metal dog

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Posts posted by metal dog

  1. One must consider regarding the term Hebrew or Jewish that it is likely, in my opinion, that these groups sequestered a lot of the knowledge they presently take credit for or history suggests comes from them it originated from the Egyptians and those mystery schools. A study of masonry will also reveal the Egyptian connections to magical roots.


    The number of dead during the Breivik attack is also a significant number to consider.


    I can post a summary of my interpretation of those numbers in the near future...but then I must leave this subject soon for the sake of time and my other interests.

  2. After the attacks I began to run over in my mind what I need to look for in the media as to whether this may be connected to ritual.


    One thing, after the attacks, to look for is if the date of the killing is displayed numerically and dramatically for public consumption just the same way 911 relates to the World Trade Center attacks.


    And that ended up being the case. Here we have good 'ol Jens standing in front of "the date" displayed in its ominous splendor.






    And what do these numbers of this date mean related to gematra or Hebrew numerology?


    Why Hebrew? Well, if it is a masonic ritual and every masonic lodge-temple is a miniature version of the Temple of Solomon then you can understand that their occult methods will be connected with Hebrew magic in this regard. So a ritual date may have some significant interpretations related to the details surrounding the ritual itself.

  3. I would say no, Norway is not the source of all ills.

    There is no one source of all ills other than perhaps...ourselves.

    And no, not all or even a majority of masons are dark mages or are even aware of that which they actually participate.

    But their participation can be knowingly and unkowingly used for energetic-spiritual purposes...and not all of those purposes are necessarily for good.


    Breivik was, in my assessment, definitely not acting alone. I would presume a team of six to have been involved with the planning and execution of the bombing and shooting. In this capacity he was not acting as a regent of powerful magic masons. My masonic references were more related to the Vigeland Park posts. But Breivik was a maste mason and, not suprisingly, had a father with a political career. Chance are his father was also a mason and Breivik was admitted quickly to the rank of master mason because of his father's membership. This does plug Breivik into the masonic grid.

    Ritual acts on Breivik's part could now, in the realm of quantum physics, be related to his masonic connection.


    The thing to examine is if Utøya shows any evidence of being a ritual sacrifice through occult interpretation rather than just defined as the act of a lone man acting out his political ideology on others.

    I firmly believe Utøya, like 911, is such a ritual. The soul energy of the dead youth and the energy of the emotional greiving masses all form of energetic "fuel". Anything that gets you thinking about something and devoting your thought, and especially your emotion can become an energetic fuel source.

  4. An individual's constitution would be a factor, whereas for some it just is not agreeable.

    It would be wise the coffee is not instant, overly processed and preferably an organic or high quality variety.

    And one should consider, particularly if they have or experience sleeping problems, if consumption of caffeine, particularly in the afternoon or evenings, may be a factor.

    Should you have hypertension, nervousness or any other medical condition which may be worsened or exaggerated by caffeine consumption, then that too is a factor.

    Your bodyweight will also be a factor.


    I advocate that one cup of good quality coffee a day, without white sugar, to be a good way to start the day, dilate the blood vessels, get the bowels moving and get a bit of pep in the morning especially during colder weather.

    A very big person may go with two cups perhaps spread an hour or two apart.

    The classic books written by Travell and Simons regarding muscular trigger points also comment that one cup a day is good for blood vessel dilation and blood circulation. But more than that can begin to make the body respond unfavorably to the coffee.


    Three cups or more begins to get into the potential that the body will respond to the caffeine, long term, with some negative consequences. Should you do this everyday for a long period of time then there is the hypertension response and withdrawal headache should you discontinue consumption.


    I don't drink coffee because I am already quite physically and mentally coffee is like speed for me and my constitution. One cup gets me climbing the walls for hours. Because I don't drink it I have no tolerarnce when I do.

    I am sure that taking a break from coffee once in a while is also a good idea...instead of five cups a day...everyday.


    And I find that the smaller amount of caffeine found in my green tea does give me energy in the morning, whereas when someone is used to five cups a day of coffee...the green tea would really not do much for stimulation.


    Caffeine also has a diuretic effect so if you don't drink much water and experience chronic cellular dehydration...then you want to take three months to consume enough water to make sure your cells are properly rehydrated and then compensate a bit for your caffeine consumption.


    Some ladies have commented to me that their men "taste" different and not like it so much when they drink the context of oral sex.

  5. Now...not only was Gustav Vigeland at least the level of a master mason...but should you also check out the right books at the library you will find out that he was also a pedophile. For some reason Norway does not mention this and their pride concerning this national cultural figure.


    Not in the books, is that he was not only a pedophile but a pedophile of young boys.

    And this would coincide with the ingenious occult design of his park-device and his relationship with masonry...and its more sinister occult rituals.


