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Posts posted by Jetsun

  1. I can relate to this, except I don't understand how love is an automatic manifestation because it implies a proscriptive destination. Is it possible to be enlightened but be beyond love? (A rhetorical question.)


    A lot of people, such as Adyashanti, claim that such and such happens on the path. But who is to say? Who is to say what way energy should move when we reach certain states?


    Do they really know or are they just manifesting their own egos?

    I don't think you can be enlightened and beyond love, except love as a concept, rather you become love in the sense that you are that which isnt separate and you are that space or stillness which liberates seperation and thus suffering.


    But in a sense there is a destination because this human life and the universe itself is moving in a way which is always deepening our awakening and putting pressure on that within us which still perceives itself to be in seperation, to be alive is to be in this state of continual refinement and continual awakening, which is a process of redemption or inpouring of love. You can't say exactly how this process is going to manifest for the individual or if they are going to resist it rather than let go but you can be confident of the general movement of it all. That is the way I see it anyway, it could be a manifestation of my ego.

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  2. ...


    No Karl what you write isn't what I'm looking for and we are quite far apart in perspective. Refining and improving the crippled ego is a fine thing but has absolutely nothing to do with liberation. But I fear that we have hijacked and filled this thread written from personal experience and awake space and filled it full of our own mind drivel, so I'm bowing out.

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  3. In terms of how to bring this into your human experience as far as I know it is just an inevitable part of the process, although I haven't gone through it yet myself to any significant degree Adyashanti describes it as the emptiness returning back to your human psyche to liberate all that is held in seperation, so after the transcendend awakening out of a person self there is an eventual decent of redemptive love into your humanity. So there is both an up and out and then also a down and in movement.

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  4. For what purpose ?


    You can't think your way out of thinking Jeff. Either you think or you are brain dead.


    You can't stop thinking no, I have never claimed that, but to transcend identity with thinking just means your sense of "I" isn't being bounced around by your thoughts, another word for it is "liberation" which means liberation from being blown around by hope and fear. Or to get off the wheel or Samsara as Buddhists put it, or to stop living under the whims of a harsh dictator (the intellect) and restore it to its rightful position as a tool or servant. It is also to move towards truth or at least shed all that is false about what and who we are.


    I guess the purpose of living more in truth is that you live more in harmony with the way things really are, rather than living in the way you imagine or think they should be. But ultimately there isn't a point or purpose because to transcend the mind is to transcend all concepts like purpose, there is just existence or what is.

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  5. "Replacing mind with more mind" yes indeed, though actually it is building more concepts into the present mind. There is no escape from our minds, as there is no escape from ourselves. We have to make it work.


    There is escape from identity with the mind and identity from all its thoughts, that is the whole point of the majority of spiritual paths. 

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  6. No point but still kinda funny, everyone running around taking themselves soooo seriously, when the spell of the mind is broken sometimes all you can do is burst out laughing at the absurdity. Bowing down and worshiping yourself also kinda ridiculous. From one perspective the Heart Sutra is the greatest comedy ever written.

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  7. Now, I think that is a very unfair statement. While I will give quotes to support my positions, I have always tried to use simple examples and explationations for my points. Even in the recent shielding thread, I have broken it down in various examples.


    Again, I would suggest that you look at what happens when I attempt to explain things in detail. The "with any realization" thread has the kind of stuff that I believe people are looking for and look what happened there. Please review that thread and tell me what you think?

    I will look at it. But all I can say is that so far from my perspective everything regarding this light practice is far from clear, infact it all seems to be cloaked in obscurity when it comes to the particulars of what is going on.

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  8. Since there is really no such thing as a defined "light group" (just a term made up by some bums here), I assume that you really mean that you want me to have a Q&A thread?


    My endless posts on mystical Christianity and threads like "with any realization" are not enough? :)

    Not really, anyone can quote Christian scripture and use it to justify just about anything, just look at history. You are going to have to spell it out without using parables if possible. But I thought there are a whole load of people doing this these days, including a number of the mod team? surely they have an understanding of what is going on?

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  9. If all this discussion is sparked by the concerns people have about the so called "light group" and their activities perhaps they should start a thread explaining exactly what it is they do in there and how they do it, then it might put some minds at rest or at least give people an informed decision as to what they are getting in to.

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  10. I don't really relate to the description of shielding presented in the op, unless that is talking about fending off some kind of psychic attack. The main form of shielding I have used on occasion is to shield against random energies in certain situations.


    For example in a hotel room I will put up a shield around the room to prevent me sleeping in others thought forms and energy, and one time I went to visit Glastonbury (which is well known energetically intense and weird town) I wad feeling really spaced out and overwhelmed and as soon as I put up a shield I felt instantly better.


    But those are rare occasions, in general Shields will make you feel more contracted and as you get less information from the environment you are likely to feel more paranoid and fearful rather than more protected.


    But in terms of psychic attack Dion Fortune wrote quite a lot about this, not sure I really believe it all though.

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  11. They should probably put an age limit on being president, most other 70 year olds are retiring and most have some kind of health issue by then and lost much of their sharpness, drive and energy , it's a job for someone much younger.

