metal dog

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Everything posted by metal dog

  1. Beyond Good and Evil

    I think the mind would not be able to cope upon it being made aware of the real horrors that occur in the darkest corners of the world.
  2. What causes sexual desire?

    Energy and The Mind. (And sometimes dat ass is just...BLAM!!! POPPING MAD!!!...u know what I'm sayin'?)
  3. .

    Did you people say something? I have lost faith in being externally directed waiting for the world to turn me on.
  4. I truly appreciated your eloquent reply on the Body Imaging topic.

  5. Body Imaging

    These two replies are most eloquent and the most pertinent to your query. The hologram is the best analogy to understand this aspect of the nervous system conceptually (especially when it comes to vision and all types of memory) But as an analogy it does not cover all the considerations regarding the entire nervous system and all of its functions. The second response is the "meat and potatoes". And the "gravy" is all that remains to be discovered in this realm.
  6. Theosophy and your Opinions

    From what I understand the tree of life was a symbol of worship closely related to the worship of the earth and the sacred feminine long before the worship of anthropomorphic gods in Sumer. The earliest of gods which basically evolved into the pantheons and figures of later religions. And most later religions becoming overly solar- and phallo-centric as in those that dominate by number of adherents today. Buddhism seems to be one religion that still contains some of those earlier feminine influences when compared to the big three of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. But even before the tree was a symbol or system of worship. the worship of the forces, particularly the animating force, and ancestor worship probably to make sense out of death. The animating forces of the animals. Later, totemism. These forces were later "humanized" with human qualities and personalities. Leading up to the grand poobah current CEO of them all...Adonai-YAhweh-Jehova...or whatever title one wishes to give to the god with the unpronounceable name. I think those relating with their internal energy in its many aspects are returning to and tapping into..."The Beginning". Relating to forces, nature the animals through the Taoist arts goes beyond religion. I have had to drop all considerations of anthropomorphic gods for some time now. It was clouding my thinking and judgment. And so many of them have qualities and remind me of people I don't necessarily like. I highly suspect that the god of the Old Testament is a fusion of two, maybe even three, different gods mixed together to form the god of the Jews. Which is why you can have one god with such a distinction between being the all-loving and all-forgiving creator v.s. one that would be a jealous god or smote a whole city or have sinners put to death. There is a Gnostic belief that creation was done by a group of angels who had a chief...which may also be the God of the Jews... Yaldabaoth...
  7. Increasing BONE Mass