    As this, with young boys, would have to do with the channeling of the male Baphomet energies. The same ritual as taught to Albert Pike legend of the American Scottish Rite of Freemasonry by the French satanist Eliphas Levi.


    But that is mostly history.


    What does the Norwegian OTO tying into Norwegian military intelligence have to do with Breivik and these matters metal dog?


    And the CIA, British Intelligence and Mossad?

    Human slavery, pedophile rings and George Soros?

    And the extreme anomaly of Norwegian surplus oil money, huge statefund and thriving economy in a western world of total inescapable debt and economic collapse coupled with the malfeasance of world and British banks?


    What does all that have to do with Brievik?



  6. The device is detailed, even down to the numerous maple trees in the park and their five-pointed pentagram geometry leaves.

    So many things there not just by random choice...but quite purposeful.

    I think I have decoded every detail upon my first couple of visits to the park...and you won't get that in a book or the guided tour.

    I used to do my chi practice, forms and sparring there.


    Its power axis also runs through the large Christian church, Domkirke, kind of like the Vigeland Park's electric transformer...where, unfortunately, praying Christians are slightly parasitized of their energies while entranced in the christ meme to, further down the line, feed the masonic temple's dark wizards and their western world reality matrix-overlay-template.


    And just what does that have to do with Breivik and the ritual slaughter on Utøya island metal dog?


  7. I believe the masons in their temple in Oslo utilize the Vigeland Park device as the Qliphoth tree...for their dark juju.


    It also powers the energy, archetype and entity of comMERCe down its axis into Karl Johan's Gate...the main area of shops and commerce.

    Which is why there is also an erected statue of MERCury located precisely on that same axis in front of Oslo Børs or the stock market.


    Quantum physics is doing its best to explain this type of thing in scientific terms.

  8. More on-tropic, Is there Qi / spiritual related places in Oslo or in Lørenskog that I should know about?

    Also, if you want to meet up and have a chat then the first pizza is on me


    Vigeland park and all the works of Gustav are not just a layout for the sake of art, but it is a functioning freemasonic chi-generating and channeling geomantic-alchemical-talismanic sigil device. It is also, when viewed from above...a Kaballah tree of life...thus relating it to its more "spiritual" capabilities related to entities and the Sephiroth as well. It directs its power, or can absorb it, directly in a straight line down past the King's castle and Karl Johan's Gate all the way to the waterway at Aker Brygge. Should one know how to sequester the energy of such a could tap a bit of it's flow...while it is being mainlined to the Oslo masonic lodge for their and their "hidden friends" use.


    As far as pizza...I recommend Villa Paradiso in Grunerløkka to be superb...and far superior to Grandiosa frozen hubcaps.

  9. Hmm the title here makes it look like this thread is about "Qi Gong in Norway".

    But the content is more like "I really really REALLY hate Norway asdfasfasfddfsad!!111"

    I know though...they are easy to confuse sometimes :P


    I hate stupidity.

    Norway just happens to be the green stain in the petri dish I now examine.

    But trust me when I say the earth an all inclusive resort..and giving me lots to be critical about concerning its members.

    And even though this thread is about qi gong in norway....two posts should just about more than cover that extravaganza in its entirety.

    Confusion has little to do with it...just trying to prop up the "interesting" factor that Norway so desperately needs.

    So now I expound analyzing the tactics of terrorism, war and the dynamics of offender and victim.

    Sometimes the victim can be responsible for their own victimhood.

  10. Police probe new threat from Breivik supporter


    August 14, 2012


    Norway’s police intelligence unit PST is investigating who’s behind an e-mail sent to several Norwegian politicians and journalists on Monday. The writer, who claims to be part of Breivik’s alleged Knights Templar network, threatens to liquidate Norwegian leaders if Breivik isn’t acquitted.


    The writer claims Breivik, who has confessed to carrying out last year’s terrorist attacks that killed 77 persons, sacrificed his own life in his battle against multi-culturalism. The writer claimed that members of Knights Templar won’t accept a verdict that would “ignore” Breivik by determining that he’s insane. The writer therefore demanded an acquittal of “our commander.”


    While some terror experts doubted the e-mail’s legitimacy, PST “views this letter as a threat,” Anne Karoline Bakken Staff of PST told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK). “We’re taking it very seriously, and we’re investigating it.”


    The letter was sent the same day as the release of a report by the government-appointed July 22 Commission, which harshly criticized the emergency response to Breivik’s attacks.


    The chickens come home to roost for the police who buried their heads in the sand.


    Although this story may be a bit dated, but I had estimated that a team of a minimum of six people would be necessary to guarantee the Oslo bombing and shooting from preparation phase to execution. Brievik was the patsie martyr.