  12. yes, clearly laughing, no shocked looks at all :lol: no looks of concern, no looks of... JEEEESUS CHROIST!!! :lol:



    She's being weird yes, but straight after that still is taken they start laughing, hardly irrefutable proof of any disorder, more like proof she is a bit of an odd ball

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  13. That one video of Hillary having a "seizure" is a load of bullocks, she is just playing around because the women all suddenly all talk really loudly at her all the same time, the women reporters are clearly laughing along with it.

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  14. There seems to be an underlying message contantly being reaffirmed by energy workers that all energy work is good but that some people are just unable to deal with the consequences of it, and I will always strenuously disagree with this idea. Perhaps there is some good energy work around, but I suspect that most people have very little idea of what they're actually doing, especially when their energy work is based on kundalini energy.


    I say this not from fear of kundalini, but from respect for kundalini energy as part of an incredibly sensitive and magnificent subtle energy system, which if cultivated will release kundalini energy in small doses at specific times, which lead to union with the true self. Kundalini released at random times at the whim of the energy worker cannot lead to the true self, no matter what.

    It's not always safe, Dr Jiang Feng killed himself quite recently by pushing his Qi too far when trying to heal someone. Also I would worry about people who use their own internal organ energies to heal others too, it's a good way to deplete your kidneys.


    There are many different ways to approach energy exchange, some riskier than others. I don't think it is always wise to just let anyone mess around with your energy, although there are probably riskier things you can do such as take drugs, still I would rather work with someone who is either very experienced with a good reputation or comes from a lineage with a good record of healing.

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  15. In terms of energy work the way I have been taught to work is that when working with someone you first gain their permission and then give them a warning of what can happen, so If I am working officially with a client in a proper session I send them a client agreement which they have to sign or agree to which is along the lines of:


    " is to be expected that various situations can arise from receiving this healing. Certain problems, either physical or emotional, may be alleviated. Deep mystical experiences can occur, as well as life-change realizations. But sometimes, suppressed emotions or physical tensions may receive enough healing energy to be pushed to surface, so they can be released or resolved, and this process may create various emotional or physical symptoms. Deep healing is a process that is intended to create changes in one’s life, and those changes can manifest physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is all part of the healing process."


    Then I will remain available by email to talk about any fallout or answer any questions that may arise after the healing. So in that sense if I was to be doing any group healing it wouldn't be wise to do it in a completely public open space as anyone may wander in and tune into the group field and then have experiences they weren't prepared for. Those experiences may be ultimately a good thing for them to face and it will always be some issue which already exists inside of them coming into conscious awareness, so it wont be created or given to them by someone else, but professionally and out of a sense of care it is better that people are more prepared for the experiences they get themselves into.

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  16. You must have me mistaken with someone else. I have never offered any form of healing or healing sessions in chat. The only member that I can remember making an offer like that was Jetsun (I think - correct me Jetsun if wrong).

    I have made that offer in the past, although I haven't used the chat room for that for a year or two so any energetic stuff isn't down to me. The last time I was there was when I received your "hugs"


    Im guessing all these threads are essentially about the hugs as it was mentioned that astrally I was meant to be hugging a blonde woman, which could be imagined to be sexual; which is a little odd to me as I have never heard that your astral body is a different sex to you, in terms of my own experiences in conscious dreams etc so far as I know I remain male and don't turn into a woman.


    But I think it would be a shame if energy sharing is completely banned from a site like this, in a private room it is impossible for energy to leek out, we are talking about digital space here not physical, the only way for anyone to pick up on anything would be to be consciously and intentionally tuning in to what was going on and even then the interchange wouldn't be directly at them.


    So I expect there is a lot of imagination and projection going on if people think they are picking up of stuff from others in another room.

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  17. What really matters is whether you are really interested in it or not, or rather if your heart is really in it. Those who have that dedication will put their spiritual realisation and pursuit above making money, sex, relationship, their friends, children, pleasing their parents etc, they value it above everything else, and as such they devote their time, money, energy and mind on it.


    I probably have only met one or two people who are really into it that it is their sole path in life, most pretend to be but have their fingers in many pies, they want riches and success as well as spirituality. Or many just use it as a way to get laid or dress up their ego.


    You can't fake it, you are either really into it or not, there is little you can do to make yourself into getting enlightened or God realised except be really honest and clear about what you really want from life.

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  18. Yes - very true. This is the same reason why Tony Blair let so many Polish people into the UK 10 years ago. Now, 3/10 of new born children in this country are from foreign parents, the largest portion of this number are Polish.


    We have a small advantage here though, the cultural clash of Eastern Europeans to Brits is smaller than that of Middle Easterns to Germans. We have now kind of learnt our lesson, Merkel is just starting to. But what will the result of article 50 be ... I wait with baited breath

    It is likely to result in more Muslim immigration and more immigration of people from outside the EU into Britain. The big business which has its claws in government will get its cheap labor from somewhere, they don't care if it's from Romania or Pakistan.

  19. Merkel allowed so many immigrants into Europe for completely practical or selfish reasons - because Germany had the lowest birth rate and highest ageing population in the Western world, without an new influx of people the entire economy would eventually stagnate.


    Refugee influx helps halt decline in Germany's population