    Yes. If we are talking about restoring loss mass, size or repair and the body's systems for repair are not severely compromised. And you can improve the quality of your already healthy bones to a natural extent. But if you are looking to gain skeletal height or the beauty of a cro-mag...then probably not...without some growth hormone injections. Everyone here has contributed something useful to help answer this question or broach this subject. Nicely done. It is important to note that bones grow, in density, size and/or mass, in response to the stress that is placed upon them. Which is why walking, light jogging, rebounding, physical activities and exercise are all major contributors to bone growth and maintaining the health of the bones. Old age is marked by hormonal changes, changes in lifestyle and reduced activity...thus usually a change in bone density. Pregnancy can also be a drain off a mother's reserves. Astronauts in zero gravity have to take precautions for extended periods in space and resultant bone problems...because there is no gravity or force upon the skeleton. Diet, lifestyle and physical activity are the root considerations here barring anything genetic or related to more extreme medical problems that may require professional opinion and treatment. The work of Becker and the piezo-electric mechanism are all sound science. I had just commented in another thread on "physical chi gong" on how fascia corresponds with 75% of all acu-meridians in the body and fascial planes have a crystalline structure that also works in a piezo-electric fashion. And there are also basic electric physical therapy rehabilitation units called "bone growth stimulators" that use electricity to supposedly assist in local area, usually post-surgical, bone growth. They stimulate local circulation and supposedly create an environment to attract bone growth factors into the area needing it particularly with spinal fusions. But one's physical stature may not be suitable with certain types of exercise due to the compressive forces that can be harmful to the high-water content soft tissue structures of ligaments, fascia, tendons, spinal discs, cartilage, bursa, etc. Especially over twenty, thirty, forty years. Some bodies are more apt to heavy powerlifting than others. Moderation over a long time is key here. As too much compression and shearing forces in the body can help bones grow but destroy many other body components. So, don't need to lift extremely large weights to stimulate bone growth, but moderate amounts of activity over time. If the body can take it then resistance training using calisthetic or bodyweight-only exercises and apparatus training (weights/machines) safely used would provide good stimulation over the long term with a sound program and a firm emphasis on proper exercise selection and technique geared toward short and long-term injury prevention. Good rest periods for proper rebuilding of the body's reserves and healing following the catabolic activity of resistance training. You are breaking down the body a little bit in an effort to build it back up stronger than it was before. So proper recuperation is just as important as the exercise. Most don't actually respect recuperation enough in the beginning due to enthusiasm and thinking the more the better. Which is not the case for most genetically average, non-chemically enhanced, normal lifestyle type individuals. There is a way to train with resistance without losing flexibility. Strenuous exercise acidifies the body's ph. Over-acidity of the body over time, not only the body's fluids, but its tissues can contribute to bone loss particularly later in life. This can come from the acid-alkaline considerations of diet, stress levels, the type and intensity of exercise, mental outlook and other factors. A deep tissue massage that is uncomfortable, but therapeutic, may be more acid forming than a total light relaxation focused massage which may be more alkaline in its reaction on the body. Not enough of a difference to jeopardize health, but something beneficial can go either way. Same with weight can overdo it over time in the wrong way for the average individual to pursue this form of exercise. An athlete, bodybuilder or powerflifter has totally different considerations and their athleticism demands pushing their body's to the edge of performance and many times to their detriment. But most of them are aware of the sacrifice they make of themselves. I am more of a longevity kind-of-guy. Good health over the long term with minimal injury and insult to my body's systems in the process. (If you look and perform ten to twenty years younger than the typical person of your chronological age then you are doing pretty good. If you are forty with the body of a twenty-five year old then that is damn good. If you have endless energy and enthusiasm while experiencing a runner's high all day long...then yeehaw for you.) So it is important not to pursue something with resultant diminishing in all things. I think exercise and the force on the skeletal structure is extremely important. Just as important as providing the ingredients and nutritional components necessary for healthy bone growth or maintenance. But usually, in this day's modern diet, the first consideration is what you may be doing that is sapping your bones of their size and density. Not just the major constituents of bone, but the co-factors that enable the constituents of bone to effectively become the bones and the type of internal milieu (chemically) that favors the co-factors and the constituents to all work together. If the internal milieu is over-acidic to the extreme, this may take from the bones and inhibit any strategies at regaining losses in density or creating stronger bones. As an example, it is known that the extreme acidity in Cola can contact the teeth and turn them soft and to mush in an astonishing amount of time. So much so that with children's teeth it is widely advised to keep them from sugary cola drinks. This same principle works with the bones and not just direct contact but by keeping the internal milieu and chemistry in an acidic state...not just body fluids, but the body tissues. The most extremely acid producing substances are... Alcohol, cigarettes, most drugs (recreational, over-the-counter, prescription), white sugar, refined flour and most refined and industrialized food products. Meat is acidic, but in my opinion if it is eaten wisely and in moderation the nutritional benefits of meat outweigh the acidity which the body, working efficiently, can handle. But I don't think that the acidity imposed upon the body by alcohol, drugs and sugar can be effectively remedied and offset by any methods other than not consuming them. No cleansing, supplement or whatever is powerful enough to totally cancel out their insidious effects upon the body. This is the scourge of modernity. Lack of real wholesome activity and lack of real wholesome sustenance. If you are not already aware of is the link to the Weston A. Price Foundation. Weston was a dentist who traveled the world looking at primitive and tribal people examining their teeth, palate and bone structures. When he discovered these people were examples of excellent health over the western modern people he then examined what they at and how the lived. And he documented it in his book..."Nutrition and Physical Degeneration". Bone health was key to his observations and conclusions regarding traditional diets. (And already a bunch of debunkers have come out of the woodwork to mooter the Foundation's later and current work, but just consider reading his original book and considering the concepts. No one else has added this type of work to dietary science from this perspective.) I would consider more traditional and nature eating methods before consuming supplements, but would use supplements should a drastic bone loss case needs to be addressed. Even medical advice. But his involves getting proportions of nutrients and co-factors correct and using supplements that actually work or are absorbed by the body. There is a lot of marketed crap out there that does nothing. The most direct way, in my opinion, to get the raw material needed by bones is to consume bones themselves. Fish head and skeletons in fish broth and soups. When eating fish buy the whole fish and cook with bones in. As these nutrients will be released into the meat. This is the backbone, pardon the pun, of cooking in much of the east. Chicken stocks, broths and soups made from a whole boiled chicken with the head and feet on it. Just like grandma used to make. Beef bone broth, stocks and soups. Good whole, organic, certified, clean raw milk from cows (pasture fed on green grass) or goats. Or whey from this milk should one not want to eat the solids. The enzymes in this substance are immensely important for bone growth...and growth in general. The most absorbable protein in existence is whey. The you should consider the co-factors of Vitamins A, D and minerals. All of which should come from natural and traditional sources. (The Vitamin A from animal food is not the same as Vitamin A from vegetables). I could write further recommendations on these sources but time restricts at the moment. My Somali friend tells me that it is established tradition that consuming and massaging the body with a pure unfiltered sesame oil works wonders for making bones strong and healing breaks. Then, especially if you are vegetarian, consider non-animal sources of nutrients and co-factors. Then graduate to any superfoods or bio-available supplements that could be useful. Avoid the mass-marketed hyped crap filling most of the shelves. And then consider the energetic aspects related to your internal energy practices. Your stress levels and joy levels in life are always key to health overall. Right kind of activity-exercise, avoid depleting substances, events or people, take in what you need through diet, cleanse appropriately and safely, use medical methods when necessary, utilize the modalities of Traditional Chinese Medicine and internal energy practices...and whatever else you can think of. Last time I checked glutathione supplementation only worked for 30% of those who took it. And after some initial benefit for this 30% some of them only received benefit up to a certain point or after a certain duration of use.
  8. Theosophy and your Opinions

