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Everything posted by angelo

  1. Hello

    great picture
  2. Cigarettes

    Hi, I know the way that smoking affects you from a standard western point of view, but I was curious as to the ways it affects you from a traditional Chinese medicine standpoint. Also, the ways that it interferes with internal energy cultivation? Thanks for any replies...
  3. Cigarettes

    I appreciate this discussion. Thanks...
  4. Haiku Chain

    fight cock to enter claw scratch claw scratch claw scratch claw fly up to fly down
  5. Haiku Chain

    Subtle web of thought A quiet sound to embrace Keep it from growing
  6. Spinning sensation

    Hi, I have recently begun Taiji Quan and internal cultivation. The other day I was 'holding the ball', (an exercise I'm sure many here are familiar with?) and I felt a strong spinning sensation throughout my body, like a top spinning perfectly in the same spot. At some points it felt as if the lower half of my body was spinning clockwise while my upper half spun counter clockwise. I was interested if anyone has had a similar experience with this feeling of quick spinning. I appreciate it.
  7. Spinning sensation

    Interesting. Thanks for the responses.
  8. Haiku Chain

    Tell me you love me. You are a leaf, sway away. Warm wooden sound enter.
  9. Haiku Chain

    It all matters, bud. Artichoke in the blue mud. Suck you a spiral.
  10. Greetings..

    Glad to have found my way into this pocket of digital goodness. It's nice to be here.