    This, in my opinion, was not just a ideological-political act or statement from some radical right group, but it was bigger than this...a form of external punishment upon the nation of Norway that escapes the typical citizen and the media. Involved one will find the CIA, British Intelligence and Mossad.

    Breivik was a master Mason of the Oslo lodge and a self-declared revived Knights Templar and published a manifesto providing his motives for his actions, which I actually consider the cover story to a darker story.

    The threat must stay alive for Norway has not yet fully complied politically or economically what has been demanded of the hidden hand.

  11. Lawyer loses license over
    Breivik leaks


    August 16, 2012


    Norwegian lawyer Sigurd Klomsæt says he’s “shocked and incredulous” that he’s lost his right to practice law in Norway, after allegedly leaking documents about the state’s case against confessed terrorist Anders Behring Breivik to the media.


    Klomsæt has claimed innocence all along
    , and can prove he was out of town when some of the documents in question wound up in the media shortly after they were released to lawyers in the Breivik case. Klomsæt was, at the time, hired to serve as one of many attorneys representing victims and families of victims killed by Breivik in his bombing and shooting spree on July 22, 2011.


    It was Norway’s national lawyers’ association itself that revoked Klomsæt’s certification to serve as a lawyer in Norway, on the grounds he’d leaked documents distributed to attorneys in confidence.
    Klomsæt believes he’s being punished for being critical of how the Breivik case was being handled


    He told Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) that he thinks
    “it was important to get me off the case. I was a strong critic last fall and now the July 22 Commission (appointed to probe the state’s response to the attacks) has shown there was reason for my criticism. I was told I was too negative


    Klomsæt, who was removed as an attorney in the terror case last spring, told NRK he now intends to mount a legal challenge to restore his lawyer’s certification.

    One of two potentials.


    This guy was not going along with the show trial for a false flag patsie and was starting to criticize the proceeding's pre-determined directions.

    Meaning that which he was criticizing and drawing attention to is supposed to be flawed and a failure and the want to shut him up for his wanting to do it right.

    As there were multiple eyewitness accounts on the island of Utøya concerning a second shooter not dressed like Breivik's police uniform also shooting people.

    The police immediately downplayed these reports and eventually dismissed them as that would mean a lot more paperwork and fewer coffee breaks. Not too mention more public outrage at their failure to capture an accomplice which they let get away.

    Later investigative reports show that there were three substantial opportunities for authorities to have apprehended Breivik prior to the bombing and shooting...if they had just simply did basic investigative work, saw the signs and pursued the leads.


    Or the less conspiratorial, but still nefarious, is that he is just pointing out the typical stupidity that is commonplace in Norway and they don't like it when people criticize that which they want to project and sell as being perfect and flawless...which they would like to apply to anything Norwegian. Those who do, even Norwegians, are drawn and quartered and have their remains scattered to the four corners of the globe.


    Even worse than this native's retaliative experience, if one is a foreigner living and working in Norway were to be openly critical of anything would very likely be social, professional and political suicide.


    Meaning, you are just a guest hear, we are perfect and flawless while being beyond reproach, and if you are critical or too negative about anything Norwegian...then why don't you just shut the fuck up or get the fuck out.


    But there are also some decent people here too...I have them on speed dial.

  12. Norway, can be subject to an extremely unflattering generalization as being a nation full of naive bunglers and idiots with overly-inflated high opinions of themselves and a mis-applied superiority complex that deters any form of real performance or progress. They constantly make appointments based on the good old boy network and who knows who...not who is best qualified to actually do the is a real problem. They fear foreigners and immigrants in the workplace and politics because they are afraid they will be shown up, outperformed and revealed to be the epitome of stupid that they really are. They are truly like children.



    Police chief quits, ‘lacked support’


    August 16, 2012


    State Police Director Øystein Mæland has become the first casualty of this week’s scathingly critical report on how Norwegian police failed to efficiently respond to last year’s terrorist attacks in Norway. Mæland announced his resignation just as leaders of Norway’s political parties were launching a debate of their own over the report on Thursday night.


    Øystein Mæland resigned his position as head of Norway's state police on Thursday, saying he lacked enough clear support from the government that hired him just last year.


    Mæland’s resignation came just hours after police officers themselves had said they fully supported both him and his response to the report, which blasted police for poor communications and leadership. Many lives could have been saved, according to the independent report, if police had done a better job of stopping the terrorist who carried out a massacre on the island of Utøya after first bombing government headquarters in Oslo.


    Mæland stated in a press release that he hadn’t received enough assurances from the nation’s top political leadership, not least from Justice Minister Grete Faremo, that they had enough confidence in him to improve police operations. Faremo had stated earlier on Thursday that she was inhabil,´ incapable (because of conflicts of interest) of making decisions on how individuals had performed or not performed during and after last year’s attacks. That meant she wouldn’t fire Mæland, but wouldn’t publicly endorse him either.