    I have had people tell me that Crowley was a true genius who allowed a "shadow" reputation of ill repute to be spread about him to keep many at a distance and the profane from understanding his work. That he would actually load his work with dubious claims and malevolence to confuse people from the real wisdom he was providing. And I have had people tell me that Crowley was a genius, a deviant and a psychopath...and that is who he really was.
  9. Theosophy and your Opinions

    The whole Theosophy "thing" can get to be quite a sordid affair when it comes to looking at the personal lives, motives and ambitions of those who were involved in it. If you disregard this and cherry pick through their works, you may find some things worth consideration. Steiner's complete works can be accessed on the web, so you really don't need to buy anything to access his work. Some of his work is genius, but not necessarily Theosophic as he distanced himself from this group and still was influenced by his Christian beliefs. Some believe he was a bit too dogmatic in some of his pronouncements. I would not classify his work as Theosophy...although he was involved with them at some point. I have been told by others who were far more learned than I in Theosophy that to just read the works of Blavatsky herself is sufficient. That no one after her death was really writing or promoting anything that was to be considered real Theosophy. As they did not have the access to the channel source or bastardized the work for their own aggrandizement. Bailey was basically not reliable and not ethical. Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine 1,2 and the interesting Volume 3 are not easy to comprehend. And it was even stated that there is much in there that is not to be fully understood, but Blavatsky did her best to make it known to the reader what it was that she was channeling. After reading her work, take what is useful to you. From there it is interesting to meander into the works of Samael Aun Weor and his brand of Gnostic Christianity. And then into Crowley. Sifu Terry Dunn has made some interesting comments about Crowley and the Western Magickal Tradition and its relationship with Taoism and the the Flying Phoenix Chi Gong thread on this forum.
  10. I've got some good news...

    Trust are just at your beginning...embryonic grasshopper. This is what happens to me too when I drink coffee.
  11. Penis Size

    And that is just the girth.
  12. She wants me to cum

    How do men respond to women who's skin smells like sperm?
  13. Something in the "air"?

    Some say this is the actual 2012 phenomenon...not some typical form of cataclysm or doomsday...but an internal one and a collective one concerning the psyche. A natural cycle. Lies and corruption will be revealed...secrets exposed. The lies you tell yourself and the mask of the persona shattered. If you have not done honest work upon yourself you will still experience transformation, but most unpleasantly as many will experience consequences usually discounted as fate in attempt to distance from facing the self and responsibility. Death Cycle Shiva Age of Aquarius Plutonic and Uranic energies Deconstruction Link...
  14. Something in the "air"?

