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Posts posted by Prospekt

  1. Hi Prospekt.


    Welcome to the forum.


    The short answer is do qigong, but there is a LOT of qigong out there to choose from.


    If you could be a bit more precise about what you are looking for, people would be in a better position to advise you, and you would be in a better position to decide from all the different stuff that is out there.


    You say you are looking for balance. What kind of balance? In what way do you feel unbalanced? You mention channeling and circulating energy, what have you heard about this? (Also, what do you mean channeling energy?) What do you know about Taoism and why does it appeal to you, and what appeals to you about Tolle?


    B.K. Frantzis is someone whose qigong would mesh very well with people attracted to Tolle and the philosophy of the Tao Te Ching.


    Hey Creation, thanks for the warm welcome. I have been reading some posts on the site and feel that the members really know what they are talking about. This makes me feel safer than reading a book and walking blindly through it. Well, I am looking for balance in my life in regard to the inner turmoil that we are all subject to. That is what I like about Eckhart Tolle, he speaks of the suffering that people go through in their lives based on bad experiences, negative thinking, and not living in the present. I suppose that is what I am looking to balance out. My inner self; feelings, moods, thinking patterns, and energy levels.


    I suppose I may feel unbalanced in the sense that although I am a calm person, I am subject to getting upset over things that aren't that big and can be ignored. I would like to have inner peace at all time, or at least most of the time. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not constantly getting angry. But I am not the happy go lucky type either. And a few months ago, I was having a strange feeling of unease inside of me that I couldn't quite explain. I knew that it didn't have anything to do with the body, but more with the inner spirit (am I being too esoteric?). I really like Tolle's teachings because they speak of the inner peace and tranquility that I want so much. But I have heard from different sources that Taoism goes beyond mind-patterns, and that interests me a great deal.


    I know that Taoism is about circulating energy throughout the body to heal and replenish parts that need healing. I have read some techniques that I must say are very impressive and seem to produce great results that I would love to take part in, such as meditations done in the morning that make a person feel terrific and energized.


    I would like to know if Taoism also focuses strongly on inner consciousness like tantra, buddhism, and Tolle's teachings which are very similar in principle. I like the idea of 'the watcher' who does not let his thoughts take control over him. As far as channeling energy, I understand that we can channel energy throughout our body and with others as well.


    B.K. Frantzis you say? Ok, so what should I get? Here's a list of his stuff, what do you recommend? Any other author you can vouch for? Thanks for the help Creation, cheers!


    Bruce Kumar Frantzis - Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong

    Bruce Kumar Frantzis - TAO of Letting Go: Meditation for Modern Living

    Bruce Frantzis - Meditation Monthly Lesson 2

    Bruce Frantzis - Meditation Monthly Lesson 1

    Bruce Frantzis - Dragon and Tiger Medical Chi Gung Instruction Manual

    Bruce Frantzis - Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong

    Bruce Kumar Frantzis - Taoist Breathing for Tai Chi and Meditation (2009

    Bruce Frantzis - The Great Stillness (Vol.2)

    Bruce Frantzis - Relaxing into Your Being (Vol.1)

    BK Frantzis - The Power of Internal Martial Arts: Combat Secrets of Ba Gua, Tai Chi

    Bruce Kumar Frantzis - Qigong for Lifelong Health

    Bruce Kumar Frantzis - Strings of the Tao (2008)

    Bruce Kumar Frantzis - Ancient Songs of the Tao (Energy Arts, 2008)

    Bruce Kumar Frantzis - Taoist Breathing for Chi Gung and Meditation

    B.K. Frantzis - Marriage of Heaven & Earth

    B.K. Frantzis - Opening the Energy Gates of the Body

    Qigong Bruce Kumar Frantzis - Longevity Breathing

  2. Greetings you bums! I'm from Colombia and am searching for an inner balance in my life. I have recently looked into tantra and a little buddhism, but have found that taoism interests me more. I do like Eckhart Tolle's writings, though, and hopefully will soon be practising his teachings.


    I currently practice Muay Thai at a local gym and like to lift weights, but I'm a bit lazy about it sometimes. I am in college, a light smoker (want to quit), and I have a few drinks on weekends with friends. I love women, they have an energy that I find very magnetic. Interacting with them is much fun for me.


    I have always believed that there are energies that are exchanged and radiated between people that go beyond subtext and 'vibes'. So while I know next to nothing with regards to energy channeling and circulation, I am looking forward to tapping into the teachings and techniques of taoism. Cheers to all, I feel that I am in good hands.

 , where do I begin?