    “The confidence of the Justice Minister is critical as to whether I can continue in my job,” Mæland wrote in his statement Thursday night. “When the minster and other politicians haven’t been able to clarify that without ambiguity, it’s impossible for me to go forward with this job. I have therefore decided to resign from my position.”


    He had only held his post for a short time when the attacks occurred on July 22 last year. Few had held him responsible or called for his resignation, since he was so new in the job. He took the fall anyway, and seemed to take politicians by surprise in doing so. Others noted, however, that Mæland had to be held responsible
    for how police reacted in the months following the attacks to initial criticism of their response to them. They basically closed ranks and made only a few and belated apologies for failing to arrive quickly at the massacre scene, with Mæland himself claiming consistently that they’d acted as quickly as possible. The commission investigating their response determined that simply wasn’t true.


    Norway’s party leaders learned of Mæland’s resignation while they were taking part in a live debate aired nationwide by Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) from the southern coastal city of Arendal, where they’re meeting this week for several days of long-planned public debate and gatherings. The release of the July 22 Commission’s report on Monday added a dramatic dimension to their discussions of current issues.


    None had spoken directly with Mæland about his resignation, most said they respected his decision and Faremo herself declined to comment on Mæland’s assertion that she hadn’t shown him enough confidence for him to continue. She continued to assert that she was unable to evaluate the jobs individuals had done, while still digesting the alarming contents of the 500-page report itself.


    Mæland, appointed to his post in May 2011 by Faremo’s precedessor as justice minster, Knut Storberget, had been an
    unconventional choice as state police director since he had no direct experience as a police officer. He’s educated as a doctor specializing in psychiatry, but has long been politically active in the Labour Party. He’s a personal friend of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg
    , had served earlier as a state secretary in the Justice Ministry, also under Faremo during her stint in an earlier government, and has been a paid political adviser to several Labour Party ministers including Stoltenberg’s father Thorvald when he was foreign minister.
    Mæland is also an avowed pacifist who refused to perform military service and was assigned to civilian service instead. He’s married to a male psychotherapist, and the gay couple’s decision to have a child with the help of a surrogate mother in the US sparked headlines because surrogacy is illegal in Norway


    Stoltenberg had also declared himself incapable of evaluating Mæland’s performance because of their close personal relationship. Some commentators said Mæland’s resignation will now make it easier for Stoltenberg’s government to move forward with police reforms, with a shake-up at the top.


    It led to immediate speculation that other heads will roll as well in the aftermath of the July 22 Commission’s report on police ineptitude. Jens Stoltenberg himself repeated Thursday night, though, that he has no intention of resigning himself over the police scandal, opting instead to move forward with work to improve police leadership and operations.


    No police experience at all, but head of police and special terrorist police force.

    A devout pacifist...thus removing himself ideologically from any real world experience of anything "down and dirty" that would perhaps best fit the professional profile for the job.

    Refused one year of mandatory military service (an extended camping trip while wearing camo and uncomfortable boots)

    And it is the usual story here that he got the job, not because of what he knows, but who he knows.

    Surprised the body count wasn't much higher.

  13. I like...


    Chinese astrology.

    The Indian Sidereal system, which is quite exotic.

    And the Western system (I believe best developed by the Greeks).


    These are quite different in many respects from one another.

    I truly do value archetypal astrology taken from all three of these.

    I am not so good with the "predictive" aspects of I have not taken the time to know it well.


    The Western system of astrology is a "sister" divination art with Tarot, Numerology and Kabbalah. They are to be used together.


    I am also of the opinion that Kabbalah existed long before the modern "Jews" possessed it and claimed it for themselves.

    It is not a Jewish creation, but much older. And much of the real deal is held and sequestered by the highest of the Rabbis.


    I say this to mean that the modern term "Jew" used to mean something else than what it means today or even over the last couple thousand years. The term was not limited to an ethnicity, race or religion of any kind.

    The term "Jew" was used metaphorically to describe someone who would be considered a learned and developed soul...a matter the race, country of origin, ethnicity or their religion.

    The Jew was not defined by the dogma and edicts of a phallo-centric monotheistic religion claiming God's Chosen were the Jews of today. This is really no different than the idea of the "Master Race".

    The Jew was superior, ethically superior by right thought and is this that made him one of the "Chosen" or at least on a path toward that ideal.


    It is for these reasons that I gravitate toward the Hermetic Qabbalah (which still undoubtedly comes from Jewish they had long since sequestered it before the Golden Dawn which was expounded upon greatly and does not hold such an elitist perspective concerning divinity.


