
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I need new jewelry....

  2. A change of history ?
  3. Alan Watts

    And inside of you.
  4. Alan Watts

    Mean Mister Gravity. He'll break stuff if you drop it, too.
  5. Alan Watts

    The British in WWII were teaching flight crews in the North Africa theatre to pair up a left-handed person with a right-handed person in such an event, when possible, specifically to try to counteract that tendency.
  6. I need new jewelry....

    As a point of clarification, meteorites typically have extraterrestrial origins rather than continental ones... If Kar3n's recommendation doesn't work, post here again. I don't have anyone in particular in mind but the Asheville, NC, area is rich in artists and spiritual cultivators of different sorts. I suspect, actually, that this region has the highest per capita representation on The Dao Bums of anywhere on the planet.
  7. Spiritual Systems

    I'm not real but what difference, at this point, does it make?
  8. Chinese Bones

    Holy shit! I knew that cute & cuddly routine was a facade. Sneaky bastards...
  9. Chinese Bones

    Some of those bunnies have sharp, pointy teeth, you know...
  10. My understanding of the lineage is that it is the "family" tai chi which largely became a family secret when Yang Luchan was asked to teach his fighting system to the Imperial Guards. Not wanting to share his art with the Manchu oppressors but also wisely unwilling to refuse the Emperor's request, he slightly altered what he taught them, which became known as Yang style taichichuan, in order to make it effective but not fully effective. The original system is what became known as Guang Ping Yang, using the name of the village to distinguish it from the more popular & accessible Yang style. This could, of course, be nonsense. I learned the system from a local instructor when I lived in another part of the state, a gentleman who also taught a form of praying mantis kung fu and who took annual trips to China to increase his knowledge of these two arts. I had practiced a different form of praying mantis in my late teens and early twenties but, when I life drew me back to the arts in my mid-forties, I was looking for something different. Guang Ping Yang filled the bill very nicely until I realized my interest lay in a different set of frequencies.
  11. I practiced Guang Ping Yang for several years before discovering Stillness-Movement and realizing my calling was in a specific direction.
  12. Divine Absolution

    On the positive side, he has been keeping busy. Idle hands are the devil's workshop, you know.
  13. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Had a boss once who liked to say, "There's no dead horse too dead to beat." He was an ass.
  14. Chinese Bones

    I have, actually -- "Nine nights with the Taoist Master."
  15. Chinese Bones

    Curious thing is, I was on the Triumph website earlier today...
  16. simplify

  17. [DDJ Meaning] Chapter 20

    That's how it reads to me -- people may snicker at my yellow boots or the way I stop to save bugs or my lack of stress over "important" aspects of life but...
  18. Chinese Bones

    The Daytona 500 is a superior race to the Indianapolis 500.
  19. What are you listening to?

  20. Blocking/Ignoring Topics

    We should have a button which is labeled "Ignore Topic" but actually causes the topic to appear about every third link we click, even when we are on other websites...
  21. Chinese Bones

    It was an accident -- won't happen again.
  22. Chinese Bones

    The Chicxulub impactor, he jus' laff an' laff.
  23. Long men pai nei gong and mo pai

    Sunlight has a cleansing effect. Allowing -- nay! encouraging -- ilovecoffee to be as transparent and forthcoming as he is able paints a powerful portrait of him and, more significantly, of the MPG group. If he were banned and these threads relegated to the ash heap of history, the readers of this forum (which is a tremendously larger group than the active posters) and the innocent searchers for MoPai (since this is one of the most prominent search engine results on the topic) would be less likely to see things clearly from a casual perusal. One thing I noticed, by the way, is that their forum is either "experiencing technical difficulties" or has chosen to hide the formerly publicly available content there since these "discussions" have been going on.
  24. Chinese Bones

    Curiously, it seems most tribes have two names (or more) -- one they call themselves which translates to something along the lines of "the only real humans" and then the name other tribes call them which is typically not so flattering ("hillbillies" or "descendents of Old Bignose" or "smell like armadillo" -- something like that...)* Not sure if that makes them neo-nazis or aryans or what because I am not an expert but it is probably worth noting that most of them don't really care whether they are called Indians. *I'm a cunning linguist but not a professional one so my translations might not be precise...
  25. Learning to surf the Ocean of energy

    35 are distinct, but I have a "weirdness" in the greens. I had (still have) this really nice brown wool sports coat with gold threads running through it. I had been wearing it for over a year (not every day, mind you) when a co-worker commented on how much he liked that green jacket. "What green jacket?" I asked. He realized I wasn't joking the same moment I realized he meant the one I had on. Since then, I have realized that there is a particular shade of green I simply don't see. Slightly lighter or darker, no problem. That one? Nothing. This means that other colors are often "off" for me because that missing tint messes up blended colors (dyes, paints etc.)