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Posts posted by DanTin

  1. Everything's not always self esteem issues. It can be issues with esteem in others.


    I'm sorry, I possibly dindn't understand well. The way you wrote it, made me think the problem may have been with you. Help me understand, why self esteem in others ?? :blink:

  2. Does anyone here have the ability to just make the whole body unbearably tingle at will?


    The above is the title of a thread I recently found and read through. It's really interesting that there are people that can do this. I'm interested myself in learning to do this. Perhaps there are some people that are either born with genetics or something that make it easier for them to do it, or it makes it automatic, and for others it takes some practice and learning. Some of these people have been able to do it since they were a child and of course as a child one is usually more aware of their spiritual nature than many adults can be.


    If someone has spinal damage, or nerve damage, even neurological damage I wonder if this would inhibit it?


    I would imagine it can be activated when a person practices if you can perhaps trace awareness up and down the spine and feel it tingle in every spot, until you get to a critical mass point, and perhaps associate it with full body orgasm. It also causes adrenaline to pump. Some say though that it happens through hyper-relaxation rather than trying to induce it by tense force, though I'm not sure of this.


    If you ever get chills down your spine listening to music, or watching a movie, this is probably it, except a person with the ability knows how to do this at will, or with some proficiency can keep it going until exhaustion.


    I want to learn this.. it's probably a key to the internal climax as well.


    I think it is possible, some people can do amazing things with their bodies. I believe it's a mental process, and I also believe it takes discipline and lots of patience. I also believe anyone can do it if they want to. And no I never tried, because I didn't care to. ^_^

  3. yea no there aren't any women that care to be in my presence so that isn't an option. any new ones too. in fact it's all predetermined it seems that they all will avoid me for some reason like I'm unfit for anything, for any feminine presence. not even Goddess.


    This is undobtably a self esteem problem. Listen , I get the impression we think alike, beside the female problem part. Don't get me wrong I'm into celibacy, I also think it's a great thing, but nothing is stoping me from getting to know women, flirt, date, it's all about the frame of mind that comes from self esteem. And it's enjoyable.


    I confess that some time ago I also used to have self esteem problems, it's very common in today's society, sadly. The so called fix that I discovered is that "the little things make big things happen", look into yourself what is/are the root/roots of the problem.


    The part with no girl wants to meet you is completely wrong, it's absolutely absurd. We are all great each and every one of us, that includes you. Confidence ... you got it when you aren't looking for it, don't doubt it you have it. Another thing, if you know you got some problems, beeing totally honest with yourself, don't delay getting them fixed.


    Good luck


    P.S. Such big changes don't happen over night, they are just like meditation, they require work. :)

    • Like 2

  4. Hello does anybody have all three tridaya inner power courses. I'm aware of the fact that two of them are on scribd.com. Third one missing, also those aren't downloadable. If anybody has them and can "lend" them to me I will be extremely grateful.

  5. Interesting, didn't know these details about the eye of Horus.


    I'm familiar with various conspiracies and with freemasonry. The eye of Horus (That you can also find on top of a piramid on the back of the dollar bill), is in fact the eye of satan, not the eye of God, as a freemason might deceive you into thinking, or what they say on television (never believe in that box), you can look it up. High level freemasons regard it as the eye of their master, the daijjal/satan. I don't necessarely believe that aliens acutally control the governments, possible, but I dont really believe this theory. You can also look up the fact that that world leaders and bloodlines reproduce between themselves only, this means that they actually have something in theyr genetic code that they want to keep to themselves. I believe that the Nephilim were people interbread with fallen angels - they where the so called egiptian gods. (I think piramids and domes, actually a way to manipulate energies in different ways, you can look up "architecture and energy"). You can also look up that the royal bloodlines date back at least to ancient egipt, and that very influent world leaders are interrelated.

    You should figure out what I'm trying to convey here.


    If I piqued your interest, or you would like to have a more broad image I reccomend "The Arrivals" series that you can find on this blog. If you do decide to thake the red pill, I reccoment you receive it with an open mind, watch the first 20 episodes don't judge from the first episode cause you might get the wrong idea.