  15. Something in the "air"?

    I think all Americans should go on a two year media fast. No movies, no television, no radio, no newspapers, no magazines no exposure to pop culture. Then stop smoking, drinking and taking drugs (illegal, over the counter and prescriptive) They should then change what they eat...particularly no refined sugars, carbs and foods that have a corporate logo on them. Do a little exercise at least three times a week. Then after this two year period we re-evaluate the situation. Don't be surprised if things go a lot worse before they got pus seeping from an infected wound. Probably so infected, even gangrenous, to the point where healing was not possible, but to cut off or scrape out the disease even more necessary. This type of a process is perfect for these times. Some may not survive the transformation.
  16. Physical Qigong

    It is true that some people will begin to revert back to old patterns unless they change to new ones. But the work, once introduced into the body, takes it on a new course nonetheless and these changes continue up to two years even after your last bodywork session. So it just does not "disappear", but therapists do stress how old patterns are returned to and how that can be a hinderance. One must work with faulty movement patterns and habits. I actually learned a new way to walk, new way to sit, new way to stand in the mirror and brush my teeth, things if done the old inefficient way would just begin to return my body to old compensatory habits. The work also does a lot to release holding patterns and tensions due to past physical and emotional traumas...sometimes these areas can be insidiously solidified into the body...and require time and more effort to resolve. Sometimes people don't like to necessarily let such things go. I have also found the when people revert back to old patterns because they absolutely do nothing on there own to maintain the work or help it realize itself fully within their physique over time, that it is still much easier for them to begin to make changes to help this along and the results of their efforts, even though late in the game, are accelerated tremendously because of the bodywork they had. Hatha Yoga and stretching are highly recommended as are many types of movement modalities to re-pattern and re-establish changes toward the vertical and balance. The work doesn't just end on the table your last session when you pay our bill. Sorry, but the martial forms and chi-gong do not do this like the deeper bodywork modalities and myofascial stretching like Hatha Yoga and movement therapies. And vice versa in regards that for chi cultivation, then the internal energy practices are where you want to go. I see people practicing chi gong all the time who have extremely inefficient body posture and walking gait. It is comparing apples and oranges in many respects. But my how wonderful they would feel with that 2 inch forward head sitting squarely upon their necks and shoulders. Coming forward that much can make a ten pound head stress the musculature of the neck and shoulders like a fifty pound head, add a job with six hours a day in front of the computer and I wouldn't be a surprise if there weren't some complaints on the part of this individual. I think to make it some type of comparison game or disprove one at the expense of the other as a mis-contextualization and quite ridiculous. The fascia is a plastic medium and will conform to where you will it. If you go back to the same habits that created your posture and movement in the first place, then of course it will begin to follow that pattern you set for it. And your mind patterns have much to do with that reverting back. But to say it disappears is not accurate at all...far from it. But, again, we are talking about body tissues with a tensile strength of up to 2000 lbs. per square inch which is like the strength of steel cable in many respects. And I can tell you that chi gong isn't going to affect that system for postural change and movement efficiency like this type of bodywork. In fact, this type of bodywork is in many ways superior to Hatha Yoga and stretching for improving posture and affecting the myofascial system. It is just that to maintain the work, which is really maintaining yourself against all postural insults and injuries, Hatha yoga and stretching is really the best you can do for this myofascial system by yourself for self-maintenance with no therapist assisted work being done at the present time. At this point, the concepts presented here exist whether chi-gong is a factor or not. But it isn't a matter of one's superiority over the then miss the intent because you have some overly-subjective mis-applied comparative point to make. Change is difficult. Most cannot see change through in many respects. But, with thousands of case files and testimonials, I can tell you that this statement is not entirely true by stating the effects will disappear. After my first sessions as a teenager, I always tried to get at least two good Rolfing sessions a year. The work was always less resisted by my body the more I received it. Sessions no longer brought any discomfort as a result of my own fascial restrictions. Fifteen years after that, I went back and received another ten sessions, and ten years after that I went to get another ten sessions. All by different therapists. But it wasn't because my body was reverting back, it was for training in learning the material myself. Once I received my first ten sessions my body was changed, and may awareness of myself within it, were changed forever. To now make a comparison as to why bodywork or Yoga does nothing for chi like chi gong is unnecessary for me. I simply know the answers and relationships as to why all are necessary and how my being has translated them within my own body. Nothing more is needed for me...I am my walking testimonial...age 40...and everyone thinks I am 30. My body is fit, erect, balanced, moves nicely all because I take care of it in many ways. Hatha yoga, stretching, light resistance training, moderate and consistent cardio, swimming, biking, internal energy, martial arts, dance, and I could go on and on. So what type of pattern is my body going to take on with all this bodywork and all this different type of movement compared to someone who received Rolfing thirty years ago and decided to spend most of their time sitting in a chair with a remote and doing nothing to move their body to its full potentials?...huge. I do practice internal energy methods as well. I take all their benefits and blessings willingly upon myself for my own benefit. There is no form of loss. (My work is done on this topic.)
  17. Physical Qigong

