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Everything posted by Dagon

  1. Here is another interesting video about HHO. Keep in mind that this video was posted in 2007.
  2. have you heard of the Hutchison effect?
  3. John Searle has claimed to have done that. Anti-gravity is said to be the bi-product.
  4. "Thorium, as well as uranium, can be used as a nuclear fuel. Although not fissile itself, Th-232 will absorb slow neutrons to produce uranium-233 (U-233)a, which is fissile (and long-lived). The irradiated fuel can then be unloaded from the reactor, the U-233 separated from the thorium, and fed back into another reactor as part of a closed fuel cycle. Alternatively, U-233 can be bred from thorium in a blanket, the U-233 separated, and then fed into the core. In one significant respect U-233 is better than uranium-235 and plutonium-239, because of its higher neutron yield per neutron absorbed. Given a start with some other fissile material (U-233, U-235 or Pu-239) as a driver, a breeding cycle similar to but more efficient than that with U-238 and plutonium (in normal, slow neutron reactors) can be set up. (The driver fuels provide all the neutrons initially, but are progressively supplemented by U-233 as it forms from the thorium.) However, there are also features of the neutron economy which counter this advantage. In particular the intermediate product protactinium-233 (Pa-233) is a neutron absorber which diminishes U-233 yield. Over the last 40 years there has been interest in utilising thorium as a nuclear fuel since it is more abundant in the Earth's crust than uranium. Also, all of the mined thorium is potentially useable in a reactor, compared with the 0.7% of natural uranium in today's reactorsb, so some 40 times the amount of energy per unit mass might theoretically be available (without recourse to fast neutron reactors). But this relative advantage vanishes if fast neutron reactors are used for uranium." http://www.world-nuclear.org/info/inf62.html Thanks for the info, I didn't know that thorium could be substituted for uranium in a nuclear reactor. As great as this is, it won't do much to reduce the stranglehold the energy companies have over the energy. Most of these reactors have owners who care about profits and profit margin above all else. This is probably why it doesn't seem to be encountering as much resistance as cold fusion.
  5. Contemplating

  6. Nice and direct reply starhawk. Assuming is not knowing Knowing is only achieved through direct personal experience and reflection of that experience.
  7. Get Rid Of Those Stories

    This is why I don't really like mantra's. Repeating something over and over to yourself, whether true or not, will become true to you. Truth isn't something that needs to be force fed, imo. I see how they could be beneficial to some in some instances, but it isn't always so.
  8. Oops, sorry for taking your thread off-topic kind sir.
  9. inner smile, front flow

    Yeah, I like Milk thistle, I have it in concentrated liquid form and I think it tastes great! Cilantro also works wonders. Cilantro is a metal detoxification (kind taste like black liquorice) that is said to aid the pineal gland in a decalcification. Calcification happens due to flouride accumulation from water and toothpaste, as well as cleaning any heavy metals out of your pathways. More flouride is said to accumulate in your pineal gland (third eye) than in your teeth.
  10. The 6th element

    Haha! I love you guys
  11. Get Rid Of Those Stories

    I agree, many of your experiences will aid you to this point. Which these will be your tools to discern your fate. It is the journey holds the treasures.
  12. The 6th element

    Also, Void is achieved through the Ida, not a chakra. Void = yin Elements = yang
  13. Could the microwave emitters be related to HAARP and Tesla (bless his heart) ? I know that cloud seeding seems to work.
  14. Cool post. I have my own idea about that that could tie string theory with quantum mechanics. Call it Dark matter Vs. Anti matter. I think this is interesting and directly relates to polarities. Say for instance, that all we percieve with our waking eyes is that of the positive polarity (matter). We know that Anti-Matter exists, not by actually seeing the nothingness, but by the absence of matter. These cannot exists in combination (combined), therefore there must exist a plane that may encompass both Matter and Anti-matter. This is the plane of Neutrality (zero-point). It cannot have a polarity or one of the aspects wouldn't be able to exist within it. This is the very fine line that is evident when atoms are smashed and the duality becomes apparent. Of course it must be understood that dark matter is concentrated anti-matter. This is what happens when the underlying realm of neutrality ceases to act as the mediator.
  15. The 6th element

