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Posts posted by Sillum

  1. For those who are interested I've corresponded with Sifu LaRochelle from Here is some info he gave me about the different systems he offers of GM Doo Wai;


    Living energy set is for learning to be an chi energy healer. It covers not only healing meditation, but how to in detail use your chi energy to heal others.

    Doo family healing meditations is a set of healing chi meditations and are very good. Nothing else is presented.

    San Gong Healing Meditations are excellent and produce good results. Easy to learn and powerful.

    Wind among the heavens is another series of healing meditations that kinds do what the others do - balance a practitioner's chi energy and make if much more positive so that it increasing health and healing.


    All of the above titles will increase a person's chi energy enough so that it can be projected outside the body and heal other people.


    Sifu LaRochelle also offers courses (not listed on the website) that include material not listed or available on the website. These courses include an External (Iron palm, iron body, etc...), Internal (Listed above plus others-mostly chi kung) and a High Level Chi Development/Psychic Course (Mind training exercises)


    He also offers services in preparing herbal teas/soups for clients from GM's recipes.


    When I asked him about the Doo Family Meditaitons as compared to the flying pheonix, he wrote that GM Doo Wai, on the Doo Family Healing title, says these 690AD meditations are better than the Flying Phoenix series as they are simpler to perform and give better results etc.

    The Flying Phoenix series is something that Daoist Monk Fung Do Duk created or passed down in 1644 which is quite a bit later than 690AD.


    note that he has been authorized by GM Doo Wai to distribute


    Growant, great post! See what happens when you asks questions of a good sifu, you get assistance and answers. You must be committed to the practice. It takes time for the meditations to mature. Some people feel the effects early and others it will happen over time. Whether you feel something or not the meditations are still effective. The DVDs are instructional because they give you the breath control and the movements. Learn and master the movements. Learn how to do the breath control. We use our abdomen and not our chest when we breath.

  2. Here is a free Doo Family Qi Kung Meditation authorized by GM Doo Wai to be posted on Youtube in 2007. GM Doo Wai gives very clear instructions. This and the other free meditations are very safe to learn otherwise he would not have allowed them to be posted. Some meditations are done with the eyes open and the other ones the eyes are closed. He often calls the chi gung meditations Chinese yoga. Enjoy!






  3. We are talking about chi kung meditations and not gung fu forms. In gung fu forms you need break downs but not in the chi kung meditations. There is no intent used in the meditations just the breath control and the movements. GM Doo Wai set the prices and the sifu vendors have discretion on what they will charge. The sifus have to make a living to support their families. Lets all respect one another, get along and share this great knowledge. There are many effective paths to chi gung and gung fu cultivation. GM Doo Wai sanctioned this DVD video path and it works. No one is bashing your way. Please do not speak negatively of the other paths to sharing this knowledge. If the prices are to steep don't buy them. Get only what you are comfortable in purchasing. The proof is the results.


    The science of the Doo family chi gung is so simple and easy to learn. Plain and simple you can learn the higher level meditations from a DVD video.

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  4. Thanks for chiming in, Sillum. Can you speak to which of the various meditations/chi kungs of GM Doo Wai that are commercially available, flying phoenix and others (on Larochelle's, Rizzo's, and Lacy's site) would be considered the most powerful/highest level?



    Hi Growant, the FP and Doo family chi kung meditations are more cumulative in the cultivation of the chi energy. I suggest you buy them all. If we use the prices as a gage, the more expensive meds are the higher levels with the quickest and more profound results. If you want the most bang for the buck buy the more expensive DVDs. There are clear instructions and explanations by GM Doo Wai and the other sifus on the DVDs. Whether or not you can pick out or understand the the martial applications of the movements are irrelevant, The results will be the same.


    By the way, we who study under GM Doo Wai do not support Lacy.

  5. Sifu LaRochelle and the Rizzo brothers are legitimate sources for the Doo Family Healing and Martial Arts. All of them still study under GM Doo Wai. I know about 90 percent of the information on the LaRochelle website. Most of the DVDs contain instruction directly from GM Doo Wai. Who can instruct better than the grandmaster? Who can demonstrate proper form and technique better than the grandmaster?


    The Internet is an excellent shopping tool. If you can get the same product for a lesser price then you should be a wise consumer and purchase at the best price.


    The secret to the FP and the other Doo family arts is the simplicity of the movements and the breath control. There are some martial art applications in some of the meditations but they are just that applications. We all have our theories on why it is effective. But the truth is it works. If you learn the meditations and do them as instructed you and others will benefit. The monks who developed these chi kung systems reduced them to a science.


    If you really want to learn the Doo Family chi gung, my advice is to get as much of it as you can. It is SAFE to learn. Everyone will not have the benefit to live instruction. GM Doo Wai always says: it is about quality and not quantity." There is quality chi gung instruction by GM Doo Wai available to the public.


    I am just a sage on my journey and I happened to meet a great teacher along the way.