    Why watch it? I personally found that the series answered many questions, I've had regarding our future, and present even past. Also it's one of the most interesting things I've seen on video. And I also found out about the deceptions that we confront every day, from cradle to grave. The illusory Yang world we live in, that even orientals are turning themselves to this yang, they actually where originally predominantly yin (because of culture), and that ancient teachings are vanishing.

    I recently read the "Magus of Java", and I might add that the series and the book add up, you can actually make some sense what your purpose in life migh be, at least that is what I discovered, you might have a different idea.


    P.S. Before dismissing, any information please, first look it up, from multiple sources, that is if you are interested.

  6. hello everyone,


    I am a long time lurker on this forum.


    Also for the past year or so a student of the "infamous" David Verdesi.


    Introducing myself so I can read the goings on in the personal practice section.




    Hi :)

  7. You're most welcome. I hope you find them helpful. Feel free to post any questions you should have after sifting through that haul... Other bums may share.




    ..... and I'm no elder-- just the perpetual whelp... Crude, unknowing and ignorant in the ways of the Great Magnet.







    I've read all of those, they answered me more questions than I thought of. What I found interesting in particular is a site with various information about the subtleties of sex.

  8. So this may seem like a weird question, but I have been attenedign this yoga studio for almost a year now pretty religiously. I don't go to bars or do very many typical social things for a 23 year old, but i do like to do things like hike and play and meditate etc. I wanted to put it out there to see what comes back, How do you ask a girl out in a yoga class, because all the other places don't seem to have women that vibe with me?


    My problem with it is two fold:

    1.) I get pretty floaty after a good yoga class and am not really "myself" and usually don't like to be bothered.....


    2.) I feel like a yoga studio is a safe place where people go to not be harassed and to zone out into the flow, so it feels kind of violating to go into someones space like that.


    But I find myself bored of being alone, not for lack of women, I am cute and get hit on enough, but for lack of women who aren't completely wrapped up in this illusion.... I seem to attract women who aren't on a path other than the American one.... Maybe that is what I need though, someone not into this stuff so i can stay a little more grounded....


    anyways, how do you guys ask a girl out in a space of self inquiry like a yoga class. There I feel like my chances of meeting a girl in my wave length are better.


    I can give you some advice, I'll go straight to the point be playful, and confident :). If you're afraid you got nothing to say ... you are missing my point ... confident, don't get stuck inside your head. Start with some simple question like "How was your, session?" and build up from there.


    Your problems

    1) Thats sounds like you are just making this excuse. You are always yourself, but not always your ideal self. Exercise some body language, better yet some attitude, cause attitude is master over body language, may I suggest some NLP anchoring?


    2) You shoudn't be guilty about talking to another person, don't hit on her. Don't go like *Bang* Hey baby!. Talking to her is not much different than talking to a guy (I want to emphasize the fact that you are it should feel casual).


    P.S. When you want to do it don't think about doing it, just do it, go for it. If you think too much, then that little voice in your head will defeat you (so dont let it). PUAs have that 3 second rule with wich I agree (tho' I don't agree with PUAs in many perspectives), I tried it, and it works once you walk towards the girl you would feel pretty stupid to stop. ;) If you really can't find an how they say "opener" than ... you can always be direct :) ... ballsy, but normal attitude don't go overboard.


    P.P.S. I posted this just in case you didn't get to meet that girl yet :P

  9. Hi everyone, I signed up on this forum, because lately I became very interested in spirituality. I became inspired by just a few videos on youtube, namely: The Arrivals series, John Chang and other people with amazing powers. I'm also interested in psionics/psychotronics I've read about these things in a "forbidden" book (Black Box) wich are actually some scanned files about some research ... I think that many of you that haven't heard about these two concepts (psionics/psychotronics) before ... would find them quite interesting, and that's about it, oh and lucid dreaming :) ... Nice to meet you all.


    P.S. If any of you are willing to see the arrivals series, do so with an open mind because you might get the wrong idea of the entire series. I recomend this movie to anyone. Any questions about movie, or informations very hard to believe, look em up or ask me, you will find answers.