    A primary concern of Hermetic Qabalah is the nature of divinity, its conception of which is quite markedly different from that presented in monotheistic religions; in particular there is not the strict separation between divinity and man which is seen in monotheisms.[2] Hermetic Qabalah holds to the neoplatonic conception that the manifest universe, of which material creation is a part, arose as a series of emanations from the godhead.

  14. Metal Dog,


    I apologize if my post came off as insulting, it certainly wasn't intended that way.


    Nonetheless, my impression is that you are reading way too much into these things. There isn't some vast conspiracy, there are 1000s of small conspiracies. And there is money, lots of money. And corruption. And incompetence.


    If you ascribe everything to some giant conspiracy, you are going to miss the point, which is that we are acting out a drama, playing in these bodies as friends and strangers and having an adventure while we learn lessons and grow. Realize the silliness of it all! I know it's serious, but it's also funny as hell!


    Thanks for the clarification regarding your intent.


    But the rest of what you are advising me on has nothing to do with my intent or what I was stating. Your points are obvious and I have not posted contrary to them.

    But there is nothing false nor exaggerated about what I have posted. I have done years of research and even have testimony from individuals and non-internet sources to further add to my knowledge base.

    You will actually find this kind of thing more than you think....and this is just what manages to be revealed.

    There is much more that never sees the light of day.

    I think the average mind would cringe in horror at the total corruption and evil that exists and goes on in the darkest corners of the world.


    Now, in this instance the same network I have outlined is existent and potent. There is tons more to it than what I have mentioned. No one can accurately know how severe it gets or doesn't get. But what I have presented so far is not reading to much into anything....the information reads itself.


    Do you believe the Twin Towers and building 7 collapsed due to structural failure and fire? Because if you don't...over three thousand Americans and hundreds of thousands have died as a much bigger does a conspiracy have to be to not be "blown out of proportion"?


    And who really "did" 911 and how was it done?

    I have my theories.


    Why was it important for me to question?

    Because I was eating at the top floor dining area of the WTC three weeks before 911 with my family during my first trip to Manhattan. To close for comfort for me.

    And when the first television broadcast came on the television I happened to be watching it and when I saw those building fall it was a WTF moment. I called up my good friend, a structural engineer, and said, "What the hell is up with that collapse?" His reply, "That kind of collapse could only mean explosives were also detonated in the building." I agreed. Then all the conspiracy information began to snowball from there as well as the cover-up.


    My point with the occult and cult connections is that this stuff is religion to a certain segment of the elite population. 911 was a ritual for them and the coming age.

    Same with wikileaks and its role in whatever is going to happen with the internet and commerce. 4.5 quadrillion in derivatives and toxic debt can never be repaid. They soaked up a lot of other people's wealth and are ready to role out a new system slowly. And you will thank them for it. Because that is how they design it. This cyber-war is related to commerce....the cult religion of commerce and the London groups I have submitted for your investigation are top on the list of suspects.


    If you feel that I am misinterpreting, overstating, freaking out, giving to much credit then that is fine. But how you feel about what I am posting is...well...irrelevant to the presentation submitted or any level of actual conspiracy that may truly exist no matter how small or large. I am not concerned with presenting or debating anything related to diminutiveness or magnitude...just what may be revealed. It isn't submitted for approval...just to consider for those that may find it useful.

    • Like 2

  15. So now if you read the wikipedia page regarding this cult called The Santiniketan Park Association...


    The Santiniketan Park Association, also known as The Family and The Great White Brotherhood, is a controversial New Age group formed in Australia under the leadership of the Yoga teacher Anne Hamilton-Byrne.



    Around 1964, Dr. Raynor Johnson [additional wiki on Raynor below] was hosting regular meetings of a religious and philosophical discussion group led by Hamilton-Byrne at Santiniketan, his home at Ferny Creek in the Dandenong Ranges on the eastern outskirts of Melbourne. Also connected was a series of weekly talks he gave at the Council of Adult Education in Melbourne, entitled "The Macrocosm and the Microcosm". The group purchased an adjoining property which they named Santiniketan Park in 1968 and constructed a meeting hall, Santiniketan Lodge.


    And who is Dr. Raynor Johnson?


    Raynor Carey Johnson (1901 - 1987) was an English physicist and author.

    Johnson was born in Leeds, England. He earned an MA at the University of Oxford and a PhD in physics at the University of London. He taught physics in London and Belfast, working for a time with Ernest Rutherford in the Cavendish Laboratory. He became increasingly interested in "the esoteric" and became connected with the Society for Psychical Research in London. Johnson's religious background led to work in Australia, where he was Master of the Methodist Queen’s College at the University of Melbourne from 1934 to 1964. This university gave him a DSc honoris causa in 1936.