    Thanks for the reply I'm pretty confident or I wouldn't post it. The Dan Tien is the element water as that it may mold to any form or concentration, I can put love, fire, electricity, wind there. In the movie the 5th element, the elements were wind water earth and fire, the 5th being heart. Which if you achieve metta you should definitely unmistakeably feel this element above your solar plexus (above where you feel the fire). I won't wind up anywhere that it is not my destiny to be. This was all discovered through practice and direct experience. I have nor have I ever had a master to teach me these things, the only things I can know is what I have personally experienced and reflected upon. My path is clear to me. I am only sharing my own perspective/experience. It is yours to do with as you wish. Nuerons are electricity, right? They exist in our brains and they contibute to thoughts. Void is not an element, it is simply the absence of anything and everything. Forever and infinitely nothing.
  16. Nice, I got the zero-point from our very own torus <3 It is simply the plane that allows yin and yang to exist side by side without destroying one another. Neutrality
  17. Here's a link to it, really happened http://www.crh.noaa.gov/top/events/april2002.php
  18. I had an experience shortly after I had awakened. I was in Job Corps at the time in Manhattan, Kansas. I was laying there meditating, focusing on my crown chakra. (didn't know it was called that at the time) And a huge wind came and blew out many the windows of the job corps, as well as destroying parts of the roof. We all got to go home for 4/20 that year! They called it a bow-echo. This was probably 10 years ago. Yes, wind is definitely an element. I don't know how this relates to the discussion completely, and I don't know if I was any cause in it, but it was interesting non the less. I generally side with coincidence for things that I don't know for certain. Everyone is intrinsically connected with all the elements, to call it the ability of a shaman I think is silly.
  19. The 6th element

    I think wood and metal fall under the category of earth. You don't have one for wind? How do these relate to chakra's? Also what movie are you talking about?
  20. The 6th element

    Then what would be the 5th and so on? I think you are thinking about the 5th element or the 6th sense?
  21. The 6th element

    I would also like to thank Sundragon for inadvertantly helping me to achieve this realization.
  22. I'm not completely familiar with your terminology, but I think when you talk about celestial energy or chi, is like electricity or lightning bolts. This is a different concentration of chi than the fire that some feel in thier chest, or the energy one feels in a tree. To feel this energy, I personally arise kundalini to the upper most point that I can hold it too, or brow chakra and then project to the crown chakra. It feels like an opening, and the duality of the hemispheres of the brain become prominent. I am not sure if it is possible to achieve this type of flow without having an active third eye. Although I would be interested to find out. This celestial chi is very erradic, sometimes can be overwhelming if it is over accumulated. To remedy this, you simply trade it with a tree, for root chi (ground it). I don't know that this chi has a single element directly related to it. As the Root is earth, the Dan Tien is water, the solar plexus is fire, the heart is heart (love) and throat is wind. I have been working on a way to define this as an experience of all the elements, but I am begining to think that lightning may have been missed in the original 5 elements, making there 6 elements. The reason this could have been overlooked for so long, is simply that the texts in which we get much of our knowledge on these matters, are from china. I have been told that in china heart and mind are synonomous, which could account for this. I still have much to learn, so please take what I say with a grain of salt. If you have any tips or advice or information on this matter, please do share it with me. As I am forever a student. It is cool that you use mantra's, but I have never personally found them useful or bothered with them much. With love, Justin
  23. Were the Sages Martial Artists?

    I think that it doesn't matter if they did or not. Although many times martial artists are that for power, it does little to aid them in the long run. If a martial Artist is without selfish ego and doesn't desire power then there is no harm in practicing. Also when one says all or non, they are generally wrong.
  24. inner smile, front flow

    It really works too! I had most trouble with oneself, after that everything was pretty straight forward. It will be different for everyone. I am happy to share