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Posts posted by DarthBane

  1. Having just finished the book - Chinese magical medicine

    By Michel Strickmann, Bernard Faure.


    What I say may have some weight. Most of the deity talismans usually require a deity seal. The seals for most of the Taoist deities are in sanskrit. This is no suprise as mantra were kept secret. They were translated as they sounded into Chinese. This is called transliteration. Ever wondered why you cant understand a Chinese mantra? That is why.

    There are some that are from the warring states periods. However most of the old and borrowed deities seals are all sanskrit.


    The added shock value is that the buddhists used the same sanskrit seals for the name they called the same deities centuries earlier. So even if you are wrong about what you know Rabbit, it doesnt change the borrowing of buddhist deities which happened from the very start of taoism.

  2. You always so... get it.


    Gotta go pay Gene some royalties


    No die, Mo Pai!


    Peace light




    okay and I know gene simmons, and Mo Pai (more pie guy haha) And Kiss lives hands down the voing is over.


    I must admit I dont really believe in christianity. I believe in a higher power in a way. Wow, what do we talk about now?


    Pink Light

  3. Hi guys after noticing the other Christian type topic, I had come across this scripture that a friend sent to me.


    Now keep in mind, if you think Revelation is just a hoax, you probably dont want to waste time on this. If you do, then what do you think this scripture means?


    Revelation 11:18 (New American Standard Bible)


    18"And (A)the nations were enraged, and (B)Your wrath came, and ©the time came for the dead to be judged, and the time to reward Your (D)bond-servants the prophets and the saints and those who fear Your name, (E)the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth."


    Of course this raises some questions, especially in a highly irregular book like revelation. Of course I was taught the earth would be destroyed, but then again, if it was meant to be destroyed, why would those who are destroying the earth be punished? I mean i am not defending these, but maybe you guys can give your opinions. Ill be gone for a month, back in September.

  4. I know there are several verses in the bible including revelation where he named as the original serpent.


    I know people youually quote 2 Timothy 3:16 (King James Version)


    16All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:


    All scriptures of different kinds are tools, right?

    But if we over use them they become a crutch and we can not out grow them.

  5. Best omega 3 nuts: flaxseed & walnut




    But what about peanuts and aflatoxins?






    Moral of this post: Choose your nuts wisely. :D


    Yes Aflatoxins are mildly carcinogenic. But there is a little good :)


    Peanuts have reservatrol. Not as much as red wine, I think I read something about that. Dont remember what reservatrol does, but sometimes just like a dog I just do things that work but dont understand them. :lol:


    Peanuts and Reservatrol on WikiPedia

  6. Yeah I think if we talk about anything but just nutty nuts... wait im kinda setting myself up for another one of those... aw man.


    Yeah i think i need to NOT refer to any kind of nuts as my nuts. :lol:


    yeah i think im getting in trouble for this.

  7. Yep just nuts about the tao, my own nuts. I mean I do like peanuts, course any kind of nuts. Peanuts are my nuts, usually. Thats what I mean. :lol:


    If they are your nuts no. I dont want your nuts... maybe theyve been sitting on a shelf too long and maybe gone bad. You just dont know unless you get them yourself or buy em from the store yourself. :lol:

    For those who were looking for something serious:


    How much does it take to make a nut? have we found out yet? How much of what?

    Are we talking about molecular structures? Its polypeptides? Or are we talking about its qi? or are we talking about something like wuji? Does each thing have differerent types of qi? What is a nut?

    Im just nuts about the tao, but then again, if a nut isnt just a physical nut, what is it?


    Pink Light

  8. I noticed the difference with the STEP process, being a new technology, it seems to either generate Carbon or Carbon monoxide (as fuel)


    It doesnt say what The carbon could be used for except for vague generalities, or the process for fuel with carbon monoxide which could be harmful. Did anyone mention what these processes were, or any details?


    Also, the 750o heat definately would require a cooling system. Most places dont have liquid nitrogen just sitting around to cool something like this. Water would be the economical choice for cooling. At risk of further environmental damage, the ensuing heated water would also have to be cooled.


    This is all based upon what you have said Blasto. Has anyone mentioned what company has decided to take all of this on? No proper businessman is going to just become the saviour of the world for nothing, or at least that is what I have learned.


    Alternately if this was a joint business venture, a new corporation would be set up to accomodate this new venture. If so, and the results are true, then we should have a name of a company already. If so also, they are looking at staggering business losses, and the reason why is what I am getting to next.


    When Carbon (potash) and Monoxide are formed there will also be other molecular by products that will not render pure Carbon or pure Carbon Monoxide. Such as Carbon sulfates and Hydrogen sulfates. Either way I am not hearing any details about this whole thing which seems to be sounding more like a farce.


    I would like something to prove its existence.

  9. Well, if it's 10 to 20 years out, then that's pretty damn timely, given the gravity of the threat and the closing of the window of opportunity. Do tell, what carbon sequestering technologies are being considered? I must be completely out of the loop on this one.


    Rather than over extending myself, as this took a little of my time to do for you, I had my researchers look for this technology.


    The some Japanese scientist have already discovered a similar technology. In 1994 it was publicized in a Popular Science magazine:



    The current technology, circa 1996, unpublished found that the same Japanese think tank had developed a way already to capture and contain carbon dioxide.

    The carbon dioxide was treated and turned into oxygen using zeolite pebbles at first then silicon. The organism that eats it, blue green algae.


    So this technology should already be in existence prior to the current date. In otherwords 16 years of unpublished advances if funding was not cut. So that makes me wonder the following:


    Why wasnt it implemented sooner, or did no one care?

    Why research and design, implement a technology that is new as opposed to tech that has already been developed by someone else?

    Why CO2 only and not methane or other toxic gasses?

    Why not a sustainable technology, instead of fighting the current tidal wave?


    Also did funding get cut? Or wy are we not hearing about this tech after the 90s?

  10. Hi there Pink Light. I speak from my own experience of this forum, where I know a number of very well informed fellow practitioners whose experiences and findings I enjoy hearing and have often and often found very very helpful.


    "Trivial" is of course relative, and I guess we all ignore here what we find trivial, my sense is there has been less to ignore here over the years than most places on the net about spiritual matters.


    I agree with you about your 1- 4 and I find the regurgitators and dogma pushers tiresome, they are easily identifiable and easily skipped past.


    There are some genuine practitioners here though, and it is a great place to be in contact with them. For that I am very very grateful and I fully join with Stig and Mal et al to keep this forum the helpful resource and community it has been to many people.


    I feel loyal to Sean who started this site, loyal to the intention he held for there to be a place for sharing and discussing what we practice and examining what we are doing, and sharing our findings.


    I agree I feel loyal to the community also. It just seems like a slap in the face when the regurgitators think they are assisting. Rather than humor, it really is trolling to instigate a flame war.