    Johnson published several books on mysticism and psychic research during the 1950s and 1960s. His interest and writings in esotericism eventually created concern within the Methodist Church, and he retired from his University position in 1964. At this time he owned a property called Santiniketan (abode of peace) at Ferny Creek in the Dandenong Ranges outside Melbourne, where he hosted regular meetings of a religious and philosophical discussion group led by the yoga teacher Anne Hamilton-Byrne. This group became the Santiniketan Park Association, known informally as "The Family".


    As an aside...

    "The Family". How sweet. And how familiar.

    Didn't Charles Manson also have "The Family"?.


    Charles Manson and The Process Church...

    The Process, or in full, The Process Church of the Final Judgment, commonly known by non-members as the Process Church, was a religious group that flourished in the 1960s and 1970s, founded by the English couple Mary Anne and Robert DeGrimston (originally Robert Moor and Mary Anne MacLean).[1] Originally headquartered in London it had developed as a splinter client cult group from Scientology


    So Johnson is the academic and well-connected brains behind the operation as his pedigree would suggest.

    But when you read what this cult was actually into and who was involved. Medical personnel and higher-ups, one can only ask how could such people be involved in such..."conspiracies"?


    I now refer you back to my very first posts on this thread concerning London and how a tool like wikileaks can be created by highly unified intelligence networks involved in very complicated and sordid affairs.


    Society for Psychical Research. Who are they?


    Members included...

    Arthur Balfour, authored the Balfour Declaration of 1917, and several of his clan were early members.

    The first president of the Society for Psychical Research was married to Balfour's sister...


    So if you know anything about anything it won't be difficult to make the connections to the Tavistock Institute as you delve deeper.


    I highly recommend this book about the Tavistock Institute...



    And yes, whole movements like the one in the sixties culture was an experiment unleashed by Tavistock.


    It would not surprise me of their involvement in the transition to a cashless society and the use of wikileaks as a tool in their armamentarium to help bring it to fruition.

  16. Now if you took the time to read the wikipedia link about this cult, they had their mind-controlled children all dye their hair blonde if they were not blonde already...


    Here is an image of five children out of the same cult as Assange supposedly became involved with in Australia; note the bleached blond hair. Hasn't been confirmed whether or not one of the children in this image is Assange.


    But that one kid on the left, second head up is (ah...nevermind)...???



  17. It is quite strange when reading about conspiracies that lead into the realm of their power structures.

    There is a common thread that seems to run through many of them and it seems it pops it ugly head up at the most unexpected places.


    So...I ask myself if any of what I have posted has some teeth to it (and time may also reveal and tell) then is their any consistencies with other, as some would put it "outlandish", conspiracy theories.


    A common thread is a link to a cult, to politics and to pedophilia networks.


    Knowing this is a generalization of case in point, I just went to wikipedia (not necessarily benign or absent my scrutiny) and looked up Assange.


    Julian Assange was born in Townsville, Queensland, and spent much of his youth living on Magnetic Island. Assange's parents ran a touring theatre company. In 1979, his mother, Christine, remarried; her new husband was a musician who belonged to a controversial New Age group led by Anne Hamilton-Byrne. The couple had a son, but broke up in 1982 and engaged in a custody struggle for Assange's half-brother. His mother then took both children into hiding for the next five years. Assange moved several dozen times during his childhood, attending many schools, sometimes being home schooled, and later attending several universities at various times in Australia.


    Now is this some startling revelation of truth? Well no. It could end right there, just a blip on the screen of Assange's life and no longer relevant in anyway. But an interesting and atypical childhood by modest standards nonetheless.


    But let's keep things open that perhaps Assange's mother was perhaps more involved in her husband's cult "interests". I don't know about you but cult membership is a big disqualifier on my criteria for spouse material.


    So let's look at the cult called Santiniketan and its leader Anne Hamilton-Byrne...


    Anne Hamilton-Byrne acquired fourteen infants and young children between about 1968 and 1975. Some were the natural children of Santiniketan members, others had been obtained through irregular adoptions arranged by lawyers, doctors and social workers within the group who could bypass the normal processes. The children’s identities were changed using false birth certificates or deed poll, all being given the surname 'Hamilton-Byrne' and dressed alike even to the extent of their hair being dyed uniformly blonde. The children were kept in seclusion and home-schooled at Kia Lama, a rural property usually referred to as "Uptop", at Taylor Bay on Lake Eildon near the town of Eildon, Victoria. They were taught that Anne Hamilton-Byrne was their biological mother, and knew the other adults in the group as 'aunties' and 'uncles'. They were denied almost all access to the outside world, and subjected to a discipline that included frequent corporal punishment and starvation diets. The children were frequently dosed with the psychiatric drugs Anatensol, Diazepam, Haloperidol, Largactil, Mogadon, Serepax, Stelazine, Tegretol or Tofranil. On reaching adolescence they were compelled to undergo an initiation involving LSD: while under the influence of the drug the child would be left in a dark room, alone, apart from visits by Hamilton-Byrne or one of the psychiatrists from the group.”