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  6. Interesting Sifu! I know there is a meditaion for health that is the same as FP Monk Holding a Pearl (except it's seated) and can be done using ginger also. GMDW says to ingest the ginger for 108 days while doing the med!


    Good Yang builder!


    This sitting FP meditation called monk holding a pearl with the breath control percentages is a very good core meditation. I have been doing it for years with and without the ginger. It is very calming and generates very good chi.

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  7. Exactly!! rolleyes.gif


    No clips yet>??? No name yet???? LMAO


    Garry if you don't have anything to add to the this forum don't post. Some if not most have benefited from my posts. Again I apologize for insulting you. If you have a need to be superior be superior. I know what I know and I can explain it and others benefit.


    "The poor student utilizes his teacher's influence.


    The mediocre student admires his teacher's kindness.


    The superior student grows strong under his teacher's teachings."


    Garry lets get back to sharing our knowledge of the Doo family healing art.

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  8. No you have no idea what I have, so dont try the ive been doing it longer than you I must know more cause ive proved that theory to be completely false MANY times over! wink.gif


    So many holes in your comments, people will see through you eventually, take my word for it....


    What I teach out is what GMDW asked for me to teach out, dont hate the player, Hate the GAME!!!


    Waiting for clips, 17th level master of FP??? xxx


    Oh and your REAL NAME? Hhaha u still over weight? wink.gif



  9. Hi ralis. smile.gif Have you learned and practiced any healing type qigong practices? If so, you may be able to project qi now. Ya Mu calls it "water fu," and all his students do it on the first or second day of his workshops. Everyone drinking the qi filled water during my last workshop had an 80% relief of symptoms.


    Yes, it would be interesting to hear from zen-bear and his students about this simple and effective technique. smile.gif




    This is cool. Lets keep moving on the positive.

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  10. No im not bitter but I tell it how it is, and let me give you a hot tip, your full of it to say you come in peace and respect. You have put down Terry Sifu and Myself during your comments, and I feel you are the one bitter! You should be happy that both Terry and I have been given the thumbs up to teach out some of his families art. But rather get on and say I have no skill or anything after GMDW has publicly said I can teach out his BFP System. So now your disrespecting your own Sifu if he truly did teach you? You still havent given a name, that also shows no respect, apart ive been training 20yrs under GMDW and your excuse is I dont want to be known and I have no need to make money or teach it. But come here and try and lay your teaching and knowledge about it!!! So if you never taught it or worried about any of this, how do you know the proof is in the results when you never fargin taught it out to see if there is any results apart in your own mind?



    My only beef with you was starting at level 17, which to me is senseless but each to there own and the people reading this will soon read right through your B.S. Sorry dude thats how im calling it....



    peace and love

    Sifu Garry


    You show your lack of knowledge and understanding of our family arts. It is because of people like you that I choose to maintain my privacy.

    I have privately taught qigong and I have healed people. I have no need to seek public recognition. People seek me for healing and for herbal remedies. I know the gung fu but have not taught. I know the types of martial qigong you have but you do not know what I have.


    I have not "put down" Terry or you. I never said you were not given the "thumbs up" from our GM Doo Wai. He told me what he shared with you and he told me why. It is clear you do not understand our family arts. You attempt to discredit others who have superior knowledge and thoses who are certified and authorized to teach our martial and qigong sytems. Lets move on and talk about FP qigong and other qigong systems. This thread is not about you or me.


    Listen and learn little brother.

  11. silum rolleyes.gif The proof is in the results as you say and if its real it gives results, but what if its REAL and doesnt give results?


    Negativity hmm nah, I aint a hater, but I can tell when someone comes here to attack me which was your intention, now playing im mr innocent??? lmao I speak the TRUTH!!! LOL Start at level 17 and work back, lmao....if level 17 is the second highest set of meditations why would you work backwards if they are a higher level with much greater results? Why not start from the beginning and attain what you didnt get in the interim? Oh let me guess, you didnt need to....Bawhahahahahaha Now that sounds like someone that FP practitioners should be listening to!!! hahahaha


    You done the fish to life and flies to life yet? Please show all your healing abilities even on a broken tree branch, anyone can project energy over a plant and if it grows faster than the one next to it ' SHAZAM' automatically it was your chi that made it grow better. I know a group in hongkong that isnt FP and can cut a vegetable in half and later put it together and send chi and it supposively rejoined within minutes. Can you do this? Please show your Flower hand skills simple clip like that master of FP level 17.


    Hahahaha Have a nice day....



    Why are you so bitter? I have learned as GM Doo Wai has taught me. I am a good student and I follow directions. If a practitioner get the results then the teaching is good. If I demonstate it proves nothing. But if someone else demonstrates it is excellent. I am just a student and make no claim to be a shifu or master. Peace love and respect big (head) brother.

  12. Sillum & Sifu Garry,


    I loved this thread sooooooooooooo much because it used to be just

    informative and helpful without the bashing going on in other threads.