    From what I know of the subject you have many "bodies". I think from memory that many Taoists will concede there are eight bodies. Some systems differ and state there are twelve bodies or even more than this, but advanced perceptions are necessary to see beyond certain levels of existence particularly beyond twelve. Here is an example of a system of belief that works with seven bodies-planes and depending on the system the nomenclature can also differ. 1st material/physical 2nd plane of forces (forces of nature/elementals, heat, electricity, light, gravity, kinetic energy, atomic forces) 3rd astral 4th mental The following 3 higher planes are more difficult to comprehend when existing on lower 4 planes. The 4 lower planes is where a lot of the physical business of life takes place and in more "real time". 5th-6th-7th (they each have their own names, just not mentioned here) It is from my experience that much chi energy work is contained withing the first couple levels closer to the densest physical level. The are not independent of one another concerning levels, but interpenetrating as a holistic system. So when one is said to be "higher", we may thing of it as "subtler" and further removed from using our usual dominant physical senses to perceive it or the voluntary parts of our nervous system to sense or have influence over it and, may perhaps require more practice to access and influence under the will. One of the most profound and life-changing things I have ever done was to go to a skilled and conscientious Rolfer and have twelve sessions of structural integration. This type of bodywork or its spinoffs (SOMA Neuromuscular Integration by Bill Williams, CORE by George Kusalaous, Erik Dalton Method, Kins Loree Method, Michael Shea Method). There are many derivatives out there now, but my best experience was with the first branch off group from Rolfing which was a SOMA practitioner. But it was the therapist that gave the work its quality, not necessarily her method. When you get someone who can do a good postural and functional analysis and individualize the method for your own transformation it can be one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. Used with some good chiropractic methods and hatha yoga, the three modalities reinforce each other in remarkable ways. (I personally did spirometer tests of my vital capacity and after twelve sessions of this type of bodywork I increased by forced inhale capacity 300%...this was when I was sixteen and the ribcage is much more subject to increased expansion with this work at a younger age because you have not fully matured and the body is more flexible. But a three times increase in breathing did wonders for my high school tennis and swimming sports.) This type of structural work focuses on the connective tissue or fascia of the body. It is the fascia that makes up the ground substance of the body and gives it support, not the bony skeleton or the muscles. It is fibrous and can have a tensile strength of 2000 pounds per square inch. It is tough, but also and should be, an elastic flexible and pliable medium. The more it gets rigid, thickens and adheres or glues down to itself, the more the body must work to hold itself up and to initiate movements. Energy becomes wasted when fascial sheaths glue down and don't slide or work independently of one another. It is the hydrogen bonds of this tissue that are broken up when deep tissue pressure is applied or heat is applied that creates softening and lengthening of this tissue. Its manipulation and the new positioning of the body's seemingly habitual posture into a natural and more upright stance coupled with increased efficiency in movement is quite profound. But a good therapist is essential, I have had some that I have not been so pleased with. Hatha yoga maintains the changes in the fascia from the structural integration over time. The body changes and repositions toward better alignment even up to two years after your last official session. The body takes time to realize and achieve its true verticalness and equipose within the field of gravity. After this kind of work I have found that John Upledger's CranioSacral Therapy system is a great way to further evolve oneself with these therapeutic modalities. This one concentrates more internally working with the Cranial Sacral Primary Respiratory Mechanism. The connections of this true core body system with those of the internal energy and Taoist schools of thought are too numerous and profound to list here. But let's just say that this cerebrospinal system and the nervous systems of the body are deeply affected and improved with a skilled practitioner in this modality. In this couch potato world...any form of exercise done wisely is going to influence the chi. But I do believe that many systems do influence the higher levels of the energy bodies each one working on the higher or more subtler levels...even leading into the spiritual. Just some considerations to ponder, as I do everyday about this stuff and just can never shut off my mercurial mind over such matters. Hope this stimulates an Aha moment.
  18. Move to Outer Space or Face Extinction