    Whether this is in any way connected with Assange, there is massive conspiracy. Should I ignore it as conspiracy?

    Again, typical underlying scenarios having stark similarities to many other conspiracy investigations.

    I mean, read this can't make this stuff up.

    Reality is far more bizarre and disturbing than theories I could ever come up with.

    The whole deal is even more disturbing on its wikipedia page...I suggest you read up about this cult and what they were into. And who was involved to make it all happen and their position and status in society...most distrubing...indeed.


    He [Assange] may speak like a robot, and have a politician's knack at ducking straight answers, but in the flesh he could be a forgotten member of Crowded House, all ripped jeans and crumpled jacket, his distinguished white hair framing a youthful face. His grungy look ties in with his outsider status: he has a deep-rooted mistrust of authority. It has been speculated this comes from a youthful brush with the family courts after he divorced the mother of his son, though little is really known about his early life.


    Assange's view on conspiracies and 911...


    His [Assange] obsession with secrecy, both in others and maintaining his own, lends him the air of a conspiracy theorist. Is he one? "I believe in facts about conspiracies," he says, choosing his words slowly. "Any time people with power plan in secret, they are conducting a conspiracy. So there are conspiracies everywhere. There are also crazed conspiracy theories. It's important not to confuse these two. Generally, when there's enough facts about a conspiracy we simply call this news." What about 9/11? "I'm constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud." [i wonder exactly just what he meant by this comment? Is Wikileaks extorting leaders to remain silent on 9/11?] What about the Bilderberg conference? "That is vaguely conspiratorial, in a networking sense. We have published their meeting notes."

  18. When you have wikileaks break out into the public arena and everyone is now aware of who they are and what they do (cover story at least), then people are going to begin to form their opinions.


    Now if the observable surface suggests "whistleblowing", "truth revelations", "insights into abuse of power and authority", "criminal activities" by having access to actual internal documents, classified materials etc., followed by their public release, then most people will perceive it to be this and accept it...deeming it good. And, in theory, it could be.


    They never look or look to question and they never criticize their environment or how their perception came to be. Anyone who presents them with directions of investigation to meander into are now deemed to rock that boat of perception and opinion. In response, there is no aside or downtime taken to investigate these possibilities and in place of that effort adjectives have to be used against that individual while the information is never considered.


    Candy is sweet and many desire its taste. And if a stranger hands some goodies, do you just take and eat them without question? Everyone knows candy is "good". But is the candy really "good"? It tastes good. But sugar has many unhealthy effects and is addictive, but you have to do a little more work to find that out. And do you trust the stranger who is handing you the candy, or the candy itself? Are you paranoid if you do? Are you not relaxed and taking things in stride if you don't take it and just eat it?


    My considering the conspiratorial view of economics and history and making my own personal moves in those regards, it has resulted in my gaining more in my life than any other approach. This is on a personal level with my health, wealth and happiness. I could site endless examples of extreme profundity in this regard. But it isn't really my job to convince you either.


    I am merely putting up ideas around this topic to be considered or dismissed. It isn't about me or my mental state as many of those who favor the cover story of wikileaks would not wish to debate the issue on a forum where that type of assessment could never really be accurately or responsibly made about an individual. I mean, c'mon with that sh-t.


    I believe the cover story about wikileaks is true and it is meant to be appealing and gain support.

    I also believe that this is fertile ground for further investigation based upon this premise alone.

    Why not explore and consider rather than hand the loyalty of my opinions over so quickly to such a nebulous organization as wikileaks?

  19. The Panopticon is a type of prison building designed by English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham [Master of the Worshipful Company of Sciveners] in 1785. The concept of the design is to allow an observer to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) prisoners without the incarcerated being able to tell whether they are being watched, thereby conveying what one architect has called the "sentiment of an invisible omniscience."



    Wikileaks is not just a media-news site as Assange publicly proclaims...but inspires digital jihadists.


    Where is the Wikileaks cyber war headed?


    Was it prudent to cut off its access to payments and hosting given the subsequent cyber attacks on Visa, Mastercard, Paypal and Amazon as well as the Swedish government? There are new threats emerging to the British government infrastructure in regard to the extradition of Julian Assange to Sweden. In the interim, what's the cost of the online collateral damage to ordinary businesses and eCommerce worldwide?


    Tortured FBI whistleblower warns WikiLeaks fans...

    An FBI whistleblower has alerted that supporting WikiLeaks founder, Julius Assange and subsequently calling for revolution due to government cover-ups are intended results of a counterintelligence reverse tactic not in best interest of the public.