    I politely hope you to keep your exchange outside and at a different place as

    I'd love to get back to rereading this thread in the future without bad

    feelings at all.


    Sadly none of us "outsiders" can ask GM Doo Wai about what he thinks or feels about

    that all...






    Well stated Harry. I come here in peace and respect for all. I will try not respond to any of Garry negative comments anymore. This is a great thread I want to keep it positive and informative. Anything I post is for the benefit of all the practitioners. As GM Doo Wai always says the proof is in the result. If it is real you get results.


    You can also project the chi energy into the water for the plants and it will help to plants to be healthier. You should be able to see the results within a few days or a week. You should see new growth. This is a low level result of chi cultivation.


    You ask some good questions and you should get clear direction. I will continue to respond to the pm messages.


    Peace, honor, and respect!

  13. Oh No, im exposed????? lmao I dont claim anything but what I teach as Burning Palm Martial Arts from Doo Wai, which is much more than just sitting and meditating. I do not claim FP at all and I have no need to, although I have many levels in my possession of it I dont practice it. As for healing plants no I never done it, but I train with the tree's and plants where I train and they are all strong and healthy trees but I dont go to heal trees. LOL Please put up yourself healing a broken tree branch and ill be convinced!!!


    Fame nah I aint like that, but I do try to spread my art honestly and respectfully, which I have done for many years. I know it must hurt your pocket but me putting out information that Ive been told to at certain times I will try my best to make it good. If I get students dedicated to training what I train and its from BFP and these students become good wouldnt you be happy for GMDW family. You dont like my kung fu its obvious at least I try and promote it in the best way I can at this time and if you can read many students are enjoying this practice so whats your problem?





    I see you seek the impossible. You do not understand the words honesty and respect. As I have always said I have no financial interest or gain in FP Meditations or the Bok Fu Pai. I have no desire to teach but to share the truth of our arts. I am shocked you do not know the basic information. There are some who gather information and there are some who have mastered the information. It is clear to me what little you have mastered. Peace be unto you Garry and I pray that you have success in your business. You are limited and cannot handle the most profound results from the Doo family arts.

  14. Hi Sihing Terry,


    Just letting you know Im bowing out of this discussion and If you need to contact me bro you know where to get me. Hope everyone studies the FP on a final note, its better to get your foundations from Sifu Terry than to start half way through the FP for many reason apart the obvious. After that if you seek information of GMDW be very careful of what and who you buy from, cause much of the information that is out is not explained and you can try and put the puzzel together but your many hrs of study will be fruitless. Seek the information from a teacher that specialises in such work.


    All the very best! smile.gif


    Sifu Garry



    LOL the is an example of someone who does not have any understanding of the Doo family healing arts. There is nothing mystical about FP meditations. If you learn the meditations specifically as instructed you will get positive results. Simplicity is the key. A practitioner will find that even the more complex meditations are a quite simple and easy to learn through repetitive practice until mastery of the movements. What may at first appear complicated in reality is quite simple and easy to learn and master. Some of the most high level FP meditations are stagnant (one posture) meditations. I find it disturbing that some seek fame and claim superiority and have no understanding.

  15. Somamech, yes our FP chi gung can heal plants and make them grow stronger. All we have to do is wave our hand over the plant and use our minds to project the energy (chi) out and the plant will grow healthier. This is another benefit of learning the FP meditations. It is an ability that is deveoped earlier in one's chi cultivation according to GM Doo Wai and this is based on my own personal experience. Great question!

  16. John you are getting some good results from the FP meditations for example greater sensitivity and self healing. Keep practicing the FP meditations you will attain even greater results. As far as when to practice the FP meditations, it does not matter but wait at least 30 minutes after eating a meal to allow the food to digest. I practice FP meditations before and after my kung fu practice. Post more results. We can all grow by sharing our experiences with the FP meditations.

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  17. Im not frustrated at all, just giving my experience with the footage of Sifu and how its taught, like I said each to there own and all that matters is what you think is right. wink.gif


    I never said the FP wasnt good its very good I wouldnt be here sharing what I know of what I have and what ive spoken to Sifu about, ive saved all my conversations with Sifu in files. Things not always look as it seems...


    AND for "Threatened" in which way you implying?



  18. Monk viewing the moon has a meaning and purpose pertaining to inner and out alchemy, I dont know about FP monk viewing moon, but in BP I was taught visualizations and emptiness on certain postures. The names also represent the alchemical process inside the brain. The Moon and the posture is magnetic and works on pulling the 3rd eye open ( thats my experience) plus other stuff I will not share. Doing it seated, standing, lying down, kneeling will all effect the alchemical process due to its energetic make up.


    But it certainly has a meaning to Burning Palm as it works with the elements inside and out!



    my 2 cents worth


    Thanks great!!! I just do the meditations and have not been concerned about that stuff. It wonderful that you learned it. Whether one knows that information or not with the breath control they will still get the same results. I know a lot of other meditations and the iron palms meditations etc but never learned any visualizations. Great for you Garry!

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