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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Using the Yi to lead the Chi

    I would add that the "thinking mind" is largely linear and confined by mundane space-time limitations while the "heart-mind" is more fundamental and operates at something akin to a "quantum mechanical" level.
  3. It was an accident. The level of corruption the link above reveals --and it appears to be the tip of the iceberg -- demonstrates the extent to which the establishment has weaponized the national security surveillance machinery. It also demonstrates the complicity of the mainstream media (which I lovingly refer to as an element of the Ministry of Truth) in attempting to conceal the actions of the central government in which the police state apparatus is turned against political opponents and the citizenry to protect the organism of the establishment itself. Those who have been paying attention to such things will find no great surprise here but it is interesting to see it brought out into the light and it will be instructive to watch how the leviathan responds to this revelation.
  4. Using the Yi to lead the Chi

    Master Wang Juemin said be a good and moral person, remain calm, and practice your qigong every day.
  5. Hence my "mark your calendar" post in that other thread. A round of Medicaid for everyone, on the House! (and the Senate...)
  6. And that Obama is totally busted. This makes Watergate looks like a quilting bee.
  7. indoor training vs outdoor training

    "...My heart starts singing and I'm gonna let her!"
  8. Good days, Bad days...

    My tastes are all over the place! There's a song to fit almost any occasion, though. This is my favorite radio station, a public (listener-supported) station out of Isothermal Community College in beautiful downtown Spindale, NC: They stream live (hint, hint):
  9. indoor training vs outdoor training

    Yes, communication happens on multiple levels encoded together. We perceive what is appropriate for us in the moment.
  10. indoor training vs outdoor training

    I'd also point out that calling another forum member "a despicable human being" is a blatant rules violation... (And the racism expressed in that first post is a bit distasteful, too.)
  11. Trumpcare

    As I feared & warned months ago, the healthcare plan put forward by Establishmentarians in the House and heartily endorsed by the Nationalist-Populist President is a big-government travesty which keeps most of the terrible aspects of Obamacare while putting in place what will be the biggest entitlement program yet. It's not quite the complete takeover Barrack and Hillary dreamt of but it would guarantee the same crash and ultimate outcome just the same.
  12. Trumpcare

    Mark your calendar -- today, July 26, 2017, is the day the US killed its private healthcare system. It will take a few more years before the death-throes stop and we will see a corporatist facade for a while but it's like the interval between when a chicken's head is chopped off and when it stops running around. I recommend finding Obama's speech to the AMA about what the future holds for them and then find where you fit in that future. Or, if you are more ambitious, read Ezekiel Emmanuel's Complete Lives System.
  13. The Ten Thousand Ways of Nei Kung

    Starjumper's video worked for me. ^^^Never mind...
  14. The Ten Thousand Ways of Nei Kung

    Can you show the hand shape you are talking about, Starjumper?
  15. Heartwarming fiction recommendations

    You done good! Two stories involving dogs which are more than meet the eye...
  16. Heartwarming fiction recommendations

    FWIW, I posted my recommendations before I clicked the link Kar3n posted.
  17. Healing Tumor with QiGong
  18. Heartwarming fiction recommendations

    That Old Ace in the Hole by Annie Proulx Another superb story I highly recommend, but one not without death and heartache, is The Story of Edgar Sawtelle by David Wroblewski.
  19. Everyone post some favorite quotes!

    "Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way." -Bokonon
  20. Stefan Molyneux Exposed.

    That's racist! That's OK, though -- I'm used to it. I rarely talk about it here but I identify as a physically differently-abled black Asian lesbian Muslim transsexual. <counts_on_fingers> Yep!
  21. Stefan Molyneux Exposed.

    So... We are all African natives, then?
  22. What are you listening to?
