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Posts posted by Jetsun

  1. The way to make everyone slaves these days is to get everyone in financial debt, so now you have huge university fees and huge unaffordable mortgages for life, putting you in debt as soon as you enter adulthood . Loan and debt companies are everywhere. And now it has moved on from individuals being in debt to entire countries including most of the economically advanced ones. Debt is what controls everything now, but who owns the debt? It's hard to say, the Chinese own some of it but most is owned by private institutions.

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  2. I have seen the way this is going the last ten years or so in the UK, the company I used to work for used to give yearly bonus and pay staff lunch and incentives if you do well. Now that's all gone, the government introduced minimum wage but what they don't say is that people under 16 don't have to get it, but they aren't old enough to do many of the duties required legally or physically. Plus 0 hours contracts can be abused. Staff are now searched regularly and given extra responsiblity and more stress each year for less pay, while the woman at the top received a bonus of over £5 million last year.


    It's becoming more and more like an Orwellian nightmare and the more inhumane the manager is the more likely they are to be promoted

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  3. That's intrincisism. I told you that it's the philosophers stone that you have to somehow feel and merge with.


    This is to deny reason and deny the mind. It is a trick that has been used for thousands of years to own the souls of men. If you could see it you would run as fast as you could away from it. It's a magnetic attractor for those that doubt the power of their own minds, like the lure of an angler fish it promises salvation and an end of all doubt-and those who swim close enough are assured that they get exactly what they most desired.


    "Look inside my mouth he cried, and all you children lost down many paths, you bet your life you'll walk inside. Hand in hand, gland in gland, with a spoonful of miracle. He's the guaranteed eternal sanctuary man"


    Its not to deny the mind or reason at all, it is to transcend it, but as Ken Wilber says you transcend and include whatever you have transcended. So something wiser than the egoic mind is acknowledged and its intelligence utilised along with your own reason. It is to access a far wider and wiser intelligence than our own limited mind, which ultimately is liberating to the soul. The most imprisoning thing to the soul is to live exclusively in the prison of the conceptual mind.

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  4. How can you discuss something if you have no knowledge of it ?


    These are basic questions because you have assumed knowledge of something and then deny that you have any ? What's it to be ? It cannot be true to say one has and has not any such knowledge.


    This isn't new. It's called faith. Denying the mind because it's the mind and relying on feeling, intuition, or divine revelation.


    There is a form of knowing beyond the mind, Buddhists and Hindu's call it "Prajna" or heart wisdom, direct insight into the truth of things 


    "Prajña or Pragya (Sanskrit: प्रज्ञ) as प्रज्ञा, प्राज्ञ and प्राज्ञा is used to refer to the highest and purest form of wisdom, intelligence and understanding. Pragya is the state of wisdom which is higher than the knowledge obtained by reasoning and inference."


    Paññā (Pāli) or prajñā (Sanskrit) "wisdom", is insight in the true nature of reality

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  5. who is Russell Brand?


    do you mean Russell Brand as in sweatshirt/tshirt company?



    He is a comedian / actor, been in a few films, probably more famous for getting divorsed from the pop singer Katy Perry. For a while he started going on about a spiritual awakening in the sense of a kind of political consciousness type shift which was about being involved in grass roots activism and taking on big corporations and business while also doing things like Yoga and meditation. You could call that a spiritual type shift of some sort but I wouldn't call it the same thing as spiritual awakening as most modern spiritual teachers describe it

  6. Awareness, at least in metaphysical terms, is easy to answer, it is the senses either extroverted or introverted. In epistemology awareness is simply the active expression of consciousness.




    When you examine the space of awareness in your own experience you can't actually say that it is introverted or extroverted, active or passive, you can't find where it begins or ends, you can't find an edge, or an age or a sex, its impossible to say anything about it or pin it down in any way with the mind. All the content of consciousness arises within this space of awareness, so whatever is in consciousness can't define awareness, as consciousness is the content and awareness the context.


    But what can be realised experientially is that you actually are this space of awareness, in the sense it is your deeper identity because it is the only constant thing in your life, everything else is transitory including all the ideas and concepts about who we are. Such a realisation is beyond the realm of thought or the conceptual mind because thought arises within it so can't possibly define it. Hence why I said in the beginning it is beyond what anyone things about it. 


    There is a Pali Sutra where the Buddha goes to sit by the river Ganges as a boy and then later goes back to to sit at the same spot as a old man. In the second visit it is the same river in the same spot but everything had changed, the water, the environment, the body and mind of the Buddha, all changed, yet there was one constant.

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  7. No, consciousness is an axiomatic corrolary and awareness is where you volitionally place that faculty. There is no 'deeper than consciousnes' nor levels of consciousness. No one is trapped in consciousness, you are trying to escape from the very thing you are seeking and by that method you negate your self.


    There isn't any mystery to it other than what your mind is imagining.


