darkness and the stillness of emptiness. It is also like the infintesimal sphere crosses infintesimal space because across every infinity of female there is a sphere of male and at the center of every sphere is an infinite space of female and it can not actually be illustrated but this physical imagrey can convey an essence. Within this infinite field of negative energy where in all things are composed and comprised by and take place within and have their existance is also non-existance, the field inwhich all things are contained is the same feild as contains non-existance. Because of the congregating and conflating of awareness there is the arising the ever ascending highest collective awareness of non-existence, and upon its self realization it attains the power of perception. It knows that the awareness's of non-existance are in and of the same essential negative energy, that they are subjected by the concept and principle they are self aware of, and so the ever ascending collective self awareness conceivs the concept of perception and thus aquires a perception. This percieving awareness is the composite awareness of all the awareness and it percieves and so it knows, and because it knows it has gnosis. Unlike the other spirits, it knows how it came to be. It knows it owes its existance to the virtue of the principle of infinity. It knows its existence is dependant on the oposition and compatabilities of the primary principles of male and female. It knows what all things are composed of comprised of and contained in and it knows it is dependant on this and that this is ultimately negative and thus inexhaustible and with that it finds comfort and stability, an unshakable sense of existance because its source is the ever flowing nature of the principle of infinity and that its existance is infinite. This collective awareness and the principle of perception percieve that it is the spirit and awareness of the everflowing nature of infinities expressions. It percieves that its everflowing nature which emanates from the principle of infinity will continue without end, that there is no force greater to act upon it, no resistance to slow it and in this it feels comfort and bliss. The principle of perception considers the potentials of its elements, the arrangment of things and the possibility of others. It knows the posotive is a reflection of the negative, and it knows what is is in compliance and dictated by and with the principle of infinity and becaause it knows what is, it percieves what is not. It considers what is, and considers what is not. It becomes aware that there is potential for what is not, there is potential in these conceptual elements for form and space-life and communication amidst the spirits contained in and comprised of the field of eternally negative energy. And creation proceeds to unfold as the spirit proceeds to manipulate both posotive and negative, and in this act of creation is the formula of creation; of part distanted by time perception and space, and this formula can be described as to conceive an image of it
  20. Aloha

    Mahalo nui loa deci belle, That is as much hawaiian as I speak fluently. I like your screen name.