Stumbling Taoist

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Posts posted by Stumbling Taoist

  1. I dont know about anybody else but I am shooting for physical immortality. I see it as a necessary step towards full ascension and I love Tom Bombadil too.


    Forever is a very long time, and according to the current ideas on the development of the Universe, most of that time would be pretty boring. I'd settle for a couple hundred years, in good health of course. :D

  2. Reminded me of the words in a Leonard Cohen song. He is singing about her and she says (paraphrase) "You know I prefer handsome men but for you I'll make an exception."


    Peace & Love!


    That last line is very similar to what my wife has said to me many times :lol:

  3. Admittedly I am not an expert on Taoism, hence my forum name. But what I have read about Taoist masters,seems to fit in with the J.R.R.Tolkien Lord of the Rings character Tom Bombadil. Here's why:


    1. Tom is happy and carefree. He lives in the moment.

    2. Tom is not a materialist. He has a simple house,simple clothes, and does not desire gold or trinkets.

    3. Tom loves nature. He cares for his forest and the creatures in it.

    4. Tom has no desire for power. When sees the One Ring he laughs at it, though he surely knows its potential.

    5. Finally, Tom is an immortal ... literally. OK, I understand actual physical immortality is not the goal of most Taoists, but Tom has it, along with the joyous attitude of Taoist immortals.

  4. But if they are "irrelevant," then why are most of them vegetarian & celibate?


    Just for the h*ll of it? :rolleyes:


    Maybe because it is cheaper to be vegetarian, I doubt monks have much money, and a lack of female companionship. Just a thought. B)


    I ask Huang if he has strict dietary and sexual rules to follow as a monk. He winces, and says with a sigh, "I get tired of people asking me if I eat meat or have sex. In fact, most of the monks are vegetarian and celibate. But that is irrelevant to spiritual attainment. The Tao is about spiritual freedom. More important to remember that, not religious rules of behavior." [/i]



    Quoted from:


    Nicely said. :)

  6. Hehehe. Actually, I see free will and cause and effect to be very similar concepts. Perhaps cause and effect in the middle between free will and destiny.


    Yes, if we look backward into past time we can easily suggest that what is at theis very moment was destined to happen. However, if we try to look into the future we see nothing because free will is going to possibly change everything that we think is destined to happen.


    That is the most beautiful aspect of free will - we can change our future.


    Peace & Love!


    Yes, I prefer to think that we can change the future, that there is not one inevitable future. This may be a delusion on my part, but as Robert Heinlein, one of my favorite authors, wrote, delusions can be useful. For example, parents thinking their children are wonderful keeps the parents from killing their progeny :P

  7. Hmmm ... without free will does that mean everything is cause and effect? If you follow that back about 13.5 billion years ago, then at the start of the Big Bang it was inevitable that we would be having this conversation right now :lol:

  8. Yep - still very alive & kicking thanks very much. Last time I checked we've got about 300+ members. The main interaction is through the members forum. Have a look around the pages and if you'd like to find out more fill in the form on the "Join" page.


    Hope to see you there






    I did that over a week ago. So far no response. That's why I was asking.

  9. Hello everyone,


    I'm not sure I am new to Taoism as I have been stumbling along life's path for the past 47 years. I didn't always call it Taoism, but in retrospect it seems that is what I have unknowingly following. In any event I am here now B)


    I have a question. Does anyone know if the group known as Reform Taoism is still active? Their web site seems to be a year out of date.