    Waking up isn't really waking up, when you are conscious you are conscious of some-thing and that is all. Open your eyes in the morning and you are conscious of the inputs of your sense organs. The eye cannot see itself. Consciousness is the faculty for grasping existence and there is nothing more to learn about it from an epistomological perspective. Open your eyes and there is the world.


    There is nothing more to learn about it from an epistomological perspective, but there is a huge amount to learn from an experiential perspective. There is what Buddhists call emptiness or the void, which is "deeper" or primary to the consciousness of the senses or of thought. 


    The mystery is what awareness really is, and who or what we really are. 


    Most of us spend our lives fixed on the senses and reflections in consciousness, fixated on thoughts and our ideas as a means to avoid falling into this void as a means to try to maintain our ego, like a puppy desperately trying to stay afloat in a big tank of water. 

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  8. How lightly you dismiss your own consciousness whilst looking for a different one ;-)


    Spirit pertain to consciousness and an awakened consciousness does not look for itself, or another kind of itself.


    If you are still looking then you haven't awakened. To awaken stop looking. Nothing was lost that has always been found, but recognising that you have it proves allusive.

    Not looking for a different one. Awareness can be aware of consciousness, therefore what it is that is aware must go deeper or be more primordial than consciousness. The first step I would say is awakening to being awareness rather than being trapped in all the transient elements of consciousness

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  9. how would you know what I think it is?


    I don't think it is that....


    and who can completely offer up the definition of spiritual awakening.


    maybe today it is awake in


    or a wake in


    or away ke...


    complete non sense.


    ok its not in my mind..that is fine


    I walk the woods today it is misty and chilly...quiet will be there based on experience ....

    my mind goes with me.....


    breezy outside as I look out the window....


    fall in the air for sure after summer of humidity...


    how to properly hug a tree....maybe not so proper.


    hey jetsun did you write the book on spiritual awakening?



    It's not what you or I or anyone thinks it is because it is beyond thought, so whatever anyone thinks it is it isn't that, it can't be pinned down by concepts. I'm not saying what it is though, I'm saying what it's not.


    But yeah plenty of people have different ideas around the words spiritual awakening, people like Russell Brand talk about it in a very different way than I would in a way I wouldn't describe as awake, so it depends on the context

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    The whole article is worth a read, but here is a summary 


    Here's what brain research says will make you happy:
    * Gratitude. Ask "What am I grateful for?" No answers? Doesn't matter. Just searching helps.
    * Label those negative emotions. Give it a name and your brain isn't so bothered by it.
    * Make decisions. Go for "good enough" instead of 'best decision ever made on Earth."
    * Hugs, hugs, hugs. Don't text — touch.
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  11. Such experiences can crack open rigid world views, but I wouldn't say doing Ayahuasca provides long term development. I went to Peru and did it for a few weeks and the Shaman I met did have some kind of energetic sensitivity and healing method but apart from that I wouldn't class him as particularly developed, many of the Ayahuasca Shaman are obsessed with money and women like most of the rest of the dodgy guru types. As for my experiences it is a deep cleanser on all levels, often all at once, but it's not going to be the magic bullet to enlighten people as it's sometimes advertised. It did open me up temporarily to some kind of very strange spiritual realm but I haven't been back there since. If you are somewhat sensitive and open already I don't think those experiences are needed.

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  12. In certain areas we have progressed such as technology and medicine plus there is less war and violence now, in other areas not so much, our emotional development seems to have regressed, politics has been debased to the lowest level, other areas such as art, music and literature show a decline. Depends how you measure it I guess.

  13. Its a bit of a non story really, you can watch it here: 



    He often jokes about peoples appearance in a light hearted way, last time Piers Morgan interviewed him he said fundamentally there was no difference between himself and Piers, except that Piers has a big nose... its just a joke

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  14. I think the "purest" way is probably Zen, as they say go straight to the emptiness and ignore all that occurs and all the scenery along the way. The advantage being that you actually get to the source, you actually get to find out who the Buddha is, but on the other hand there isn't much understanding or help along the way if you get sidetracked or the direct route isn't possible or suitable for you. You can certainly argue that the Buddha didn't use Deities himself, but there are many examples of Tibetan Buddhists using dieties the right way. The Kadampas seem to take their deity so seriously that they treat him more like a god than an aspect of Buddha nature, so I would say that is an example of how using deities can detract from practice. 

  15. Think the Dalai Lama is in Belgium, then going to France. I once attended one of his teachings/empowerments a few years ago, I wasn't sensitive enough at the time to sense the different energies coming through, but I find it hard to find a more exemplary example of a Buddhist than the Dalai Lama so whatever deity energies come through they seem to support the process.

  16. If you like naivety, that means much...

    ...but if you don't, you recognize the empty words christians use to talk about experiences that they don't have.


    BTW, he's talking about the SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST. Go, try it and see if the words fit.


    St Symeon would have risked his life to say such words, they go against the teachings of the established Church of the time, why would he do that if he wasn't talking about his own experience and direct revelation? 

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