    Bob Levin, FBI targeted whistleblower since 2000, knows sophisticated counterintelligence tactics designed to manipulate the unwitting.


    Levin has lectured Special Agents in Training at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. He has been requested to brief Counterterrorism Taskforce Agents relating to his skill sets and investigative techniques.


    “My background was in codes and local, specialized state and federal law enforcement that ended in the FBI,” Levin wrote to this writer in an email.


    Levin is now one of thousands of Targeted Individuals in the United States, battling to survive both a hidden form of CIA torture he knows to be part of the CIA Torture Paradigm inflicting citizens in U.S. neighborhoods plus ongoing Cointelpro tactics used in conjunction with the torure. The combined effect is to ruin lives and even assassinate.


    The torture Levin experiences is hidden by nature of military grade Directed Energy technology used on targets and their property. This form of torture is also hidden by mainstream media, another indication that corporate owned media no longer serves best interest of the public.


    “I became a validated FBI whistleblower in 2000 and have remained sanctioned in political retribution while targeted under the CIA Torture Paradigm and ongoing illegal Cointelpro operations.


    On December 8, Levin distributed an emailed alert using the following example posted by a WikiLeaks supporter:


    “People NEED to be supporting Julian Assange through this ridiculous time. What a brave man for sharing the truth with the world. The governments of the world are just digging themselves a hole. IT'S TIME FOR A REVOLUTION!!!”


    Levin’s email warned about “FBI, CIA and NSA counterintelligence reverse tactics used to bait passionate persons into an actionable trap.”


    The recent operation on Somali and Nicaraguan youths that psychologically herded them into acts of terrorism need be a warning to Americans about PSYOPS master-minded so that innocent people are roped into actions against their best interest according to Levin.


    “I’ve trained agents to do this against criminal targets, but as we know, these agencies have increasingly been politicized like the Gestapo,” he stated.


    Legal Restorative Justice Revolution


    Answering the call to support WikiLeaks and revolt, Levin advocates a restorative revolution under lawful terms of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.


    This type of revolution “begins with a series of nation strikes and boycotts, followed by insistence that the USDOJ prosecute culpable congressional actors under FBI investigations as named by whistleblower patriots.”


    Beyond that, Levin says, “It is imperative that no person allow their passions to exceed lawful conduct or solicit any manner of harm to another human being.”


    “We the people must stand with a greater moral compass than the continuing criminal enterprise operating beneath the mask of the U.S. government.”


    “What is important for activists not coming from my background to remember is that there are regular good people in the FBI, CIA and other agencies. There are exceptions in most things and we notice the outlaws more than those following their oaths.


    How many FBI are good guys?


    “At least 85% of one FBI field office shares my views,” says Levin.


    “Hollywood's depiction of the FBI has a lot of BS.”


    According to Levin, agents curse like sailors behind closed doors, some hold their own drinking bourbon, and others are incredible bakers and dinner party hosts.


    “The point is that we are only as strong as the weakest of our parts and cannot allow the corrupt ruling class to turn us against ourselves.”


    Countering sophisticated psychological operations calls for knowledge and restraint, else targets in the WikiLeaks scenario, including the American public, can be easily be led to act against its best interest.


    “I hope you will share my thoughts with others and please do not support any violent or unlawful activities possibly solicited by others who do not possess your good character”


    Levin’s opinions can be viewed online within All Voices and Scribd.


    According to Levin, when his Blackfile summary report is published, its pages of truth will dwarf present embarrassment of the government from Julian Assange and WikiLeaks' released diplomatic communications.

  20. Wikileaks is a big first step in a free society. Wikileaks isn't perfect, but it's devoted to the liberation of information. If information isn't free, then we will never be.

    Yes, on its surface, but there is more than just what is on its surface.

    And that can only begin to be realized by looking closely and paying attention.

    Apparently, we disagree concerning wikileaks,...and I believe you give wikileaks to much credit.


    Don't freak out and start thinking that the bankers and the politicians are all powerful. They're certainly not, although before too long I'm sure they will appear to be infallible, as they use their full might to crush the impending revolution of people all over the world. But in a few years, they will fall away, because that is the way of evolution, and time marches on and will leave them behind.

    Freak out.

    Yeah...I really don't have the time to thoroughly address this type of language and mischaracterization, nor the seemingly friendly advisements as to what I should think coupled with your prophecies.

    Presenting information, links and looking at connections in the real world are a bit more of my focus at this point and the direction things are headed with wikileaks as a tool to accomplish this. Again, wikileaks is just a tool, but one of many that move things in a direction, albeit slowly. But to talk of that direction is no freak out and no exaggeration...

    Plainly, invalidation by labeling anything a "freak out", "paranoia", etc. speaks volumes that the content of my post was not meant for you. I just can't really relate with people who attempt to put me off like that.