    I find Wayne Herschel's book and research to be most interesting...particularly the geometry of many earth temples compared to the Mars Cydonia geometry...
  19. Physical Qigong

    There is a connection between the physical and energetic in most cases. Hatha yoga and its postures tend to focus on the physical aspect of the body, but there is always a spill-over to the energetic system. They are not independent of one another as long as you are physically incarnated. It is considered that about 75% of energetic acu-meridians and points have a correspondence to physical myo-fascial (muscle and connective tissue) structures in the body. It is also suggested that the myofascia has crystalline structures within its matrix that can be piezo-electric in function, thus showing that the physical has intermediaries leading into the electro-magnetic energies of the body. Any opening of the physical structures and creating length and space v.s. compression caused by the constant pull or effect of gravity on your body is going to open up circulation both of physical blood-lymph and on an energetic level. I find hatha yoga and the traditional athletic and fitness stretches that are derivative of it to have excellent benefits that are not provided to me by other methods. My body needs these often. But the same with bonesetting and chiropractic. There are neuro-vascular reflex point maps used by chiropractors that have significant correspondence with acupuncture points and many times they are not just manipulating bones but chi flow by clearing obstructions. One of my internal arts teachers commented that as much as 50% of your chi can be dictated by your diet alone not even considering your specific chi methods or practices.
  20. She wants me to cum

    Your descriptions of my home country and its inhabitants is quite right in many respects and very well said. I almost forgot what it was like having left the clusterfuck nation some time ago. But I still can appreciate these "beings" for the gifts to society their un-sanity bestows upon the world...and lessons to yet be learned or potentials to yet be realized.
  21. Military Training

    My uncle was ordered to shoot into and burn down hooches with women and children inside...the dreams of the past never leave him.
  22. She wants me to cum

    From my sources they all seem to agree that it is best for the man not to ejaculate, but that perhaps for the female this is just fine and is encouraged to happen often...or as much as possible. Would you say this is beneficial for a woman experiencing multiple ejaculatory orgasms? Or is it good for her to retain in some respect for her own energy cultivation?
  23. She wants me to cum

    Fortunately, I found one that fit the bill some time ago and started a family. I had to leave the U.S. and search outside of the all metro-sexual populations, domestic and foreign. I meditated on the prospect of a partner for about six weeks...and the goddess then appeared before me. I find if I sit long enough and think about what I may need or even want in vivid detail...that it tends to just flow to me in a short time quite magically. But there has to be a necessity and a passion for it..something extravagant or beyond some practicality does not always manifest so easily. Perhaps that which I think is good for me...but may not be...says the higher self...or guardian angel. But when I was or were to be single again...I would probably be left stroking...solo. Just because my standards are so high, or perhaps so many have "disqualifiers" that I have learned not to compromise upon. (Jeez...I sound like a woman) I think it is the 22 years of doing massage and bodywork on...oh...perhaps over 40,000 professional sessions that I have been able to project myself into the bodies and minds of others in a kinesthetic sense that has gifted me with such sensual and sexual awareness and prowess. Not that I am sexual with clients, but the sensuality of the work and the "knowing" of how something feels to another in terms of sensitivity and such...adds a nice element. I was fortunate to have a mother who bought me a mature library of books at an early age about sex and eastern methods-energy practices. But it was not comfortable for most young women my own age to show an interest in these topics. So my desires turned toward the wisdom of older women...and my, am I thankful for their tutelage. And it was not long before I was their teacher...experiencing wonders beyond imagination, but not with an egotistical satisfaction...but just an ecstatic buzz beyond description for all involved. Yummy...
  24. She wants me to cum

    My "openers" on getting to really know someone....and determining if I want to know them any further. Life has taught me from a very young age that it is valuable to really get to know the important details when forming relationships. I would be a dating website or service's nightmare. If I meet a woman who is too psychologically entrenched into pop, celebrity and the whole fashion-appearance culture...then that is a pass for me. Particularly if they are speaking in that contrived, and still popular, California Valley Girl Yuppie drawl...while using the word "like" more than a thousand times in five minutes. Do you smoke? Do you drink alcohol? Do you regularly and/or socially meet at places that serve alcohol like bars, clubs, etc? Have you ever been addicted to alcohol and attended any type of rehab or AA for treatment? Do you do recreational drugs? Do you take prescription drugs? Do you take anti-depressant or any type of psychotropic drugs? If yes, to any of these, which drugs, amounts and for how long? Are you currently seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist? Have you ever had hypnotherapy treatments? Do you have any physical ailments, illnesses, diseases, handicaps, special health considerations and/or impairments? Family history of disease? Have you had any surgeries? Plastic surgery? Have you ever been arrested or the subject of a criminal investigation as the main suspect for a crime? What age did you first have sex? Were you earlier sexual experiences and relationships good ones? How many sexual partners have you had? What was your longest relationship? Have you ever lived with anyone? Elaborate. Have you ever had any sexually transmitted diseases? Do you currently have any sexually transmitted diseases? Have you recently been tested for sexually transmitted diseases? Results? What kind of sex have you or do you participate? What do you like and dislike? What is your history and present consideration with multiple partners and monogamy? Have you ever or do you do...anal? What do you not like about sex? Are you currently or have you ever been married? Do you have any children? Have you ever had an abortion? If yes, how many? Have you ever been assaulted, sexually assaulted, molested and/or raped? Please elaborate thoroughly. Have you ever prostituted yourself or bought sex? Have you ever been involved in a cult or involved in ritual abuse? Are you religious? If yes, which religion or beliefs do you practice and/or profess? Are you an active member of your religious group in any way? Bible study, church, public service, meetings, etc.? If yes, please list and clarify. What are your political views and affiliations? Are you currently politically active? Do you watch television and movies? How many hours a week do you view these? Which movies and shows do you watch? What kind of music do you like? What type of education do you have? What types of jobs have you held in the past and currently have? What type of salary do you currently make? What is your life's dream as to what you would like to do with your life and/or provide to the world? Are you in financial debt? How much debt? Do you like to shop? What kind of spending habits do you have? Frugal, moderate, big spender? Are you "trendy" and into the "latest" must-haves? Are your mother and father still living? Do you currently live with them or one of them? Are they married or divorced? When were they divorced, how old were you when they were divorced, and what were the circumstances? What are your personal philosophies on life in general and how the world works? Regarding family, friends, associates, close personal relationships, etc.? What kinds of food do you like to eat? Do you like to cook? What are your interests and hobbies? Do you have pets? Depending on the person, a no answer or an answer that does not resonate with me very well can be all that is needed for instant downgrade from potential sex partner to an association. I know, I know. It can seem cold and calculated, but I assure you that it is done with great depth, understanding, nurturing and humanity. But...I am also looking out for myself in life and my best interests. Relationships can be risks. And risks can bring about losses of time, energy, effort, emotions, money, well-being, etc. I ask no more from another, nor set a standard, that I don't already expect and exemplify within myself. Jeeez, after all these and a few other considerations I haven't even gotten around to jumping someone's bones yet...much less injaculating. But I am no pussy hound and not a slave to my desires either, or one who uses others as a friction device without due consideration of who they really are. And as healthy male who has been described as above average looks and lack of interest in most women, who are poised for the mounting, are left...confused and bewildered...yet wanting even more of what they cannot ensnare.
  25. Alcohol?

    Regarding smoking... These are my earliest observations as a child and having found the act of smoking on many levels to be extremely repulsive. I found it strange and foreign for someone to be lifting a white shaft of paper filled with dried brown stuff to their mouths and lighting it with a flame, sucking it, and inhaling and exhaling the smoke. The movements of the body to tap the pack of cigs repeatedly, open it, remove a cig, tap the cig to further compact the contents, lift it to one's mouth and then light it while further witnessing the act of smoking it. The body motions of holding the cig and how one actually smokes it. The flicking of the ashes and tapping into an ashtray. And the eventual accumulation of spent and bent butts lying in an ash-filled tray. The sight of a filled ashtray just as visually disgusting as an open hole in an outhouse filled with nastiness. The effects on the body and mind are insidious. Also the effects on other's surrounding air and the potential for second and even third hand smoke related toxins making others sick. It is slow suicide. And I would question seriously the judgment of someone who does this to themselves. And I have found that I cannot really hang around people who smoke while they are smoking. The visual, the smell and whole scene is just so repulsive to my senses that I remove it from my reality as much as possible. Same thing with alcohol and drinkers. Same thing with drug use. I have gone through all of this extensively in my life and came out the other side to totally dismiss it all and leave it totally behind. They are scourges upon human potential and lead one away from realizing who they are or can become during their personal evolution. I truly, cannot for the life of me, figure out how humanity still smokes.